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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 115 KB, 300x300, donttrustwolong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37422 No.37422[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Catalog edition.
Previous thread: >>34720
Current D thread: >>35139

>> No.37452 [DELETED] 

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/
Cryptsy-Thread: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/77882 <- support needed

Website: Soon

Release: ~3 hours

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com 1% pool fee
https://www.pandapool.info/ 0.5% pool fee

IRC: #therealpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

>> No.37461

>Release: ~3 hours

So, I have been sleeping. What has been going on since then? Looks like amDOGE managed to resolve the issue with his pool.

>> No.37477

whoops, release was 11 hours ago, going to fix that

payouts fixed, it was pretty much the best launch I have witnessed

>> No.37478

We reddit tipbot now


>> No.37487

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/
Cryptsy-Thread: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/77882 <- support needed

Website: Soon

Released since: February 15, ~21 GMT

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com 1% pool fee
https://www.pandapool.info/ 0.5% pool fee

IRC: #therealpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

>> No.37490

Is amDoge even working on getting this coin onto an exchange?

>> No.37504

amDOGE is sleeping right now.

>> No.37526

We already have 40 supporters at Cryptsy and we are a direct DOGE clone, so I don't see a reason why they wouldn't add us if we got support.

>> No.37529

I do believe this will go big.

>> No.37683



>> No.37936

I just sold my 500 Potcoin for 35 € on ebay, I was happu at first but after I got my money I feel really, really bad.
What do

>> No.37948

if i were to sell my POT at that rate, i'd have paid off my entire gaming/mining rig with enough left over to buy me an ounce and a half of high quality bud.

that's about $0.10/POT, which is breddy gud, but i think it can go higher.

>> No.37958

check out
>>37554 if you're looking for new cryptos

>> No.37970

>Est. Next Difficulty 7.03597605

>> No.37977

pkr isn't terrible.

nice to mine although I don't know about current difficulty.
meh to buy

it's gambling related so turns some support away and attracts others.

>> No.38006

i was tempted to mine a few of those, just to fuck around in whatever sites they get using it. POT is my mid to long term coin, not just to cash out but to actually use it for goods/services.

i mined volt & doge to cash out to buy more pot as it's been stupidly low on cryptorush. sold several hundred thousand volt @ 20 satoshi. that worked out well.

misc: got some fck in case i feel like giving a fck, pnd for lulz, and some spoderman also for lulz.

my real store of wealth / investment: stacks of physical silver.

>> No.38120
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>> No.38129

So I just got up how did amDoge fix everything?

>> No.38153

I think everything's running pretty smoothly now

>> No.38171
File: 55 KB, 500x669, 1388164361193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is now a good time to get into mining in general or should I not bother?

>> No.38182

It's never too late

>> No.38187

Sure, there's tons of shitcoins flooding the market that people are making a quick buck off of, and Doge has good long term prospects

>> No.38200

you should probably specify what type of graphics card you have available for mining.

>> No.38272

I think I'd need to buy components and everything but is it worth the invest?

>> No.38302

So did anything exciting happen during the last 6 hours?

>> No.38314

potentially, but it's a risk. bitcoin was over $1000 when i got my gaming/mining rig, today it's.. ~$700 but it's a bit of a mess right now. might drop a bunch more, might rebound and shoot up to $7000 based on previous trends, but who knows!

most people seem to be mining new scrypt coins then dumping them asap for btc, not a lot looking mid to long term. scams and shitcoins are abundant. if you've already got some essentials stored up, like food, supplies, some silver, some brass and lead [if ya know what i mean,] sure go for it. helps a lot if you're also a gamer. lots to read up on, do your research.

[gaming setup: dual 280x] ~1.5mh/s
[pure mining setup: quad 270x, asrock h81 pro mobo] ~1.8mh/s

>> No.38359

Is that the Pro BTC? I wish I could catch one in stock. Do you use powered risers with yours?

>> No.38392


i wouldn't recommend it. mine with whatever you already own, see how much you make in the first 48 hours. is it a lot? is it enough that in a month's time when you're making 10x less due to difficulty increase/swarm size increase it'll still be enough? i believe that at the moment mining bitcoin, for example, won't even cover your electricity cost on a home PC, let alone pay for component degradation

>> No.38401

Well my main gaming build has a 670 if that would be enough.

