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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 156 KB, 498x497, Gt+4chan+is+where+smart+people+go+to+act+stupid+_84cdf9899b2262fb4bbed0402c36a3e2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3888606 No.3888606 [Reply] [Original]

>Deposit 10k on Polo
>Go all in on one meme coin with x 200 leverage
>Coin shots up 100%
>Retire at 20

>> No.3888626

excuse my ignorance, op, but what is x200 leverage?

>> No.3888664

the fastest way to lose your money

>> No.3888677

You sound like you haven't actually tried this genius, unheard of method.

>> No.3888681


>> No.3888733
File: 15 KB, 274x95, bitbay-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Choose a low cap coin that has a very good tech and roadmap
>Invest all you have in it
Get a free x20 ROIs.
That is what happened/is happening with Blocknet. Although there are a few others like that.
Pic related.

>> No.3888734


>> No.3888751

only for smart people
i will post my inase gains soon

>> No.3888758

did bitbay sort through all of its drama?

>> No.3888765

there is no 200x leverage on polo dumbass

>> No.3888770

please, man. can you just explain it to me? i really want to learn. i don't trust google so don't tell me to google it. i want to hear it from a real person.

>> No.3888921

ok faggot!
Let's make this simple. Say OP sucks 5500 dicks for 1$ each. He now has 5500$ and buys 1 bitcoin.

He can go to an exchange and borrow 99 bitcoins. OP now has 100 bitcoins. If bitcoin goes up, OP gives back the 99 bitcoins, keeps his 1 bitcoin and the profits from those 99 bitcoins.

BUT BUT! If bitcoin goes down just 1% (OP has 100 bitcoins now, so 1% means 1 bitcoin, which is his original investment), the exchange liquidates him instantly and he loses everything.

Now apply this to OP's larping and it means that if his shitcoin goes down just 0.5% he loses everything. That's why people call it gambling.

>> No.3888937

Yep the founders from three years ago got kicked out and now it is a community project led by the literal crypto Jesus.

>> No.3888942

Anyone done this before with positive results?

>> No.3888965

wrong. how can he give back 99 bitcoins and keep the profit from them?

OP deposists 5500, borrows 49500, buys bitcoin for all of it. When price goes up, he sells and returns 49500 and keeps his 5500 + profits.

>> No.3889012

I lost brain cells reading this. Posts such as these are the reason I know I'll be a millionaire before the end of the year

>> No.3889042

sorry that's x10 leverage, but same principle

>> No.3889107

you are correct. I was trying to simplify it more than it was necessary and fucked it up.

Had a shitty analogy with stocks short selling in my head while writing that, that I tried to avoid and but still came up semi-retarded.

>> No.3889151
File: 81 KB, 750x750, 1502048068986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> That's why people call it gambling
But what if i use TA and some meme magic ? You are talking to a future BTC Millionaire

>> No.3889202

block is disabled for almost a month now because there is a purposeful coin generating exploit in the code

>> No.3889315


How can he return 49500 BTC if he sells them?

>> No.3889365


Probably, but not consistently. It's just a gamble that can make you lose everything.

>> No.3889392

or make you rich

>> No.3889398

If I gamble all my savings just once, I could retire straight away.

>> No.3889550

polo is trash

>> No.3889562

Is Bitfinex better ?

>> No.3889579

I did this with forex, won fucking big then tried to keep it going.

I was drunk or something and didn't set my stop loss correctly so it became pennies

>> No.3889584
File: 1.53 MB, 1912x1072, mrgn16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, on Bitmex. Turned $50 into over $1000. Used 100x leverage though, they don't have 200x.


>> No.3889600

If you just want to margin trade btc/usd then bitmex is the best
otherwise bittrex and binance are good

>> No.3889610
File: 89 KB, 799x999, 17333495_209976766147727_6672907752253161472_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3889644
File: 418 KB, 448x486, NEET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get hard when i think about my gains. Thats normal right ?

>> No.3889693

Yes. I was redpilled that buying and waiting for shitcoins to moon is slow money.

Trading with leverage is how you get rich. Don't let low test faggots on /biz/ brainwash you into thinking markets don't have strategies for entry and exit points. Trust me, they will.

>> No.3889694

this guy >>3889584
got incredibly lucky
i don't care what TA voodoo you use, less than a 5% swing up or down is pure noise in crypto and you'll get btfo fast trading that way

>> No.3889705

How long did it take you tho?

I've been losing monies on testbitmex

>> No.3889722

Hahahah I told you. /biz/ will do everything in their power to ensure you don't make money and get past them. >>3889694 This place is the definition of crabs in a bucket. Nobody wants you to be successful.

>> No.3889744

That picture was a few days ago when Bitcoin passed the ATH. I closed the trade after about 2 days.

I lost money initially because I honestly had no strategy. I just tried buying it when it dipped then selling it when I thought it topped out.

The more I learned about scalping, TA, FA, and market psychology; the more successful I became.

>> No.3889751

I margin trade too, I just don't use 100x that shit is pure luck
10-25x is the comfy zone

>> No.3889773

Is there like a good text/video on it?
I read up shit on investooedia and just been figuring shit out by myself on the test thing.

Don't wanna gamble away my measly .025 BTC desu mate

>> No.3889795

It's not pure luck. You think it's pure luck because you haven't done research to understand how markets work and when people buy/sell.

I can tell you haven't done research because you call TA "voodo" and trading with confidence "pure luck".

100x is a powerful tool that can you make you lots of money quickly, but you need to understand when it's appropriate to use.

>> No.3889814

keep in mind that bitmex will liquidate you based on mark price not market price

redpill me then

>> No.3889827

Do some google searches about resistance lines and chart patterns. Read up more about market psychology to understand how buyers and sellers think. Indicators like Stoch, RSI, and MACD are the basics that you should understand as well.

You also need to keep up to date with news about Bitcoin. It was such an easy entry point because everyone knew the forks are going to cause a demand for Bitcoin. News like this is a big buy signal, and the previously mentioned components are what you use to pick out buy points.

>> No.3889865


That's the point if a gamble?

>> No.3889881



Also follow these Twitter accounts. They aren't buy/sell signals; but it's useful to get confirmation of downtrend/uptrend signals.


Follow this account to know when whales are buying/selling


Liquidated shorts: going up
Liquidated longs: going down

>> No.3889910

dont listen to that idiot it is pure luck. He probably turned his 50 dollar investment into 100 and thinks he is some TA genius who can predict this extremely volatile market.

>> No.3889931

Fifty into one hundred isn't entirely unimpressive.

>> No.3889947

Thanks a ton mate

>> No.3889972

50 into 1000. Clearly you are too stupid to even see the percentage increase beside the P/L, let alone be able to successfully trade with leverage.

To anyone reading this thread; you need to remember /biz/ doesn't want you to make money. We all shill our shitcoins to try and profit off each other. It's every man for themselves. The idea of someone else making lots of money pisses the average /biz/tard off.

>> No.3890050

No problem lad. Don't let these cancerous fucks stop you from making money.

>> No.3890138

We're all dreaming for yachts here lad.