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386890 No.386890[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We have been growing for ten years, ask me anything.

>> No.386939

I grew weed one time, I liked growing it more than smoking it.

What kind of lighting setup do you have? Normal HPS and MH? Hydro or soil? Do you do any training like topping? Do you have a setup where you use a mother plant(s) and clone from them? Anything special like SCROG/SOG?

>> No.386945
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Normal HPS.
We grow in soil.
We do top the plants, but it's more to extend the harvest. The cola buds on top come ripe first, so and harvest them first. After removing the tops, the rest of the plant gets more light. We usually wait a week or two to harvest the rest.
We have mothers that we harvest clones from.
We grow using the sea of green method.

Pic related, the moms.

>> No.386977

How much do you make per month?

Whats your yield size?

Do you do a cycle-time to ensure that you're making money all year?

Do you grow for personal reasons or as a business?

Do you smoke what you grow? If yes, how much of what you grow is smoked?

Sick thread broski

>> No.386981

How does the whole system of 'growing medically' work?
Do you have specific clients you grow for?
Do you have to report your yields to the gubment?
If so, how does that shit work?
Is this your main source of income?
How'd you get into this line of work?

>> No.386988

How do you get in the growing industry? I've always maintained my own garden and found it to be rewarding and I think I'd like to do it for a living. Follow up question, are you hiring?

>> No.387028
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>How much do you make per month?
Enough to live comfortably just outside a ski town.

>Whats your yield size?
About 30-30 lbs per month. Or 2.5- to 3 lbs per light.

>Do you do a cycle-time to ensure that you're making money all year?
Yes, we harvest monthly

>Do you grow for personal reasons or as a business?
As a business.

>Do you smoke what you grow? If yes, how much of what you grow is smoked?
No. We don't smoke our own. It cuts into profits and it's a bad habit.

>Sick thread broski
Thanks bra.

>How do you get in the growing industry?
We started off with one light and a few plants for personal. We really liked growing so we just kept expanding.

>Follow up question, are you hiring?
Sorry, no.

>> No.387036
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>How does the whole system of 'growing medically' work?
It's complicated, and varies depending on what county you live in. Basically you grow for people who don't want to grow their own. Each patient has a plant count, you don't grow more than that number.

>Do you have specific clients you grow for?

>Do you have to report your yields to the gubment? If so, how does that shit work?
The local police just come and check your plant fount. As long as you have medical cards to cover it, your all good.

>Is this your main source of income?
No comment.

>How'd you get into this line of work?
We started with a few plants for personal. We both com from farming families, and generally enjoy gardening. So it was just a natural progression from there.

>> No.387038

Currently i am waiting for medical weed to become legal in my country, already saving for equipment and ready to pump enough to get a decent outcome. Which advice could you give me for the day its happening?

>> No.387040

my dads considering growing, do you have any tips? what kind of stuff will he need? etc.

>> No.387045
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Get as much equipment as you can now, prices are only going to go up on everything connected to the industry.
Are you going to grow some personal or are you wanting to turn a profit?
Indoors or out?
Do as much research as possible.
Visit a grow if you can.

Your question is too vague and broad for me to answer. Come back with some details and I'll tell you what I can.

>> No.387070

where do you live

>> No.387073

She lives in Colorado.

Hey welcome back! How's business?

>> No.387074

what type of yield should someone see doing a sealed gro with co2.12x8, 6 1000s.
How do you suggest to automatic feed.
>Will probably ask why cant hit what your predictions are for that room

>> No.387075

apologies. my dads considering growing professionally, to make money and such. he hasnt bought anything yet. my question is would you uave any advice for someone whos juat starting out? somewhere to get seeds? what kind of equipment would be needed? how often would we need to water? what kind of fertilizer would you recommend (if any)? would hydroponics be a reasonable thing to consider? it would be an indoor grow btw

>> No.387078

what kind of body lotion do you use?

>> No.387162
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Hey growerBro! Things have been good! How was your last harvest?

That depends on a lot. What elevation are you at? What type of CO2 machine are you using?
>automatic feed
I have never found a trustworthy method of remote feeding. Especially since most methods are for feeding multiple plants at once. Are you growing hydro or soil?

