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3867882 No.3867882 [Reply] [Original]

>Live in Ontario Canada
>21 years old
>No drivers license
>No friends
>Kissless virgin
>No highschool diploma(missing many credits)
>Parents hate me, never help and want to kick me out
>Only work experience is bottom of the barrel jobs for minimum wage or slightly above
>No skills
>Losing all hope
>Sometimes want to finish hs and go to university but I have to work long, slaving hours and even if I quit im terrified about not being smart enough to make it, parents also will not help the cost
>Want to move out because bad relationship with parents but I'll be living paycheck to paycheck
>lost thousands on cryptoscams so now im scared about it all
>Watch YouTube vlogs of people having the times of their lives and get upset

How can I fix myself biz.

>> No.3867888

Buy link

>> No.3867906
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Buy ODN. What scams did you fall for dummy? You know if you can't hold at least 1 month then you are bound to be dumb poor and worthless forever.

>> No.3867914

1 step at a time anon. put ur focus onto 1 aspect of your life at a time and keep trying to improve.

Remember, its not where you start that really matters but where you finish.

>> No.3867920

See a therapist, you will think better when you are not depressed.

None can fix this but you.
Good luck.

>> No.3867925

God Damn. Same age, same area, same situation. This hit too close to home(Toronto). Only difference I guess is I'm not depressed and got a couple of friends. Plus I've given up education years ago and am working towards creating my own startup.

Cheer up.

>> No.3867942

Can we be friends anon? I'm willing to take the bus to you for an hour so we can hang out

>> No.3867954

Watch Jordan Peterson.

>> No.3867966

hey man

I'm from Mississauga

First things first

What credits are you lacking?

Get those out of the way! It's no big deal and you will feel amazing!

After that, apply for a diploma in something useful, like a programming diploma from george brown or seneca. Ask for student loans!!!

YOU ARE smart enough. Chances are you will feel dumb for not understanding something. Seek help immediately.

After getting some web dev job, which I'm sure you can get, use that income to study part time for a bachelors. You can get a bachelors from Seneca in Software Development, not have to take all that useless calculus, and be making 100k by 30.

I fucking promise you man.

I fucking promise you, you can do it.

I wouldn't take my time to respond in a forum like 4chan.

One step at a time...... you will get there

>> No.3867980

No, sorry. Don't meet up with strangers, especially those from 4chan.

>> No.3867986

I'm lacking too many. Like 12 credits or something. Im starting to lose hope because everything builds on itself and I have no foundation.

>> No.3868009

Oh ok... I wasnt going to kill you

>> No.3868010

does your name start with a B?

>> No.3868011

What sort of work are you interested in man?

HS bullshit and so is Uni, so you are not missing much, trust me

>> No.3868016

I have a relative who was a high school drop-out and didn't get their first real job until they were 30.

Now they make over 100k a year.

I'm not bull-shitting you. It might not seem like you have a foundation, but you do - you're still breathing. Don't give up.

Listen to this person >>3867966

>> No.3868018

I don't really know I just dont want to feel like a slave anymore and hopeless/easily replaced. I want to be respected and for people to consider my opinions

>> No.3868035

You understand how big Toronto is right? I don't even have a B in both my first and last name.

>> No.3868049

>>lost thousands on cryptoscams so now im scared about it all
You were daytrading shitcoins and you deserved what happend to your money

>> No.3868067


Watch these, and try to do it over time:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwjsOqnlsrw (don't laugh, this is real shit.)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFeIRVueNRM (keep watching J Peterson and go watch him again, and again, and THINK about what he's saying)



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbSvIywfVQg (Robert Kiyosaki will shift your thinking about money. AQUIRE ASSETS, LIMIT LIABILITIES ----> BECOME RICH)





I believe you can do it, after all, you came to us to help yourself? You're not hopeless, you're just a little lost, friend.

>> No.3868080

lol i realized i said don't use debt for clothing but yeah, you wanna look spiffy for your job, so it's not pointless spending

>> No.3868085

OP, do you find that you've always had trouble with things like delaying gratification, procrastination, self-control, and self motivation, etc?

Don't do this, lmao.

lol, I'm from Mississauga, too. My situation is in some ways much more dire than OP's except I'm extremely fortunate to have a kind and loving family. Thanks for the tip. Also, Ontario is now providing free tuition for families earning 50K or less: https://www.ontario.ca/page/osap-ontario-student-assistance-program

>> No.3868104

I'll watch through the videos(phoneposting right now) but as for sales jobs I've had one before and I couldn't handle it. Only lasted a couple weeks.

The worst part is when your parents make enough to not qualify for free tuition yet refuse to help...

>> No.3868122

I'm almost exactly in the same boat. 18, fucked up HS. Never socialized, moved too much. I had many hobbies like history, programming, philosophy, psychology, and math but my IQ either dropped 15 points due to stress and shit diet or I lack the motivation to finish anything. I've never held down a job, never kissed a girl, never had the teenage experience. My teens were spent playing strategy games and reading fascist literature. I saw myself as becoming the men I was always reading about. But I got fucked by shitty life situations and I blame myself for not doing enough to fix it. I'm strongly considering heroing myself. The only reason I don't cut my femoral artery with a steak knife is because I am afraid of death. I hope people who are in the same boat as us get out of this hole, because this lifestyle is awful. We weren't meant to live in seclusion, with constant feelings of dread, loneliness, weakness and pain.

>> No.3868133
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If any of you manage to make it out, please be kind to everyone you meet, and live your life to the full extend of your abilities and never take anything for granted.

