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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 22 KB, 450x348, Google-adwords-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
387579 No.387579[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>programming a website that will have community driven content
>I want to allow adult content but wouldn't be able to capitalize on ad revenue from google because of their strict policy on adult material

What are the most viable options for advertising revenue besides google adwords?

I was thinking of creating my own system for ads that people could buy specifically for my website or something similar to what 4chan uses. Is that viable?

>> No.387595


>> No.387627

do you mean adsense?

>> No.387939

More like
>Do I mean adsense?
Amirite, samefag?
Lol @ dat insecurity.

>> No.389068
File: 2.12 MB, 1200x1200, goog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join my Adsense click exchange group were you make money by clicking each others ads in palringo.

>> No.389069

the URL is in the picture to join. 400+ strong.

>> No.389084

Whats this make you? Beer money?

>> No.389087

>getting yourself banned for life from the most remunerative PPC network just because you didn't want to put a sorry ass shitty website

Those are the kind of people that give you advices on /biz/

>> No.389093



>> No.389105


>> No.390100
File: 270 KB, 700x894, 1351535855977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL ban 4 life? Most people have been ban and still strong. Making new account takes 5 minutes. Only noobs thinkg they get ban 4 life. #reck go to the palringo group not these old infograms

>> No.390101

noob 100X. Many get ban and start up again is free money with 0 consequence

>> No.390102

Palringo bought me a ferrari in less that a month

>> No.390107

palringo is the best place to make money on adsense

>> No.390108

Great group to work with earned 100+

>> No.390111

palringo need experienced and dedicated exchangers who are ready to go to work and make some real money

>> No.390112

bought my first honda with adsense boose exchangers

>> No.390114

adsense boost exchangers = $$$

>> No.390118
File: 27 KB, 640x195, IMG005537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heck yea lets bump this stay on top 4 life.

>> No.390121

adsense boost ex-changers = $$$ = boobies

>> No.390122

My god this is the second time i see someone samefag on /biz/, the insecurity is painfull here.
Other guys started to ask questions to himself, reason was that he didn't have enough replies.

>> No.390153

This group is legit i highly recommend if you have experience in online money making and have blogs and websites up and ready. Once you get verified by admin you are set the group in here is trustable and down to help you out if you are honest, You wont get rich but you will have extra money

>> No.390157

adsense boost exchangers is the best thing since sliced bread

>> No.390163
File: 16 KB, 480x320, screenshot-1356580799461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 click got me $50 from palringo group exchangers.

Join all adsense group in palringo and look for help. Im HAM :)

>> No.390228
File: 71 KB, 536x679, 1327815758721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.390233

hi HAM, alababi here :)

>> No.390235

wow your alive <3 hope all in vietnam is okay <3 china bad vietnam 4 life <3

Should join back my group has 450+ miss u.

>> No.390240
File: 21 KB, 218x265, jake gyllenhaal laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's hilarious

>> No.390255

Im good now. Dont need adsense money anymore. Will catch you on Skype or Palringo someday though. Im currently quite busy running my offline business.

>> No.390274

God the amount of pathetic samefagging turned me off this 100%

>> No.390490

who is samefagging?

>> No.391297
File: 103 KB, 500x500, 1301168051752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another OLD infogram. Remember go to palringo

>> No.391337

>Google adsense

Another thing I hate with Google, ''we have no responsibilitiy for the ads we put up on sites scamming people''.

Just get ABP+Fanboy and only save cookies locally.

>> No.391340


>> No.391783

Let's make that money, more people that join more money there is to make

>> No.391788

Woo, money! join Adsense Boost Exchangers on Palringo

>> No.391792
File: 67 KB, 500x1000, 1300447972682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DJ is owner of exclusive usa uk canada group. So if you dont like my own group join his also as long as there more people the more $$ everyone earns. If you have YAHOO or chickita ads your welcome. 1 UK click 40+ usd. im HAM
Personally Adsense Boost Exchangers on Palringo is best 450+ members

>> No.391797

This is real guys, join now without hesitating you won't regret it

>> No.391833


>> No.392117

This is the correct answer. I have an extra $500 per month because of this.

>> No.392128

i just got my first payout from adsense. for the time that was invested in it, i made out like a champion. adsense boost exchangers worked for me!

>> No.392131

Bump, join the palringo group

>> No.392137

>second time
it's like you've been here all afternoon already :^)

>> No.392183
File: 286 KB, 480x640, BEpk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dear plz stop trelling. im trusted cliker im berry smert.

