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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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384945 No.384945 [Reply] [Original]

Cryptocurrency General - /biz/ - NOW WITH PNDOGE!!!

All PND and DOGE discussion MORE than welcome!!!

Previous Thread Reached Limit.
>Well, not really. But it's ridiculously close so let's just move here before we're lost in the sauce.

>Cryptocurrency Discussion
>What are you holding
>What are you selling
>What do you keep your eyes on
>How do I lose all of my savings in cryptocurrency?
>How do I ruin my entire life by investing in Bitcoins?
>How do I turn my capital losses into a tax refund?

Previous thread: >>382736

-Suggested Twitter List:

"Got no cash fo Cassandra, no dosh fo Amanda, just gots some BTC and s'all bout to be Panda" - Tom Waits

>> No.384951


Exchange - Current Price 64 Satoshi

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Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

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Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.384952

THIS POST IS ABOUT PANDACOIN (PND). WHAT IS PANDACOIN (PND)? IT'S AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD MINE IT NOW. (http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted))


Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=632657
Twitter: /PandacoinPND
Facebook: /Pandacoin.PND
Reddit: /r/PandacoinPND
IRC: #PandacoinPND on freenode.net
Weibo: http://weibo.com/pndcoin
Chinese QQ group: 255237866

Want to help Pandacoin (PND)?
Cryptsy voting: https://www.cryptsy.com/coinvotes
Send a mail for its inclusion on bter to: admin@mail.bter.com
Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND

Website: http://thepandacoin.org

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin


Normal pools can be found in the bitcointalk thread.


Charity: http://pnd4pnd.com


Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:


IRC: #PandacoinPND@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

Tipbot for 4chan:

>> No.384954

Milky, does mintpal have a similar way of creating conditional sell orders like bittrex? Or do I have to create a public sell order all the time?

>> No.384956


That's a good question.

To the best of my knowledge, MP only deals in public limit sells. However, I use MP far less frequently than I do Bittrex, so it's very likely that if you can indeed make conditional orders on MP, someone else will come along and fill us both in.

>> No.384959


I never understood why PND is still going on after its original purpose of getting rid of PAND(PANDA? Whatever that cunt's coin was).

>> No.384961

Thanks. I like bittrex way more but saw that mintpal had bigger overall volume so I bought some CLOAK over there. I wanted to put on some orders at some specirfic prices so as to at least protect part of my investment.

>> No.384962

what kind of chart is on bittrex? some kind of candlestick hybrid?

>> No.384968


Similar to the chart on MintPal, but with more information and far more options to hone in on specific timeframes and trends.

>> No.384997
File: 7 KB, 221x228, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, couple of weeks ago. "this crypto trading looks like fun, will only lurk"
>lolwut.jpg why are people obsessed with this
>Imma gonna buy just a little for the long game.
>48 straight hours of continous chart looking

>> No.385002


You'll go fucking crazy looking at charts. Just check on it every 20 minutes or so.

>> No.385005

get an online hobby that gives you breaks from the charts. I've learned a lot of french on duolingo/ french in action youtube vids by taking a 30 minute break every hour or so away from the charts.

>> No.385031

So who's holding SC and what are y'all realistically expecting it to pump to?

>> No.385044

what do you guyz know about guerillacoin

>> No.385064

Heads up for my cryptojuden, take a look at Blackcoin again. Since they released the BlackHalo suite, it might be going up (15-30%) in the next couple of weeks as people get onboard.

>> No.385071


I'm holding a lot and I don't really know but I'm expecting it to most certainly surpass 5k, probably 8k with a 10k peak but I wouldn't feel comfortable saying any higher than that. But who knows? I'll set a buy order for 7k of half of my holdings so I break even and let the remainder ride up to wherever else it goes.


Yes, been hearing good things as well. I've been sitting on 2 BC (lol only two) without even knowing it for quite some time because I rarely use MintPal and forgot I had it.

>> No.385101

add timertrainer on skype if you'd like to join our crypto speculation chat (we are also planning some pumps and dumps in the future)

>> No.385170

BURN; price stagnating, volume faggy - worth a go? i can't take too many risks atm...

>> No.385188

Is RAZR finished? Fuck I hope not.

>> No.385250


>> No.385267


Thanks. Hope you're right!

>> No.385324
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>Tripfag makes his own general
>Tells people not to panic sell
What a shock.

>> No.385426

same as the others, with acres of retarded, infuriating bloatware. i can't even watch HD vids in a second tab if i've got buttreks open. i wish something would hurry up and replace it.

>> No.385441

Why didn't you save the guide as png?

>> No.385448
File: 465 KB, 1259x1457, Guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This isn't "my" general... and I made that guide as requested for newbies to the game. I don't really understand why telling a new trader to not panic and sell off their holdings at the first sign of a slight dip would be bad advice at all.


Whoops. Good call! Funny thing is, I DID. I just uploaded the jpg by accident :P I apologize for the inconvenience.

>> No.385450

It's fine, easy mistake to make.
Also, I was wondering, what's a good way to set the price you'll sell a coin at?
I've gotten into the bad habit of never doing that and just taking things as they come.

>> No.385452


Personally, I tend to aim for 10% if I'm expecting the coin to do well. It's a solid amount of profit, it's met more often than not, and with a lot of coins purchased it can be some serious gains.

However, if the coin has a gigantic amount of good press, hype, and people literally cannot shut up about it and its expectations/its upcoming addition to a new exchange (a-la RZR during mid-day yesterday) I shoot for 30-35%. Many times when I go for 10% it'll actually go up to 15% or 20%. Many times when I shoot for 33% it'll go up to 45-55%. But that's okay. I still made great profit, and much more than I would've made had I shot for 45% and it topped out at 34% before dropping significantly and missing out.

Aim for being in the black, but not the blackness of outer space.

>> No.385460

WTF is happening to Razor?

>> No.385480

OMG Razor is at 120. Why the fuck everyone here was recommending to buy this coin. It its flushing faster than a WC. Everyone is panic selling. I lost 2/3 of all my money. This is worse than the honorcoin fiasco Thanks I guess.

>> No.385496

jesus fucking christ

it will go back up, r-right?

>> No.385500

I'm kinda new to cryptocurrency and was wondering is there any way of holding these coins long term like certain stocks or is it simply a short term buy and sell kind of thing. Also a while ago I was told to buy pinkcoin has that dropped or risen in value considerably?

