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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3930307 No.3930307 [Reply] [Original]

What was this board like when ETH was <$2?

any archives?

>> No.3930346

It was called a Russian scam and Lisk was shilled heavily.

>> No.3930356


Goslink looks like an incel on this poster

>> No.3930367

pretty sure biz was right. eth is a scam.

>> No.3930372

Were there people still FUDing ETH when it hit $30?

>> No.3930373

It was slow with the same questions constantly.
And nocoiners on suicide watch every time bitcoin went up .25%

>> No.3930375

I remember those days on Polo trollbox. Before
both Polo and ETH blew up. Last two years has been a crazy fucking ride

>> No.3930388


>> No.3930389

Barely any crypto talk

Last year around this time was 25% crypto

>> No.3930392
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>> No.3930396
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Damn don't say shit like that.

The love between him and Joi in Blade Runner 2049 was the made of the stuff that inspires man to crawl out of his basement and abandon his lifestyle and find his own Joi

>> No.3930406

Ever wonder where all the equity traders on this board went?

>> No.3930414

Remember the flippening? The Robinhooders took a week off or so, and during the time, crypto (and price of BTC) exploded.

>> No.3930416

>I lost cuz I sold low
>fucking scam I swear
Why do I see this again and again on /biz/?

>> No.3930419

so basically exactly the same as now?

>> No.3930421

the dao hack was pretty brutal

i remember all of the waves shill threads that came after it

>> No.3930422
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>> No.3930426

To the adult diaper aisle? Jail? Liquor store? Rehab?

>> No.3930428

thanks for the Pepe, thats a nice one.

>> No.3930446
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ask me what the price of ODN will be. no, wait, there are plenty of threads.

>> No.3930475

legends say it was created by Taytay herself

>> No.3930540
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>> No.3930594


>> No.3930849


i like these, kek

>> No.3930873

I multitask, just dont talk about it as much

>> No.3930916
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I don't even think it was 25% before Brexit. I only remember 1 or 2 threads about crypto before coming back around a month ago.Although I didn't browse this place heavily back then either so I probably wouldn't know for certain. Anyone else remember people asking about money and then everyone telling them to suck a dick for a dollar?

>> No.3930918

my least favourite thing about the crypto boom was the quality of posts and the huge influx of /pol/ refugees. it wouldve made sense a few years ago since old /pol/ was very libertarian and liked the idea of investing into something that sticks it to the fed but not anymore

>> No.3930927

Mostly just anons asking if it was too late, shill / fud around then was mostly coiner v nocoiner, ETH was pretty universally loved by the coiners

>> No.3930945

That and kneepad investments

>> No.3930957
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Around the time /pol/ really started spreading, /sci/ got infested and I just retreated to /r9k/ for a time. Is it fair to say that the moment /pol/ started expanding was the day the entirety of this image board changed forever? Nothing really seems the same anymore in all honesty compared to 2 years ago.

>> No.3930966

wasnt he an incel in the movie too
i recall he basically fucked his entire life over just to white-knight for that single mom and her brown niglet child...what a shit movie now that i look back on it with non-pozzed eyes.

>> No.3931003

everyone on /biz/ used to shitpost in crypto threads calling them faggots ect. the days when this board had a cryptocurrency general

i remember someone would post an image of money skelly and suggest that everyone should buy eth, and they would get shitposted to death. the waves threads that came in mid-late 2016 were pretty insufferable, they disappeared completely once the price dropped though

>> No.3931096

that's because Joi is played by a hot young actress who is relatively new. if she was played by some overly familiar face, or some plain-jane cunt with no tiddies, it would've been less compelling.

if you like the girl who played Joi check out Knock Knock.

>> No.3931112

>equity traders
first of all, who the hell calls it " equity traders" and secondly, they are over at the robinhood general threads.

>> No.3931126


these are comfy stories, more please

>> No.3931129

glad to see the low iq poltard get burned

>> No.3931131

/pol/ number one

>> No.3931142

someone with a smooth deep voice ought to read out some old /biz/ threads when crypto was just starting to heat up....make a vocaroo of it. a soundcloud perhaps.

>> No.3931165

this time the world, brother

>> No.3931167
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The way biz is right now with link is exactly what eth was like.