No problem man.

>would you uave any advice for someone whos juat starting out?
Start small. Don't over complicate things with CO2, PH balances, soil conditioners and the thousands of other products they market to growers. Just use good soil (fox farm) and a good fertilizer (also fox farm).

>somewhere to get seeds?
Are you in a medical Mary state? If so you can get some good seeds locally. Just don't buy Dutch genetics, the strains tend to be crap. Also avoid seed houses that have 1001 different strains.

>what kind of equipment would be needed?
-water tank
-a large 'tray' made of 2x4s and a pond liner to set the plants down in.
-air conditioner
-air filtration system

>how often would we need to water?
Daily. If this is your dad's first grow I suggest visiting the plants every day. You want to water them individually. Some plants will soak up water faster than others.

>what kind of fertilizer would you recommend (if any)?
Fox farm is a good place to start. DONT USE MIRACLE GROW.

>would hydroponics be a reasonable thing to consider?
Not for a beginner. I suggest everyone start with soil.

>> No.387167

Normal elevation man dont live anywhere too special just very humid so thinking of buying industrial dehumidifer, atleast 200 pints per day. Just a Co2 tank with valve measured to PPM with on off switch on 2hours ahead of lights on off 30 min before ligts off.
Its in coco/perlite.
how big is that room in picture?
looks like you put a lot of plants instead of using up lots of time vegging

>> No.387188
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Ok, first off- your sentence structure and grammar is very poor. That makes it hard to read and understand your post (not trying to be snooty, that's just how it is).

>very humid so thinking of buying industrial dehumidifer, atleast 200 pints per day.
That's a good idea. I suggest putting the dehumidifier up on a platform. That way you can direct the water pulled from the air into a holding tank to be used for watering. We direct all of our air conditioner runoff into a tank, saving 200 gallons a day.

>Just a Co2 tank with valve measured to PPM with on off switch on 2hours ahead of lights on off 30 min before ligts off.
You should be hitting at least 2 pounds per light.

>how big is that room in picture?
I'm not really sure, but I would guess...15' X 50'?

>looks like you put a lot of plants instead of using up lots of time vegging
Those plants are being held in the mother room temporarily. We have two veg rooms and two flower rooms besides that. I would say our entire grow is about...4,000 sq ft. It's 2-3 times the size of our four bedroom home.

>> No.387220

Sorry about sentence structure and grammar. I will try to do better.
Do you really think vegging is important? I find it wastes yield/time.
I think if you buy more clones and skip straight to 12/12 you save on time and dont take to much of a hit on yield. Also light gets distributed better because 1000s only penetrate optimally to 4 feet and u have to keep lights a good foot and a half away from plants.
But your idea of cutting top then waiting a week makes sense to me but i have never heard of it before. Just that might throw away my whole idea of no veg needed.
My idea is to have my 3 ton water cooled ac cool 2 rooms. The master flower room which would be 12x8 of actual growing space with panda sheet for all walls including a wall that will act as curtain so i can poke my head in. Then a 8x8 which i will have the same number of plants but will be transfered after first 2 weeks of flower where they should outgrow that room into the master room of 8x12.
Does this make sense and i start with clones of 1 feet because they grow in another smaller room of 4x8 under MH

>> No.387231

i've made my outdoor miniplantation of cannabis
There are 7 plants and one just showed green sprout, i've found nice place outdoors, away from my home, without strong wind, nasty people and with plenty of sun, and did minigreenhouses by half-cutting plastic bottles and making few holes for ventilation.

Have you got any tips for me? I'm a begginer.

>> No.387261

Nasty people are the worst for outdoor, i could never get past that.
U can spray leaves with seaweed based enhancer as often as you can. Make sure to water atleast once when you are getting closer to 12/12 daylight and flowering starts with a nutrient that will tell plants it is time to flower

>> No.387266
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>Sorry about sentence structure and grammar. I will try to do better.
No problem. I really wasn't trying to be rude, your post was genuinely difficult to read.

>Do you really think vegging is important? I find it wastes yield/time.
Yes. We get three pounds per light, harvesting 30-50 pounds per month. I don't know anyone else who can hit numbers like we can and still have a very high quality product.

