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392296 No.392296[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/, we all love making money, but what high paying jobs have the best quality of life?

I could easily make loads of money right now, but who wants to bang their head against a brick wall and work 80 hours a week?

Obviously this isn't the ideal way to make loads of money, but any idiot can take this route if they really want to make a lot.

I think a high quality of life is 7:00AM-3:30PM (or close to this) mon-friday or mon-thur ten hour shifts is the best, with plenty of time off

yea you can't have it all, but there has got to be something that has plenty of time off and makes decent money.

Teaching is the only thing that I can think of that makes decent money and has loads of time off

>inb4 $60k a year for working nine months out of the year isn't decent

>> No.392300

I work 8 am to 4 pm in a clinic as a medical coder.

I do very basic work for what I get paid (simple medical data entry). I make approximately $58k annually, but that's quite a bit considering the fact that in town where I live, everything is cheap, my downtown 2 bed/2 bath apartment with utilities is only $450 per month.

It's not glamorous and I'm not rich, but I'm very happy with life and doing fairly well for a 21 year old.

>> No.392307

How much time do you get off? I work in an auto factory and we get 21 days of vacation when we're topped out on that, plus holidays, and two shutdowns (summer and christmas) and our days roll over. Shitty part is I'm not on first shift. (7:00-3:30)

>> No.392308

It depends on where you work. There's even some medical coders who work from home.

With my clinic, since I've been there less than a year, I only get 20 days PTO per year, but after 2 years I'll get 30.

Also I don't work Saturday, Sunday, holidays, etc.

>> No.392316

I posted in the other thread. I just started in timeshare sales. I'm on track to make $70k my first year. We get full benefits, awesome deals on vacation, and the income potential is crazy. There are a few people regularly walking home with $40k for the month. In chatting with one guy, I found out his best year after taxes was $487k.

We're also capped to 40 hours a week. Not to mention every day is different, and breakfast is catered in the morning (It's for the guests, but we eat with them.)

>> No.392322

Traders have reasonable hours for the money - you don't have to work 100+ hour weeks like the IBers do, just about 60.

>> No.392333

>60 hours

while it might be reasonable for the money, fuck that. I would honestly rather make less and have more free time.

>> No.392419

>the state of /biz/

That's it. I'm out

>> No.392421

Traders can make millions/tens of millions a year. You could retire before you're 30.

>> No.392445

oh yeh man teachers make bank, what is it now? 2 dollars above minimum wage?

>> No.392466

That wasn't the point of this thread.
That trader won't be me :^(
>$60k isn't a reasonable salary

does everyone on /biz/ live in jew york and california or something? I guess I should be grateful I live in a low cost of living state

>> No.392469


>$60k isn't a reasonable salary

It isn't.

>> No.392470

Call me a pleb then, cause that's more than enough money for me.

Seriously though, what are you going to do with more money than that? Like, explain to a pleb, what good having more money than that will do.

>> No.392474

60k is fucking fine.

>> No.392532

>what is living off capital gains
If you earn a fuckton, you can invest more and thus your journey to financial freedom is faster.

Money is an object that gives you freedom, and if you have a lot of it you also get power as a bonus.

>> No.392546

Then you die

>> No.392547

We all die. Some of us die eating cavier. Others die eating cat food. Your career and the amount of effort you put into it will decide the difference.

>> No.392548

>implying it's easy to become a trader
Cheap money for nothing doesn't exist. The credentials you need are also very high.

>> No.392559

Right, but I don't expect to ever be rich. I come from a family of plebs, in the country, I have no real idea of how to make a lot of money besides the generic things, MD, lawyer, etc.

I know I have a better idea of how to make money than my parents, but that's only because of the internet. I would be happy with $60k a year as a teacher, but I actually kind of want to teach so there's that.

I guess my family lineage is destined to be a plebs, a 200k house here would be like 800k in a high cost of living area.

>tfw you'll never be rich or be in the elite culture

>> No.392562

But if you want to be rich and you won't, it's entirely your fault. Do you really think traders come from wealthy families?
Well, yeah, some of them do but I suspect anybody with a knowledge of the market and finance, and maybe a dose of intelligence and committment could work his way out and become significantly rich.

What's your excuse? There are many ways to be a millionaire.

>> No.392570


So why aren't YOU rich yet?

>> No.392572

Eventually, I see it possible, right now, it's not.

I just don't see myself getting a job making tons of money though.

