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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3934853 No.3934853 [Reply] [Original]

>biz says dont fuck coworkers
>all my coworkers are fucking

makes me think

>> No.3934876

You're not invited to this festival of life

>> No.3934895

I doesnt matter if you work at mcdonalds

>> No.3934904

im a flight attendant actually

>> No.3934920

When I think about fucking my coworkers, I just think of how they fuck my other coworkers and it's solved, because who wants to put their dick somewhere your grody coworker's dick has been?

>> No.3934951

Faggot detected. But I fuck my coworkers to spice things up in the office

>> No.3934952

you think too much. its just a dick and a pussy meant for some excitement and pleasure.

>> No.3935015

> don't fuck coworkers
> don't fuck flatmates

Fuck this gay earth

>> No.3935428

>im a flight attendant actually
I'm not sure if that makes it better or worse because
>Pro: you're pretty much a professional vagabond, always in different places, never have to 'run into' ex's and can always be on the move avoiding them
>Con: if shit goes down, you could spend hours in close proximity in the same fuselage together

>> don't fuck coworkers
>> don't fuck flatmates
This might be the best argument for being independently wealthy or running your own business ever
>be rich enough to not have co-workers
>be rich enough to not have to houseshare

>> No.3935461

Fucking stewardess just do it

>> No.3935667

You don't work a real job with any potential fir advancement, just do it.

That advice is for people with actual careers.

>> No.3935690

I fucked a coworker and she texts me like 6 tects in a row now..

>> No.3935699


Do it again fag.

>> No.3935759

The excitement isnt there anymore and just akward now

>> No.3935773
File: 1.48 MB, 746x932, Schermafbeelding_20170801_om_10.44.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-it's not like I can't seduce a coworker or anything
>coworkers shouldn't fuck
>don't shit where you eat am I r-rite?

>> No.3935821

No u dont

>> No.3935862

>/biz/ says don't fuck coworkers
why not? I mean /biz/ probably says to save yourself for marriage and shit but explain why you shouldn't fuck coworkers (without memes)?
>taking advice on sex and relationships from 4chan

>> No.3935885

Ohhh Pepsi twist. Do they still make that?

>> No.3935906

criminally underrated

>> No.3935923

OP, your post doesn't because, of course, most people make bad decission so your coworkers fucking says nothing about whether /biz/ advice is good or bad.

PS it's good advice

>> No.3936238

hahahahahahahahaha fuck this made me laugh

>> No.3936303
File: 37 KB, 470x698, 410E31EB-2AF2-4614-B68D-AD33FC460DB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw coworker wanted to fugg but I rejected her

She was hot and somewhat dumb, but hell it was awkward as fuck catching her multiple times per hour just looking and smiling at me.
I couldn‘t handle the heat.

>> No.3936653
File: 997 KB, 500x281, 0e1931c4f5bd274b5de7f86ef8d58466.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working in a place with women
>not working in a glorious tech environment filled with high achieving men only
you're not gonna make it senpai

>> No.3936702

I noticed the same thing, just why don't they have pepsi twist here god damnit. Have to import it.

>> No.3936890

t. virgin who works in a virgin hugbox