>> No.385509



There are many long-term hold coins. However for every long-term coin there are approximately 1 Gorillian pump and dump short-term coins.

>> No.385527
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>> No.385528 [DELETED] 

>tfw lose a bunch of money in XHC.
>tfw spend the last couple weeks slowly building back bankroll
>tfw this happens and I'm back down again

At least I learned from honor not to go all in on a coin. Still went 1/4 in though

>> No.385531

Me the same, lose almost all in honor coin. Inhumane effort to recover, when almost recovered this shit happens. Well It can't go much lower, so panic selling now don't have any sense. Lets hope in pumps again soon so we can recover my loses

>> No.385535

At least honor coin has some crazy activity this morning

>> No.385537

Really? I was also told to look out for cryptotechnology or something of that nature has anybody any info on that?

>> No.385542

I'm new to the game. What coin should I be mining?

>> No.385543


I'm not sure what exactly you're referring to.

>> No.385545

cryptonote? meh. keep an eye out for zerocoin though.

>> No.385553

Thanks, man.

>> No.385556

is there any point in selling RZR now at a loss? I'm afraid it'll go down more considering Dev is the same cunt who made neutrino....

I cut my losses and sold half my bag. lost like .1 on RZR, fucking bullshit.

>> No.385561

I'm thinking of doing the same. Last thing I want is to have a deflating bag tie up coins for the next 2 weeks, hoping it gets back to a reasonable value. I'm going to leave um in today cuz everything looks pretty volatile anyways, and sell tomorrow morning. I'm done with moonshots, that's what always kills me. I worked up from my xhc losses by setting meager goals for gains, then of course get blinded and greedy yesterday and refuse to sell at 32k. Stupid.

>> No.385563

oh my god SC is down to 1.7k on bittrex -_-

>> No.385565


I'm holding a ton of SC.

I'm not even slightly worried about it.

>> No.385568

IS PNDOGE dead? It's volumes are shorter than my short dick.

>> No.385569


I'm holding a lot too, I just wish I would have bought today instead of yesterday. -_- haha

Should be fine though. I'm wondering if razor will bounce back up a little bit or if it's PnD for good.

>> No.385571


Don't worry about some jelly folks Moon, I'm new to this (well joinet right in time to get the CLOAK train thanks to you) and I think the guide really helps.

By the way, something I found out by some quick googeling but may be interesting to put on the guide is about PoW and PoS, just my 5 cents :)

Keep up the friendly and nice advice Moon!

>> No.385573

>may be interesting to put on the guide is about PoW and PoS, just my 5 cents :)

I think that's a great idea! I'll add it as soon as I get the time to do it justice.

>Keep up the friendly and nice advice Moon!

That's the plan :)

>> No.385574


yeah man its insane what blind greed does to you. I saw it hit 320k and was positive it would triple, that's how bad the logic in my brain was working.

will stick to basedmoon advice and sell for 15-30% gains. last time I did that with CLOAK and sold at 30k it shot up to 90k sats...lel.

>> No.385580

yeah that's the worst part, confirmation bias kicks me in the ass too, I sold CLOAK at 23k, so you always have the "well its bound to happen this time" in the back of your head, not thinking of allllll the coins it didn't happen with.

>> No.385590

110K. Ok now its real time to accept my loses panic sell or I am risking to loose all my money. I will go to cry to the corner TT

>> No.385610


At a certain point, selling and accepting a loss is anything but panic-selling. If you look at the twitter feeds from early this morning, you'll notice that a gigantic amount of FUD hit the crowd early on about a potential scam. When bad news like that spreads that fast, it's not panicking to sell at the beginning of a drop; if anything it's planning ahead and possibly even planning to purchase back what you sold at a much lower price.

I'd have done this with SC had I known about the plunge, but we can't always know. I'm holding SC long-term anyhow.

>> No.385637

SC is so low and they are going to put up a new release and exchanger, I'm tempted to buy some more SC

>> No.385666

why the fuck is everyone not just holding RAZR? it will go back up jesus fucking christ, you kids can't even hold a crypto for 24 hours within dropping deuces everytime a price drops

>> No.385672

I just never bought any, but I agree, some people are a little to nervous. Makes me think they are using money they can't afford to lose

>> No.385677

>I'm tempted to buy some more SC

Personally I just put in a buy order for another 100 @ 1.5k just in case another wave of panic selling hits.

>> No.385690

so mintpal killed RZR?

>> No.385697

to be fair, mintpal was the only reason it spiked

>> No.385703

Sold 190 of the 200 BURNercoin that I'd bought at 25k for 35k. More than pleased with a ~+66% return. Had actually set an exit goal for 31k but it hit 35k before I was even aware.

Holding the last 10 BURN as it's already been more than payed for to see where it plays out. If you are still holding yours, by all means do so; just be advised that while it definitely is still on the rise, the rumors are still running wild, and there's still more money to be made - the "announcement" is set to drop at 3pm EST and after the news comes out it will most likely not go much higher than where it is at that time.

Good luck to all of you and I wish you nothing but good profits.

>> No.385715

Lucky I didn't finally sell:


This is going to be HUGE. The only regret is not selling at 350K to buy moar at 120K

>> No.385717

its back up to 159k, sure is a lot of FUD in here. I'll see you fags at the moon, y'all are panic selling and missing out on it

>> No.385727

Monero on Mintpal today I heard.

>> No.385731

Moolah adding RZR, time to rebuy now for cheap coins

>> No.385736

Even though I like Monero, only coins that are beign added as coin of choice will get a nice pump.

>> No.385739

Buy before is too late


"We all know to stay anonymous we need a couple layers. We will now be rolling out another layer of pseudononymous functionality into an SMS gateway.

Anyone can set one up and help the network send RZR via SMS without dumping your phone number to the world!
The SMS system still needs your number to link your wallet, but nobody else needs to know.

Open source will be provided to make sure anyone can run this and keep the system free.

To add another layer, you can even buy a burner phone or a snowden phone."

>> No.385740

wrong quote

>> No.385743

Sorry for the confusion.

>> No.385750

Hey guys I am looking to a good coin to mine that not woth shit but will be profitable in the future. Are Minerals and PND good options? Or Are there moer interesting things to mine?