>> No.392577


> loads of time off

you don't know what are you saying, brah

>> No.392582

Offshore oil and to a lesser extent the oil industry in general. With any sort of education or basic technical ability at all you will be making over $100k+ per year in just a few years, starting from zero experience, and you'll have roughly half the year off. In fact a kid who barely graduated high school but who has good work ethic can do the same starting from a manual labor position.

In fact a technically minded 20 something year old who gets into MWD (measurement while drilling) will have a starting training pay of around $75,000 a year with Halliburton or Schlumberger. Second year you'll be off your training pay and likely break the $100,000 per year mark. By year 5? $130,000-$170,000 a year will be the norm.

It is an amazing field for the right type of person and offers pay and time off that is virtually unheard of.

>> No.392588

>loads of time off

op you're an idiot so the rest of your posts in this thread are invalidated. Teachers seem like they get plenty of time off because "hurrdurr so many school holidays" but in reality they're constantly working. Creating agendas, assignments, tests, marking them, etc.

That's not even touching upon the fact you have to deal with dumbass students who purposely make your life hell.

Any teaching job that isn't what I've described above pays like shit (or is super niche).

>> No.392589

did you go to inner city schools or something? Teachers still get more time off than most professions

>> No.392596


No they don't. Trust me, I have several teachers in the family.
The only way to get a lot of time off as a teacher, is by being a very bad teacher.

>> No.392606

I dunno, my cousin made it seem like my uncle got plenty of time off, then again, he was teaching in a high school of <700 students

>> No.392607

Teaching sucks bro. Both my parents were teachers and would not suggest getting into it. They both moved to California to get jobs for the teaching credentials, which you have to go thru a lot of BS that doesn't apply to get, and enjoyed it at first. My mom taught lower elementary and my dad taught high school math. But then they started to realize they were making jack shit for the hours they put in. School is 0800-1500 but you have to come in an hour or two early to prepare and hour or two later to clean up and get ready your lesson plan. And this is after your first 3 years, where you are not tenure and they can fire you at any moment. Even after you are tenure, you are putting in extra work because your lesson plan is still shit because you have to make your own more often than not.
When you get to the summer, you are still putting in 6-8 weeks of work to prepare for the next year: throwing out all the old bullshit, organizing your stuff, and trying to make the principal happy by changing all your shit to whatever new standards they made. Keep in mind, this is all for $50k~ a year.

After you work for 10 years and get your Masters, you'll looking at $70k~ but that's if you found a school district you like and are willing to work OT and/or summer school. Once you get to that point, you either like your job but put it double the hours I had listed above, because that's what is needed t o make sure the lil shits learn stuff or you fucking hate it and just try to make it through the 25+ years to get that pension, because the kids all have fucked up lives and school is the least of their problems. Granted I'm sure you can find some place where it will work that's better than Southern California or you can work for a private school but pay will almost always be lowered. Good luck if you still wanna go teaching bro.

>> No.392630

What are the requirements, the best path to get there?
How come biz never talks about traders if they earn that much?

>> No.392636

I know I'll be crucified for saying this but y'all teachers need a union. Here in Canada if you have a masters you can make 90k / 100k full benefits and the strongest pension fund in the country.

>> No.392651


>> No.392654

Now you're just acting like a defeatist moron. If you can make 60k usd a year as a teacher, you live in a developed country. As long as you invest most of your net income, you can easily retire by 40 (say, 60% of income invested into diverse ETF:s), it's about priorities. Want a car, big house, boat? No early retirement for you, unless you get lucky and get really rich somehow.

>> No.392655

You don't need "tons of money" as income to get rich. It's more about expenses and actually investing a sizeable portion of your income.

A lawyer making 200k a year can easily be piss poor if he buys expensive clothes, cars, houses, boats, motorcycles and is wasteful. You can become richer than that guy even with a 50k salary, if you prioritize right.

Everyone in first world countries can be a millionnaire by 50 if they actually investe their income, instead of spending it all.

>> No.392676


>> No.392701

Series 6, 7, 63, etc.
Or maybe you could get away with a college degree, I don't know how it works in the States.

>> No.392713

To do what? Masturbate to pictures of your facebook friends in your mom's basement?

>> No.392718

Inheriting a lot of money and having luck, that's a succesfull trader.

>> No.392720

depending on where you live

>> No.392723

Yeah no, most high schools have over 1500 in them. If you are talking about being a public school teacher, you should just pick a different profession. Teaching is the worst job.

>> No.392729


we have mentioned traders, I know some traders, and I will be working with some traders.

