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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3914287 No.3914287 [Reply] [Original]

When will this motherfucking cocksucking faggot SAY ANYTHING AT ALL TO HIS BAGHOLDERS? I wouldn't be surprised if he dumped his 35MM tokens all right now, since he clearly has no problems FUCKING US.

>> No.3914333

He dumped right 1st day of sibos, he knows best to sell the news, so right before giving out the news he sold. This is crypto there's no regulatory bodies to bust insider traders or even know the trades were his, hahaha

>> No.3914353

Is anybody in the slack?


>> No.3914375

Hope probabaly (hopefully) has a non-disclosure agreement.

>> No.3914376

what bag holders. if you bought at the top of the pump that's too damn bad. sergey doesn't owe you anything

>> No.3914392

No you impatient twat. The conference lasts 3 days with announcements after.

>> No.3914415

Rumor has it this was all an elaborate scam. The two developers dumped the shit out of everyone with their premined coins after paying for a slot to show their shitty powerpoint at this conference.

>> No.3914574

This just in, new news I just got straight from Trump himself. Sergey is actually a braindead puppet that the ChainLink team has been remote controlling since late 2016. He had a stroke on December 25th 2016, but they mechanically keep him alive to fool investors into supporting their ponzi scheme.

>> No.3914579

>takes $32 million from Investors
>wont spend 5 minutes sending an email or tweet to them

>> No.3914594


>> No.3914632

Sergey quadrupled my money, shit was so cash

>> No.3914691

i bought at like 10 cents you faggots are complaining lmfao

>> No.3914704

They took the 32 million dollars and ran you stupid fuck.

You do realize they don't need people to hold LINK right?

>> No.3914707

He must answer to us shareholders

>> No.3914732

You are not a shareholder you stupid fuck.

You got conned.

>> No.3914737


>> No.3915545


>> No.3915581


I almost feel bad for linkies. Almost.

I mean it's not like a thousand different motherfuckers right here on /biz/ didn't warn you guys. All the red flags were there, you simply chose to ignore them.

>> No.3915638
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Yeah waiting until connections have been made and adoption talks happen and more people become exposed to it before saying anything is a huge red flag. The biggest red flag is the fact that smartcontract was actually used live connecting payments of five different banks and being read as a Swift process, I mean, having a trustless oracle that processes bank payments and has a global bank payment processing institution as the front end is just... I mean red flags everywhere I really wish Sergey would pose in front of mcdonalds with a skateboard while shilling nonstop on reddit and being active in discord group pump and dumps but as it stands, man, red flags everywhere..

>> No.3915665


Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.3915672

they haven't said jack shit. they are sooooooooo busy they don't have time to type a fucking sentence. starting to believe in this being a scam...

>> No.3915681

Wow dude I'm really scared how's 38 cents sound? Oh you want lower? Hmm... Ok I think I can manage

>> No.3915706

Is 0.05 cents good for you? It's the best I can do? Oh lower? Hmmm ok I am a fucking idiot made to be discouraged so I guess I'll do that. 0.000009 cents it is.

>> No.3915715

This. I am in since Presale, but how the fuck are you not able to communicate after 4 weeks?

>> No.3915718


This is why I could never be a community manager for crypto.

People have these fucking hissy fits daily unless you're spoon feeding them bullshit like "Everything will be fine little babby"

What do you expect them to say? Do you want Sergey to come to your house and hold your fucking hand? I for one am GLAD that they're hard at work at the fucking conference, not getting on /biz/ to reassure weak handed retards that everything will be fine in the long run.

If you don't like it, just sell. Sell and we'll talk in a year about whether you made the right decision.

>> No.3915719

This much is obvious.


>desperation setting in

>> No.3915731

Literally no dude. Just stop.

>> No.3915732


You hand these guys $32 million and they can't even be bothered to fire off a fucking tweet in a month? Are you stupid or what?

>> No.3915745

Seriously, it's just weak fudders and weak-handed redditors that need to fuck and off and sell already

>> No.3915749


Sell while you can.

>> No.3915763
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Did Satoshi Nakamoto tell anything to his bagholders?

Fucking idiots, none of you deserve to make it.

>> No.3915769


God forbid they're focussed on shit like, you know, their project, instead of reassuring hyperactive teenage investors every 15 minutes when they start to lose patience.

They told us a month ago they were prepping for SIBOS. Now it's SIBOS. In the months after SIBOS, things will happen.

If you want constant vaporware updates stick to a feelgood coin like Verge. Always lots and lots of updates and cool words like Wraith and shit. Will really stimulate your ADHD.

>> No.3915771
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Do it.

>> No.3915783
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kek, OP here, I don't think you guys know just how hard we are laughing at people who take our threads seriously, you have to be retarded to not see how hard this coin is being manipulated on binance, and while the lack of communication isn't HELPING... well, you'll see. Sergey hasn't abandoned us quite yet.

>> No.3915799


Give me all your money, I'll get back to you in a month with something really cool that will triple your investment. Scouts honor.

>> No.3915854

lol fucking this

>> No.3915865

I guess you're right, i shouldn't expect serious discussion on 4chan

>> No.3915879


Sure, all I ask in return is more than 5 years in the industry, a first mover token with the broadest use case since ETH, a peer reviewed white paper, a return invitation to SIBOS, business relationships with some of the largest banks in the world, a $32mil hardcap, forgoing possible gains in order to meet your ICO stipulations, and a team clearly focussed on the big picture rather than hype and pumps.