>> No.3868145

eat healthy, exercise, get proper sleep. are you a fat fuck? than lose weight. I guarantee you are filling your body with garbage and it's making you feel like shit. Focus on your health and it will help your mind and your mood and this will be your foundation for future success.

>> No.3868169

Another piece of advise is, have you considered getting a teaching English diploma like the CELTA? It's a great way to get yourself out of your shell, the course itself will give you everything you need and depending on where you do it, they will hook you up with a job and get the necessary visa right out of the program. You'll also likely make some cool friends. The course itself only takes a month but it's a fast road to work.

It's not bad for introverts either. I've known a few who were very sheltered and quiet and it's alright - these courses show you how important lesson planning is, and by planning things out like that...it's a very empowering thing to know you can get out your shell.

It might not be the best option for a long-term career but maybe you just need to get out of the house and shock your system into living and loving life.

>> No.3868270

I'm in Canada as well but quite a bit older than you (29)

I also dropped out of highschool but wrote a GED, back then it felt equivalent to about ~grade 8 level shit, was easy, scored like 95%+. After that I worked for few years in manual labor (factory work) and then went to college, had to write an English and Math competency exam which were both easy. After that things just got better and better and everything came together. Now I'm pretty cozy, living with my girlfriend of 4 years, own my home, have a job I enjoy, etc.

Best thing I can suggest is to just tackle each of your problems one at a time, and not focus too much on the big picture all at once, it can be very overwhelming if you feel like you're in a deep hole, especially if you start to experience depression.

Assuming you have zero access to money and parents won't give you a dime, I'd suggest you do things in this order, one at a time, and not worrying about the next item until you've completed the current one:

>Get a job, even a bad one, you need cashflow/savings. Don't waste it though, use it to fund the later parts of the list. Take a bus to the job, you'll spend lots of time standing around but you have no choice right now. Your time isn't very valuable anyway.
>Get your GED. Costs like $50-150 to write it (google price/locations) and will give you a confidence boost going forward
>Get your drivers license, costs like $50 and will give you confidence and self-reliance to get to where you need to go on your own schedule once you own a car.
>Buy a piece of shit beater car that runs, even if it looks like garbage. They can be found for $300-1000. I owned several of these when I was young. As long as it gets you from point A to point B, is semi-reliable (starts, doesn't stall) it means you'll have travel freedom and no more waiting for buses.
>Try to find a better job, now you have a car you aren't limited to places near bus stops, you can travel further which means you have more options

>> No.3868279

>Hopefully you've got a little more experience and confidence now. You can get yourself a job that pays better. Lots of factory jobs in Canada that pay ~$15-20/hour. Some will even pay for you to get a forklift license and first aid training which, while fairly cheap, will help you get your foot in the door at future factory jobs

>Keep saving money, now you can start thinking about college/uni. If you don't consider yourself an extremely smart person you can still get a good education/career in a trade. Electricians or Power Engineers (running refrigeration/boilers, etc) make great money and generally only require about 1 year in college/trade school before you actually start working at the bottom of the totem pole. Something I wish I'd thought to do at your age honestly.

>Many companies (the factory job you may have) are willing to accomedate young people going to college. You may be able to keep working there (with slightly modified hours, or working weekend shifts) while getting your 1 year towards your trade of choice.

>Once you get your 1 year schooling towards a trade you can start looking for a job in that trade. If you find one, that's when you plan to leave your parents house and start renting your own small apartment. Better if you can get a roommate or girlfriend to split costs with, but doable by yourself in Canada even on ~$15/hour if you don't splurge on anything unnecessary.

Also quit watching vlogs if they make you feel bad. Also quit using facebook/instagram/twitter if they make you feel bad. There's a certain percentage of people that are psychologically ruined by these things because of exactly what you describe. They get jealous, they can't help it, and it's not motivating it's destructive.

Good luck anon.

>> No.3868298

go to a crowded area, downtown type and beg. make yourless look dirty and pathetic. Save it up, teach yourself how to code, live meager while you save. invest in LINK

>> No.3868304

The reason I stayed away from a car is because it seems easy to get cucked by insurance and gas and everything. Seems a lot more trouble than it's worth. How can I avoid those issues?

I will look for some factory jobs then, the few I've seen seem backbreaking or pay minimum wage though but I'm sure there's better ones

>> No.3868375

i wouldn't say you get cucked by insurance/gas, I mean ya it's an expense, but it's an opportunity cost. I don't know where exactly you live, in what proximity to industrial parts of town, college, etc. if you're within walking distance to everything than sure, maybe a car's not necessary, but for me (and most) it is worth the price to have that freedom to move freely and quickly.

My insurance is about ~$100/month and I spend about ~$80/month on gas if I drive a decent amount. You'll have to assess how valuable that freedom to travel is worth, but as you start working, going to school, dating, etc. you're going to want to be able to just get up and go whenever you feel like. Imagine you're in a relationship and your girlfriend lives across town and calls you up to fuck at like 11pm, and you have to say "well the buses stopped running for the night, I can't come", that shit would suck right?

As for factory jobs, yea some of them are backbreaking and heinous, bad smells, dirty, wet, humid, cold, hot, etc. but I mean it's near the bottom of the food chain as far as careers go. The benefit is that there aren't really any requirements other than that you show up every day, on time, and do your job. It's not gratifying work but it can pay decently well before you earn an education. Really shop around though, like I said some pay on the lower end, some on the higher end, ~$14-21 is roughly the range I see in BC. If you land up in one that's too heinous and near the bottom end of the range don't be afraid to just quit and keep looking for a better one.

>> No.3869284
