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File: 38 KB, 1591x697, price link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3884057 No.3884057 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3884071

True, that's why I sold. It broke the trend line.

>> No.3884077

Thanks for your bag.

>> No.3884099

What trend line?

>> No.3884102
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>> No.3884106
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>> No.3884118
File: 87 KB, 1271x1009, LINKFAGSETERNALLYBTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1 end of this week, guys. i promise.

>> No.3884125


Im waiting to hear about a dgb related suicide in the media. Nothing so far

>> No.3884147
File: 20 KB, 443x332, 1506758937179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's totally fine to dip below.
already up again.
moon incoming.

>> No.3884183

can I get a quick run down on this guy?
what was the hype all about at that time?

>> No.3884203

it promised a few things
>to solve a problem
>an event coming up
>partnership with a major bank (citibank)

all these things sound familiar to you?

>> No.3884212

they solved the problem already, they just need to convince boomers to cut losses with their legacy system costs

>> No.3884214

Nobody's saying it's mooning. Lots of people are saying it's crashing or dipping.

>> No.3884220

That really highlights how little hype Link has around it. DGB looks like it had around 550M marketcap before the conference with a fucking massive run-up.

DGB hit 550 million on the off chance that they might win a competition at a small banking competition held by one bank.

Link it floating around 140M and 150M the day before it presents at SIBOS on behalf of Swift at one of the most important financial events and meetups on the planet.

It's so bizarre. Are people just burned out on conference hype?

>> No.3884226


If you say so.

>> No.3884249

>an event coming up
Except DGB's event was just one big parade of novelties.

LINK's event is SIBOS, where LINK will be the only external crypto dev presenting a live demo on a proof of concept specifically developed for/with SWIFT.

>> No.3884261

>Nobody's saying it's mooning.
No, just all the retarded bag holders since the ICO on a daily basis.

>> No.3884262

i can't wait to see your pink wojaks tomorrow. when the event is a "success" but the price still continues to drop to 3k sats.

>> No.3884273

>Are people just burned out on conference hype?
It's bizarre.
People are acting like being the only external crypto dev at SIBOS is suddenly very normal for any crypto.
While in reality it's fucking unprecedented.

Even the DGB conference was seen as a major event, even though that was literally nothing compared to LINK's SIBOS event.

I can only assume it's fud doing this.

>> No.3884286

>No, just all the retarded bag holders since the ICO on a daily basis.
Dumbass, the price has been bouncing around 40 cents for two weeks.

k bro

>> No.3884360

>measuring value in $


I own LINK too and its is 40% below its ATH relative to BTC

>> No.3884379

Guess what BTC's value is measured in?

>> No.3884385

i actually just bought this piece of shit at 1200 sats last night.

rarely JUST this hard.

>> No.3884402

1 BTC is worth 1 BTC

>> No.3884419

I’m sorry but what do you expect tk happen after the event??

Bankers go and run and pour money into LINK and it pumps? I’ve been to a load of tech conferences. No one will buy shit after they are there for the food and LINK will have some follow-up phone calls lol:

That’s it.

>> No.3884429

best I can do is .6 BTC, I have to store this thing and who knows for how long. I gotta make a profit too ya know. Do we have a deal?

chumlee write him up

>> No.3884440

So how come BTC is seen as an investment when 1 BTC remains 1 BTC?
How can it moon and crash when 1BTC remains 1 BTC?
Because BTC is valued in USD.

And when you value an alt in BTC, you're indirectly valuing in USD. ALWAYS

>> No.3884446

>what do you expect tk happen after the event??
A lot of important people will become aware of LINK.

>> No.3884465

Fcking low IQ TA gtfo cuck. This will dump hard.

>> No.3884489

Who are these so called godly influential people that you talk about, where them just knowing about LINK will pump the price.

You know how regulated these guys are? Shit moves slow. Even if they like it no one will act on it for 6 months.

Crypto moves so quick people will not wait 2 weeks let alone 6 months. Not trying to be a dick but whatever you’re hoping for isn’t going to happen soon enough. Expect a drop.

>> No.3884498

>looking if a price has gone up or down


>> No.3884512

The more people know about product X, the better for product X.


>> No.3884539

You are a complete fucking moron.

>> No.3884591

Are you brain damaged or something?

the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.

>> No.3884705


>> No.3884757

>gold is valued in ounces

>> No.3884775

>literally already broke through OP's lines if he lined up the far bottom left end properly
>instead he choses to readjust them until it looks OK
>STILL breaking down through his readjusted line

>> No.3884802

They're just lines anon.

>> No.3884823

>i-i never believed in them anyway

>> No.3884841

They give an indication, that's all.

>> No.3884934

Serious question guys
If I sell my BMC for LINK will I make my money back quickly

>> No.3884958


>> No.3884999

DGB was so massively hyped on here it was nuts
Basically because it has always been a fast-as-fuck coin, they were involved in some citi contest, and the volume was tearing bittrex and poloniex apart
I made a good amount riding DGB for a 10x

>> No.3885012
File: 71 KB, 1149x832, 1505505230741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go with another technical analysis bullshit thread. you guys are the flat earthers of trading, kys pieces of horseshit

>> No.3885041
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this guy wants immediate gains cause his adhd kicks into maximum overdrive when a coin drops 5% have fun stressing over daytrades and gaining short term chump change

>> No.3885066

>Crypto moves so quick people will not wait 2 weeks let alone 6 months.
Lol, I bet a lot of early BTC adopters wish they'd waited a few YEARS.

>> No.3885076
File: 2 KB, 295x295, 1359468905582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are no-linkies so obsessed with chainlink?

>> No.3885086

I feel bad for poopy pepe :(

>> No.3885091

uhh what the actual fuck is that chart?

