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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3889992 No.3889992 [Reply] [Original]

>calls itself a """currency"""
>can't even buy a cheeseburger with it because transaction fees are higher than the amount to be transferred

>> No.3890019

it became a tool for transmitting thousands of dollars

use doge when you want cheap fees

>> No.3890034

>wouldn't be able to buy a cheeseburger with a wire transfer either

>> No.3890146

Who gives a shit. I just want the price to increase so i can sell.

>> No.3890214

Here is a video of somebody literally buying a cheeseburger with bitcoin you fucking subhuman waste of space.

>> No.3890223

you buy eternal virginity with it

>> No.3890838

Nope, LTC or ETH. doge has very poor liquidity

>> No.3890851

but you can, last time I went to McDonalds in 2010 I could pay for 1 cheeseburger with my Bankcard and no fees.

>> No.3890852

Even those are both shit for transactions.

>> No.3890866


>how do I buy cheeseburgers with literal gold

Amerifat detected

>> No.3890893

You put the gold in a reserve then make paper notes that are backed by them.

>> No.3890894

Bitcoin became a store of value. It certainly should not be called a currency, that's for sure.

I wonder if it's too far-fetched to think that one day 1 BTC will be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

>> No.3890902
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>year 2021
>arrive at McDonalds
>That'd be .00000239 Satoshis sir
>Sure let me scan the code in my phone
>Thanks sir, now you'll just have to wait 30 mins till the transaction is processed and verified in the blockchain.
>30 mins pass, burger is cold af
>t-thank you Satoshi Nakamoto

>> No.3890941

muh lightning in two years maybe

>> No.3891077
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enjoy those high fees and shit tx times goy

>> No.3891118

Nope, use Mooncoin if you wanna buy a burger. Dodge is for buying memes

>> No.3891143

1000 satoshi is almost 1 dollar anon, it's not too far fetched to assume 1 sat will equal 1¢ soon.

>> No.3891164

>LN won't be ready for years
>but we need a scaling solution now even if it's only temporary
They don't want it because they know it LN is trash

>> No.3891356

that would mean the MINIMUM tx fee would be ~300 dollars

>> No.3891376


>> No.3891404

>not eating mcdonalds on a regular basis like a good burger
>thinking that visa = wire transfer
your stupid

>> No.3891407

No, use bitbeans to buy canned beans

>> No.3891409
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It's simple anon

>> No.3891416

>he tries to use currency without an intermediary settlement layer.

stay poor friendo

>> No.3891444


>> No.3891450

I can't buy a burger here with Canadian dollars either. Guess that makes it a non-currency.

>> No.3891457

Verification is instant
They would only need proof it was sent

>> No.3891465

there's a difference between being exposed to btcusd and actually having a bitcoin wallet

>> No.3891468

Makes sense because Canada is pretty much a non-country.

>> No.3891474

realistic price per bitcoin boys? my friend tells me 1 million within 20 years

>> No.3891486
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lol did you see the latest bcash shilling?


doesn't even matter cuz price keeps dropping.

>> No.3891560

what are you talking about
if people were trading it at 1 million usd in any significant volume it would mean that the dollar basically died at some point.

>> No.3891589

Dollar is going to die once whatever is holding the economy up gives.
>Trillions in debt
>The 2007 economic crisis bullshit was basically only put off for longer
We're getting a huge crash eventually, I'd say buy bitcoin now if you've got the cash.

>> No.3891603


LN is love. LN is life.

>> No.3891674

no it dies if it's ridiculously inflated, unless the treasury breaks some very old rules regarding denominations and core money supply

>> No.3891735

>wahhh why has an emerging technology not immediately become ubiquitous

>> No.3891736

More like three years to a million dollar bitcoin:


I've seen it fluctuate from March-August 2020

>> No.3891755

Also if there are 2-8mb plus upgrades, the need for LN is delayed by years and years, maybe indefinitely.

>> No.3891773
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>calls itself a """humming"""bird
>can't hum for shit

How will nature ever recover?

>> No.3891841

how can it be bigger than everything it's trying to replace, without being less efficient than those things?

>> No.3891891

That just creates scarcity that makes it a finite scalably divisible investment tool.

>> No.3891906
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If only there was some solution to all of this...

>> No.3892019

Currencies are just commodities turned into a medium of exchange.

>> No.3892127

deluded arkies, your shitcoins solves nothing AND is inflationary (when you stake you get more ark, so there's always more ark meaning the price will always go down and people with more ark will get more from staking, creating a system equal or worse than the one we already have

>> No.3892133
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>muh store of value
>muh segwit
mfw you realize the solution to the scaling war is ethereum