>I think if you buy more clones and skip straight to 12/12 you save on time and dont take to much of a hit on yield.
See above.

>Also light gets distributed better because 1000s only penetrate optimally to 4 feet and u have to keep lights a good foot and a half away from plants.
We take our own clones, they are held under T5s on a rack until planting out in the veg room.

>But your idea of cutting top then waiting a week makes sense to me but i have never heard of it before. Just that might throw away my whole idea of no veg needed.
Always work on refining your grow. Keep track of numbers, make it a scientific experiment.

>My idea is to have my 3 ton water cooled ac cool 2 rooms. The master flower room which would be 12x8 of actual growing space with panda sheet for all walls including a wall that will act as curtain so i can poke my head in. Then a 8x8 which i will have the same number of plants but will be transfered after first 2 weeks of flower where they should outgrow that room into the master room of 8x12.
All of that sounds good.

>Does this make sense and i start with clones of 1 feet because they grow in another smaller room of 4x8 under MH
Do you start with clones that are a foot tall? Our clones are around eight inches tall when we take them, and about 1' tall when they get planted. Of course, things get complicated and plans get delayed. We have clones three feet tall that are waiting to go out into a greenhouse (they will be topped after planting).

>> No.387273

Do you live in a legal grow state?
What garden zone do you live in?
Do you visit your plants daily?
Is there a fence for pest control?
How long have they been outside?
What do you feed them?

>> No.387292
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Maybe you can tell me why these leaves are curled. But anyways im guessing you arent worried about time/yield or limitations on space

>> No.387295

>Do you live in a legal grow state?
>What garden zone do you live in?
I live in north Poland and it is highly illegal here but noone cares.

>Do you visit your plants daily?
Yeah i'm doing it every evening.

>Is there a fence for pest control?
I did provisional fence of thick sticks(4 cm diameter) and fishing line, my dog tested it and he cannot came trough it so i think it's fine for deers, also i've made snail fences from half-cutted plastic bottles and i've leaved rat poison.

>How long have they been outside?
There are there since 5 days

>What do you feed them?
I don't really know what should i use to do that

>> No.387308
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Woah. I have never seen leaves curled that way. What are you feeding? Any supplements (soil conditioner, PH balancer)? Almost always leaf damage of that kind is caused by an imbalance of nutrients. When you add a little of this, a bit of that, more of something else; all those chemicals can interact in unpredictable ways.
It's almost time to flush the plants, maybe do that a bit early (yes, that will effect your yield numbers).

I'm afraid I don't have much to tell you. I don't know anything about Poland's climate, or what nutrients/fertilizers are available to you.
All I can say is good luck.

>> No.387321

About climate i've just find tha it is DFA (Hot summer continental climate), i live near the baltic sea. About Nutrient/fertilizers, there are plenty of those in garden shops, maybe you can tell me what composition should i look for?

Anyway thanks for help.

>> No.387330
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Yes that was 2 weeks before cut so flushing happened right after. How long does it take you to get those plants that high and then cutting out all the bottom, seems like a waste of time.
In this pic they were vegged 2 weeks which was way to long look how huge they got and they only have a 4x4 spot on table

>> No.387337
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Use a high nitrogen fertilizer during vegetative growth, and phosphorus when flowering. Flush the plants (water them very well to remove the fertilizer) about two weeks before harvest.

I believe it's two weeks of veg, two of flower. Trimming is a bit more difficult with the tall plants, but we have a trim machine.
Plants look good.

>> No.387347

what are these machines you have on walls.
What? so in a month from clone you are trimming plants. Vegging to me means 16/8 light cycle. Flowering means 12/12 light cycle. I do 60 days flower for those

>> No.387360

Thank you, i believe it was helpfull.

Have a nice summer.

>> No.387363

I would really like to know, how hard the buzz or highness of your or medical weed in general is.
I´m from germany so the quality differs a lot. I do have smoked a lot of good stuff though and I also smoked in holland.
Well I must say, that I smoked some stuff, that was even stronger then weed from the netherlands.
What would you say about your stuff and medical weed in general?