>> No.385753

just started looking into MIN, looks promising, got added 12 hours ago. gonna put a little into it

>> No.385756

> into an SMS gateway.
into a what?
Are we talking phone text messages? because that's awesome. Isn't sms super huge in africa payments? I think they use text to do basic searches and payments.

Are there other coins that do this?

>> No.385763
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>tfw bought into RAZR at 220k and sold a few at 270k, getting my money back
>tfw everyone panic sold

>> No.385816

I am "all in" RZR. This is the first time I do this but this shit is too good. Just look at the desesperate market manipulation and ridiculus orchestated FUD to buy it cheap, the insane volume, the mintpal adding, the Architect defendig it even when it was plumbing, stores adding it, true anon SMS better than VRC one...

There is something very big behind this coin.

>> No.385824

put 1 btc in Super ? good idea or not ? pow ending soon

>> No.385829


Depends. Is the 1 BTC everything you've got to trade with? If so, don't wager everything on 1 coin.

If you've got a diversified portfolio and that 1btc is what remains to invest, then by all means put some into super. I'm holding a good amount of it myself. Definitely looking good for the week ahead.

>> No.385835

Cloak and Burn going to 200k would be great.

>> No.385845

Should I sell Monero?
I feel like a dump is coming.

>> No.385847

About 3 or 4 generals back I was telling people to buy MIN. Wonder if anyone did? Turned 0.6 BTC into 6 BTC myself. Don't think it can go much higher than now, though.

>> No.385853

did you already sell your coins ? sitting on 20k coins. hope i can sell them at 4k sat

>> No.385855

Also expecting XMR to fall to 400-500k when orders arrive at Mintpal shortly, and SC should bounce any moment now.

>> No.385861

Yes, I sold mine. Going for any more than tenfold profit is just asking for trouble.

>> No.385863

I wonder what the next fad after anon coins will be.

>> No.385867

XMR dive is underway, as expected. I will rebuy some at 400k

>> No.385878


If any coin can get any mjor site to get some integral shit going on (ex. overstock.com and btc) itll hit big.

>> No.385880


what makes you think SC is going to bounce back today?

>> No.385893

Lots of empty FUD, possibly a whale aiming for a low price to buy in. The dev has addressed all of the false claims.

>> No.385899


alright, sounds good to me.

I guess we'll see how that goes. :D

>> No.385901


Also, what do you expect it to bounce back to?

>> No.385907


I agree with everything he said in regard to the empty FUD and the dev being on top of his game.

I can't say I know what it will go up to, but I will say that it had a consistent average of around 3.5k for a long time and I'd be very surprised if it didn't bounce back to at least that previous average.

>> No.385910

I will hold my SC for at least another 2-3 weeks, to see how the proposed eco-system and in-wallet exchange works out

>> No.385920

Where to put my 1 btc profit from XMR?

>> No.385923


All three are solid IMO. However if youre gonna do BURN, do it fast because big announcement drops in ~7 minutes.

>> No.385930


Scratch that! My mistake. It was 1 hour + 7 mins.

>> No.385934

Does anyone here hold VOOT?
Any chance it gets pumped anytime soon?

>> No.385974
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>tfw you buy MR for .006 and minutes later its back at .00729

>> No.385977

yfw volume is irrelevant because you're playing with huge sums of money in terms of future BTC prices

>> No.385987

some volume/ price spike in enrg

>> No.385991

BURN announcement when?
I want 100k.

>> No.385992

30 minutes

>> No.386004

yfw means "your face when" , you were supposed to post a picture of a face with that, this is an imageboard

>> No.386007

thanks blowhard, his picture was perfectly suitable

>> No.386012

BURN announcement made.

And.... everyone's....


>> No.386013


you forgot your own advice. buy on rumors, sell on news.

>> No.386014


Haha no no, I know.

It's just hilarious how immediately it started.

>> No.386015

meanwhile on CLOAKland, things are looking up

>> No.386056

Meh, will sell BURN next time when it goes to 30-35k.

>> No.386061
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>mfw a vendor signed up using my referral link
>mfw refreshing page every couple hours and seeing >.01 BTC in my balance from doing nothing

cash rules everything around me

>> No.386073

I've just seen the light /biz/. I've lost money with this cryptocurrency shit. In my case 800$ I hard earned in a summer work. I bet most of you are already loosing money too, buy don't say anything because it seems everybody is winning money and you are not, that you will win in the future but first you have to recover from your massive loses. Do you know one thing? For you to win money somebody have to loose. This is a 0 balance game (n fact negative because of the exchange fees). There are whales making 10K a week or even more with this shit. Can you imagine where this money comes from? Exactly, you are the one giving them money. Yes, you will never win money, or if you do it will be a shitty amount that you will probably end up loosing again. You are being SCAMED!

This kind of game is ancient, is called ponzi scheme, but but... it is P2P and decentralized how it can be a ponzi... yes is a P2P ponzi scheme. I create some worthless shit, that is very cheap to make, a tulipan, a stamp, a cryptocurrency... And I tell you well i sell you this shit for 100$ but you can make 1000$ selling it to another person that will buy it to sell it for 10.000$ and so on. It is a classic scam and the winners are the ones who create tulipans stamps and crypto and the ones who sell it to a fool for 10.000$ that will have to sell it again for 10$ to at least eat something for the dinner.

You are loosing money and wasting you time. You are sending you money directly to some rich pig that is now laughing at you. WAKE UP!

>> No.386091

> started with 0.3 BTC
> now have 10 BTC

>> No.386096

he jelly

>> No.386117

You forgot an important rule buddy, never "play" with money you can't loose.

If.you lost 800$ it is your fault man. But It is nice that you realized that if somebody makes money, somebody else has to loose it, life lesson learned i'd say, welcome to the harsh real world

>> No.386127

Based MOON

Thoughts on RZR?

>> No.386129

Yeah I've lost money because I was stupid. I am only warning people not to be stupid like me. If I were a big wolf I will be now a CEO of a multinational. I am just a student. Most people aren't big wolves so most people who trade cryptos end up loosing money. So with those insane gains that a few people earn, imagine how much money the rest of the people in this "game" loose. I am just advicing normal people to leave this before those wolves suck them more money.

>> No.386148

If we kbow its gambling on epogs does that make your point irrelevant?

