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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3906940 No.3906940 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3906965

this doesn't say anything so fucking vague

>> No.3906968

Kraken confirmed.

>> No.3906970

Hmm, this doesn't really say anything positive or negative

>> No.3906974


oh look, its fucking nothing

>> No.3906975

Poo in it

>> No.3906976


Do you need everything spelled out for you? They have NDAs which means there are ACTUAL partnership announcements in the works

>> No.3907001
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>> No.3907010

I know, right? BTFO!

>> No.3907013

Damn. Good point there.

>> No.3907016

I have 1100 links, how much will it be worth in 1 year?

>> No.3907017


do any of you guys actually believe that LINK will not get listed on more exchanges?
is there a single brainlet here who genuinely believes LINK will not be listed onto any more exchanges? speak up

i dont even understand the concern about exchanges right now, it will obviously happen and there is not a single one of us who believes differently.
its just a matter of time

>> No.3907044

Gemini and Coinbase confirmed for delisting BTC and ETH while only trading Link!

>> No.3907049

Hey Rory if you’re reading this fuck you

>> No.3907056
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half a million

>> No.3907059

Guys its pretty simple.

Rory could've simply said no if that was the case. However, since its a yes its not so easy.

While he doesn't say anything explicitly, this is still extremely bullish news and shows were in for a ride soon.

>> No.3907077


>> No.3907085

80 Billion per link conservatively by next sunday.

>> No.3907095


Would it be safe to store your LINK instead of keeping it on binance or don't I have to worry?

>> No.3907110
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>> No.3907114
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>> No.3907138

the less the better

>> No.3907140

top kek

>> No.3907144

I have 300k on Binance. Would move to my ether wallet but I feel I could get hacked easily on there at least with binance I have 2fa.

>> No.3907151


>> No.3907157

kek. poor guy.

>> No.3907163

Idiots still buying thinking they announced partnerships with those banks today LMAO.

Shout out to all the idiots on here getting trolled by the LINK shill army. You're all brainless sheep

>> No.3907170

Rory is an oldfag. This is exactly how you're supposed to react when someone mentions 4chan.

The guy with the epic fail guy avatar though....

>> No.3907171
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literally, dare I say it, /our guy/

>> No.3907177

It's a shop my nig

>> No.3907184

What if they back the binance wallet? U understand that the binance private keys are as secure as yours?

>> No.3907210

>mfw someone says an exchange is secure

>> No.3907216
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>that fucking avatar

i don't want people like this getting rich, fuck off.

>> No.3907223

Sell this shit lmfao.

Wtf is this shitcoin.

Faggot gains.

>> No.3907262

>my completely anonymous adress which no one knows contain shit might get hacked
>address which everyone knows holds several 100mill is never gonna get hacked

Brute forcing the private key of binance wallet is same difficulty as with any other random adress.

>> No.3907283
File: 207 KB, 400x386, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brute forcing the private key

nigger you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.3907298

The point is that you don't own the binance private keys. Do you not remember Mt.Gox?

>> No.3907305

I understand that they don't want to announce partnerships with some companies if the firms themselves don't want to, but no need to keep a secret about exchanges. What exchanges they are on don't really affect companies they are partnered to.

>> No.3907313

>Brute forcing the private key of binance wallet is same difficulty as with any other random adress.
you don't know that, maybe they use multisig

>> No.3907316

big if true

>> No.3907320


>> No.3907324

They don't brute force shit they hack the server which unsecurely loads the key into memory at some point you scrub

>> No.3907327

is this slack? can you guys join? I tried and couldn't

>> No.3907331

Educate yourself on what NDA means...

>> No.3907359

So couldn't they do this to my computer very easily as well? Should I really move my link to mew? Any safety precautions I should take? I have a mew but only use it for ICOs and move the coins to exchanges as soon as they get listed.

>> No.3907378

they have NDAs you useless fucks

>> No.3907396

If you want to securely store large amounts of crypto, buy a trezor and use it with MEW

>> No.3907449

Is your computer a server? If not it doesn't have the same vulnerabilities. Not to mention they don't even know you have any coins since you're not serving a crypto exchange. Jesus Christ talking to non tech savvy biztards invested in crypto kills brain cells.

>> No.3907474

why is Rory not writing proper sentences that starts with capital letters? Gives me FUD

>> No.3907497

In this case the agreements are with the exchanges. Most exchanges don't want coins to be pumped prior to hitting their exchange and then dumped right afterwards. It just looks bad.

>> No.3907539

Lmao, stop talking about new exchanges. None of the big exchanges will go with a kiddy ERC20 token. Need your own blockchain for that.

Drop this shit immediately or be poor.

>> No.3907545

been here since 2008, I can attest to this.

>> No.3907557

Like omg?

>> No.3907567


>> No.3907577


>> No.3907590

Severe LeL GB

>> No.3907620

Ndas with an exchange? Fuck off retard

>> No.3907628

>calling other people retarded when being retarded himself

>> No.3907630

>avoiding a direct answer is bullish news
Its bearish
Bullish news is "yeah we are in talks with bitfinex or Polo or trex etc"

>> No.3907641

>continuing this level of retardation

>> No.3907671

>No news

Youre the retard

>> No.3907699

literally all exchanges have an NDA before the token gets listed

>> No.3907720
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>I'm the retard

>> No.3907758

>oh yes lets just announce what exchanges we're going to be listed on in advance so whales can plan their pump and dump


>> No.3907787


>> No.3907879

how are you gonna trade from your wallet when you're asleep / at work? keeping it in binance at least you can set orders
and with the market being so fucking competitive the ups/downs last like couple minutes to an hour at best

>> No.3907921

Wow you're dumb.