>> No.387374

id like to ask if there is any kind of information source which would be like a how to guide with what to know, what you need and stuff.. like a book? dont really wanna be googling this kinda stuff

>> No.387386
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Hey anons, I'm taking a break to make dinner. I will be back in a few hrs with answers to your questions.

>> No.387435

Sounds good

When you get back:

What strains do you grow? All the same, or a lot of different ones?

>> No.387444

I've got a question, is it possible to dry plant in 10-14 days and then store them careless without issues?

I am asking because i will have just two weeks to do all this work before going to college, there is noone who can cure them for me so it is preety neat when i think about wasted plant.

I can buy water absorbers(i wish it is a proper name) or something so please just tell me how can i do this.

>> No.387490


Thank you, ill be waiting for your response

>> No.387526

many thanks bro, were in california btw. what kind of lights would you recommend? how much water would we put it? what size pots? what do you mean by air conditioning? thanks for any answers man, i appreciate it

>> No.387560

So OP ive been in the biz too and want to know what you think of my plan if you want a cut ill shoot you and email.

Theres an electrical system that works like an anti resonating frequency disruptor... or well sort of. Ive done some prototype s and found that I can basically blow up people hps light bulbs which usually gets the sodium wet and sets the whole grow house on fire. Ive calculated it works in a town setting and womt cross substations and have manage to destroy 2 grow houses in my area.

Device is super illegal as fuck but if you want to drive the cost of weed up in your area or take out competition its pretty awesome.

Then again I was thinking of giving the patent rights to someone else for a small fee (not small)

What do you think?

>> No.387570

How exactly do you get started in this?

>> No.387575


Firat find a safe growing space. Not your moms houses closet or some shit your weed will stink up to an acre away assuming you have no carbon filters. Once that is established start by finding seeds online or from friends. Clones are very nice for beginners. From there read up online and grab a horticulture book or something. You get around 2-4 oz per every 100 watts you use

>> No.387585

And thats legal?

>> No.387591

How has legalisation effected weed prices in Colorado?

I've been told

Prices have risen overall
-because of higher interest/demand

-because taxes make it necessary

-because of not enuogh supply but come a
year or two down the raod supply will match
demand and prices will be record low

I'm really curious to hear your input on how prices will be effected come a year or two from now and down the road.

I've also heard that "street vendors" or whatever you want to call someone selling outside of a licensed shop have to sell at dirt cheap prices in order to compete with higher priced legal methods

>> No.387602


>> find a safe spot

By this I mean move to a state or country that has legalized it medically. I do not support illegal activity

>> No.387633
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I'm back bitches!
Lots of questions to answer, so I'll get down to it!

No, I'm sorry. That got all garbled. We root the clones for two weeks, veg them for 4-6, and flour for 8 weeks. Those machines are a dehumidifier and air conditioner.

Glad I could help!

Our weed isn't the strongest out there. On a scale of 1-10, I would put us at a solid 7-8.
We went to Amsterdam for our honeymoon, it foe sided with the cannabis cup. We were judges, and I can say I have had far better weed in the US. Don't get me wrong, some of it was good, but none of it was flushed properly.

I can't really recommend a book because I haven't read any. Husband knew how to grow when we first got together. I have just learned from him, and he has learned thru experience.

We only grow a few strains on a large scale; Bubba kush, blue dream, sour diesel. We try out new strains a few times a year. It can take a few harvests you really dial in what a strain needs.

No. Your plants will most likely die.

Thousand watt sodium lights.
How much water depends on a multitude of factors.
Pot size will fluctuate with the age of the plant. Start with 4x4 pots and go up. Twenty five gallons is a good size for a grown plant.
Air conditioning- you need it. The lights get very hot and that heats up a room fast.

>> No.387638

whats youre energy bill like? how would we go about getting a growers license? how do you go about selling to clinics? to you dry it out yourself or sell it as-is? if you do dry it out, how?

>> No.387646
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Yea...no thanks...

Start by growing some personal and branch out from there.

Prices in the dispensaries has gone up, unless you have a medical card. If you buy from a friend who grows the price really isn't that different.

>I've also heard that "street vendors" or whatever you want to call someone selling outside of a licensed shop have to sell at dirt cheap prices in order to compete with higher priced legal methods
They are definitely getting squeezed out. It's more profitable for them to turn to hard drugs.