>> No.386163

Or maybe I must give it a second try, because now I know way more about trading I knew in the begining and maybe I can recover loses. I will do one thing, I have all the money that I still have (0.15 BTC) in Razor. If Razor go to da moon and I can sell high I will continue cryptotrading. If not fuck it I will not buy any more BTC to trade. Hope the architect is right and not just a shill.

>> No.386167

try and not let emotion into this. Set up an acceptable profit point and sell, don't get greedy thinking of moon. A little bit of profit is better than losing.

>> No.386168

you mean zero sum, and no it isn't.

People enter the market for all kinds of reasons. Bitpay, coinbase, satoshidice, and every other bitcoin services/infastructure site except mining pools needs to either buy or sell bitcoins and the ONLY place to get them is the exchange. But these parties are not necessarily actively trading and simply get in or out at whatever the current price happens to be.

>> No.386171


trading altcoins is like forex without all of the tools available in a real forex market (like fucking stop loss), PLUS the threat of exchanges going to shit, or coins getting stolen.

Altcoins are for pro only, i've lost money there too but learned a lot. I would stick to BTC if you're unsure. Each bubble never ever returns to it's origin, the swing low is still 300% of the start of the last bubble, with the bubble popping around 1000%.

just buy 1 and forget about it for 5 years. I have no idea what RZR is but you are probably better off in straight btc

>> No.386173

Yes, cryptos are zero sum. Even I know this and I trade these all day.

>> No.386185

You're looking at is the wrong way.Yea its a scam but the trick is to scam everyone else not to be scammed. When you want to buy, spread some FUD and tell everyone else to sell. When you want to sell, convince everyone else to buy. Be ruthless and you can fuck a lot of people and make a lot of money.

>> No.386191

>Set up an acceptable profit point and sell, don't get greedy
Yea you are right, that is my problem. I allways get too gredy and end up panic selling or bagholding. Yesterday I should have sell at 350K, but I was greedy and waited for a much higher price that never came, and now my coins are worth 1/3 than were yesterday. But those people on twitter told oh If you sell you are a fool, it will go higher, etc etc etc, and I belived them.

Yeah, I think I will start studing some economic theory and technical analysis and all this things. I am finishing computer science, so I undestand how cryptos work. The problem is the market. Now I am reading some basic things about and I start undestanding my mistakes.

>> No.386195

I'm an 18 year old high school graduate/pothead-alcoholic and I still haven't had any actual losses, granted I've been into this for a couple years now. Seriously cryptos is not for pros, it's all about not being fucking stupid and spreading your assets. As long as you don't panic sell or listen to shills you should be fine ffs. I've lived my entire summer off of basically $20, this includes booze, weed, some gas and some food. I've hit most trains now. It isn't difficult, just listen to Based Moon and see two sides to an argument.

>> No.386196

Hmm I see. Good point, I think yours maybe is the correct way to look at this.

>> No.386199

no, don't spread FUD or fuck over your fellow coiners. Don't rely on backstabbing methods to get by. You're thinking this through way too much man. You're trying to pin it down to something fundamental. Buy low, sell high. Make sell orders higher than your buy orders. Read this thread. Don't panic sell.

>> No.386201

Oh Wow, this give me a lot of hope. And I am now undestanding all the mistakes I made. Yes now I think making money out of this is posible, even is you are not a pro wall street trader. Great, I will recover from my ashes and start making money!

>> No.386203

crypto is, a particular crypto market isn't, as not all participate (like the satoshi addresses)

though really I guess that would kind of make it "negative" like he said

but there are people who buy btc and then buy goods with btc, those coins may or may not ever return to market, and even if they do the person who "eats the cost" would have been one or more people along the route back to market- not the end trader. so the "traders only take money from other traders" statement fails (in crypto and all markets)

>> No.386204

You are genuinely awful.

>> No.386205

Yeah I see spreading fud or false hype to dump on people a little bit cruel, I would never do it. it is like scaming. I think I will just concentrate in buying low and selling high and not panic buying/selling.

>> No.386206

Backstabbing methods are the only way to get by. The mentality you have to have is that someone is going to lose out at the end of the day and its not going to be me. There is no way to know where the low points and high points are so I make them myself. FUD and hype are your best friends. Forget all these faggots on /biz/ and twitter and everywhere else. They are here only to take your money. You think they really care if you lose money? If its you or them make sure that it is them.

>> No.386208
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>shitcoin trading is super srs bsns

Machiavelli-wannabes like you are the worst in a capitalistic market

>> No.386210


It's not HARD like paving a driveway, but it isn't to be wandered into blindly either. Trading is hard enough in a real market without having to worry about theft or "mt gox".

I have most of my BTC on paper wallets I printed out using a linux live system, never connected to the internet, and those i split up into two groups and put them in bank vaults. I made sure not one camera saw the QR codes on the way

Hard? not really, but that's because i knew wtf to do

>> No.386211

I make a LOT of money trading cryptos. I don't care who the dupes are.

>> No.386214

The only reason they don't want you to panic sell is so they can get out before you do.

>> No.386215

I use a probably trojaned Windoze lap top caked with the remnants of Tostitos chips and maybe semen here and there. Never lost a cent either. I suppose it depends more on your threat level, i never found a necessity to use Linux or paper wallets.

>> No.386218

>implying one dude can spread enough FUD to sway a market

maybe on a shitcoin you can get some people to buy in, but that's their own lesson to learn

I don't trade coins with less than 10,000 users in the subreddit, that is asking for it imo

>> No.386220

some people are just paranoid with a hint of delusions of grandeur.

>> No.386221



>> No.386222

>>implying one dude can spread enough FUD to sway a market
Easily. Just with my twitter account alone. It is a MAJOR crypto twitter account too.

>> No.386225

you do realize that most subs contain at most a few thousand subscribers? even drk is only 2k?

>> No.386229

props to you guys bagholding SC. I bought in a little at 1700k sats, thinking this must be the floor, ill sell it at 2400k for a quick 15% gain. Its done nothing but go down in price since i got it. that chart is depressing

>> No.386232
File: 100 KB, 1920x1200, tor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol everyone happy they panic sold RZR earlier this morning?

Big things are coming for this coin. 0.002 will soon be the floor

>> No.386234

I've seen a lot of people saying this, what's coming to the coin that's so hueg? Haven't sold mine yet, but the steady decline is discomforting.

