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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3929794 No.3929794 [Reply] [Original]

Oh shit boys what do you think?

>> No.3929813

I know what it is.

>> No.3929812

I dont care about Monero, as much as I want to know what other coin they are talking about.

>> No.3929815

How reliable is this report and why /biz/ doesnt become millionaire by following it considering it leaks really fast?

>> No.3929818


>> No.3929821

Maybe they'll leak fake ones to fuck with you.

>> No.3929822


>> No.3929826


>> No.3929840


Well what the fuck is it?

>> No.3929844

Signatum. Its on yobit sir

>> No.3929845

Ok, we can definitely figure this shit out. Let's start with a list of privacy candidates.

>> No.3929858

I'll give you guys a hint.

It just implemented a new protocol yesterday.

That's all I can say w/o giving it away.

>> No.3929861

It's PivX.

>> No.3929867

It wont be any of the expensive ones IMO because that seems like a prime reason why theyre pulling out of Monero, It has to be either pivx, cloak, verge or signatum

>> No.3929871

It mentions "unseating" Monero, which presumably can be taken to mean that it will surpass it in both marketcap, and private use features.

This seems to eliminate both Zcash and DASH for mostly obvious reasons. (coinmarketcap.com)

Now, we have PIVX and VERGE.
Someone else will have to chime in from here, I need to read about them.

- I made bank off the XLM storm and Palm Beach definitely knew about the IBM thing guys, don't tell me that signal was based on fucking memelines and tea leaves.

Lets coordinate and cash in on this one early.

>> No.3929872

Im supporting NAV

>> No.3929890

Pivx is definitely good. But Verge on the other hand plans to implement RSK smart contracts very soon after Wraith which I am estimating by the end of this month (according to one of the lead Verge devs, smart contracts are planned to be implemented after the fork). This is a close call but I am putting my money on Verge for this

>> No.3929903


I'm already in PivX, and I genuinely think if OP's leak is real; it's PivX.

>> No.3929907

My guess is Nav, but then I'm probably biased since I'm invested in it.

It looks to be at a pretty strong support, and it definitely fits the bill.

>> No.3929910

This is where /biz needs to unite and stop fucking each other over.

>> No.3929920

da faq

>> No.3929930

anybody know where you can get palm beach confidential free?

>> No.3929959

ESP On yobit sir has new privacy feature, untracable by indi-I mean american government sir

>> No.3929974

Zcoin. Let's gooooooo.

>> No.3929980

Hold on guys, there is a nice telegram group i am involved in (as objective as a group can be in this space) and they are mentioning that it could be Zcoin because PB has mentioned buying it before....still researching ill keep you posted.

>> No.3930007

>>3929794 (OP)
they want to buy cheaper monero so this got leaked on biz :^)

>> No.3930017
File: 117 KB, 1303x707, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for confirming my suspiscion OP.
This board is indeed full of newbie investors, no wonder they keep getting financially rekt.

The article is from the Palmbeach Research Group. The author made many of us rich. he predicted Rise of Ethereum, NEO, OmiseGo.

My message to you newbie investors...
Learn volume, liquidity, market resistance, market indicators like MACD.
When a coin gets heavily shilled like chainlink, you are buying it at 4-5 times the initial release price.
This is the WORST board for financial advice on coins. Don't trust ANYONE HERE

>> No.3930030

Pls be obsidian

>> No.3930063

What about Sumocoin?

>> No.3930071

how do you have access to this shit? doesnt it cost a fortune to get a membership for it?

>> No.3930111

I found it floating around 4chan and it didnt have much attention so I decided to make a thread dedicated to it

>> No.3930117


It already has, it's called Ethereum

>> No.3930123

How do we get into this palm beach group. Thanks

>> No.3930128

Someone posted a snippet earlier from their bitcointalk ANN? Market cap is insanely small. How much you going in?

>> No.3930131
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Wait sorry, I saw it on twitter

>> No.3930140

>Let the Game Come to You!

>Big T

>> No.3930148

> Liquidity
> I read "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" and now I think I'm a quant
fucking lol, never, ever change biz

>> No.3930152


>> No.3930173

I think palm beach is more likely to choose a coin thats <$10

>> No.3930195

>advising newbies to learn basic concepts
calm down there, chip shoulderton

>> No.3930196

it is either PIVX or NAV

>> No.3930211

this is clearly fake

>> No.3930218

>thinks price of a token actually means anything...
>thinks marketcap is a meme...

>> No.3930220


If it's fake, he writes just like Teeka.

>> No.3930239


Clearly you are mistaken, Big T is a real nigga

>> No.3930240


PBC is a high-growth, smaller cap newsletter/portfolio.

