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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3855606 No.3855606 [Reply] [Original]

we have about 6-8 months before the US government bans exchanges as we know them.

lobbying from the banking/investment industry will be behind this. there is a chance it will come back but it will require a licensed broker like stocks today. expect to pay $5-$8 for every trade you make depending how frequently you trade. also expect a 4-5 hour lag between your buys/sells.

OTC will still exist, but will be an outlier, the price of everything will be brought to nothing.

Yeah you'll be able to VPN out to Hong Kong or where ever, but it won't be worth the effort anymore.

There will be no incentive to pursue blockchain technology either. There will be a few major tech companies that will absorb the blue chip tech and find a way to privatize the mechanisms.... no need for stakers or miners anymore.

So boys, you have 6 months to get your lambo money

Good Luck

>> No.3855620

nice larp

>> No.3855805

Probably, but it's an interesting scenario to ponder. Could we adapt to such a situation? You know some of (((them))) don't like the plebs having a free market

>Muh money laundering
>Muh unregulated market
>Muh pedophillia
>Muh drugs

>> No.3855848
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>> No.3855897
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This will just force people to decentralized exchanges such as the Bitshares network. Protip: banning exchanges won't kill crypto.

>> No.3855911

How do you decentralise fiat>blockchain transaction? Don't forget the vicious control fetish these people have - the banks will end up monitoring your transactions and if you're seen sending money to shady exchanges
>Money laundering
>Terrorism funding
yada yada, you know the drill. Assets frozen.

>> No.3855941

>no need for stakers or miners anymore.
Do you know how clueless you sound when you say stupid shit like that?
A blockchain without stakers or miners is just a database, except way slower for no additional benefit

>> No.3855956

So you're saying I should just go all in?

>> No.3856002


There is local Bitcoin, other local coins, and local Monero on the way. So people can meet and swap physical cash for digital assets. Also I am sure there is a loop around way on the web that say something gets tethered in with the sale of cryptocurrency. Say buying stickers for little more than the market price of crypto and just the shipping cost. We could also mail paper wallets I suppose. The internet is massive and creative, we are legion, (((they))) will not stop us.

>> No.3856031

>How do you decentralise fiat>blockchain transaction?

>> No.3856050

If you can track every move you did with your alt coins, and prove them with exchanges mails, and your wallet movements / transactions are clear enough you shouldn't have any problem.

>> No.3856059

Your post gave me hope, Anon. Maybe we're gonna make it after all.

>> No.3856097

nice larp

>> No.3856514

Muh we make it illegal because we don't like it. I'd be pissed if your unbelievable prediction were to be true.

>> No.3857431
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You are welcome anon. If they go ahead with swinging the ban hammer around, it will also cause a lot of visibility and more to enter Crypto all in all. (((they))) must know this and are trying to make wise moves. If (((they))) are too obvious it works against (((their))) interests.

>> No.3857450


>been trying to ban illegal movie downloads for more than a decade
>they'll totally get crypto off the net though

>> No.3857482

Protip: western governments and regulators, especially the SEC, are not retarded.

They realize crypto is the future. The ONLY thing that banning crypto would do is prevent Americans from becoming wealthy from the boom. In fact the SEC would be ensuring that America is overall a second world nation in the future by banning crypto. They wouldn't do this out of legitimate concern for their own people (yes this feeling still exists).

They're already pushing it with ICO restrictions. I can't participate in the Polkadot ICO and it's fucking killing me right now. They know they're screwing people over with securities registration.

They're going to let off the grip, if anything. They know they're dead. No sense in dragging Americans down with the sinking ship.

>> No.3857837

>I can't participate in the Polkadot ICO
There are other ways to throw money away, lel

>> No.3857873

What about decentralised exchanges?

>> No.3857912

they cant touch those, crypto will always live on.

>> No.3857942
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>> No.3857977

>Muh money laundering
Why money ever get dirty? Economics are dirty and fucking politics
>Muh unregulated market
Regulated? Pic fucking related.
>Muh pedophillia
Because you fuck up culture and not even respect any women such as glorious brahmin pajeets do.
>Muh drugs
Your local antidepresants/antibiotics do more shit in long procession then pure opium.

>> No.3857988
File: 40 KB, 543x233, 2226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget the pic.
Here you can see regulated dead market and free market.

>> No.3858037

>What is a decentralized exchange

>> No.3858051

nobody likes you fucking with their money.

theres more people getting rich off this then on the old system. nothing will happen.

>> No.3858157

They would rather sacrifice everyone and drag America down than admit they are irrelevant and obsolete.