>> No.3885094
File: 37 KB, 1082x621, CRASHING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck OP for trying to hide what's really going on. This is the graph in BTC, i.e. how much money you've lost by hodling LINK.

>> No.3885102
File: 147 KB, 303x566, 1506533876255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they will be lurking Link threads whether they like it or not

>> No.3885144

This thread reminds me of the fun I had fudding ANS.

>> No.3885145
File: 65 KB, 403x403, Dedbutcool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im taking my 13k Link well into 2018.

How will i do?

>> No.3885154

That's gonna go right back up when people start to sell off BTC after the fork and you know it.

>> No.3885177

they are closet linkies trying to force a lower buy in, Ive fudded before for the fun of it too. Were all trolls

>> No.3885213

that's chainlink's chart. it says it right there in the picture, my dude.

>> No.3885216

In the end, USD price is all that matters because that's how BTC itself is valued.

>> No.3885219
File: 49 KB, 400x358, 1507860251088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same. those in it for the long hold will see numbers never before imagined

>> No.3885257

usd matters only when you're holding btc. when you're holding a shitcoin like LINK only the btc matters.

>> No.3885273

>I can only assume it's fud doing this.
The very notion that this would 10× already has attracted far too many whales, too early on.

This low distribution has forced everyone else to overpay for the leftovers, causing a small bubble.

If great news doesn't come out of Sibos, expect major corrections.

>> No.3885296

When you value in btc, you are always automatically valuing in USD because that's how btc itself is valued.

>> No.3885330

You're talking like a $135M market cap is some gigantic figure for LINK, a coin whose devs have not hyped it one bit, that is about to bring smart contracts into the mainstream, has been mentioned by name by top global finance players for years, has a working product, and is about to be showcased to the world's financial elite.

Meanwhile 90% of all crypto with a higher market cap than LINK is a shitty hypebeast promisecoin by comparison.

Check your double standards, bro.

>> No.3885338

nice bought 100k flat earths

>> No.3885377

Not to mention, LINK's current marketcap is near dogecoin and its the first and only decentralized oracle with a working product.

You have to be completely retarded to believe its overvalued at this point.

>> No.3885378

lmao i think that's actually Ark

>> No.3885383

Link has yet to pass the test of time. It's too new. You can only tell the good coins from the pnds by zooming out the chart, and you can't do that with link

>> No.3885399

look at the price scale fuck boi

>> No.3885410

>hold $1000 worth of BTC
>no problem
>hold $1000 worth of LINK and convert it into $1000 BTC

>> No.3885426

Many of them are in jail with their BTC accounts seized by governments. Knew a dude who got targeted by DHS, they seized 100k worth of bitcoin from him back in 2014 (post crash). Couldnt imagine sitting in jail realizing I could have been worth millions rn.

>> No.3885489

>t. autist who thinks the world runs on btc

>> No.3885572

what were they sent to jail for?

>> No.3885591

>acknowledges marketplace of over-hyped over-priced shitcoins
>hurr durrr why no muh chain link
You've answered your own question pajeet

>> No.3886277

If you're gonna act like Link is overvalued, you better mention the rest of crypto in the very same breath. Otherwise it's a lie by omission.

And btw, mainstream smart contracts are worth untold billions.

Hence why the likes of the WEF, Capgemini, Gartner, SWIFT all stress the importance of smart contracts, and all specifically mention Smartcontract.com/Chainlink by name.

>> No.3886480
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, myDEinM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just went all in on LINK. Don't plan on selling for at least a year. How fucked am I?

>> No.3886644
File: 18 KB, 1245x160, IMG_1704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.3886661


>> No.3886712

If you want to wait until it reaches maturity, you be my guest.
I've done my due diligence, and this token sings all the right notes for me, so I'm getting on at the ground floor.
If it fails anyway, I can rest assured that I gave a very promising coin a fair shot.

>> No.3886747

I haven't laughed this hard in a long time anon, thanks.

>> No.3886980

As long as you measure with both you can see how much money you've lost by holding LINK instead of BTC over the past week. OP intentionally hid the BTC amount to pretend like it's just sideways, not DOWN.

Because you have to go from LINK -> BTC -> USD, you really need to see what both are doing if you want the full picture.

>> No.3887030

The conference is not a binary event and anyone that bought it as such should sell.

>> No.3887087

> The better product x, the better for product x, the less marketing it needs.


>> No.3887197

Which is why LINK isn't hyping or promoting its product via social media, or making any public announcements at all.
LINK was asked by SWIFT to develop the proof of concept, and to present it at SIBOS. As the only external crypto dev.

You're confusing marketing with advertisement.

>> No.3887198

Did you ever think of the possibility that the price might be manipulated? You think that your TA memes make you able to predict the market, but what it actually does is make YOU predictable.

>> No.3887220

>Because you have to go from LINK -> BTC -> USD, you really need to see what both are doing if you want the full picture.
As long as BTC doesn't have a massive flash crash or pump by the time you convert it to USD, the BTC intermediate step is entirely irrelevant.

>> No.3887360


The btc chart doesn't show losses, just lost gains compared to if you invested in btc instead. The usd chart reveals that LINK actually has good support

>> No.3887372

That's not correct.

For example, if LINK goes down 10% in BTC, but BTC goes up 15%, if you only measure in USD you will think you are up 5% because you are only comparing holding LINK to holding USD. If however, you compare holding LINK to holding BTC, you would see that you missed out on 10% gains in USD.

You need both measures.

>> No.3887429

I can't even post in these threads anymore.

>> No.3888481

>if LINK goes down and BTC goes up, you missed out on BTC gains

Yeah, no shit buddy.

Guess what, tons of other assets (crypto, gold, silver, houses, ...) might go up, and you'll miss out on those gains too.

Don't be dumb.