Got all that and you can have it.

>> No.3915881


Why not? You obviously take your investment advice from here.


>> No.3915890

Fuck that thing is bad ass. What is that called?

>> No.3915894


>> No.3915910


>But don't actually tell me anything while you're soooooo busy.

Got it.

Psst, I betcha I can get some bullshit "peer reviewed" and a seat at SIBOS with $32 million too. I mean shit, look at how dumb the buyers are. They'll believe anything.

>> No.3915920

I get all this but why hasn't the price fucking budged. Everything is going well for them yet the coin is dead in the water.

>> No.3915938
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>> No.3915971
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>> No.3915978

also when an article is published that would otherwise double the price of other coins in an early stage likelink is in there is just a 20% mini moon which dumps again to fucking 7000 sats like it was before

>> No.3915986


It "budged" when it moved off ED and it will "budge" again with news. Nobody was expecting news AT SIBOS. It's a known quantity.

The news will come in the next couple of months. I wouldn't expect rapid movement until then.

And as I said, if that's too much for people to handle, they can just sell, and see what happens.

>> No.3915989
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What I am trying to say is that manipulation is the name of the game. That mini-moon we had today was the whales getting momentarily overwhelmed, but it didn't take them long to adjust the price back to accumulation levels. I thought aspergers like 4channers would be better at seeing patterns...

>> No.3915996

400% profit+roi, these bags are so heavy they pulled me off the fucking planet

>> No.3916032

The patterns are obvious but suppressing a moon is obnoxious

>> No.3916041


You "400% profit" isn't profit until you sell, wee one. So if you're still holding you've gained nothing. I see you have much to learn.

>> No.3916057
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>> No.3916072

I get how you feel, but you have to ride our waves, son. Look at that big fuckin' sell wall, we didn't actually WANT it this low, but now we'll keep it here. When the whales started crashing that pump, a whole bunch of faggots panic sold, so sub 7k is now accumulation for now. LINK will get it's day, unless your hands are glass. I have buy orders in at ~6500 and ~6300ish just in case.

>> No.3916082

Suck a cock Linktards

>> No.3916117
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>> No.3916125

This. Ask ZRX hodlers about their 12x profits and where are they now.

>> No.3916162

Thanks for almost feeling bad for me. It's been pretty tough investing $7000 in the ICO and sitting on $27,000 right now. I can't handle losing -$20,000 much more.

>> No.3916163


Keep those moons suppressed so you can keep accumulating you piece of shit. I hope this shit isn't adopted and is dropped by EVERYONE just so I can feel good about you being ruined. Fuck you.

>> No.3916187
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Emotional traders are a whale's best friend. I hope your investments do well, anon. Have a nice day.

>> No.3916194

What’s going on with link? Did the oracle problem get solved yet?

>> No.3916285

I hope you arnt larping and you actually are a whale in a whale group accumulating. I don't care if this doesn't moon for a bit, just knowing that whales are indeed accumulating and have good reason to do so is enough reassurance for me

>> No.3916324
File: 1.98 MB, 5532x2325, Sergey_dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you not seen 16+ BTC sell walls appear and instantly get taken down? You don't even need that much to manipulate this coin. Once it hits other exchanges it will be harder to suppress.

>> No.3916397

Yeah I certainly have. Just letting some of the FUD get to me. It does look very manipulated, hopefully another exchange soon. I have 300k link actually , so slightly easy to get nervous

>> No.3916400


>> No.3916418

You may want to put some more at 3500-4000.

>> No.3916420

Bro, don't even worry, one of my buddies jsut fucked up MAJOR, or someone is liquidating their position (unlikely)
So I had one of my low orders go through. Just stop watching charts all day, senpai.

>> No.3916440
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Eh, I have a big order at 5710, but I don't think it'll fill.

>> No.3916589

Yeah thanks will stop looking for a while. When are you expecting a decent price increase? I am not expecting much till after both forks done

>> No.3916632
File: 66 KB, 960x461, Sergynegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really know. But after the forks is as good a guess as any. What LINK really needs is a new exchange for liftoff, but who knows when that'll happen.

>> No.3916682


>WTF my coin didnt 200% over night SELL SELL SELL"
>"WTF my coin lost 5% value after it went up 100% SELL SELL SELL

I swear, the hordes of retarded millenials with attention deficite are more of a pain in the ass in cryptospace than anywhere else. It is actually what makes the token and the price tank of many projects. If people just didn't collectively sell no whale could ever manipulate the shit out of a coin if he didn't actually OWN the fucking coin.

>> No.3916726

if it drops there its dead

>> No.3916981

>link WILL be $1 before sibos and $5 after the presentation
>screencap this I am 100% right
Keeps falling...
>No no its just price manipulation on binance!!!


>> No.3916995

matter of hours

>> No.3917028

I sold my ico coins at ATH. Even if this ever moons it won’t be for a year or more. Assuming you all didn’t get nigged of course. Has the team really been silent for a month?

>> No.3917089

Check the smart contract twitter
They literally have a year window where they made zero posts