>> No.392347

i made about 200 in my first week of blogginf come join more money for all of us

>> No.393915
File: 14 KB, 480x320, defew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.394116

Come join up, more people = more money for all.

>> No.394120

I'm pretty sure this guy is legit. I haven't joined him yet, but from what I've seen his process works.

>> No.394124

join palringo adsenseboost exchangers... or else

>> No.394125
File: 6 KB, 969x141, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>389068 its such a scam it works , i made about 600 already

>> No.394131
File: 4 KB, 216x204, earnings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 2 months earning so far, gonna keep growing more and more as the month pass

>> No.394144
File: 74 KB, 240x320, pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

palringo boost exchangers. where u can smoke weed all day and not get fired.

>> No.394149

much ex. very people. many money. palringo adsenseboost exchangers it to the moooon

>> No.394150
File: 17 KB, 600x450, IMG003600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.394156

Okay guys, this looks pretty cool and all but I have a hard time getting the right subject to write about, I'm no writer.

>> No.394170

hi bambi :3

>> No.394174

just write about anything and the money will flow in

>> No.395549
File: 20 KB, 456x341, IMG020222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.397237

This is too easy to do.

>> No.397247
File: 10 KB, 225x225, download2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some starting a new blog can be frustrating. If your having writers block and not sure where to start you can always try contracting your writing out to someone else.

>> No.397281

you idiots know that one day you all gonna get ban?

>> No.397286

Hi, im from spain, 25 and my cat is dying, i cant pay the medicines, please explain me how to make a decent blog and monetarise it. I know i need wordpress, a theme like themix, a hosting service, what else? what SEO services do I buy? what affiliates? do I use adsense? how do I find a good niche? please, im on god damn tears.

>> No.397287

god damn please help, that money would save my pet and my life

>> No.397299
File: 9 KB, 460x100, IMG019900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hamlove << password for the group

>> No.397308

What are the consequences of an adsense ban specifically speaking? dont you get your ebay account canceled too?

>> No.397314


They repossess your cats.

>> No.397320

you lose your earnings in google adsense or in yahoo ads. You go again make new email and apply for a new account.

>> No.397322


>> No.397329

why is so many people interested in a lot of people getting here? the more people there is = the more chances of that shit getting busted

>> No.397349
File: 29 KB, 299x265, 1401766538450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the more people there is = the more chances of that shit getting busted


more people the more $$ everyone earns. If we only had 10 members they be instant ban google will known whats up since the IP pool is low.

>> No.397424

so what do I do, I start a blog about anything in wordpress and thats it?
how do i find a good niche, and what hosting do you recomend? i want something that hides my personal data, i dont want none of these pakis whoising my shit

>> No.397483

Maybe you should start working and stop expecting freebux from the EU with your balls in your hand, damn I mad

>> No.397511

So do people actually do this shit?

I have a blog and am looking to monetize it effectively.

>> No.397580

look at the unemployment rates in Spain you stupid fucking "thesystemisperfectandyoudeservewhatyouhave" cunt. If you were in my position you wouldn't find a job as well, PERIOD.

>> No.397701
File: 69 KB, 426x370, fnre;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a picture of the group

>> No.397712
File: 73 KB, 426x370, fnre;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to blur a person

>> No.397757

hey cvs, alababi here. Tell ray I say hi.

>> No.397837

I blog for a living here, do NOT take advice from click ring scammers in this thread -_- If you have decent traffic you should be able to monetize it with adsense WITHOUT these jokers. How many pageviews do you get a day?

>> No.397918


Screaming in a chorus "the system is baaaaaad, they cheated us, baaaah" and doing absolutely jackshit does not constitute as an answer. You could try migrating to a country with an actual economy, gather some savings then return with a business plan or actual work experience, but no, you keep whining like a 16 year old "You don't know how hard it is for me, now somebody throw free money at me". Damn I fucking mad

>> No.398084

entra al grupo en palringo y lee la guia

>> No.398184

>you could try migrating
I have no money to do so, fucking dumbo. There's no solution idiot, deal with it.

>> No.398186

How are you supossed to get decent traffic in 2014 with a fucking blog if it isn't due shady ways? There are a million blogs about anything.

>> No.398471


Keep whining and reenforcing yourself that you've done everything you could and it's the system, not you. I hate these kind of people, I really hope you die in your on feces!