>> No.387675

Wow those things are heavy i dont know how you got them to stay there lol. How much is that dehumidifier it looks heavy duty

>> No.387716
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>whats youre energy bill like?
Husband pays the bills, but I know it runs into the thousands.

>how would we go about getting a growers license?
That depends on where you live. In my county you need to apply for the license. We grow for five people with medical cards, that's how we got our license.

>how do you go about selling to clinics?
You need a license.

>to you dry it out yourself or sell it as-is? if you do dry it out, how?
Yes, we do everything from growing to trimming and packaging.
Harvesting the weed and getting it ready is a multi step process.

Cut down the plant
Cut it into manageable pieces
Remove the central stem

Remove all buds from the stalk
Remove the fan leaves and the skirt of leaves at the bottom of the bud
Cut into single buds
Cut up colas
Run buds thru trim machine (google 'twister' trimmer)

Place buds on racks, trays or hanging screens
Let dry (but not crunchy dry)
De-stem the buds
Place into coolers for the moisture to even out (it helps the moisture in the stem of the bud migrate out into the weed)
Dry again or bag it

>> No.387722
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Hey welcome back and thanks for posting!
Do you sell to other retailers? If so how does that work? Is it sold in bulk for a less price?

Is it a difficult process to become an official grower for the state?

What are the best towns in Colorado to live in? generally.

& Is there a difference legally when it comes to distribution between those who sell edibles compared to medical and retails?

>> No.387737
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They're strapped into platforms that are bolted to the studs. I don't know how much they cost.

We only sell to two people.

>Is it a difficult process to become an official grower for the state?
Yes. It's expensive and time consuming.

>What are the best towns in Colorado to live in? generally.
Oh gee.. That's a hard question. I guess it depends on what you're looking for. The grower friendly towns have their draw backs. They tend to be high crime areas. Often these little towns have lots of drug problems. Many of the grower friendly towns are very rural, which has it's own sets of problems; getting supplies, finding reliable help, small town culture. One big problem is the fact that the police are usually very far away at any given moment. There is a town near me that has a single bar. In this bar there is a chalk board. If your name goes on the board, you have 24 hrs to get out of town. That's not a joke; people have disappeared for sticking around too long.
So where do you move? Try just outside a medium sized town. Silver thorn and Breckenridge come to mind, but they are super touristy areas.

>Is there a difference legally when it comes to distribution between those who sell edibles compared to medical and retails?
That's a good question. I don't think there are many restrictions on manufacturing/selling edibles. The problem is that the laws are still changing, shifting to protect consumers and growers alike. It may be another year or longer before everything is hammered out completely.

>> No.387757

Thanks for taking your time to share and answer questions. I plan on moving to Colorado. Not for Marijuana, but because I live in expensive-ass NJ and it's a struggle here. I hear Colorado is beautiful and am excited to see what it holds

>> No.387955

What does flushed mean? How do I see, if weed is flushed properly or not? what is the difference of properly flushed weed and not properly flushed weed?
Would you say, that weed in the US is quality, highness wise better then weed from holland or amsterdam?

>> No.388153
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no problem friend. Just be aware that everything in Colorado is expensive. Food, gas, rent, health insurance is all very pricey.

Water the plants until it leaches out all the nutrients in the plant. The plants will turn a pale yellow green and the leaf tips may curl and turn brown.
I think the weed here in the us is better.

>> No.388332

Do you grow outdoors?
Do you buy the soil, or you make it yourself from what you can find innawoods?

I've been thinking about making my own soil since it is pricey. do you reccommend this?

>> No.388346

How do you into drying/curing?

>> No.388348
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>Do you grow outdoors?
We have one greenhouse at the moment.

>Do you buy the soil, or you make it yourself from what you can find innawoods?
Ha! No, we buy pallets of soil at a time. We use up an entire u-haul truck full of soil every month.

>I've been thinking about making my own soil since it is pricey. do you reccommend this?
No, not at all. Especially if you are new (which I assume since you want to use topsoil).