Mass shilling and mas fudding, I'm not even joking it was pretty much exactly the same

>> No.3931168

Goddamn I was hanging around the fags at wsb cucking AMD and other bullshit. Fmlman fml

>> No.3931196

the resume threads were great, they would usually take up to 2 weeks to 404 since biz had very little traffic back then and someone would always bump it before it would fall of the catalog. the people that would critique resumes in that thread mustve worked for HR or something because they were very harsh. helped alot of anons though.

the "altcoins..." daily shitpost was "why arent you investing in this man" (usually elon musk or some other variant as the OP image)

>> No.3931338
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Let me have my dreams anon

>> No.3931503

...biz was wrong about everything back then too. Surprise!

>> No.3931539

Kneepads is still a meme. I think it's a good long term investment with a high roi

>> No.3931569

There was literally 1 crypto general thread and you got lambasted if you spoke about the scammy shit outside of that.

>> No.3931585
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FUCK I AM SO HYPNOTIZED BY THESE LINK THREADS THAT I LITERALLY TYPED "Goslink" instead of "Gosling". It's not even a typo, it's a straight up mistake caused by all the shilling.

>> No.3931597

Self aware nocoiners from that era probably killed themselves long ago. They missed so many millions its not even funny.

>> No.3931640
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I remember people talking about your occasional "Biz suggested readings infograph", as well as the common "Guys help me I have an interview with KPMG in 6 hours"

You know, the basic stuff like Vanguard investments, stocks etc.

And then there was that one post I read that said buy ETH. It was the only Alt-coin I took seriously at the time. There was no way to buy it from Cuckbase, and I was super normie

I bought BTC through cuckbase then I had to use shapeshift.io to turn those $70 BTC into ETH which are stored in my shitty Mist wallet that never even finished downloading on my laptop

So now I'm here with potentially no ETH and an empty private key folder filled with Biz suggested books and pictures of pink wojaks

>> No.3931649
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>> No.3931673

You think thats bad? Every time i see a chainlink fence i utter an involuntary LINK

>> No.3931699

I like it

>> No.3931700
File: 263 KB, 640x960, GOSLINK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the non-stop LINK shilling has broken me too. i'm getting ready to go all in. every time i miss it under 6500 it pisses me off to see it go above that. but if it does go under 6500 and stay under then it's kind of a relief and funny.

>> No.3931714

how much BTC do i need to get a plastic asian like this?

>> No.3931730

Was here. You should be able to Google ETH 2015 4chan biz.

Basically biz was saying that ETH was shit and to buy other shitcoins instead, half of which dont exist anymore.

Do opposite of what biz says and you too can be a millionaire.

>> No.3931771

it wasn't that long ago. Eth was mocked just like retards mock Ark now.

>> No.3931788

Archived all of /biz/ since the first post.

>> No.3931808

Anyone here from the Jews Clues slack around March 2016? I was the guy that called AMD at $2 and you put in in the shit tier category in the spreadsheet we had lol.

Wish I didn't leave biz for a bit after that, I'd have been around for the start of ETH's run.

>> No.3931851

I've been in and out of crypto since the very beginning ~2010 btw. Mined 100 BTC way back and left, got back in for LTC GPU mining and left, now got back in this past May with everything taking off again. Not leaving this tine, I regret leaving before too much to ever get weak hands again. I never had much faith in people to adopt this shit so it was easier for me to give up on it. Looks like the mainstream is coming around tho and I can finally hold comfy.

>> No.3931892


>> No.3931939

/pol/ is /b/ if they thought they were warriors for justice for shitposting Scientology and were totally in the right for shitmouthing all over 4chan

>> No.3932180
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Just watched it today

>> No.3932469
File: 89 KB, 960x540, B7FEA761-1751-4C8A-877C-EA6D4E11566E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you mind posting the biz selected books? Wondering if there’s any I should look at or have a second look.

>> No.3932476


nice ill check it out

>> No.3932526

I’m the biggest ETH shill this board has seen. If you look back in the archives you can see that I shilled ETH when it was $0.80

I really ramped up the shilling towards Christmas 2015

That time was when the first boatload of /biz/ fags bought ETH when it was under $1 I remember every thread I was in anons would ask me how to buy ETH and I would actually be bothered to tell them step by step instructions. Many people followed my instructions many many lurkers the price rose, the rest is history.