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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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38514 No.38514 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.38527
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I was about to invest about 2000$ in BTC there. But they made the verification so difficult that I didn't care anymore. Might have dodged a bullet.

>> No.38667

So basically the withdraws have been extended from 4-6 months to when hell freezes over?

>> No.38759

They are the first with the price. Others will follow.

>> No.38792

>using mBTC

>> No.39132

>using a crypto currency

>> No.39182
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nigger please, no merchant fees would save untold billions worldwide

and do you know where those saved shekels by using bitcoin WOULDN'T go to?

..Merchants (banks, jews, etc.)

>> No.39196

as soon as they allow withdrawals, gox and bitstamp prices will meet halfway.

>> No.39245

>implying merchants aren't controlling bitcoin
>implying merchants aren't getting payed by goys in BTC
>implying they aren't behind the price fluctuations

>> No.39351

Or maybe people will have finally learned and pull out of mtgoy, and prices will go to double digits there.

>> No.39412

Why is is there such a difference in the price at MtGox?