>> No.388349


>> No.388350


Sorry man. Didn't see that post

>> No.388365

No problem

>> No.389216

A quick question, if someone was to offer you a financing program, such as for example giving you money to buy more land, more equipment and provide you with seeds of their own under conditions that you have to sell the cannabis you grow from those seeds to dispensaries/patients you usually sell to, with you getting a certain cut of the sales and giving the rest to your financer?

>> No.389220

Would you consider that offer? *

>> No.389271
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The short answer is no. When you involve investors you end up with too many hands out. That eats into profit really fast. Plus, those helping hands often decide they want to tell you how to do your job. They ask questions and make suggestions, "let's reuse the soil this month, why don't you switch to this fertilizer it's the same as the pricy stuff, can you harvest two weeks early this month?" Etc etc.
That being said, we have had serious offers from out of state investors (in medical states). We may expand in the next few years if things work out well for us.

>> No.389455

If the financing party were, to say, only ask you to allow them to make suggestions for changes on their crops only, would you consider it then? What if the investors are actually wanting to grow quality cannabis and use the best actual quality products and do whats best for the plants?

>> No.389511

>If the financing party were, to say, only ask you to allow them to make suggestions for changes on their crops only, would you consider it then?
No. We grow on a large scale. Everything is regimented. We don't have a room to designate for one persons weed (which is basically what you would have to do).

>What if the investors are actually wanting to grow quality cannabis and use the best actual quality products and do whats best for the plants?
We already use quality products to grow. We don't cut any corners because producing a high quality product is paramount.
Honestly, if someone came to our grow and offered to fund part of the business so we could grow "the best actual high quality product" I would throw them out. Our product is already high quality.

>> No.390110

What do you think of this

>> No.390359

5 Horrible Things Nobody Tells You About Legally Growing Pot

>#5. Even Where It's Legal, the Regulations Will Make Your Life Hell
That hasn't happened for is. The local police came to check things out the first few weeks we had our shop up and running. All they did was look at our cards and count our plants. It's been incredibly easy.

>#4. Getting Started Costs More Than a Used Car
That's true.

>#3. It's a Shitload of Hard Work
Also true.

>#2. Your Life Is Full of Crazy People
No. We only work with like minded, reputable professionals. Not everyone in the business is a crazy pothead or a lazy hippie (although both can be found in large quantity).

>#1. The Payoff Sucks
Nope! We have done very well for ourselves over the last ten years. We own property, multiple vehicles, and regularly take vacations (Mexico and Europe being two of our favorite destinations).

>> No.390372

Would you then recommend something small scale as a hobby and to make a couple of bucks on the side?

>> No.390398

You can't make any real money growing on a small scale.

>> No.390413

I'd be happy with making 50 bucks a month

>> No.390424

You would be lucky to break even.

>> No.390429

What would you say is the profit margin?

>> No.390436

I can't give you a profit margin because you have given me no numbers or facts to base it off of.
I can tell you that it's cheaper and easier to just go buy your own. I can tell you that you can expect to pay thousands of dollars to grow a half dozen plants.

>> No.390450

>No. We don't smoke our own. It cuts into profits and it's a bad habit.
This so much. This needs to be a rule for all drug growers everywhere

>> No.390456

Sorry about that. say I spend 3000$ on start up and 100$ a month set up for misc and live almost at sea level with an indoor set up and do everything else correctly am I looking at any profit?

>> No.390457

Where in europe is legal to grow my at my own garden?

>> No.390459

It's such an easy rule, but so many people just smoke up all of their profit. We even buy ours from a dispensary. I helps you keep tabs on how much you're smoking too.

How many plants?
Do you have a room set up, a garage, outbuilding?
Growing from seed or clones?
What strain are you growing?
Hydro or soil?
Do you live where it get hot/cold most of the year?
What type of ventilation?

That I don't know.

>> No.390491


In the Netherlands you can grow up to 5 plants. Its not actually legal, but as long as its 5 plants or less and you comply when the police knocks on your door, they only take your plants away.
It's not much, but its something.

>> No.390507

What scientific background do you think would be most useful to have if you wanted to work with pot?

>> No.390530

I'm going to be at the shop today, so pleas go ahead and post your questions- I'll answer them when I get home.

>> No.390695
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>2.5-3 lbs per light.
all those lights.

