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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3860415 No.3860415 [Reply] [Original]

Lived the normie wagecuck 9-5 life for way too fucking long, only reason I've been alive for the past few months is crypto.

Really made me believe I'm leaving the wagecuck life... I always thought it was too good to be true, I was right. This is too good to be true, you think the world will allow faggots like us to become rich? No fucking way... If you really think there is hope for you in becoming a millionaire, well all I'm gonna say is good luck retard.

It's time to end it all for me, it's been good tho, we had some fun time. Member the NEO moon? ahhhh or the latest moon for me, ELIX, that was a lot of fun. Really enjoyed this run with you boys, most of you here are worthless faggots but some of you are alright, you're my only friends so I just wanna say goodbye.

Anyone got advice on how to do this? I have a shit ton of xanax, how much to overdose on that? And it should be painless right? Since xanax bascially kills you central nervous system.

>> No.3860419

Can you send me your btc first please

>> No.3860427

Do a backflip

>> No.3860430

why do you think I'm killing myself you fucking retard, I have nothing left

>> No.3860444

meh relex.

>> No.3860445

I went down from over 10 BTC to 1 BTC in basically a week, the last of my BTC was wasted trying to short BTC, but it kept fucking going up... my last bet was on BTC going below 5500, which is probably never gonna happen again. And I got liquidated already anyways

>> No.3860448

>lost everything
>about to kys
I think you're the fucking retard here my man

>> No.3860456

whatever you say man, anyways I'm out of here very soon so nothing really matters

>> No.3860485

You gambled away 50k?
Eh, just deliver pizza for one month, make 1k and start again

>> No.3860490

Death isn't a big deal. The hard part is overcoming your natural instincts, or finding the motivation when you're depressed.
I'm going to kill myself with a gun, if it ever comes to it. Takes no preparation and only a small amount of focus, that's why.

But don't kys, you fucking drama queen.

>> No.3860515

Tie a noose around your neck made of barbed wire, glue your hands to your head, light yourself on fire, jump off a building, impale yourself on the fence below.

Will make an excellent scene that won't be soon forgot. If all goes well it'll look like you spontaneously combusted falling off a building and pulled your own head off.

Now pay me, faggot.


>> No.3860538


>> No.3860557

How much did you lose?

If you still have 0.15 bitcoin you can recover!

>> No.3860611
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honestly OP i feel the same way

started with using my 5k tax refund check to buy bitcoin last year.

to be honest i still cant sleep at night
when i hit 500k im cashing out 15%

when i hit 1,000,000 im cashing out 25%

when i hit 10,000,000 im cashing out 50%

>> No.3860673

teach me your ways master. how did you get that money. what was the amount of money you started with ?

>> No.3860712
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xanax wont kill you unless you mix it with alchohal or opiates, so do that

then use an exit bag

>> No.3860737

whats an exit bag

>> No.3860754

xanax + morphine = rek ?

>> No.3860809

tie a plastic bag around your head so you cant breath when your pass out, make sure there is no holes

yeah, but use an exit bag because its not guarenteed

>> No.3860825

Deadly nightshade.
Brew a tea using a decent amount. Take the xanax first and you'll go out comfy af

>> No.3860966

deadly nightshade can give bad hallucinations tho, doesn't sound very comfy

>> No.3860970
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Don't do it anon, most of us have been there. If you lost everything then you can start something new, just move to another country and bring your shit together. Suicide is for faggots

>> No.3860991

faggot do you think I haven't thought of this long and well before posting here? I have made my mind a long time ago, only reason it took this long is bc crypto gave me fake hope.

>> No.3861021

I'm pretty sure you haven't lost your life yet.

See it like this: Killing yourself now guarantees 0 profit in the future.

>> No.3861045

but also 0 suffering

>> No.3861071
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>Calling me a faggot but is litteraly going to kill himself
A-anon... If you came here to tell your story you are looking for attention
But don't kill yourself

>> No.3861078


>> No.3861103

I'm obviously looking for some attention retard, attention is a thing humans naturally seek. I literally have no friends of family like most people here, so if I get some attention on 4chan during my last moments why not. I am also asking for advice, on how to kill myself. I don't want to go through pain.

>> No.3861155

Then just find advices on /b/ and gtfo this board

>> No.3861185

>I have nothing left

You still have the same thing you came into the world with: the gift of a human consciousness. Don't waste it; things will get better.

