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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3951598 No.3951598 [Reply] [Original]

Finally cut my fucking Link bags loose as well. Only lost from 7000 to 5800, but boy, this shit is dropping like a rock. Should have done that a while ago.

Congratulations to everybody who did call it at the Monday pump. The FUD was correct, there is just no reason holding this shitshow for the next weeks. No updates, no dev communication, no fucking useful exchange, just asshat whales ruining a potentially solid token. As long as this doesn't change there is no reason to buy this shit and nobody will. It is a self fulfilling prophecy. Everybody is more and more frustrated and weak hands drop it even further.

And this is just a purely logical point of view. There is no reason to hold when you can buy in a lower price, which is the most likely outcome for now. Also don't forget fucking Bitcoin holocausting every altcoin with its wild swings and this will not change until the hardfork. BTC breaking a new ATH very soon at over 6k$ is not unlikely and then this shit goes into the gutter as well.

Mark my words and sell now, come back in some weeks.

>> No.3951632

what do you put your money in now?

>> No.3951642

I second this. No BTC or ETH.

>> No.3951655

Thanks OP, needed you out so we could moon

>> No.3951686
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Just bought part of my initial stack back.
Thanks ;)

>> No.3951737

me proud

>> No.3951738

It is ok. I wish you well.

>> No.3951773

Well done OP. Takes balls to admit when you are wrong. And you did it just in time to buy Request. It's a good chance to make some of those losses back.

>> No.3951785

haha just unloaded my bags and now it feels so good to see this drop. The noobs who run this dont know crypto runs on constant updates or its game over

>> No.3951792

I have my ETH ready on ED, waiting to jump in for REQ tomorrow. Let it roll in the cash for once. So many failed missions for me lately. I somehow can't get it right since weeks.

>> No.3951806

you cant blame whales for ruining it when it was only as high as it was because of whales buying in the first place. they didn't just magically obtain all of that link.

they pumped, and they dumped, and the shitcoin circus moves on to another city.

>> No.3951829

Would be still better if they didn't buy in the first place, if only to keep manipulating like little suckers. But whatever, that is the game.

>> No.3951856

OP I did the same. Only about 12 hours ago.

> OP knows cost opportunity
> Is neutral on coin
> Advising to come back in a few weeks
> Forks will kill Alts in a few days. Will put money into BTC on 21st.

>> No.3951872

why didn't you guys listen when i told you to cash out at 10-11k?

>> No.3951887

>Only lost from 7000 to 5800

> only
> 20%
> only


>> No.3951894
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Think you might be one of the people that helped fill my buy order, I was the wall at 5750 in binance.

I want to pesonally thank you for buying high and selling low like a stereotypical biztard.

Have now increased my link stack by 30% and I want you to screencap this post so you can laugh at your past self and learn a lesson from this

>> No.3951898

We need to shake out people as much as we can before we moon again. It is a strategy by us whales. And we are happy to take your money. You will not have time to buyback ;)

>> No.3951908

I wasn't in there. I bought in at 7000 which I already thought as a bargain.

>> No.3951925

Looks like you just dropped the most promising coin of 2017. Partnerships confirmed.


>> No.3951932

I just dropped my stack as well
Link is a sinking ship and im not going down with it.
Good luck marines

>> No.3951945

The product is like 40x better than many in the top 20

don't be retarded

>> No.3951949
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I was fuding so hard yesterday, and today, I reap the fruits of my labour. It's hilarious, even the cucks on slack follow /biz/ closely.

>> No.3951957

Im in BNT now, this coin has real potential

>> No.3951961
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>> No.3951976

Dropped mine yesterday but still got faith in LINK - sold so I could get some quicker gains. Hoping LINK doesn't moon in the meantime so I can buy back in cheaper.

>> No.3951995

The FUD was so riduculous, no one made a proper argument against LINK, that's why I held on to it. And you still can't make an argument against the tech. It's just that the team doesn't give a fuck about the coin price. Zero effort marketing. Zero communication. Zero exchange listings. Long-term it will still be a good hold, but I will only buy back in once they announce a new exchange. That's the very least to break the downward spiral.

>> No.3952057

>Zero communication
i didn't sell because of the fud posted on biz. it's because of my own observation of their weak communication that made me decide to sell near the top(10-11k). in crypto it's all about hype, speculation, and communication. a single tweet of good or bad news can influence the price of a coin. without any kind of communication, the coin will stagnate and the people will lose interest. you can see this trend in the decreasing daily volume.

>> No.3952071

>implying you're not noob yourself
>sold it now

>> No.3952090
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>> No.3952101


>> No.3952113

Don't insult me.

Comparing a 4+ year in developed product with actual use case and partnered with huge banking firms trading trillions of dollars.

Vs some shitcoin currency that was only ever used in a minecraft server.. zero connections, zero actual use case over any other alt coin.. just another one of the billion other "currencies"

The fact you actually compared dgb to link shows how fucking educated you are, if link shilled their coin half as good as DGB did back in the days we wouldn't even have this problem in the first place.. the main reason for the coin is the devs don't care about marketing and instead focus on the tech and building relationships. They show no interest in adding to new exchanges or keeping investors up to date, doesn't change the fact its a top 10 future coin.

>> No.3952114

when i read things like this on here i always buy, it has worked many time before

>> No.3952122
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>> No.3952144

Haha faggot. You FOMO'd. I'm still sitting comfortably as I bought in ICO...you guys just let me increase my stack easily.

>> No.3952146

You sound exactly like the DGB shill that javascript:quote('3952090'); posted. Die already.

>> No.3952164

kek relax man, you're too emotional about your precious links. BTW, can I ask you at what price did you buy link first time?

>> No.3952185

>can I ask you at what price did you buy link first time?

I'll answer this

> I'm comfy sitting on my _ _ _ K Link stack that I bough in the exclusive pre-pre-presale, 1 Gwei = 1 LINK

>> No.3952235

Thanks, I have a hypothesis that those who're not selling now are either presale buyers who bought big load with discount and can't sell it because of low volume or retards that fell for shill and bought @ ath. Other sold or are selling now. Looks like I'm right

>> No.3952237

Well originally was presale in one of the biz pooled groups but only had 12 eth worth, I had 2 7 eth ICO links too.. I bought a lot more back on ED after the first massive fud wave that dropped us to 0.00048 in eth is where i got most the stack but I've sold several times since there at ath's and always increased my stack probably up around 60%-80% since.

So yeah i guess you're right I do have a lot of history with this coin and some emotional trading but It hasn't proved me wrong yet.

I just recently refueled a big stack at 5750 will see how well that holds up for now

>> No.3952273

How long will it take you faggots to learn buying the rumor and selling the news. It applies every fucking time.

>> No.3952423

yes but when will the news drop anon