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3868132 No.3868132 [Reply] [Original]

I will send 0.01 btc to the best advice

Biz, I am going to invest 150 k euro, I don’t care about short term gains, I just want a decent long term roi and no shitcoin. I won’t touch this for a long time.

The only question is :
1. should I just invest it all in bitcoins netting me around 33 pieces at current valuations.

2. invest it all in ethereum?

3. Invest it all in Tron(trx)

4. Spread it between the above 3 products

>> No.3868134

Please market buy digibyte.

>> No.3868140

Like I said, I won’t be buying shitcoins. I need guaranteed store of value

>> No.3868144

invest it all into COSS and you will be a literal multi-millionaire this time next year, + weekly dividends

>> No.3868151

>no shitcoin

kekekekeke xDD

>> No.3868154

LINK for 50k unless you hate money.

>> No.3868158

Like I said no shitcoins, especially one in a suicidal hypercompetitive market with low margins.

>> No.3868165

Buy OMG/BTC/Monero

>> No.3868174

The "I think I'm smarter than everyone else" starter pack

>> No.3868176

This is a coin that will be used daily as real currency by people in China for consumables. When a coin gets adapted by mainstream, its not a shitcoin. The same can be said for mona coin in Japan. And bitcoin.

>> No.3868189

I only need to know whether or not BTC, ethereum or a mix of BTC/ethereum with TRX is the best choice.

I don’t have confidence in all the other empty projects.

>> No.3868190

150k is a lot. I would invest it across multiple cryptos that you think will do well.

>> No.3868193

Absolute and total bullshit. Justin Sun is a delusional Jack Ma wannabe. The 10 million users they tout are for Peiwo some shitty voice app.

>> No.3868199

The coin you are looking for is SALT. Research it.

>> No.3868204

Also 10 million people is nothing in a country like china.

>> No.3868211

Buy BTC and wait for the forks. You're a bit late, but you can still be up if you do this.

>> No.3868226


Well I trust Jack Ma since the beginning, he is one if the reasons why I am making such a great return on my stock portfolio investments. So I will give Justin the benefit of the doubt as well.

>> No.3868238

As I said, I am in it for the long game and as far as I can see, being able to integrate the currency within one app this soon is only the beginning towards something much larger.

>> No.3868246


I want a good price and I don’t really care about the free bitcoin gold, do you recommend me to buy it before or after the fork in such a scenario?

>> No.3868253

Fair enough, you are free to do with your money as you please. Personally I would find it insane to invest over 10% of a portfolio of that caliber into tron

>> No.3868259

You should do 50% btc, 30%eth eth, 20% Tron. That is enough money in Eth and Tron to make you some serious cash if they sky-rocket, but plenty of security in btc as well. Eth and Btc would totally cover losses if Tron fails.


>> No.3868292

Spread all three as a way to hedge your bets. Take out a (20k out of your 150k) moonshot chance with NEO. It might not be the big one now, but it has the potential to rival eth.

>> No.3868296

Sounds good, if I don’t care about the free bitcoin gold, do you recommend me buying it right now at market price or wait till after the fork for a potential lower btc price?

>> No.3868299

Also, if you follow my advice, donate your money to a local pet hospital. Fuck humans.

>> No.3868319

I have looked into NEO before and their growth has been amazing. However what worries me the most about this coin is that their marketing is entirely focused on the west. To become the preferred blockchain in China (tencent,baidu,alibaba) usually requires a company to focus on the east at the beginning. So I am thinking that Neo does not have the support of the chinese government.

>> No.3868322

This is a Tron shill in disguise.

OP is trying to get you to classify TRX in the same league as BTC and ETH, which is a laughable notion.

BTC, ETH, NEO, and Metaverse are where people should invest.

Also DGB. Laugh all you want but DGB will moon very hard soon, it's an amazing coin tech wise.

>> No.3868344

Should I buy BTC before the fork or after for the best price?

>> No.3868351

If your in it for the long long term OMG is such a good project go investigate man, they going for a rapid growing market in the next 5 years,
Omise already has a big marketshare there OMisego is going to be king of micro transactions in south east asia

>> No.3868364


This. Cant go wrong with OMG

>> No.3868380

You should Deposit in Bitcoin and ethereum. If Bitcoin falls all others will die as well so it is betting on horse which MUST win anyway.

Ethereum has been growing so this is a good investment to make. 50/40 and then use 10 to play with fun looking shitcoins. This will allow you to keep market perception for fun and profit.


>> No.3868383


I looked into OMG. It sounds impressive but don’t you think investing in ethereum nets me the best of both worlds? Also when will the staking go live? I might diversify a bit into OMG

>> No.3868406

Great advice, but should I buy into bitcoin before the fork or sometime after the second fork like end november for the best price? Buying at this price seems a bit stupid, everything under 5 k each is acceptable.

>> No.3868410

You can buy before and after. There are 2 forks coming and the price will go up before them. After the forks it will dip and then it's good time to buy. (It will dip between them too)

Also if you are intrested in stable coins, i would recommend checking out LTC. I think its one of the most stable coins to date. LTC price will increase when chinese buyers will able to buy again.

