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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 532 KB, 591x400, 4L_RYXMOYk5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3843402 No.3843402 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw fudded LINK relentlessly the last 2 days and finally approaching target buy price

I-I'm sorry bros

>> No.3843426

Son, I am dissapoint

>> No.3843496 [DELETED] 
File: 976 KB, 245x280, kekling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes its entirely due to your fudding on 4chan not the fact bitcoin soared up past 5.2k and is setting new all ATHs every other hour

You dumb fuckin nigger

>> No.3843503


To be fair it was low quality fud. Still have about 400 sats to go and I'm back in.

>> No.3843516

Anon it was entirely me desu. btc is irrelevant in this matter senpai

>> No.3843519
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>> No.3843539
File: 81 KB, 509x337, 178290649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh fuck LINK isn't going to moon like I thought it would
>oh fuck the FUDDers were right. I should have sold yesterday.
>Hmmmm... I have a plan...
>"Uhhh guys sorry I fudded yesterday. huhu. See it wasn't real after all. Please buy now."

>> No.3843551

The judgement is firing squad

What would you like as your final meal anon?

>> No.3843565

idiots who research sell ahahahah

>> No.3843637

I can confirm SAP is already developing their own blockchains. By that LINK is pointless and doesn't already have a foothold in the ERP game.

>> No.3843670

It's ok anon I did the same thing, I was able to fill my order and have switched sides now

>> No.3843749


What's that, 9 cents OP?

Oh wait, that was my entry price lolollolololol 1 million + link LOLOLOLOLOLOL GON BE RICH LOOLOLOL

>> No.3843874

>"this new blockchain makes LINK pointless!"

You have absolutely no idea what LINK is or does.

>> No.3843966

SAP is an ERP system that has existed since the 90's or longer, now implementing blockchains. You have no idea what LINK does.

>> No.3843981
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>tfw I also wanted to buy a big dip
you are forgiven, OP

>> No.3844028
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>> No.3844037 [DELETED] 

LINK allows for mainstream smart contracts thanks to the very first decentralized network of input sources (oracles) that translate external data for use on multiple blockchains.

Protip: Gartner Group pretty much came up with the concept, and guess who's partnered with Chainlink?
Starts with 'G'.

>> No.3844048

4 million? Damn, you fucked up big this time.

>> No.3844056

Good thing that uni starts next week. I hate seeing LINK tank and need to get my mind off it.

>> No.3844063
File: 161 KB, 1731x911, gartner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK allows for mainstream smart contracts thanks to the very first decentralized network of input sources (oracles) that translate external data for use on multiple blockchains.

Protip: Gartner Group pretty much came up with the concept of ERP, and guess who's partnered with Chainlink?
Starts with 'G'.

>> No.3844092

Neck yourself

>> No.3844098

>Wanted to sell at 9000
>didn't do it
>wanted to sell at 8700
>didn't do it
>wanted to sell at 8300
>didn't do it
M-my iron hands will be rewarded, right /biz/? I'm 50% btc 50% link but it still hurts

>> No.3844140
File: 397 KB, 611x1021, gartner on chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a report by Gartner on Chainlink/Smartcontract btw.