>> No.398494

Yeah, that feel when you have to admit there are no chances to do anything about it and the system fucking sucks. Go suck on a million dicks faggot.

>> No.398505


You have basic understanding of English language and access to the internet, now tell me again why are you not taking freelancing jobs on the internet, you degenerate? Oh wait, that requires effort and not whining

>> No.398518

you buy traffic from another person or you buy traffic from me HAM. as low as $1 poblem solved. Heck for the right price i can give 100k views per month from google search.

>> No.398522


SEO is easy as fuck to make money with now that shit like mturk exists

You just arbitrage the two prices

>> No.398948

Because it pays fucking PEANUTS and is just more depressing than being poor.
How is mturk related to seo

>> No.398970

Lmao look at this non-requester turker

Use it to write original content duh

>> No.399166


> It doesn't make me rich, I would rather let my cat die!

Well, good luck with that!

>> No.399210

i guess you use murk to pay others to do SEO.

enjoy your $1 per day natural while we click ring "scammers" make $20+ per day cook beans bro. I been around over 2 years and many others have been the same or longer.

spain is poor :(

nice password for group bro

lol they reposes your money earn

>> No.399913

I really wish adsense allowed porn traphic. I make porn animations and get around 10$ a day via ads, but im guessing the same traffic i get on the site with a regular site would get far more.

>> No.399923

How the fuck does this Palringo shit work? I made an account but when I enter the URL it just brings me to the main page.

I just want to make some extra doshes.

>> No.399933

it's a goddamn cat, save your money for something else

>> No.399973



>> No.400022

you need to download the palringo app. Palringo website its only to control some settings it does nothing. You need palringo app for PC google it.

>> No.400024

you can use juicy ads and exchange then in palringo if you want. juicy ads its for porn.

>> No.400025
File: 11 KB, 365x201, juicyads3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Juicy is what i'm using right now. Still looking at other possible networks, perhaps plugrush.

>> No.400029

We are getting thousands of views a day but need to monetize this subtly. Anyone in?


>> No.400035

join palringo bro

>> No.400103

You dumb fuck at the rate this shit gives you money my cat will die ANYWAY

>> No.400105

I would beat the shit out of you you fucking

FUCK stupid scam

>> No.400137

I'm using juiicy ads and plugrush
Plugrush is alot more better, earned way more cash!

>> No.400145

does anyone have any thoughts on regular blogging vs click cheating? i'm up for either, though i'd prefer to make a proper blog but i worry that it wouldn't do much, god knows i never read any blogs

>> No.400260

Yeah it's hard to see how you would make any money out of this shit unless with the scamming click thing, and im scared of these indian/pakis. Like, you forget to click on their blogs some day and what?

>> No.400543

you dont exchange with paki and indians (t3) problem solved. there about 80 T1 and T2 members. T3 are the majority but most t1 and t2 ignore them. There also groups that there no indians and paki allowed inside.

>> No.400547

Natural clicks you might earn $100 in 12 months if your lucky.

Exchanging you guarantee earn $300-$800 first month and it can continue to grow.

>> No.400550

We have free domains and hosting for 1 year in my group for those who who use a referral. So you got no excuse not to join palringo and start to exchange.

>> No.400643

Make a blog about your dying cat, take lots of pictures, beg for donations. Remind everyone that if the cat dies, it's because they didn't donate.

>> No.400754

lel i actually feel bad for OP he probably left the thread out of shame

>> No.400803

Hey guys, I remember looking into this about the time those infographics were made but I never did anything.

Basically, I'd like to be able to cover my internet bill and phone bill.

I have some serious questions:

1. Assuming I do everything exactly as instructed, how much money can I realistically expect to make?

2. Are there good ways to automate content creation? Shortcuts?

3. How can I find out how much a similar blog makes? I know a particular neocon blog that is absolutely jewish as hell. I want to find out how much that makes, because the owner is like a minor celebrity in jewish circles from what I can tell.

4. I keep my computer locked down pretty tightly. I am scared of allowing scripts to be run against my browser. Is anyone using a VMWare image or portable OS (Winbuilder, etc.) to do this?

Not to be neurotic, I might post more questions as I think of them. Thanks!

>> No.400804

I am the guy asking all the questions here:



That thread is still up, but dead on its feet.