>> No.386235


>> No.386238
File: 6 KB, 250x187, 1401515790097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tor? more like poor
:( sittin on 32.5 still have hope though

>> No.386253

its more a question of how much $ you're willing to have vanish, i wouldn't have done it for 2btc and didn't bother to do it until btc hit $1000. Then it became worth it. I still keep small balances on exchanges/blockchain.info for spending

>> No.386256

Hey man, let me add some input and general thoughts for cryptojudens here... first of all, its really easy to lose money. Very easy. Some time ago I mentioned that Ive started trading with around 2 BTC 9 months ago, lost practically all of it (went down to around 0.2-0.4 at most), by investing in such beauties as Peercoin, Primecoin, Stablecoin... longterm. Took me 9 months to make back the 2BTC and I'm finally in the green now (by a bit). Realize that most coins are shit, and the only innovations so far was energy-efficiency (Peercoin) and proof-of-stake (blackcoin). Privacy would also be an important innovation (darkcoin), if the masternodes actually worked. What I'm trying to say is - don't hold the shitcoins for a long time. I hold mine anywhere from 6 hours to 2 weeks, selling 10-15% higher than I bought for. I got a bot running on a local exchange and I see kids buying X amount of crypto and immediately reselling the same X amount for double the price. Thats how bagholders happen - the majority of coins will never double in their price past the initial peak. Heck I had 300 darkcoins way back when they were for cents and I sold them 10-15% higher as well, no regrets. You're right about this being a zero-sum game - if someone wins, someone else has to lose. So you better ensure that you're winning at least 51% of the time.

>> No.386261

>Forget all these faggots on /biz/ and twitter and everywhere else. They are here only to take your money.
This needs to be framed in gold above every crypto "traders" desk. Often community members are genuinely helpful to each other, but at the end of the day, everyone wants to profit.

>> No.386268


Ita not like were robbing old ladies pensions. The rational players are the ones who understand were gambling with epogs. I started a month ago with 100 bucks worth of btc , friday i was up to .497 , today im at .37

100 bucks is play money and the facts that i could triple it in a month is fantastic.

>> No.386269

yeah, listen to this guy and avoid moonshots. look at all the bct threads of coins that are not doing well. tons of guys who are holding their dicks waiting for their dead coin to go up, and some shills whispering in their ear that itll go up 10x in value next week when the anon dev drops the latest new announcement. its pathetic. seriously just go back a few pages and read old threads it should be all the inspo anyone needs to know never believe the moonshot hype. buy the hyped coin. sell it for 10-15% profit, move on

>> No.386271

Top 10 best crypto people on twitter to follow and listen to:


>> No.386281

Are most of these altcoins essentially pump and dumps?

>> No.386282


>> No.386283


That's not very nice :(

We can all win with way bigger prizes if we work as a team, too. :)

>> No.386284

I agree. Followin the collestive advice n these threads, i have made an average of 15% per day for the past week. Too bad i'm only playing with .05 BTC

>> No.386287


That's more like it. Why do people have to be jerks? :/

>> No.386288

there is evil nearby milkbro, watch your back!

>> No.386304

>Not just hodling your BTC instead of investing in shitcoins

>> No.386318

is dogechode getting pumped on mintpal right now?

>> No.386321

Just being honest. Everyone has hyped a coin after they bought knowing that they knew they were going to dump on someone else eventually. The whole purpose is that someone else be your bagholder. Lets call a spade a spade here.

>> No.386322
File: 996 KB, 500x294, NIYZr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold my bag bro

>> No.386323


I disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

>> No.386327


Pretty good summary of what's going on with SC.
Should ease the worries of people still holding their SC strong.

Also, I now hold over 1/2 of my life savings in BTC and about 1/4 of that in derivatives (altcoins). Not worried about the ratio at all - if BTC itself becomes fundamentally endangered, I'll probably have more important things to worry about than what used to be a few thousands bucks. Like the murder of internet by an oppressive government, the only seriously conceivable reason for the hypothetical demise of cryptocurrencies. Go big or go home. Inb4 I'm nuts.

>> No.386333

you're not alone milkybro.

>> No.386335


Just a heads up to everyone, the coins I am personally invested in, and thus feel a lot of faith in for this upcoming week:

"Big announcement on Thursday". I.e. very likely to be much more valued on Wednesday evening/Thursday morning

Still very undervalued due to FUD, all of which has been addressed and taken care of by devs. Se the post 2 posts above this one.

Seems to have a huge amount of support from it's community, and is implementing darksend very soon. Bought in at ~900 and setting a sell order for ~1300 which does not at all seem unlikely to be met.

PoS ending this week, highest prices obviously to be expected day before/hours before.

Bought in more at ~19k during the dumping from the news. Very likely to have another teaser from the dev at some point during the week, thus prices should return to the former average if not the former zenith.

Hope that info is helpful to someone!

>> No.386341

no CLOAK milky?

>> No.386345


I AM holding CLOAK, actually!

I just listed the top 5 that I feel are pretty much "sure things". CLOAK will surely rise upwards as well, however I have no concrete timeframes or upcoming news to supplement it other than the chart patterns so I didn't want to recommend it for someone to just now get into.

>> No.386349
File: 39 KB, 450x356, im_sorry_what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, I now hold over 1/2 of my life savings in BTC

Hope you like losing it all.

>Implying you're not shilling to make other people lose their money so you get more

>> No.386354

yeah dude

thats why i am watching DOGE like a hawk at these prices (but am still not holding any atm)

i do actually trade some others, but i don't sit on them

subreddit population was what tipped me off to buy doge at 43 satoshi before it went to 230~, it was adding 1100 users/day

>> No.386355


If I were shilling, why would I tell people about actual, documented events that are scheduled for further down the road? That's when the alts tend to become the most valuable; just before news hits.

If all I wanted to do was shill some coins, I'd buy a bunch and say "guys these coins are the best ones they will make you millions. Buy now". Anything and everything I posted about can be researched and confirmed yourself. I'm just trying to help this board because I genuinely enjoy this community.

It's fun to be a group of people who all are looking to make winnings, and it's exponentially more fun when you help one another out because not only do you work with fellow traders who have the safety of watching each other's backs, but a collective team effort will almost always result in far larger accomplishments.

>Also, I now hold over 1/2 of my life savings in BTC
>Hope you like losing it all.

C'mon, man... that's just plain old cruel to say. Why not help a brother out and be helped back? It feels pretty good, you know.

