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3936760 No.3936760 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't the catalog painted pink?

>> No.3936773
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the bogs watch over us

>> No.3936802

getting used to this shit, everything crash every week, then it go up then crash again. It's so pretictable it's not even funny anymore.

>> No.3936812

my ex did that shit. fucking nerve wrecking.

>> No.3936814

A predictable market is the best kind of market.

>> No.3936825

Cutting is the lowest shit
Fuck me running, I hate women

markets are crashing and my wall is filled with me too shit
fuck this day

>> No.3936832

can i have a quick rundown on these two?

>> No.3936873

How do I get my gf to stop cutting herself?

I love her like crazy and just don't want her to hurt herself

>> No.3936880

fuck her butt instead

>> No.3936884

Stop giving a shit, its the only reason why she does it.

>> No.3936888


Tell her she is a crazy fucking bitch and i'm going to leave you if you don't stop this juvenile teenage BS

>> No.3936909

She's 16 and that is an awful way to do it and would make her hate me

I try not to care about it or give her attention for it.

>> No.3936914

dump her if you value yourself. best advice I can give.

these cutting bitches are damaged goods.

don't try to fix her.-It doesn't work.

>> No.3936931

By ditching that Cluster B piece of shit for good

seriously, read up on Cluster B, self harm and shit, and pick a healthier one.

>> No.3936933
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>I try not to care about it or give her attention for it.

Go further, say "OOh did the little girl get a paper cut? OOH SHE'S SOOOO SAD"

>> No.3936944
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She's 12.

>> No.3936946

She's not broken, I don't need to fix her.

She is kind of crazy but I love her, flaws and all

>> No.3936969

>She's not broken
>she cuts herself
trust an older goy. either you dump her or she will dump you down the road. borderline bitches love to ride the cock carousel.

stay clear of "crazy"

>> No.3936983

Get her to do therapy (you can pay for it with your crypto gains, can’t you?) -- it’s the only proper solution, and even then not guaranteed to work~

>> No.3936988

Besides, cutting is fucking hot stop being a faggot. You too.>>3936873

>> No.3936994

Dude cutting is common as fuck, literally all women are crazy by your standards
Everyone has their own baggage

>> No.3937003

Its fucking idiotic and unhygienic you underage fucking faggot
get the fuck off my board.

>> No.3937011

She's been nothing but loving, appreciative, and we lost our virginities to each other. She wrote and played me a song on my birthday, and I did today for hers

I'm sure that makes me sound like a cheesy faggot or whatever but I love her and am going to be there to help her no matter what.

>> No.3937019


This anon speaks the truth. Listen to him.

>> No.3937025
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Get a load of this queer

>> No.3937048

You got a good thing going Anon, never mind the weakshit faggots who are feinting over little cat scratches

>> No.3937055

Hey nigger, I was you 5 years ago. Be careful cause I know you aren't, and fucking tame the crazy out of her before she gets on that cock carousel.

>> No.3937058

You can´t fix borderline syndrom, you retard.

>> No.3937064 [DELETED] 
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>IBM up 9%

Damn I was close to buying that yesterday

>> No.3937079
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Stay gay and eternally buttblasted, faggot.

>> No.3937082

You're deluded if you think all women aren't borderline

>> No.3937100

>I'm a literal cuck so listen to me

Opinion discarded

>> No.3937103

predictable market event

respect yourself and leave, she will only drag you down with her and she is not your responsibility. people are not projects, you can't fix them.

>> No.3937133

I'm not trying to fix her. She's not a broken car.

She's someone I care deeply about, I realize she's not my responsibility.

>> No.3937139

its because alts haven't lost their BTC value this time

>> No.3937148

Buy ripple

>> No.3937157

>How do I get my gf to stop cutting herself?
>I'm not trying to fix her.

>> No.3937166

Deluded BTCoiners

>> No.3937171

>its not possible to ever help anyone to stop a bad habbit ever

>> No.3937172

you leave her for a better gf that doesn't self harm

>> No.3937178

She IS your responsibility. Why are you succumbing to peer pressure on an anonymous forum? Don't listen to these idiots. If you truly love each other than try your best to help her.

>> No.3937185

There are women who cook you dinner and there are bitches who won't do shit for you. It's very easy to spot if you are not completely retarted.

>> No.3937218
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Here's The Quick Rundown

>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs

>In contact with aliens

>Possess psychic-like abilities

>Control france with an iron but fair fist

>Own castles & banks globally

>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line

>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)

>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth

>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies

>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51

>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world

>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now

>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?

>They learned fluent French in under a week

>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff

>The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society

>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.

>> No.3937227

Having a broken brain isn't a "bad habit".

>> No.3937231

Borderline girls can be super submissive and nurtering though. And this Anon speaks of his gf as a great girl otherwise.

If someone has their quirks to get through the day and is hurting no one but themselves then I don't see why you need to be such a prissy wimp about it

>> No.3937241

Humans are fundamentally fucked as a rule. There is no unbroken brain

>> No.3937265

Exactly. And I have baggage and my own weird personality disorders too, I'm not some flawless Chad

>> No.3937283

Lady Diana was a self cutting borderline cunt. Embarrassed Charles by fucking a sandnigger. Tells you ev you need to know.

Borderlines are fucking unpredictable. Go for stable women if you want a good life. (Speaking of marriage).

>> No.3937308

You sound like you got cucked because you were a shitty boyfriend, and are now projecting

>> No.3937325

Edgy nihilistic teenage nonsense. Humans are molded by evolutionary pressures. Doing things counter to your own survival for no good reason with no desirable outcome is a sign of a broken brain. If this bitch cut herself 100 years ago she'd be dead from infection by now.

>> No.3937343

"She's broken, I can fix her." is a meme.
If you think you can fix someone who doesn't care to fix themself, who would rather cut themselves and cry about the unfairness of life, then you're just going to be swallowed up by that abyss.

>> No.3937357

>Humans are molded by evolutionary pressures.

Yeah and guess what, moving from an ape in the jungle to a civilized sapien being comes with a few fucking side effects

>> No.3937366
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>She's a broken girl, but I can fix her!

Take it from me, you can't.

>> No.3937369

That's why evolution is weeding her out. If she can't deal with the modern world, her genes are worthless.

>> No.3937373

Then don't ask for advice, you 12 year old cunt, if you don't want to listen.

> Got cucked
Got so cucked. I am 33 years old now. I am talking about experiences I had 14 years ago. Married now to non cutting non damaged woman . Have 3 kids. Stable marriage. No fucking drama every other day.

>> No.3937394

>That's why evolution is weeding her out

If he's fucking her then clearly not Einstein, why don't you relax and let evolution sort itself out

>> No.3937417

>doc I'd like you to turn me into a space nigger looking oompa loompa with a face like he just got a severe beating

>> No.3937422

It will sort itself out, but it takes time. I can guarantee the next form of humanity isn't walking around covered in self inflicted open wounds. In the meantime, she has a broken brain, and you fuck broken brain women at your own risk.

>> No.3937439
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If you followed my picks, you'd be in the green right now
