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3881226 No.3881226 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw keep reading critiques and memes about capitalism and am quickly realizing how accurate it all is

>> No.3881237

And what's the alternative? They're all shit. Capitalism Is shit too, but works.

>> No.3881238


>> No.3881248

There has to be a better way.

>> No.3881249

stop being poor, that's the better way

>> No.3881266

capitalism isn't the problem, money is

>> No.3881790

Fixed that for you.

>> No.3881839

I'm pretty sure most of the issues stem from greed.
>Planned obsolescence holds back technology's progress for profit
>Rich people can change laws in order to keep their money through lobbying
>Government puts their own selfish wants ahead of what the vast majority of people want

>> No.3881984

You can create a moneyless society with a replicator.

>> No.3881994

Capitalism works when money doesn't give you influence over those with power

>> No.3882016

yes stop being human or kys theres no other way

>> No.3882019

Impossible to achieve. Money is something everyone wants so you will always be able to corrupt with it.

We would need to be governed by an AI that truly doesn't give a fuck about money.

>> No.3882026

yes and no OP
Much better than communism

>> No.3882035

wont work humans will be "were feeling oppressed and freedom of choice" youd also need to eliminate fear

>mfw the only answer is the matrix

>> No.3882087

Minds from the Culture give its citizens quite the freedom within reasonable bounds.

However the grim reality is that governments will create AI to battle other countries AI's and we end up with Skynet/AM from "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream".

>> No.3882091

what if the ai come to the conclusion that the best way to control everyone is to keep them poor in a capitalistic system and starts acumulating all the money

>> No.3882108

im not communist but i dont see capitalism as much better as communism

capitalism has brought us globalism sjw degeneracy and shitskins overrunning our countries

communism has a high death toll yes but atleast the ex soviet countries remained ethnically pure

>> No.3882131
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>tfw north korea the last bastion of communism is more ethnically pure and nationalistic than any capitalist western country

as i have no faces you will get burgers who shit their pants yet again well its karma for creating these disgusting western societies i guess

>> No.3882158

shut up you imbecile we have central banks not capitalism

>> No.3882166

There is only one division:
A) AI that cares about humans as some sort of caretaker and sees that as it's primary goal
B) AI that has ANY OTHER GOAL - in this case we get rekt'd immediately because humans are a huge burden in terms of resource usage. Even torturing us is a waste of time.

Also, killing the entire human race is way easier than trying to kill a subset of humans.

>> No.3882169

Jesus Christ.

>> No.3882170

>the ex soviet countries remained ethnically pure

I don't think you realize how ethnically varied the soviet union was, from tatars, eurasians, gypsies, armenians, chechens, jews, slavs, even Lenin was mixed race. Not like this people went anywhere either.

>> No.3882242

>"ethnically pure"
How is that a value in itself? Do you think slavs are some sort of High Elves that despise crime and degeneracy?

>> No.3883056

it's all true, but the only way out is to make lots of money.

>> No.3883142
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the weakness of capitalism can be eliminated with proper ethics and indoctrination

>> No.3883174
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>sjw degeneracy and shitskins overrunning our countries

But the former is a result of literal commies burying themselves into the education system of the West, infiltrating and subverting it from within for multiple generations now. To blame that on 'capitalism' is just wrong. If anything it's one of the downsides of having a 'open' society, i.e. it makes it easier for your enemies to harm you from within.

And yes, replacement migration has something to do with capitalism I suppose, but it's not a necessary result of capitalism. And once again, how did we get to the point where the mejority of the population of the West cheers for their own demise? The ideology of the far-left, with its hatred for the West, the concept of individual freedom, the nation, the family etc. that has paved the way for these developments.

Sure, (((globalists))) are more than happy to cash in on that, but they're not the root of the problem. Look at countries that haven't been infiltrated in the same way as Western countries, for example Japan. They're capitalist, but noone there would ever vote to hand their country over to foreigners because they haven't been fed the same lies as people in the West.

>> No.3883183

they were all white that's what matters

>> No.3883195
File: 76 KB, 850x400, quote-the-drive-of-the-rockefellers-and-their-allies-is-to-create-a-one-world-government-combining-larry-mcdonald-61-52-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The globalists and the communists you mentioned are of the same ilk. They want to lord over you and they don't care how they get there. Rockefeller said that competition is a sin, most multinational rich fucks hate free markets and do everything in their power to use the government to fuck you over and tilt the market in their favor, destroying the free market.

>> No.3883212

because multiethnical countries are bound to fail and balkanize along the borders of the ethnicities idk why you dont learn from history but humans are tribal by nature

>> No.3883229

Highly regulated capitalism seems to work decently. Breaking up monopolies, heavily taxing the rich, support for the poor, free education. I guess burgers would call this communism.

>> No.3883237


lack of capitalism in money is the problem because its centralised

>> No.3883257
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In a sense they are, although as far as I can tell a large part of the radical left seems to be incredibly oblivious as to whose interests they are actually furthering by pushing their agenda.
I think, quite a few of them actually believe that they are working towards a 'better world' and are just completly clueless what they are steering us towards.


The goyim can't be tribal after we've transformed them all into a single brown muttrace, now can they?

>> No.3883285

There is one, but basically pretty fucking hard to do so in modern society.

It's called living like a fucking caveman. Pick your own food, build your own shelter and be 100% responsible for yourself in a ancient manner. The cons are however that you're not going to live long and won't benefit from modern technology as you have no money / worth to other societies other than Zulus willing to trade berries for marbles.

>> No.3883303
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>> No.3883333

Actually accurate. Buy Bitcoin.

>> No.3883344

Not a single one of those ethnic groups are white, honestly you sound american with that idiocy. Why can't you just use google?

>> No.3883402

Capitalism as a whole works this way. The more money you have, the more money you can earn on compound interest. Capital is just money or equity, so capitalism is simply the "ism" of money. Jesus spoke the law long ago, "Those who have will be given more. Those who have not, even what they do have will be taken from them". Unfortunately this is the way the world works. Capitalism is just the new form of feudalism. We still have lordly rulers and lowly serfs. The strong and able have and always will exploit the weak and dull. The best we can do is try to claw our way to the top, or die in the pits

also, check'd

>> No.3883421

Yeah that sounds comforting, so you would rather live in a post communist shitty grey rainy rundown ugly alchoholic and poor shitdump but everyone is white, rather than western europe?

>> No.3883687
File: 47 KB, 690x1300, 3788234-Hanging-noose-of-rope-isolated-on-white--Stock-Photo-gallows-noose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is always another way.

>> No.3883819

the technical term for that is "useful idiot"

>> No.3885168
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>poor people that can't afford to buy more money