As far as requirements it'll be in your best interest to to pass the series 6,7,& 63
also the biggest requirement is an actual track record and experience with trading. but mainly people who work in trading have a very solid math background. But not all trader make great money, and traders have very little job security. You aren't guaranteed to make money and if you fuck up or perform below standards despite past success you won't be employed for much longer

>> No.392833

>my downtown 2 bed/2 bath apartment with utilities is only $450 per month.

Guhfaw! A 2x2 in downtown, or just in the damn loop here is nothing less that $1200, for a rundown shoebox. Where in the hell is this?

>> No.392837

>cat food on 60k

We don't all live in SF/Manhattan. Enjoy your no-life work balance and heart attack.

>> No.392936

So just get into a small distract and you good to go

ez pz, plus they pay more.
thanks mate glad to see someone else who isnt in jew york or california

>> No.393044

How would you be better than whatever team the kids already play in?

>> No.393085

How long have you been a coder? I want to work in a hospital, but have no experience in it. Have a finance degree but I hate finance so I'm trying to figure out what to do.

>> No.393230

second. i would also like to know where is this magical land

>> No.393308

Hey maybe this thread can help me out.

I want to work somewhere in the medical field but I don't want the stress of being a doctor. I'm currently looking into physician's assistant since it'll offer a lot of variety but will still be fairly stressful. Really what I'm looking for is ~$50k (or more) annually, not as much stress as a doctor, and enough time to be with family. As for schooling I'm getting a bachelor's in Animal Science and will get minors in chemistry and human biology.

Sounds pretty good since I really like knowing medical terminology rather than performing it (from what I've Googled) but worry I'll get bored of it.

>> No.393313

How'd you get that job? Comp Sci major? Coding experience?

>> No.393318

Sorry, I can't offer you advice, but I'm in a similar situation. I just entered grad school for physical therapy, though I haven't actually received an undergrad degree yet because my program is a 3 year + 3 year direct entry DPT program.

I'll get a BS in health science next May, which is basically worthless on its own but I can use it to go to grad school for something else.

Originally chose PT because my parents/family friend recommended it and I had no idea what else to do. Thought it would be up my alley. Now social anxiety is starting to kill my desire to do PT and I'd rather do a job that didn't interact with patients so much. No idea what I can realistically switch into though with a health science degree.

>> No.393323

Aside from social anxiety, how do you like physical therapy? I was thinking about getting a minor in physical science but wouldn't finish in time with my bachelor's so I chose human biology instead.

>> No.393339

It is a rewarding profession with extremely high employability/job security and a salary that is increasing. It's consistently rated as one of the best fields to go into. I haven't done many actual PT classes yet because undergrad is stupid and you take way too many gen eds and classes that don't directly apply to the profession like biology, physics, and chemistry.

There are a lot of different paths you can take as a PT, you can work in home care, in a hospital, in an outpatient clinic. Don't like old people? Do pediatric or sports PT. Once you figure things out a bit you can open your own practice too and go full /biz/ if you want. The family friend who recommended PT to me did this and he makes a ton of money and barely even does actual PT anymore.

If I can somehow overcome my social anxiety/stuttering problem then I am sure I would like PT, since I am quite good with people once I get past that initial nervousness. Helping people recover from injuries and diseases, or overcome new challenges such as amputations, is very fulfilling. You see your hard work pay off every day when you see your patients getting better and better.

>> No.393345

Sounds pretty rewarding! It'll stay on the back burner for now while I sort things out still. Encouraging people to live their life again after having a leg amputated sounds like a good career though.

>> No.393352

I bet you'd be a great PT, and anxiety/stuttering just makes you more human. Most people would probably relate to you better, or see you as a human being working on their own issues. For example, therapists should not be too attractive or too ugly, as it can really effect to how the patient relates to them. Nothing worse than needing PT, feeling like shit, and getting preached at by a fucking Ken doll who's life is easy peasy lemon squeezy... most people can be manipulated be the smallest factors.

Anyways, if you want, look into more administrative health care tasks. Are you good at paperwork, organizing, scheduling, advocating, assisting, etc.?

>> No.393355


No, I'd much rather work hard while I'm young and have energy so that I can retire middle-aged and still have a lot of fun.

Teachers have dead-end jobs and will be on struggle-street for most of their lives. The hours might not be that bad and the work might be pretty easy but personally I'm not so weak as to need those things.