>> No.3868435


put 10% of your porto in OMG, 50% in BTC, 40% in ETH then,

>> No.3868452


He is right you can buy before or after, personally i would recommend you to buy into it a bit immediately. This makes you start playing attention to it more as you have put your bunny in the race already.

Put some money in and then play with it and get a feel when you should buy in. Remember Bitcoin is older currency so it is a bit more stable™.

Do not get too carried away by "need to do things now! You need to understand why you want to buy stuff.

>> No.3868500

Ok I'm new here and I see you all are up your ass on crypto, but how can literally no one point out that 100% investment in crypto is an unsafe long term investment?

Short term, medium term.. Ok, it's great. Long term? I wouldn't go all in on an asset class less than ten years old. Y'all have some hard lessons ahead of you

>> No.3868506

Stay poor

>> No.3868508

70% into BTC/ETH/XRP/LTC
30% into ZEC/OMG/NEO/XMR

The first four are used as a crypto currency portofolio for big investment companies.
The second four are stable quality coins whose value has a very good long-term growth potential.

>> No.3868540

Said every sucker lured into the good times that keep on giving, until they don't

>> No.3868545


75% BTC 25% ETH

Or 50/50 you literally cant go wrong here.

This is the most simple; but best; advice you will find.

Why risk it with trx?

>> No.3868594

I have about 2 BTC in TRX. I don't think it will moon in the sense you're looking for, but it will certainly reach 200 satoshis eventually. I look at it as a fun investment; TRX is kind of a stupid product, its whitepaper is trash and it will be a while before it's on any major exchanges, but it's also a fun and interesting product with a huge amount of institutional capital. Don't expect the moon, but buying now will reward you in a decent time frame.

>> No.3868597

Definitely wait until after the fork, buddy. The price is only as high as it is because people have bought it to hold temporarily, and then put back into other things after they get their grubby little hands on some bullshit bitcoin gold.
Alway avoid buying at the ATH, but especially when you know the ATH is just due to people buying to later drop like a brick of shit.

>> No.3868650

Another coin to look at is DNT. 2 months ago, DNT went from 600 satoshis to 6000 in the span of a week, and then plummeted down to its current 700. I have kind of a morbid fascination with DNT because if its massive fall, but I've also done quite a bit of research on it and it is one of the few cryptocurrencies I would actually use. I do think DNT is a good project, and yesterday it dipped below ICO price for the first time. Do your research, but I think that DNT is a good project that could take off, and that it's at its absolute bottom.

Full disclosure, I bought at 4000 satoshis and sold at 6000. I don't have any currently.

>> No.3868692

With the amount you are planning to invest, its better to play safe and get decent return in the long term. Invest in BTC, ETH & LTC. You cant go wrong here.


>> No.3868698

invest in yourself


>> No.3868822

Neblio 50%- Amazing technology great roadmap, research.
Metaverse ETP 25%- kinda like neo but offers more
Nexus- quantum resilence, its one of a kind i feel like this one will go way up.

tell me what you guys think, thanks :)

>> No.3868862

Well... if we can agree that internet of things and fog computing will bring huge value and disruption to the world, you should look up IOTA and LINK.

Both of these are absolutely crucial and fills a void in future market, only problem with them would be they're not really needed at the moment.

>> No.3868876
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You want to store value in a crypto? That's dumb. But whatever you want. Go Tether.

You want good ROI long term? IOTA will connect normies; it will go to 5 dollars in 2 years at the very least.

BTC tips: 3FVESxVk7yWY9PADeW5cpBhY5A5ZKoB9Pz


>> No.3868906


Slow reply, sorry. If you're in it long term, don't worry too much about timing the market. I'd do a quarter now, a quarter after the fork, then again once in each of the following fortnights. That'll give you a fair cost average. You only need to worry about timing the market I'd you're in it short term.

>> No.3868970
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Boi very easy.

>> No.3869504

Gamblers fallacy...

>> No.3869740

1.!!! All in btc! Listen to me!


>> No.3870246

Honestly you should avoid crypto completely,just buy gold,water or some super safe bonds.
If you really want to lose your money 90% on crypto split it up on bitcoin ethereum and not tron. Choose something like monero or other actually minable ccoin like Zcash.

>> No.3870275

This and LINK. XRP is more established but LINK has more upside potential

>> No.3870283

Forgot wallet



>> No.3870294

Also invest like a 1/10 in 3 coins

>> No.3870335
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if you want decent long term investments just get a ETF. They provide something like 20% YoY ROI.

coins should only be invested in as a highrisk-highreward strategy.

You should ideally only have 10-20% of your investment portfolio locked up in high risk high reward stuff.

That said. Look into ICOs. Look at the actual technical background and what it tries to accomplish.

Do your own research.

Most people on /biz/ are smalltime literal kids or college age unexperienced kiddos. Try to not listen to them.

out of your 3 choices you listed. bitcoin has the least risk atm but only has mediocre (for cryptocurrency) gain potential. ethereum has the least gain potential while still being more risky than bitcoin. But it's a good coin to have to invest into ICOs. Tron is very high risk high reward. Don't put your entire portfolio into it since that would be literal gambling.