>> No.3861224

How did u lose all your btc?

>> No.3861245

>thinking you’ll overdose on xanax alone


>> No.3861289
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just take a bunch of xanax, drink a load, then hang yourself.

That's what the kid down the hall did my freshman year. He pulled the shit out of my bottle and I was kinda pissed, but looking back I'm glad I gave him his last drink ;(

>> No.3861295

Yes goy, he still can work for companies and make thousands of pennies, err I mean dollars

>> No.3861335

Fuck off, I wasn't talking to you.

>> No.3861338

4chan seriously has the absolute scum of this world, fuck.

OP, if you're serious, I'm sorry dude. But you didn't know crypto would come your way before it did, did you? You don't know what else could, and you'll never find out if you're not here. I understand things are looking shitty right now, and while I can't tell you that they will be how you want them to be, I can tell you this. What do you do with a coin that's on a dip? You buy it. This is your dip, mate. Don't waste your life. It is worth something to someone, even if you don't know it yet.

Things may not be what you want them to be, but if you're in the lowest of lows, things can only become better. And I sincerely hope you're here to at least give that a shot.

Don't do it, mate.

>> No.3861362

I know it's not what this shithole of a place is used to, but if you want to talk, let me know.

>> No.3861364

Don't do it man. You can start again. Take this as a learning experience. Take a day off and relax.
If— Launch Audio in a New Window
(‘Brother Square-Toes’—Rewards and Fairies)
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

>> No.3861410

You just have to realize that what really sucks is not your situation, but how you got there.
Wait a couple more years, VR will be able to give you meaning in life if all else fails.

>> No.3861436

Don't kill yourself. Kill everything you hate about yourself. Its never too late to be your best version. I believe in you anon. seriously please don't. Your older self will thank you.

>> No.3861442

Stop being a shit trader bruh. This is how you learn.

>> No.3861524

Go to a shithole live is cheap there. Maybe Asia or south America

>> No.3861576

Op, what if i told you you can make back most of your money? $VOISE is going to moon at least x5 before the alpha release and its extremely cheap right now. If you're going to kys anyway, how about selling everything you have and put it in voise? If the coin doesn't moon, you can kys in peace knowing that you exhausted all your options to turn your life around.

>> No.3861593

Bro don't do it, there are so many missions you can get in on. /biz/ loves you. Nocoiners want you dead

>> No.3861752
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Bro, if you still have 1 btc left, that is a lot, that is 10 times the ammount I have(and I am 50% down since I began investing on alts on september first)

I didn't give up, nor should you.
My advice to you is: spread that bitc between 5 strong atlcoins, set sell orders at 50% increase from what it is now and go live your life. Save a little more for when btc corrects(it always does) and simply forget about crypto for some weeks

Also, we are the early adopters. We are all gonna make it.

God cares about you anon, He doesn't want you to take your life away like this. He takes pride on your actions, make him proud. Be a great man and get back on your feet.

One day, when you have multiplied your stack by 10, remember this poor college boy who talked you out of suicide, and tip me 0.1btc because that is all I lost since I began here hehe
Eth address: 0x0930cFa8C79dA6fAc2d5C64Ecd45D9A37C85a8E3

take care mate, I'll be waiting for you for /biz/ next moon mission

>> No.3861778

Everything will be fine. I lost a lot too but think of it like an expensive fee you paid to learn. Now you know what you shouldn't do. Use it. And come back stronger. Money can always be made back

>> No.3861939

>Dont trade like a retard
>have a source of income thats not trading
>put money into crypto whenever you can

Its really not that hard. You faggots that are losing money are investing in complete shitcoins or making really retarded emotional trades

>> No.3862413

Only if you are elite investor

>> No.3863517
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Did OP really off himself?

Last post was 3 hours ago

>> No.3863592
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Go rob a bank you worthless piece of shit

>> No.3863639

Overdose has a shit tier success rate so probably not lel
Should've got a helium tank + exit bag that's how the old terminally ill people do it

>> No.3863674

OP at least use tha tlast BTC to go to colombia and bang a bunch of hookers and do coke! its 5k for the trip. do it then come back see how you feel

>> No.3864576

you deserve that you fuck

>> No.3864664


Faggot, suicidal tendencies are a mental illness. You can get fixed. You can come back from total financial ruin, not death. Don't be dumb, suicide is the pussiest way to die. Why don't you volunteer your time and help other people or find something good to contribute to others in need. The fact you have access and time to browse biz means your in a better position than most of the worlds population.