>> No.393360

West Virginia

>How long have you been a coder?
I graduated from community college at 19 (started at 17) and got a job 3 days after I graduated. I just hit my second year mark.

>I want to work in a hospital, but have no experience in it.
You don't need experience, just certifications. Most bigger hospitals and clinics have entry-level positions. I got an internship while I was in school so I got pretty lucky.

> Have a finance degree but I hate finance so I'm trying to figure out what to do.
Coding may not be for you then. I had to take an accounting course, finance course, and medical insurance course, all as part of my professional program.

If you want medical without any of the shitty work, this is one of the better options.

An associate's degree in medical informatics + "CPC" certification.

You can't do this job with a computer science degree, as it has nothing to do with computer programming or computation period. It's all about interpreting clinical diagnoses.

You can see an example of the CPC test required to work as a medical coder here: http://www.hcpro.com/content/61715.pdf

>> No.393361

Thank you anon, I needed that. What you say is true in that certain patients would relate to me better. However, patients expect their doctor to be an expert, confident in themselves and their ability, and anxiety/stuttering exudes the exact opposite of that. Most importantly, this will hinder my ability to get hired in the first place. Nobody wants to hire some beta autist therapist.

I do believe this is a problem that I will overcome though, because the more I do PT and gain confidence in myself, the more comfortable I will be. Repetition will help anxiety-inducing things like introductions become routine and automated over time.

Deep down I do not think I should change my career path. The administrative tasks you said don't sound appealing to me. One of the worst things about PT in my opinion will be the paperwork that comes with it that I'll have to do at home.

I'm gonna stay the course, thanks again anon.

>> No.393379

>getting into scammy bullshit like timeshares
oy vey

>> No.393384

then move you fuckwit

>> No.393387

>working for the government
I made that mistake. I thought engineers got paid well.
Engineers can get paid well.
Governments don't pay well.

>> No.393690


It's not my problem you cock gobbling phaggot

>> No.393753

>Closer to 40k after taxes
>use 60% of that on investing
>survive off less than 20k

Well not all of us live with our parents, and have to pay off a house/car/food/gas/utilities

>> No.393757

Real Virginia here, 2 bed 2 bath in the suburbs is 1600, and it was the cheapest one around.

Looks like I'm movin' out west!

>> No.393787

Brisbane Australia 2 bed 2 bath 6 km from the cbd $1600 per month. Expensive shoebox is expensive

>> No.393831

please expand, currently getting my mechanical engineering degree, almost done with it.

>> No.394672

Why don't you teach via some sort of info product of sorts? Good thing about them is that it costs not that much for storage online and it'll also be a passive recurring form of income just gotta keep releasing new and updated stuff to build up from that then later you could upsell the older stuff to new customers and what not.

>> No.394676



>> No.394688

Do people hire ME's these days? I have seen more IE's and heard that a lot of the new grads are clueless.

>> No.394693


MEs are still desirable and can be used in several different functions, but is industrial engineering even real engineering?

every engineer grad or person I talk to says its a joke

>> No.394694

I just read the most anal test of all time. Data entry for medicine.

>Thank fuck I won't have to do 4 digit coding as a pharmacist in the UK.

>> No.395592

>be a teacher
>get shot by student

the first person to be shot is 100% fucked because it could happen at any time and you'll never see it coming. 2nd, 3rd and so on have continuously increasing chances of survival depending on how far they are away from shooter and what objects are available. but wait, they aren't wearing body armor and they are forced to not bring guns to school...but the student shooter brought his gun

>> No.395604
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>working at all
>not having your money work for you

pleb tier /biz/

>> No.395623
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>Teaching is the only thing that I can think of that makes decent money and has loads of time off

>loads of time off

you have no idea what you're talking about.

Teachers these days are basically just babysitters for teenagers.

Everyone that's trying to argue that like 5K a month is good is trying to justify their dumb choices and lame job. Just ignore them.

>Obviously this isn't the ideal way to make loads of money, but any idiot can take this route if they really want to make a lot.

Why do so many of you morons think that 'being smart' aka being white and middle class is all you have to be in order to make money and succeed? If working hard and having motivation is dumb, then I must be one dumb motherfucker with my 15.9 million in stocks and my 2.6 million dollar home. When I drive around in my RR, I usually think "gee if only I was a bit smarter then I'd really make it". I must be stupid for having to check the time on my patek when I forget. what the fuck does 'smart' even mean to you idiots?

not wanting to work hard means there is a lot to fucking learn. this board is in actuality a total joke. come here for laughs and nothing else.