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File: 301 KB, 700x370, rpe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3955407 No.3955407 [Reply] [Original]

Why is chainlink such a comfy coin. You can just go into a cozy sleep because you know it will eventually moon to $150

>> No.3955537

I hold a shitton of link. 150 is so fucking delusional, holy shit if anyone actually believes this quit crypto rn

>> No.3955550

It's painful to watch you guys throw away your money like this. Yeesh.

>> No.3955579

Shitlink bagholders on suicide watch. No product, no money lol.

>> No.3955581


>> No.3955593

bitch is purple

>> No.3955599


You fucking faggot. I'm a pajeet-tier poorfag with measly 7K links and all I can say about Link price prediction is this;

- if it gets to $1 I'll suck my own dick
- if it gets to $2 I'll suck someone's dick
- if it gets to $5 I'll lick my elbows meaning I'll cut my arms off to lick the elbows

For fuck sake faggot people like you make me feel sick I've put money into this Link shit.

>> No.3955605

That's the best looking female black face I've ever seen, would fuck her calling slut nigger whole night

>> No.3955622
File: 86 KB, 972x960, 22159408_119947142006058_9030730766375452672_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much to poo in the loo?

>> No.3955643


I said pajeet-tier, not pajeet, lil nigga.

>> No.3955648
File: 65 KB, 1092x1037, pipi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you know you will never have a qt charcoal GF
Why even live?

>> No.3955650

It has a product though lol, one of the very few coins that actually launched with a working product.

Plenty of other things you could critique about chainlink and you choose this, absolute fucking retard

>> No.3955662


>> No.3955664

How much though?

>> No.3955676

smart contract part of eea lolz https://entethalliance.org/hewlett-packard-enterprise-47-organizations-join-200-member-strong-enterprise-ethereum-alliance/

>> No.3955696
File: 175 KB, 500x699, god-damn-i-love-being-white-8066897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I knew it was too good to be true

Fucking niggers

>> No.3955732

hahahaha how does it feel to be such a sad and pathetic poor faggot that you have to shill on 4chan all day trying to get noobies to buy your bags? I feel so fucking bad for you honestly, give me your address I'll give you some LTC

>> No.3956176

how about 5-10??