If you're really set on ending it over helping others then do it but don't come here for fucking help (sympathy).

>> No.3864889

hey man don't give up there always something you can do to better your situation. Also I know you don't believe me but things can change super quickly you just need to put yourself in the position so you can reap the rewards. Let me know if you wanna chat man Im here if you want to talk.

>> No.3864899

Don't do it OP. You can bounce back financially. Get some anti-depressants, play some games, go for a walk. You got this.

>> No.3864925

don't do it OP, crypto hasn't even started yet. Go make 1k and come back, put that shit into OMG and chill. You can make it.

>> No.3864933

You won't kys oding on Xanax. You will just black out for a long time and do ridiculous shit.

When you come to your urge to kys will be worse.

>> No.3864948

>using BTC to short BTC
Why do people feel the need to larp?

>> No.3864966

can i have your bitcoin

>> No.3865012

Don't do it anon

>> No.3865019

OP where do you live? let's grab a beer, it's friday night

>> No.3865737

Consider taking out some normies when you go, just don't use a gun.

>> No.3865760

Listen here you glorious faggot.

If you wanna invest in Crypto, you're not instantly a millionaire overnight, it takes time. Stop being a cuck.

The NEO moon? Look at what happened to the market in September during the China FUD, it fucked everything. In the next 5 years, Crypto will be worth trillions.

Now man the fuck up, go out, lift, and go live life and wait like we all are. Life is worth living.

>> No.3865763

And to add onto this. We're all gonna fucking make it, every single one of us. Just don't buy into shitty coins.

>> No.3865900

my brother is dead you fucking piece of shit, you literally killed him. He did exactly what you told him to do. He was on his desk and had this page open on his pc. The police are looking for you.

>> No.3866112

good man

>> No.3866227

first of all, i don't believe you.
i believe you could lose 10 btc that fast. if you did it was due to using margin, being wrong and being impatient. we were all good just holding btc into this uncertainty.
obviously i will never know unless you poasted some solid proof, or if i met you in person.

secondly, i've been thinking of killing myself too. if you want to know painless ways to do it, just use your friendly jewgle search engine. spend a few hours reading up various ways.

you want attention on 4chan so here i am, putting in my part by typing in this little box. i feel ya man. i was making $50K/yr as a wagecuck and lived on my own. then i fucked it all up and now living with parents. let me tell you, it sucks. so yes you are hurting due to crypto losses, but it could be worse. i've never even had 1 whole BTC. i could've bought it so many times in the past when i had money, but i didn't. i was just too caught up in the whole going out and trying to get pussy game. worked a few times but overall very dissatisfying.

anyway, just fucking make up your mind and if you feel that much pain, then make a firm choice.

people kill themselves or choose to continue living each and every day. every day someone dies. i am not important, i am not significant, and neither are you.

in the grand scheme of the universe, with all the galaxies swirling around and shit,, none of this matters, and some bullshit BTC digits in your account don't matter either.

I went from 0.25 BTC to now less than .09 BTC and i have no fucking freedom because i live at home. do you think i wanna kill myself? sure, i do, but will i actually do it. probably not, because there's still some hope inside me that i can turn things around and get out of this mindset.

hope you figure shit out man. it's just numbers in your acct. BTC is fucking gay anyway. buncha chinks control it. it's bascially a chinkcoin now.

>> No.3866353

There's always hope anon

>> No.3866452

xanax won't do it alone. Drink around 8-12 shots and down all the xanax you got. take some painkillers (opiates like oxy or codeine if you got any) too

>> No.3866573

w-wew if true

>> No.3867247

There's still hope anon. Wait till your parents die and inherit their wealth to you. You can live off their money for the rest of your life depending on your lifestyle.

>> No.3867270

What's the matter OP? too good to suck dick to get your money back? Put those knee pads on.

>> No.3867865
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>> No.3867893
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OP's last comment was 12 hours ago

>> No.3867992

Godspeed OP. Godspeed.

>> No.3868013

Did you go all in on DGB?

>> No.3868037

I bet you're just planning to sell him your bags

>> No.3868220
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Your suffering is self-inflicted, so stop crying like a bitch.