>> No.3930247

I think it's verge I've been watching multiple 15-20 btc non spoof trades to down all last month and this month... But fuck i dunno. I don't think it's pivx there masternode still don't hide there ips it's a bullshit privacy coin imo... Im going with verge or sphere

>> No.3930289

It doesn't say anything about their next opportunity being a privacy coin. Just to look for it in the next newsletter.

>> No.3930447


What? It says "But we've found another privacy coin that we think could eventually unseat Monero."

>> No.3930457

dude this board is littered with liars and crooks.

>> No.3930462

>be palm beach
>pump a coin whenever we feel like it
>dump it when we get bored

>> No.3930489

Nobody had the right to post this.

There is far more in the way of content; it is a shame that this is the level that some people stoop to.

Palm Beach Confidential does not endorse this post in any way, and we request that you remove it.

I will be reaching out for DMCA notice if this is insufficient.

>> No.3930515
File: 1.09 MB, 400x225, tumblr_n3kj4xOqRr1txama8o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my cock, dude

also pump ltc please

>> No.3930520

List of privacy coins:

>> No.3930529

Good realistic larp, nice reddit spacing to normie it up.

>> No.3930532

brb buying 100K XMR

>> No.3930535


>> No.3930547

It's obsidian. This explains the massive fud.

>> No.3930577

telegram groups are saying it's Nav for sure

>> No.3930578
File: 4 KB, 268x188, XDN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coin is XDN

>> No.3930586

sacrafice your first born child, and saturate genitals in IcyHot

>> No.3930665

if this is true then they refer to ETH

>> No.3930701

ETH isnt a privacy coin monkeyboy

>> No.3930736


Exactly, heres a hint, it's severely under valued and is only tradable for BTC.

>> No.3930747

you both are stupid

eth is implementing zk-SNARKs

the procotol used by zcash

this is why /biz/ is retarded and is not going to make it

>> No.3930758


We need better hints.

>> No.3930761


>> No.3930767

You are right. I missed it. ADHD.

>> No.3930780


should we tell him? or just keep it to ourselves that it's a certain project that's been fudded the hardest out of all of the new small-cap coins?

>> No.3930783


the most secure coin on the planet =)

I will delete this post in 2 minutes, so take note.
Thank me later.

>> No.3930796

Is it Particl.io?

>> No.3930804

>Let the game come to you

We just fucking lost it /biz/

>> No.3930823

how tf would you know what coin it is?

>> No.3930908


I'm already long Obsidian but it hurts me everyday.

>> No.3930911

hang yourself with the worlds longest shoelace.
Pivx just implemented zerocoin protocol yesterdat

>> No.3930944

yet its price hasn't moved at all

so please kys yourself

>> No.3930978

I hope you fucking realize that it is IN THEIR BENEFIT that their subscribers leak this information. Not only does this reinforce their predictions, their subscribers get first dibs on the action and dummies like you think you're getting top secret info.

>> No.3930996
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>> No.3931037
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found it

>> No.3931061
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>DMCA on 4chan

>> No.3931081

Aeon is pretty much The Litecoin to Monero, how will it usurp it then?

>> No.3931134

Not true. Their typical or target subscriber is not crypto savvy, although this is probably changing gradually. Also, their subscribers may not have a chance to read the newsletter or a chance to buy before it is leaked.

>> No.3931219

It's Verge. I am 100 percent sure.
t. I live in Palm Beach.

>> No.3931296

good source lol

>> No.3931365

I'd give a vote for XVG

>> No.3931398

But seriously there are other privacy coins we haven't discussed. What about CLOAK or XSPEC?

>> No.3931742

Aeon is mooning right now. Doesn't take a whole lot of volume to make it moon, however. Be careful.

>> No.3931813

Kek, thanks for the find. Already up +10%

>> No.3931876


Aeon was being shilled here two weeks ago at a much cheaper price. Don't hold too long...

>> No.3931906
File: 141 KB, 1200x901, DMR4XqkVQAARBG1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"With @officialmcafee and his wonderful wife Janice, my gf and his security homie in front, about to enjoy lunch. Beautiful day! #crypto $xvg"

These guys are working on something big for sure...

>> No.3932458


Sep 2016.

Bitcoin was worth around 600.
Now its at 5500, and recently reached 6000.
That's also around 1000%

But ! The Bitcoin Cash fork has already happened which also had value - another 400 bucks right there, and if you traded wisely it could have yielded a whole lot more.

So while XMR slightly out-competed BTC the problem I have with this post is that it measures the gains in USD but recommends converting back to BTC as a base currency.

You cant have it both ways.

If they were so great at trading they would have bought in @ November / December for 6 or 7 bucks as well.

>> No.3932752

It’s NAV it’s MOONING right now get in here !