>> No.38408

i haven't gone beyond the gaming/mining hybrid setup yet. no risers, but i had to pop off the side panel and point a fan at it cus my msi 280x's like to get to 90ºc and above. not entirely sure if 270x's would need powered risers, but i know for sure 280x's do.

the asrock h81 pro btc's can be found at good prices, as well as powered risers, just be patient and thorough and don't give into the scalpers on ebay/amazon.

>> No.38413

So nobody care anymore for Dogecoin?

>> No.38416

so thats wolong's exchange or how is this related to him?

>> No.38425

nvidia cards, due to much lower compute units compared to ati cards, suck for mining.

some of the newer high end nvidia cards start to compete in terms of compute units, but the price ratio versus 270x/280x still gets you. ati cards rule for scrypt mining, even with the price gouges from demand.

excellent cards for gaming as well, not that there's much that really pushes a dual 280x/290x/690/780/790 setup. damn consoles holding back pc progress.

>> No.38428
File: 78 KB, 480x270, n-no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your remaining balance in a shitty exchange is below the fees to withdraw it

also, dueling generals?

>> No.38437

are people unofficialy trading Panda somewhere?

>> No.38434

Apparently Fedoracoin is releasing the mixing service today.

Just saying.

>> No.38440

No. Because there's no market for PND. At all.

>> No.38442

Well sure, but there's not much to talk about there. Doge threads were usually loose crypto generals anyway

>> No.38451

I made the Doge thread without realizing this was up, and now it's too late to delete it.

┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

>> No.38457

Lol looks like interest in your panda stalled out
You not even able to hype your own coins

>> No.38458
File: 137 KB, 250x250, 1388047784007.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, i've seen it on the bitcointalk thread and on.


#officialpandacoin on freenode ; although this has mostly been begging

not saying it'll be anything than a joke coin or a "fuck you" to wolong's pandacoin...

>> No.38465

Wolong pls go

>> No.38472

Another pandacoin has been launched. Spread the word that [PAN] is fake.


>> No.38476

Anyone got a link on where to start?

>> No.38479

>implying this was ever about hyping it or profit

it created confusion, it helped expose wolong as a scamster, he and his butt buddies were all mad, we learned about setting some stuff up and all had a laugh.


>> No.38488

what the fuck. the goal is to confuse wolongcoin.

PAN is doing a great service to us all

>> No.38489
File: 243 KB, 604x527, 1392446144850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to bump all Pandacoin threads that don't belong to Wolong


>> No.38491
File: 74 KB, 1302x704, doge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOGE isn't getting much action right now.

>> No.38495
File: 3 KB, 405x105, SO CLOSE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why? that's the whole point.


>> No.38498

Well, that depends on which stage you're looking to start at. If you have no hardware then you can just google Litecoin mining hardware for an idea on where to begin if you wanna build a legit rig.

>> No.38513

Yeah, it's gonna be slow for a week or three.

>> No.38518

>20% premine
I think wolong is trying to beat us with our own weapons, but I don't think it works in that direction. Ignoring will be fine.

>> No.38526
File: 67 KB, 500x486, 1360649653890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Explanation of Logo:
>大猫熊狗屎硬币 roughly translates to "Big Panda Shit Coin"

>> No.38531

my sides

>> No.38540
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>> No.38538
File: 470 KB, 512x384, 1390702624376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's currently 5 panda coins on the front page of [ANN]

>> No.38545
File: 1.50 MB, 350x219, yeah-fuckyeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38546

I don't think I've ever seen a site more full of shit than this one:

>> No.38553

I can't even see anything without enabling a ton of scripts

Into the trash

>> No.38572


yeah that was a bad sign to start with.
If you actually go further it's so much worse.

you'd be better off buying something like Quark or even fucking UNO before you touched that.

>> No.38586
File: 44 KB, 501x644, 1366559125330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all about marine shit, and maritime this and that, which is stinkily similar to admiralty law which is the master ruse that binds us to the oligarchical merchants.

such zionist. many jesuit. wow.

>> No.38587

Is mining still profitable or is it better just buying the coins outright and then selling them?

>> No.38594
File: 66 KB, 1248x563, Good site, would shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's some QUALITY right there

>> No.38600

Doge got from its depth at 40 satoshi over a peak over 200 to a floor around 150, where it hang around for two weeks with only slight ups and downs. Now it's setting its floor at around 200. You can expect it to hang there for 2 more weeks until it sets off to 300.
Thats pretty healthy if it doesn't blow up a bubble rising endless.

>> No.38602

It's not as profitable as it once was, but eventually the price will catch up and even it out.

It's probably better to just buy coins right now though, not that you shouldn't also mine in the meantime.