>> No.3907929

Hes definitely the profit guy.

>> No.3907955

the good ones at least...

>> No.3907958

It's Polo

>> No.3907979
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iconomi is on kraken too you know

>> No.3907989

just as long as it's not buttrex

>> No.3907998


>> No.3908000

How does a new exchange prevent manipulation? I must be real dumb. Are there whale proof exchanges now?

>> No.3908010

Name a good exchange that doesn't have this

>> No.3908036

More volume for a start

>> No.3908046

Who tf is this Rory guy?

>> No.3908076

short answer cause they won't allow withdrawals anymore so get ready for some epic wojacks in the near future

long answer I fell for the xlr fomo last night and tried to get some in bittrex but haven't logged in in a while and see that, even after months, despite giving them pics of all my shit, i'm still unverified and COMPLETELY unable to do ANY WITHDRAWALS but thankfully kraken was g2g and incredibly easy to set up.

>> No.3908081

He's the guy that keeps getting on here and saying he's the profit of profits.

>> No.3908088

FUDers absolutely BTFOed

>> No.3908099

>exchange A has manipulation
>exchange B doesn't
>coin starts mooning hard
>exchange A now sells coins much cheaper than B
>the volume on exchange A intensifies so hard the sell wall is obliterated in nanoseconds

>> No.3908106

Why he has a link logo on his acc?
I don't see a Rory on Smartcontract site.

>> No.3908113

I have a lot of crypto on there, will I be able to get it off

>> No.3908120

>vague no answer statements
>fudders btfo
No it just reinforces the fud

>> No.3908147

Which pair is better to daytrade? The ETH or the BTC?

I have been trading on the BTC but it seems there is more opourtunity with the ETH pair.

>> No.3908164

That's PR in a nutshell bro. Saying something without telling nothing

>> No.3908170
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nobody is asking you to buy

>> No.3908174

First Lieutenant here. We're going to 20k sats tomorrow

>> No.3908182

1100 Links

>> No.3908192

I could actually start trading my bags if this happened. Never going to use binance or polo.

>> No.3908235


Yup. /biz/ is chasing its tail over a few hundred sat back and forth instead of getting locked in and ready for the rocket.

>> No.3908240

only if you're already approved to get it off

>> No.3908249

Dude you got like 150k dollars in an exchange? Get a hardware wallet. They are likely 100 dollars and you keep your private keys with you all the time. Cold storage is the only way to go

>> No.3908253

I'm not how do I get approved? I'm scared

>> No.3908324

Yeah it's true this is manipulated to hell when it was mooning hard hundreds of thousands of coins were dumped to keep it down and it still pushed through.

If it had another exchange there is no way it wouldn't have broken though that blatant manipulated and we'd be sitting at 12k right now. Binance is full of crooks.

>> No.3908360

One has to be blind or very dumb to believe the price is not tampered. The bots in binance are ridiculous and Pajeet Delta is so painful to use that it doesn't have any volume

>> No.3908362

you probably can't anymore but you can try I guess... I think it's in settings

>> No.3908383

So I'll never be able to get my money out?

>> No.3908407

Eventually even the bots and whales will get sick of manipulating it and accumulating coins and let it start to rise...

It happened to Walton after a couple months. Boy they did a job on that coin. It's amazing it got to where it is with all the whale fuckery.

>> No.3908447


I like binance at first, but ONLY because ED sucks massive dick.

It's so obvious it's controlled by bots:
>place order
>immediately one-upped by another order

and the reverse is true for selling. those chinks manipulate the fuck out of the price.

>> No.3908453

Please help me

>> No.3908464

>whale fuckery.

lulz. fucked right in the blowhole

but ya. i suspect by tonight they'll be bored of acquiring and by the end of the week we're going to be scratching our heads wondering how it rose so high so fast.

>> No.3908469
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>> No.3908483


He's the slack community manager

>> No.3908516

the bad thing is the we end up with the whales having most of the coins and if they all dump at once even best news won't help

>> No.3908530

Do you really think if bittrex lists fucking Decentraland, Chainlink is a long shot?

>> No.3908550

Yeah...thats what I'm afraid of too. By doing this they're sucking so much moon potential out of this coin.

>> No.3908578

Send vagen
Show boob
poop in street

>> No.3908624

Nah you are wrong, as long as the coin has long term potential (which link does more than perhaps any other coin) the whales will not dump a significant amount if they are finished accumulating. The people dumping early on that kill pumps are people like you and me who want to dump at $1-$2. Whales are already rich so they aren't going to waste time dumping for a 2x when they know a 5x is a couple weeks away.

Once the whales get their fill it's moon city.

>> No.3908669

and yet every other faggot here says
>why don't you trade ups and downs pussies
good luck with that, and once the whales lift off the brakes those fucks won't even be able to jump back in

>> No.3908868

We already saw today how big the FOMO is. There was barely a piece of news and suddenly the buy orders were flowing like idiots not able controlling themselves. The FOMO was just too strong. Now wait what happens when the brakes are are gone and the whales decide to let the price increase or if Link gets added to a non chink exchange.

You can bet your asses that even all of the hardcore fudding idiots are FOMOing in so hard we see 250% in 12h.

Today the whales were just testing the water and assessing how much energy the ignition needs in preparation of the real pump. Just behold.

>> No.3908907

It's true, they only had to pump like 10 BTC into this thing before it was headed to 10k until they started dumping massive amounts of coins. Watching the order book this morning during the pump was crazy, walls of 10,000 Links getting dumped every other second and the price still going up strong.

>> No.3909424


Help a brother out, sheesh.

>> No.3909442

Rory is the prophet of profitis.

>> No.3909482

See i knew it.