Also, a slight correction to what I posted about
The "big news" is Friday, I misspoke when I said Thursday.

>> No.386388

based moon coming thru with the consolidated tips once again.

also, that dev post really assuages my doubts about SC, looking forward to that coming back to a healthy price.

also, it's crazy how fucking mental the aspect of trading is, trying to divorce emotion and bias from making decisions is TOUGH

>> No.386394

OMG I MADE IT TO 4CHAN (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

>> No.386406

>also, it's crazy how fucking mental the aspect of trading is, trying to divorce emotion and bias from making decisions is TOUGH

It is, and if you are a degenerate gambler like me, so is trying to walk with the gainz instead of going for the moon. But after the rzr fuck up I took milky's 10-15% rule to heart and bought high volume coins that were well away from their peak, set a sell order 10-15% higher than what I bought, and made .06btc. going to bed with only a few of those orders left open, and they are coins like super and vrc that I am not really worried about. feels good.

>> No.386409

My XMR buy order at 400k wasn't reached but I settled for buying back in at 500k :)

>> No.386416



>> No.386430

Are you a China?

>> No.386439

is razr dead??

>> No.386440

whats the point of all these cloud mining/ rig rental services?

I rented out 18MHs for 0.007BTC and I only mined 0.0012BTC

>> No.386445


sounds like you discovered infinite money.

>> No.386448

exactly the point. To make their owners money while losing yours.

>> No.386449


0.0012 BTC is less than 0.007

The secret to infinite negative money.

>> No.386450


>> No.386483

what's up with vrc? everyone's talking about it on twitter like it's actually the next big thing

>> No.386484

Monero (XMR) is a good buy at the moment, just finished dipping and is well below where it wants to be 64k sat.

Ruby is solid, it's got a coinlab and a great team behind it.

>> No.386486

Super going up

>> No.386487


The websites and offers seem so developped, are there really that many stupid people who pour money into these things?

>> No.386491

is razr dead or no?

>> No.386497

don't think so

>> No.386504

the twitter guys are just looking out for themselves

>> No.386506

everything mentioned in these threads of late seems ogred. altcoins are like fruitflies. anyone got their eye on anything new?

>> No.386513



>> No.386520

Razor bouncing back after today's dumpage.

>> No.386530

won't it take months to recover though? assuming it ever does, XC didn't.

>> No.386531

no its going to recover this week

>> No.386535

It does have very steep reward drop offs every weekend so sell pressure will be nonexistent but impossible to predict if the hype/buys can return.

>> No.386537

All it takes is a couple customers and the work behind it pays off.

>> No.386554

meh, k. bought 80 at 13, set a sale immediately at 17. bet it'll tank, but iuno wtf else to buy atm.

>> No.386590

I've got some bitcoins that I'd forgotten about for a long time, what's the best place to turn them into GBP?

The old places I used to use don't exist anymore.

>> No.386591

bitbargain is instant. you do need to pass their seller test though, and it's not trivial.

>> No.386599

Thanks, seems like too much effort for a few coins though.
Guess I'll just hold them for now.

>> No.386611

That website is nice!

>> No.386614

>XC didn't
whales have been keeping the price of XC low all week while buying what they can from panic sellers. i suspect something is going to happen, but I have know idea what

>> No.386617

stop calling it a pump if people are buying because there is news or if a coin is added to an exchange. that's not what a pump is.
Not everything is done by whales

>> No.386629

Is SUPER a good buy right now or I'll be buying on top?

>> No.386642

Korecoin is on sale

>> No.386653

Mining and holding doge, but it's plummeting in price, my ~250,000 doge lost about 1/5th of its value in the last week or so.


>> No.386663

the days of retarded kiddycoins is coming to an end. imo, coins which serve no purpose can get fucked. i'm amazed doge isn't completely kaput already.

>> No.386667
File: 3 KB, 291x200, to da underworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed, the Architect is just a fucking Shill

>> No.386676


I would not buy it at its current price-
personally I just placed a sell order.


I'm investigating what is going on with SC as we speak. And no- I have not sold any of mine yet.

>> No.386677

The graphic is of RZR XD. The architect was like two whole days shilling for this coin. And Now is lower than ever and volume is decreasing fast

>> No.386681


SC and KORE devs seems to be not looking very good...

Will still be holding until some more news comes out, but no, it is not looking good as of right now. However, there is still hope that a statement from the respective devs could change this all.

>> No.386692

How do people even know this is a premine dump rather than a mass panic sell because low price.

>> No.386694

and why is it so hard for these fucking devs to do some basic damage control?

>> No.386714


Upon researching the SC situation, there are so many claims being thrown around that it almost seems like a lot of people holding are panic selling due to tinfoil hat theories.

I'm not selling until something definitive is shown. Plus with the panic dropping the price to 600 and so, it's already back up to ~1200 so all is not lost.

>> No.386719

sold my super at 6099, should i buy back in when the price goes back down? Sold because you said you placed a sell order in >>386676
Thanks milky!

>> No.386723


Nice! Happy to hear of your profits :)

>should i buy back in when the price goes back down?

I placed a buy order for ~5k to try and catch some in the next dip before the PoW ends. 4-5 days left before it does IIRC. However, there will more than likely be a huge dump from miners on the day of the switch, so expect to be able to pick it up for ~3k when the dumping ensues, if not less.

tl;dr - Don't buy back in just yet, but definitely opportunities to do so around the corner. Seems like a top-notch dev team.

>> No.386748


bought in at 4.8, exited at 6.4.

cheers for the tip, based-milk

>> No.386765

Awesome thank you for your wisdom

>> No.386800

SC situation is pretty damn grim if dev doesn't show up to clear the air within the next day, with SOLID explanations. But I know how unlikely it sounds at this point, considering what has been pointed out lately.

First time in 4 months that I'm selling anything at a loss. Sold only half, in case a P&D group decides to play with what's left over.

>> No.386810

VOOT about to be ninja added to mintpal rumors are sayin

>> No.386820
File: 75 KB, 1848x514, sc dev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

main dev for SC just appeared and he revealed some very bad news for the coin. He is basically left without any devs and there are massive bugs that need to be fixed.

Further down the thread he is asking if anybody in their community is available to help out.

