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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 311 KB, 1920x1080, 4chan's Favorite YouTubers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3862826 No.3862826 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /biz/

I’m going from board to board and asking members to tell me what the most popular channel is there. One anon writes a channel, and whoever gets the most replies is the winner! Your channel MUST be related to your board in some way.

Ex.: If one anon puts PewDiePie and he gets 12 replies, but someone else puts Markiplier and he gets 16 replies, Markiplier wins.

I’ll also let you know where I’m going next, and if you want, try and predict what the other boards will guess, and I’ll let them know when I get there.

If samefagging ensues, I will make a strawpoll with whoever is in the lead at that moment.

4chan’s Prediction: Nothing

My Prediction: I have no idea

Tonight I’m Going To: /lit/

/mu/’s favorite (theneedledrop): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt7fwAhXDy3oNFTAzF2o8Pw
/sp/’s favorite (ArsenalFanTV):
/o/’s favorite (Doug DeMuro):
/fa/’s favorite (TheReportOfTheWeek): https://www.youtube.com/user/TheReportOfTheWeek

>> No.3862849


>> No.3862914

Here at biz we have no time to watch foolish videos.
Checking blockfolio and coinmarketcap every second is a serious task.

>> No.3862949


>> No.3863069

All the crypto youtubers are shitty and usually a week or more behind this board so none.

>> No.3863100

Probably DataDash is the least shitty

>> No.3863129

Why isnt murdoch murdoch on the /pol/ section

>> No.3863130

Lynette Zang op

You will not get a more correct answer

>> No.3863273

thx got a couple new cool channels to watch

>> No.3863275


if you disagree you are a filthy newfig

>> No.3863292


>> No.3863314
File: 33 KB, 452x388, 1322837562238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing
>perfect grammar and punctuation
>capital letter thread title

why is a redditor autistically collecting trivial information on 4channers?

>> No.3863324


>> No.3863337

CryptoBeak obviously.

>> No.3863354

his brain is wired to receive upkeks

>> No.3863365

unironically this

>> No.3863370


>> No.3863376


>> No.3863393


>> No.3863400

I'm no Redditor myself, but appreciate decent grammar/punctuation and a little spacing to make things easier to read. What's the problem here?

>> No.3863416

cryptonick looooooooool

>> No.3863421



>> No.3863434


>market guru
>experimental techniques
>has brainless detractors
>not jew


>> No.3863460

Fpbp and /ThreaD.

>> No.3863466


>> No.3863486

Jake paul

>> No.3863509

Robin Seplut

>> No.3863513


>> No.3863526


The only guys I follow on youtube really.

>> No.3863576

>Robin Seplut

>> No.3863603
File: 29 KB, 550x550, Ian_14_fn-550x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3863655


>> No.3863706


>> No.3863746

OP here.

Poll closes at 4:30 PST.

Right now HydeWars is in the lead with 7 and DetaDash has 5. Keep it going.

>> No.3863753

also BiteSizeBitcoin

>> No.3863778

>having an "educational drug channel" as a favorite youtuber

16 yr old/redditor confirmed. Just read erowid you fucking faggot why are you actively watching that shit? I'm triggered as fuck by your tastes.

>> No.3863901
File: 36 KB, 905x237, Screenshot from 2017-10-13 17-52-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a literal redditor.

>> No.3863910


>> No.3863919

Hahaha I don't use Reddit but I couldn't think of another way to have everyone be able to view it at the time.

I'm looking into Pastebin now because /fa/ wants to follow the chart.

>> No.3863993


>> No.3864193

I'll go with Datadash.

Although I'm not extremely fond of him either. When someone plays the humble cuck for too long, I'm either thinking he's dubious or just stupid. At least he teaches the most basic of basics.

Anyhow, this stuipd kinds of threads make no sense - of course the stuff that was suggested first is seen by most people and so they get the most votes.
You'd have to poll the slots and then make a poll on those slots all at once.
I'd actually go with Crypto Daily, but it's too late for that now - we can realistically only give weight to our vote if we choose one of the already suggested ones.

>> No.3864259

OP here.

About eight minutes left. I decided to make a strawpoll for the leads. Vote here: http://www.strawpoll.me/14143254

>> No.3864288

WHere the fuck is RLM?

>> No.3864302

I haven't visited them if they're blank

>> No.3864315

for the /fit/ board, the DELRAYMISFITS is the only fitness channel worth watching.

/biz/ it's gotto be datadash, because we all want to suck Nicks cock.

>> No.3864345

>for the /fit/ board, the DELRAYMISFITS is the only fitness channel worth watching.

Is Athlean-X respected on /fit/?

>> No.3864346


>> No.3864357

the crypto rabbi guy who posts here now and then always gives me a giggle

>> No.3864411

/biz/'s is probably gonna be some stupid /pol/ shit because the /pol/ children are the only people who actually care about z-list youtube celebs on here but I'm kinda curious to see what /tv/ and /v/ pick.
/a/ is probably gonna be demolition d btw

>> No.3864420
File: 321 KB, 1920x1080, 4chan's Favorite YouTubers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(I posted in the /fa/ thread like an idiot so this was written six minutes ago lel)

Counting the strawpoll, both HydeWars and DataDash end with ten points. I'm voting for DataDash because it's not a /m/eme so DataDash is /biz/'s favorite YouTube Channel!

Thanks for playing. In a few hours, I will be visiting /lit/.

>> No.3864459

this shit is fucking rigged


>> No.3864611

alright, fuck this. you shouldn't be able to be the tiebreaker, just wait for someone else to vote.

>> No.3864713

He won the strawpoll anyway


>> No.3864757

datadash won because OP voted and broke the tie, my post is not wrong. look i just voted again for hydewars, looks like we got another tie on our hands.

>> No.3864803


>> No.3864917

he left the strawpoll up for about 10 minutes, real fuckin 'objective' shit

OP is going to collate all this for some retarded reddit 'case study'

>> No.3864943


>> No.3865053

>fa - Thereportoftheweek

i dont even visit fa and i know this is a troll

suitkid wears oversized second hand suits and does food reviews in his car no way they choose his channel seriously

>> No.3865069

There was literally no competition


>> No.3865085

Science and Futurism with Isaac Arthur.
I want this man to be president.

>> No.3865091


>> No.3865133


>> No.3865774

No >>/mlp
REEEeee !

(as the cancerous cancer of this website, I was compulsory for me to say this. I'm out now.)

>> No.3866415

>posting the fucking link
seriously, how can you deny being a redditor? fuck off.

>> No.3867392

who won /lit/

>> No.3867402


>> No.3867405

also vote for this


>> No.3867433

Can't top this
But to be bizrelated, I'd pick either /biz/ vlogs, or datadash

>> No.3867529

Fuck off

>> No.3867556


>> No.3867595


>> No.3867604

Report of the week is favorite /pol/ show