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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3920215 No.3920215 [Reply] [Original]

How much you started with
How much you have right now
What your plays were

ill start


>> No.3920227

2k last week 7k now

ETP Lumen top fucking kek

>> No.3920237
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just hold out ffs stop worrying

>> No.3920241

300 now 150 shitcoins to the moon

>> No.3920249
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Monero, NEO, Litecoin and now Link

>> No.3920257

Started at $300, now at $1300, catched a few moons like Signatum and Obsidian but got burned on other shitcoins

>> No.3920258

>lose $50
>begin crying
>sell, cash out and leave crypto forever
>go on to 4chan
>start posting threads about how much you hate link
>pink wojacks

>> No.3920266

Bought one bitcoin at 3000, it's worth what it is now.

Nearly doubled my money in four months with zero hassle, worry or day-trading.

>> No.3920269

$30k in March

$30k -> $80k Ethereum

$80k -> $150k Antshares (Sold Early on this, could of been up to $600k with the amount I had)

$150k-> $350k OMG/WTC

Didn't fall for the Link meme, currently rebalancing my portfolio and holding enough for 2 WTC Mastermodes and Several OMG.

>> No.3920274

Look at that stupid blue gum, gun toting, hip gangster wanna be faggot nigger.

>> No.3920306

now $1,859
blockCAT -136
OMG - 191
LINK - 132
MSP - 87
ZRX - 413
FUN - 844
I bought a lot of CAT at $3.19 and $1.30

>> No.3920315

did a black kid bully you at school today anon?

>> No.3920395

0$ invested, made myself a gaming computer last year for vidya, started mining coins, didn't think this could ever happen to me

have over 12 BTC worth of coins and 4 hard btc at the moment

>> No.3920424

lol you didn't mine more than 0.12 btc on your gaming computer in a year.

>> No.3920458

>mine zec
>mine eth
>buy every altcoin I can in jan-march

>y-you didn't make anything

Stay mad retard. I've got over 15k in silver being delivered to me tomorrow.

>> No.3920473
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Here was my shitcoin positions 6 months ago off not making anything mining

I bet I have more in trashcoins than you even could imagine, dear

>> No.3920483
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please tell me youre joking
you would have to be a huge fucking retard to invest in precious metals right now

>> No.3920492

>started with $1
>now have lambo
>bought and held LINK

>> No.3920496

1.2K one month ago
1.6K right now

This was my first month in crypto, pretty happy

>> No.3920505


Silver is a good buy now lel

>> No.3920513

$150 in total

$50 on verge which is now $81

$50 on Steller when it was mooning

$50 again when it dropped

Of my $100 of stellar it's now with $90

Thanks to verge I have a small profit I regret buying stellar so much

>> No.3920517

>Getting upset over a photoshopped picture
Classic inbred /Pol/tard

>> No.3920523

baby gains even for holding.

>> No.3920536

could be worse anon, some poor fuck lost like 37K

>> No.3920547

started 4 months ago.

Biggest gains from Antshares, NAV and WTC. Currently hold some LMC waiting for MCO to moon tomorrow and immediately move my gains from MCO to LMC.

>> No.3920549

Started with $500 now $70k

Thank you ELIX

>> No.3920548

/biz/, more like /btc/

>> No.3920554

Silver is near ATL and poised for uptrend given, ya know, global debt crisis, bond market collapse, etc...

>> No.3920558

>$12,000 (but 10k of that is eth locked up in ICOs so I hope a lot more)

Invested $500 into antshares at $4-7 and sold too early. Then invested the $1200 into ZRX at 2x ICO on etherdelta. Then invested 3.6 eth into kyber at ICO and sold at two main peaks. Then took most of my stack and put it into wanchain and ICON. Put the rest into ETP at $1.30, cashed out at $5.00 and this allowed me to put 24 eth into REQ.

>122k req
>2500 ICX
>5.5k Wanchain

Am I going to make it?

>> No.3920560
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> started with link
> bought and held link
> now I have lmao

>> No.3920565

2k -> 13k in last 2 months

>> No.3920571

good gainz but brah MCO? Really mate?

>> No.3920578

also i was part of the fomo train on ETH. i bought $350 per ETH when i had no idea what i was doing at all KEK. At the july crash i was minus 50% of my portfolio now up 169%.

>> No.3920605

Fake. Overwatch isn't on steam faggot

>> No.3920609


yes. I have done the shit out of my research. Honestly read absolutely everything there is about MCO and on the slack all day every day for the past month.

Of course i cant tell the future but the risk of it dropping like a rock tomorrow when the announcement is shit is out weighed by the potential moon after VISA announcement.

>> No.3920644

Started with 0 usd in 2011, just mined btc every day all day on the pc's that went into our computer wtore for service as stress test. I thought one day it might be worth a dollar each.

Sold the last of my bitcoins from this period for 1200usd, got into ether at the last dip to 220.

I hold about 125k with 0 original investment.

>> No.3920647

15k -> 60k
Took a few years though

>> No.3920659

Started with like $5 currently have 340k

>> No.3920682

brainlet confirmed

>> No.3920720

10k to 40k 6 months. Next week probably 100k

>> No.3920829

I tripped on link and kyber in 1 month. Still not selling LINK tho

>> No.3920882

950 maple dollars
1450 maple syrups

Thank you ETP and LINK

>> No.3920907

Started with 320$ 4 months ago
2800$ now
I just keep jumping from coin to coin not holding shit

>> No.3920915


Just got this random token deposited on my adress, what is it?

>> No.3921027


$58.24 now

>> No.3921057

1800 XRP (bought two weeks ago)
300 XEM (bought for lulz with some spare BTC a few days ago)
350 LINK (bought earlier during the dip)

Just going to sit on it all till I get my Lambo, thinking 2020.

>> No.3921092

XRP even. Just put some spare cash into those 3 to see what happens. Doubt XRP or XEM will get me a Lambo and LINK prob won't get me one either but combined I might get a deposit on a house in a few years if they don't bottom out and die.

>> No.3921202
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bought in for ~40k in 2014
have ~300k now

>> No.3921235

Someone help a literal retard how to turn profits.
I started to weeks ago, all in alts (like a good retard), and I'm down 1000$.
Do i swingtrade? Daytrade? Hold my fucking bags?

>> No.3921320

Don't fucking daytrade starting out, that's definitely the quickest way to lose your money if you're a noob