>> No.386822

What's the story on VRC? Pretty active on mintpal, but is it wise to get into? High volume if nothing else

>> No.386823
File: 52 KB, 640x400, buy-sell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ I just have seen the light. But this time to win money. Do you see the two lines (the green continuous and the red discontinuous) that are in Bittrex near the candles with the names SMA and EMA? You only have to do pic related. Not more sleeping on coins, no more "moon shots" in which you get too gredy and end up bagholding. Just a 5-15% benefice every 10-20 minutes or so. 99% of efficacy. I was wasting time and loosing money, now I am slowly recovering my loses.

>> No.386828
File: 37 KB, 1223x491, vericoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just an example with the current VRC chart.

>> No.386831

Im very new to all this concept, but how does coin mining work? you get a coin and then can sell it?

>> No.386841

dang, down 0.7BTC in 24 hours thanks to KORE, TAC, RZR and BURN

>> No.386845

1. Mine or buy coins
2. Get them into your wallet
3. Transfer from wallet to exchange
4. Sell them for bitcoin when high
5. Buy pump and dumps low and sell high
6. Profit.

>> No.386846

we need new targets. everything being spoken about in the cryptogeneral threads atm appear redundant. people get bored and move on very quickly.

>> No.386848

I hope someone listened to me. price is up 300% since I posted this

>> No.386855

Looks like SC is done, the main dev is being doxxed in the btctalk thread

>> No.386859


>> No.386862

Bailed out when I saw that.
Fucking huge losses on my part.

Whelp, I guess it's back to the grindstone.

>> No.386863

SC frozen on poloniex and mintpal, should be frozen on bittrex in a few minutes. Glad I dumped the second I read he had lost his devs.

>> No.386866

The fuck does that mean?

What happens after sc gets un-frozen

>> No.386869

In following the thread on bitcointalk and I'm not sure I understand this freezing thing. Will they unfreeze it when things calm down? Is this the end, or is there hope?

Don't care too much, I'm already out. Just trying to learn.

>> No.386871


its ogre

>> No.386872

I just sold a chunk of my sc
So uh
first Fuck me
and second
Why did people even buy my coins?

>> No.386874

seems like burn is a good buy right now ? or did i miss some bad news ?

>> No.386875

from what I'm understanding, the big bug that the dev of SC talked about is that transactions were being confirmed without actually having ANY confirmations. That is a huge fucking deal. So, there are some in the bitcointalk forums that got into contact with the exchanges and told them about it. The people in the exchanges are reacting by freezing transactions for the coin because if transactions can be confirmed on the wallets without any type of real confirmation then it means that you can double spend.

My guess is that they won't outright delete the coin from the exchange but it will be frozen until they can show that the coin is fully working. That won't happen anytime I think because that bitcointalk thread with the main dev is a shitfest.

Maybe some guys from their community takes up the project, but that sounds like a VERY long term prospect.

>> No.386879

probably some really low buy orders people set and forgot about, or people who just are idiots and haven't read the news today

>> No.386880

>Maybe some guys from their community takes up the project, but that sounds like a VERY long term prospect.
Yeah no
Anyone capable of doing this is already working on their own coin / projects.

Someone will take their whitepaper ideas and run with it. You don't have to deal with a bad reputation in open source land.

>> No.386881

it's fucked eternally. there are too many coins to choose from, for anyone to choose one which is broken.

>> No.386882

I agree completely.

>> No.386888

hope you managed to sell milky bro

>> No.386893

bittrex really needs to come up with an app that notifies your phone when you have a buy or sell go through. otherwise I just end up obsessively checking back every now and then to make sure my money keeps moving

>> No.386896


Sadly, nope.

Lost a whole lotta money. But hey, these things happen :/

Sorry to anyone and everyone who bought SC a couple days ago on my suggestion; it seemed like such a sure thing and no fishy business goin on at all. Just know that if you lost your investments, I lost all of mine as well.

Again, I'm very sorry. But we'll be okay.

>> No.386899

Bougt SUPER at 5.2k and sold at 6k so nice little profit thanks Moonbro :D, I'll try to get some too around 5k.

That SC freez cost/blocked some 0.0x BTC really bothersome but way not life threatening luckily hehe.

Should we buy some low BURN still or is the rise over?

>> No.386901

thotally right, I'd love such an app

>> No.386906

well i use bitcoinchecker, the android app, which you can set to sound an alarm if your chosen coin, on your chosen exchange, hits a certain price. just set it to sound if your order prices are hit...?

>> No.386909

thanks, wasnt aware.

>> No.386910

shit happened so fast. I totally lucked out by checking out the bitcointalk thread just as the dev appeared out of nowhere and he started typing up messages.

Well, with big gains there will always be the possibility of big losses.

>> No.386914


I'm still holding a little bit of BURN, and the dev seems insanely active and still posting on the bct thread and twitter regularly. I'm continuing the hold the already-paid-off BURN and I'm actually trying to pick some more up around the 18k mark as we speak.

>> No.386916

Any coins worth mining right now? I've got a mining rig just idling as we speak, looking to mine new coins that could potentially be worth a lot in the future like cloak/crypt...

Trying to look through the BTCtalk ANN section, but wondering if you knew any off the top of your head?

Thanks milky

>> No.386980

What will be Mintpals choice add today?

>> No.387003

Kinda bummed about sc, was really hoping that wouldn't happen. :/

I think I'm actually going to wait until a new thing gets announced and not try for any big gains right away.

>> No.387015

.13 , nwvwr bought tac though. Should i even sell the sc? I only have 300

Funny thing is id sold slowly at a profit over time.and had none left

>> No.387047
File: 93 KB, 507x443, VqU3FFN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucked out and didn't buy back into silk, took all your other suggestions though (got back into cloak and got super/ burn / rzr)

I'm also holding mammoth, honor, harmony, summercoinv2 and voot but I cant remember why and selling everything for these positions has cost me .1 btc since sat night

>> No.387054


VOOT just took a gnarly dip due to Bittrex doing wallet maintenance, so I just picked up 400 @ 885-920 sat. Been going for 1000-1200 all day and the devs are implimenting some new features later on this week.

Planning on selling the vast majority at 13k, however. No need trying to get greedy and waiting for that 20k etc.

>> No.387055

Rzr in full overshill

>> No.387056

still hodling because I put .05 BTC into it but things arent looking up

>> No.387060

do you really think it goes to 13k or did you mean 1.3k?