>> No.400805

Guys I have a question, or I just want a clarification.
From what I understand, you get banned from AdSense and all your funds on that account are forfeit then you just make a new account.
Then maybe you have to wait a few days for Google to approve your blog again for AdSense. Then you start "making money" again until you get banned again. Which may be soon.
When are you able to cash out?
Isn't it likely you'll just keep getting banned before you ever even get a chance to cash out?

>> No.400812

This is a question I'd like to see answered, also.

To speculate, I guess the oldfags know how to do it and might be willing to share tips to avoid getting banned at all.

Assuming this is not true and either you or I would get banned, don't the Gargoyle ad-masters already have our full names and relevant bank account numbers?

>> No.400819

Me again. I want to roll out a blog content production system. HOW TO DO THIS?

I am trying to imagine the daily work flow as a series of steps that I can standardize and use as a checklist. That way, I can just BAM BAM BAM down the list and be done for the day.

The reason I am asking is because I am lazy and I don't like to think. I want to separate my potential blogging from my ordinary surfing. Of course, there will be crossover as I intend to blog what I look at or study that day. I just want to have a template for action that I can bust ass on for a short time every day.

>> No.400992

Your over thinking this. Also join the palringo group. Those pictures are from dead groups.

>> No.400994

if you got ban all the time before payment there would not be a group of 400 members for years.

>> No.400995

I like people who criticize a method without even trying it. It works. I'm doing it for 2 years now.

>> No.400997

>4. I keep my computer locked down pretty tightly. I am scared of allowing scripts to be run against my browser. Is anyone using a VMWare image or portable OS (Winbuilder, etc.) to do this?

>nobody is doing this AFAIK. Whats the point to infect 1 computer earn maybe 1 cent per day from you. when i can get clicks and earn $1+ from you.

>> No.401018

How do you get legit pageviews to keep the CTR low? I had a blog a couple of years ago and I'm thinking of reactivating it.

>> No.401407

That...actually makes sense.

>> No.401530

Most people buy traffic. Either from HAM the owner of a 3rd party. Its only $5 for 30,000 views 1k per day for 1 month. Thats good for at least 40 clicks per day.

>> No.401554

That sounds great. I'll probably check out the group soon.

>> No.401934


>> No.401952

die of dick cancer already.

seriously fuck every last one of you.

>> No.402020

And why exactly?

>> No.402044

mega troll. Hater gonna hate cuz he cant make a blog and apply for adsense cuz hes from nepal.

>> No.402362

Could you post a comparison on how drastic the change was if possible?

>> No.403071

i used to do this like 3 years ago and made anything from 300usd to 3k, but after my second ban i got fed up with it and dropped it.

im thinking on coming back but back then it was just get blogger, join a circle get rich.

how much have things changed in the past 3 years?

>> No.403552

What's a good amount to cash in monthly while being subtle and under the radar?

>> No.403596

Tried to join the group in the infographic, >>389068
couldnt. whenever i sign up on the palringo site it doesnt give me a join group option. installed the app. that didn't help much either. how does this work? late to the adsense game

>> No.403622

which countries can't apply for adsense?

>> No.404092

I got over 200$ with plugrush
with juicy ads I got 80$

>> No.404124

OK so do you get paid when someone simply views your blog? or do they have to view then click an ad in order for you to get anything?

>> No.404125

Two questions, how do you get a desktop version going? I only see the possibility for mobile and how do I find the group, I'm searching "adsense boost exchangers" and nothing is showing up, is it hidden or something?

>> No.404198

The clicks are the ones that pay.

>> No.404431

I can't seem to find the group...

>> No.404505
File: 54 KB, 225x411, 9u80efjo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you find it yet? Just get palringo app. Join all the adsense groups. Look for HAM USA and i will invite you to the group. Password for group if you find it is hamlove.

We also welcome juicy ads yahoo/bing ads. Almost any online money making stuff. Some people have media kings PPI PPD whatever. These are most of the canandians in my group. Some put CA as their name thus not in search result.

>> No.404507

yea clicks pay the most. Some times adsense give you 2 cents for a PPV ad but they are rare. The real $ is in the click

>> No.404512
File: 50 KB, 366x293, nerf93949834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes its hidden. also put in a chat [adsense boost exchangers] it will become blue click it and put hamlove as password. you can also join any group relating to adsense look for HAM.

Also GOOGLE search palringo PC make sure its the original website of palringo. then download it. for mac pc and for linux use WINE and settings of palringo put legacy mode. i use linux.

>> No.404605

I was missing one letter from the name and I couldn't find it, the search function blows. Some kind anon helped me out, I found it.