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File: 217 KB, 1280x960, photo_2017-09-22_14-02-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3860302 No.3860302 [Reply] [Original]

So yesterday I told you how a group of us made $40,000 by investing their bitcoin into a tumbler service similar to join market without all the technical knowledge and paying higher dividends.

The service can afford to pay high fees because of a process called coin joining.
It works out to 1% profit a day for 6 weeks. Enjoy.


>> No.3860317
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>> No.3860361

Fuck off, placing your own affiliate code. Pure scam

>> No.3860370

That's a fucking blog you retard

>> No.3860374
File: 54 KB, 720x1280, photo_2017-10-13_12-22-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get paid

>> No.3860375

This is absolute horseshit. I'm intimately involved in Joinmarket.

The whole benefit of Joinmarket is that you maintain control of your private keys and coins the whole time in a decentralized marketplace. And no, you don't make 1% a fucking day, because no one would pay that and it's an open market place, so people are going to be willing to mix coins for next to nothing.

This system requires you to transfer your coins to a third party platform. It's a straight up ponzi. You'll move coins in and then be told you've earned some amount of interest, encouraging you to add more funds. In reality that interest won't exist and if you pull your funds the site will just use someone else's money to cover it. Later, once it grows enough the site will just close up and take everyone's money with it.

>> No.3860398

Is that your $48,000?

>> No.3860410
File: 36 KB, 554x79, AFFLINK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blog to promote Bitpetite via various channels including 4chan.

>> No.3860417
File: 22 KB, 864x315, photo_2017-10-13_05-49-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's my link guys sign up under me

>> No.3860452

It works well I've been getting paid for the last 2 months. Shrek is you put $3,000 in and in six weeks you'll have 4300 then you reinvest 1300 so if they go out of business which they won't you'll end up making serious cash in the long run you must add this to your portfolio

>> No.3860462

Agreed. I'm taking a risk that I'll reach the break-even point (three more days for me) and then just reinvesting my profits to see where it takes me. It's def a Ponzi, just get out before it collapses. And don't use a referral because that's the ponzi-edt bullshit around.

>> No.3860479
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This is a classical case of Ponzi scheme.

Complete with the whole "Money laundering" schtick that always accompanies it.

If you'd invest $100 dollars into this you'd make 2 BILLION dollars in 5 years time accumulating exponential wealth.

It's very easy to see how this is impossible and how it's a ponzi scheme.

>> No.3860596

>This system requires you to transfer your coins to a third party platform. It's a straight up ponzi. You'll move coins in and then be told you've earned some amount of interest, encouraging you to add more funds. In reality that interest won't exist and if you pull your funds the site will just use someone else's money to cover it. Later, once it grows enough the site will just close up and take everyone's money with it.

exactly. this is hashocean 2017, with the twist of colluding with money launderers for extra jail time (if it were real) in addition to losing your money

all of the disqus comments talking about received payments have only 1 comment on each profile

it's a good angle for a scam though, i'm sure it will make money when they exit

>> No.3860618

It's making good money and it pays out hourly I've been very happy with it. It uses the same technology as join Market but you don't need the technical experience.

>> No.3860641

I'm going to put in $25000 right now see you in the history who puts in money and who takes it out but not in their Tumblr service only the investors. Watch out for my deposit I'm waiting for the third confirmation and it will be deposited

>> No.3860660

I have a plethora of these programs I make an extra $6,000 a month off these programs I trusted enough to put in $15,000 a month it's already made me twice the profit I mean how do you think we got money to trade in the first place?

>> No.3860682

For me it didn't hurt to put in 3 Grand it makes me an additional $1,500 a month.

>> No.3860731

Who just put in 10,000?!?

>> No.3860750

Like with any cryptocurrency don't put in more than you're willing to lose. It doesn't equal much it's only 4.5% of day profit.

>> No.3860758

Nice!just Bought 100k

>> No.3860773

put me down for 5K, let's see which performs better this bitconnect or Regal coin

>> No.3860795

I am in all of them and this pays the most consistently. Regal Coin & bitconnect only come close to 1.2% at most this comes out to at least 2% daily. The other 2.5% is just paying you back your principal but it's the process of coin joining which outputs clean Bitcoins all parties. Just try to run it through another coin before you cash out if you use coinbase so put it through a wallet beforehand.

>> No.3860833
File: 24 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2017-10-13-14-29-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys need to have some balls if you're going to make it. You're late I've already 3k I've been sitting pretty for 2 months

>> No.3860958
File: 41 KB, 1280x309, photo_2017-10-12_19-08-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've cleared over $100,000 from this program in the last couple of months investors have invested $1000000 because of me into this program and I am happy to report that they've been in the money since an hour ago my last sign up it just keeps blowing up

Sorry it's not a screenshot I took a picture of my screen in a hurry

>> No.3860986
File: 67 KB, 397x525, 1501867686254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inspect element.

I hate fucking scammers like you. Can't you just work properly for your money instead of stealing you fucking nigger.

>> No.3861005

Wow you win. it definitely beats my $300.

>> No.3861043


>1 post by this ID

>> No.3861111

What do you mean?

>> No.3861126


>> No.3861160

DO NOT GO TO THE WEBSITE! bitpetite.com triggered my Premium Malwarebytes warning.

>> No.3861170

im sure the FBI wont care that your aiding and abetting criminal enterprises

>> No.3861204
File: 17 KB, 862x253, FunCoupons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry be happy :-)

>> No.3861262

There is no way that this many people with accounts and ridiculous returns have responded to this post in in such a short amount of time. THINK ABOUT IT. Yesterday's post got deleted by mods. The site TRIGGERED MY MALWAREBYTES. This means not only will you be out of your money if you invest in this Ponzi scheme, but your computer will most likely have a virus and key logger downloaded without you knowing it.

>> No.3861267

ITT: pajeets shilling for a known scam site

>> No.3861284

Guys... your whole lives are a ponzi. Lets get real here.

>> No.3861298

SCAM. DON'T BE TEMPTED. The reason it seems to be unbelievable is because it is. DON'T GO TO THE WEBSITE! MALWARE NOTICE!

>> No.3861318

I have malware bytes and it didn't go off are you sure you just don't have Down syndrome? I'm putting in 4k

>> No.3861370

I think you're just trying to slander the operator because I've had 6,000 into this without a problem. I have Malwarebytes and Norton and it didn't go off and neither did my firewall I think you're just lying because you're mad at the op for what reason I don't know you guys are making money off Ponzi schemes day in and day out what's the difference? There is no difference you're just sour. sorry you don't have the balls to get rich but maybe you'll grow up one day hopefully before it's too late.

>> No.3861371

I have the premium edition of Malwarebytes. It popped up even when I hovered over the link to the site in the article.

>> No.3861384

Why would I be mad at the OP. Why would I be "sour"? It is a SCAM.

>> No.3861403
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aaaaaaand here comes the damage control.

This guy gets it.

>> No.3861432
File: 337 KB, 1357x729, SCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SCAM! Malwarebytes warning when I hovered over the link in the article. BE WARNED!

>> No.3861461

Guys I invested in this scheme now I have sex with my pet lambo while driving my other lambo to the lambo store to load up on lambos so I can invest extra lambos into this great lambo opportunity

>> No.3861934

He means you can tell when a whole gang of brown monkeys decides to shill an entire thread

Go away pajeet