>> No.387062


I meant 1.3k. Whoops.

>> No.387072

set my sell order at 0.00001600 , too high?

>> No.387080


Tough to say. I think it will most likely hit that eventually, though. However, I'm doing some small yet quick/non-risky trades to do all I can to make up for the SC massacre :(

>> No.387087

SUPER is about to explode guys, just check that depth chart on Bittrex, if you haven't bought yet do it NOW!

>> No.387091

look at all those 1.5 btc sell walls at 0.00007061 though

>> No.387095


You're worried about a 1.5 BTC sell in a coin with 295 BTC daily volume?

>> No.387098

Cloak going to get an epic pump.
200-500k for sure.

>> No.387114

is anyone capable of building a btc tipbot? i'd pay money retrospectively for tripfags posting legit tips from which i profit. it'd attract lots of good advice, surely.

>> No.387119

Is it likely we'll get to around 30k again?

>> No.387120


For /biz/?

I believe the PNDOGE community already built one, your best bet is to call amDOGE here and ask him.

>> No.387127

it would be an interesting incentive for being actual advice anons

>> No.387136


I'd also like this. I'd happily help out by tipping genuine devs who deliver what they promise, and if I ever gave a tip/advice that resulted in people losing out, I'd really enjoy the ability to split whatever I made out of a crash with with them.

I hope I've been helpful throughout these thread, too. If you do ever want to toss me something though, my BTC wallet is:


>> No.387138


Oh jeez... I'm never doing that again.

Yet another reason why a tipbot would be good. Immediately after posting that address I just suddenly felt gross.

Never mind. I don't want any tips, please. Just thank me with a "thank you" if you feel it necessary but sweet lord posting an address just makes someone look like they're begging. Ugh never again.

>> No.387140

>Is it likely we'll get to around 30k again?

I think so, yes. The dev is extremely active, as I said earlier. So I'd expect a jump not unlike the last one once the hints start flaring about another "major upcoming development". When that will be, though, I really don't know. But it wouldn't surprise me if it were soon - I mean the coin is still extremely young and yet it's already happened.

Just keep your twitter tab tuned to "#BURNERCOIN" every so often and you should be able to see something of that nature.

>> No.387169

big CURE announcements coming in the next week, price is low, get that bag nao

>> No.387175

Fuck waking up to that SC news. Hate today already. :/

>> No.387181

Guys, a couple of days ago CLOAK was at 40, now it's going back into 70 and the devs are going to be dropping Cloaktrade and Tor inside the wallet in a couple of hours. Just sayin...

>> No.387195

Mintpal down due to hardware issues on their end.

>> No.387207

mintpal back up

>> No.387229

Anyone know what to do if you're one of the first person to be trading with a coin that just an exchanger? I'm like really lost on how to profit from it.

>> No.387234

do you mean, "how do you profit off a coin that just hit a new exchange"? like, ottomancoin on bittrex? you don't, you wait for the price to stabilize

>> No.387237


Ah. So be one of the first buyers then sell whenever its set wherever it stabilizes?

>> No.387243

IF it stabilizes. New coins are rather volatile.

>> No.387245

I'm going to buy ottoman at <600 and hopefully cash out when it inevitably goes up. just checked out the bitcointalk page, looks promising. hopefully will get pumped after it stabilizes

>> No.387257

Hey guys. Noob at this playing with a small amount of change just for fun.

What tools do you use to track what you bought at and how much you made when you sold, etc? I'm trading on Bittrex if that matters.

>> No.387262

you can usually see your history under the relevant tab

>> No.387263

You can set the price if your the first guy on the exchange. It might not stick

>> No.387278

twitter whales are all starting to talk about ottoman, looks like those who bought early will get some nice gains. Hover over sell orders and wait for any miners trying to dump quick and snatch it up right away

>> No.387281

already bought at 800, lets see how this does.......

>> No.387285

also just put .03 more BTC into it, going all in. I can already tell this is going to pay off.

>> No.387286

800 is a great price. worse case, it stagnates at 1k and you get 20% gains. everyone is high on it in the IRC channel. Only 10 mil coins, so at 1k sat price, the marketcap is like 100btc, which is nothing. Probably will go up quite a bit.

>> No.387294
File: 29 KB, 500x375, bort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dude fuck, tell me about it.

>wake up to sc news
>get rejected from paid internship i applied for
>go to shitty wageslave job all day

>> No.387299

samefag shill

>> No.387311

i wasn't fucking pretending to samefag you mouth breather, I was replying to myself.

>> No.387313


This sounds very much like my life right now. Fist bumps.

>> No.387315

Bought a bunch of BURN at 18k, hoping this was a smart move and not DUMBSVILLE

>> No.387322

well then you're at a loss current price is 600

>> No.387324

550 actually :p

>> No.387325


>Buy a bunch of SC yesterday because MilkyMoon says so
>See the rate this morning when logging into Mintpal

>> No.387326

buying more soon, I expect it to plateu at 1k regardless

>> No.387328
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>> No.387335

Premine and IPO though?

>> No.387339

fist bump

>> No.387341

the bitcointalk page expands on that, seems interesting. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=644426.0

no plans for anonymous features and it already elaborates on that, but whales are still noticing it. plus looks like an active dev team and PR team.

>> No.387343

who cares if there's a PR team we all know no one is ever going to actually use that shitcoin

>> No.387345


this, the only one having any real practical application currently is VRC

>> No.387371

that was probably the most absurd thing I have seen in my time trading crypto. price is hovering around 1k, strong buy orders, expected miners dumping, nice buzz in IRC and on twitter, then tenaciouscrypto sends one tweet saying hes going to wait to buy it, kingBTC comes into the irc channel and literally types FUDDDDD about 8 times in a row, some other guy claims that their is a 30% IPO and 6% premine, and the price crashes from 1k to 300 sats almost instantly. its already stablized back to 700sats.

crypto is a bunch of ADD lemmings.

>> No.387375

you do realize most shitcoins aren't in the game to be an "application"

>> No.387381

new thread


>> No.387958

Bitcoin is officially done for.

Refute this shills:

>> No.388720

Most of this has been known for a while, but the sooner we get measures against selfish mining implemented and HARD efforts against any single pool holding over 25% share, the better. It's only a matter of time until we have this, though, so Bitcoin will be fine.