>> No.390723


Do you grow indoor or outdoor?

What state are you in?

What do you sell it for?

>> No.390739

see pictures of indoor grow op

>about...4,000 sq ft. It's 2-3 times the size of our four bedroom home.


money of course. 30-50lb a month.

>> No.391164
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Hey y'all, just getting home. I'll answer your questions tomorrow before I go off to work again.

>> No.391368

Why not use a hydroponic or aeroponic setuip?

Also why haven't you guys setup a stadium style floor plan, or tried vertical yet? Stadium should cut those electric bills down with more plants under a light.

I'm sure water is easier to prep and keep ranged than soil, and what do you do with all the soil after use?

>> No.391435
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Botany, biology, agriculture

>Why not use a hydroponic or aeroponic setuip?
We've used both before. We prefer to plant in soil.

>Also why haven't you guys setup a stadium style floor plan, or tried vertical yet? Stadium should cut those electric bills down with more plants under a light.
Because we are growing large plants. Stadium planting is ok when space is restricted. We allow our plants to get 6-8+ feet tall.

>I'm sure water is easier to prep and keep ranged than soil, and what do you do with all the soil after use?
Water is easier to prep and use, but soil is more forgiving. We like using soil because the plants seem to like it more. They thrive in our system.
We dump the used soil on a friends farm. In a year they will use that soil in their flour beds.

Pic is our plants, towering over 6' stakes.

>> No.391438


How much do you rake in per annum?

>> No.391447

That's a difficult question. We invest most of our profits back into the business. Also, costs vary month to month, and year to year (you put up a new greenhouse, or one of your air conditioner quit).
While I won't put a number out there, we are solidly middle class. Neither of us have another job, just growing.

>> No.391457

I am kind of curious about the number of your customers. 30lbs a month is a lot for two customers. Do you mean people or businesses?
I can more or less see how much you're making a month but am not sure about the benefits you're making.
Do you have any particular plans to make your business grow more and make more money or...? Cause apparently you've got an excellent process and a great product. So let's say you put some money into business development or communication or advertising or whatever that could help improve your business wouldn't it? Unless you're not able to communicate or advertise on medical marijuana because of US or Colorado laws?
I hope you get my questions, I'm yuropoor and English is my 2nd language.
looks beautiful, and I don't even like / smoke weed

>> No.391513
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>I am kind of curious about the number of your customers. 30lbs a month is a lot for two customers. Do you mean people or businesses?
We grow 30-50 pounds a month. We grow for five people with 99 plant cards (meaning each card holder I'd allotted 99 plants).

>I can more or less see how much you're making a month but am not sure about the benefits you're making.
We do very well for ourselves, so well in fact that it allows me to be a homemaker, with just the income from growing to support us. We live just outside of a resort ski town, so everything here is super expensive (for instance, a plain hamburger will run you about 15$). In any other part of the country we would be considered solidly upper class. The poverty line here is considered 50,000$ or less per household.

>Do you have any particular plans to make your business grow more and make more money or...? Cause apparently you've got an excellent process and a great product.
We are always looking to expand. We heavily invest in our company to make that possible.

>So let's say you put some money into business development or communication or advertising or whatever that could help improve your business wouldn't it?
We already have people lined up out the door wanting to work with us. We are already making plans two seasons in advance, so there isn't really any need to advertise.

>Unless you're not able to communicate or advertise on medical marijuana because of US or Colorado laws?
The laws here are still evolving, so it's difficult to say what's legal to do and what's not when it comes to selling recreational weed. We only grow for medical patients.

>I hope you get my questions, I'm yuropoor and English is my 2nd language.
Yes, I understood perfectly, Euroanon!

>> No.392583


Won't the big pharmaceutical companies be all over this, eventually driving smaller producers like yourself out of business?

>> No.392653
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No. Big pharm will probably get their piece, but people will still want high quality local weed.
You can go to the grocery store and get tomatoes, but people still grow their own because of the difference in quality.

>> No.392673


Do you have any tips for sourcing good quality seeds for people that aren't in the US?

>> No.392675

No, I'm sorry. I don't know anything about foreign seed companies.

>> No.393259
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