>> No.38615

Which coins are the best to invest in at the moment?

>> No.38626

How much do you make in a 24 hour session with this setup?

>> No.38621


unless you want to diversify

but we all liek the doge

>> No.38628

Hey guys, I just installed my PandaCoin wallet, created the PandaCoin.conf, but it still doesn't update. I installed it on a W7 x64.
Am I doing anything wrong?

>> No.38629

Wait a few minutes.

>> No.38640

see thread for info about PandaCoin.conf (under wallet)

>> No.38645

good morning sunshineDoge! :3

>> No.38649

Doge, for real.

BTC's had a daily trade volume of roughly $164 mirrion dorrars recently, while doge has been trading nearly it's exact market cap of $88ish mirrion daily, so I think either BTC is grossly overvalued, or doge is grossly UNDERvalued.

I'm sure my numbers are off, but it was something similar to this, so fact check it.

I'm betting on doge seeing some serious growth and becoming an actual internet currency while people sit on their mountains of BTC and don't do anything with them aside from hope they appreciate in value, like gold.

>> No.38648

remember to exit wallet while you make changes
be sure windows doesn't add a .txt extention (deactivate Hide Known Extensions)

>> No.38650

it's not that simple. if you're looking for pure mine and dump, depending on which day you were looking at, $20-40. if you're looking at my best POT mining day, holding until they appreciate down the road, several hundred. perhaps several thousand. if i could accurately predict the future i'd just be buying instant lotto tickets.

>> No.38660

So, what's the plan with this Pandacoin now that the launch was more or less successful?

>> No.38671

get the tipbot going for 3.0. Tip people in the Wolong pandacoin subreddit with it.

>> No.38665
File: 1.15 MB, 707x1017, sunshine doge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38666


Why so many different pandacoins?

Totally gay

Though the Chinese LOVE fake things so maybe it's perfect for them

>> No.38674
File: 116 KB, 640x427, 1390204626443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Though the Chinese LOVE fake things so maybe it's perfect for them

>> No.38676
File: 233 KB, 500x477, 1392458651341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine more Pandacoin

>> No.38681

I only have 800K Pandacoins.

Will I ever be rich?

>> No.38686

create and launch a shady panda gambling den. make sure they're all smoking hand rolled cigarettes, have stained and ripped open button down tshirts, and there's a very frightened girl sitting off in the dark corner.

>> No.38698

So is doge the best for mining or should I just start with litecoin?

>> No.38706

LTC is dying. Just mine doge or mine other stuff that's more profitable to turn into doge.

>> No.38708
File: 39 KB, 425x232, geldschein-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The treaty of Versailles has been an insult to our intelligence.

>> No.38710

Well, added all this nodes :

Still a failure :\

>> No.38714
File: 297 KB, 421x421, 4 da lulz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mined 100K pandacoins with potato while diff was low
>the most anything i've ever had

>> No.38718

Potato spec?

>> No.38721

Tipbot is up go go
+/u/pandatips xxx panda

>> No.38725

>about to go to bed
>can't connect to my doge pool
Guess I'm mining pandas.

>> No.38728

How long have you been waiting. The windows client took me around 10 minutes to start syncing.

>> No.38733

Doge has the best community at the moment if you have questions people will be able to help you more.

But if you need to look for technical solutions for any issues you have, look at litecoin stuff on google because its pretty much the same coin.

>> No.38738

Shit when did you go to bed amDoge?
How did you get it to work?
Also thank you.

>> No.38741
File: 62 KB, 265x265, 1372233458592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our Panda almost has the same hash rate as Nyan does

>> No.38742

Is there anything to take into consideration about mining/investing from the UK?

>> No.38744
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>> No.38747

Well, I'm gonna wait for 15 more minutes

>> No.38751
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>> No.38760
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>> No.38761

amdoge, will you mine this promising new coin? Im pretty sure its the next big thing


>> No.38764
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>> No.38769
File: 150 KB, 480x360, randymarshchef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to get your shit out of Cryptorush ASAP



>> No.38779

how do I into verify?

>> No.38786

Looks very promising. And only 20% premine?

>> No.38800

How much PND does 50k DOGE get me?

>> No.38804

I wake up to see that my coins have dissapeared from bamboohouse and the contact page doesnt work?? good job

>> No.38809
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>> No.38807
File: 3 KB, 295x133, lp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /laptop/ here?
this is what I got overnight

>> No.38813

You're on the contact page dum dum

>> No.38817
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>> No.38820
File: 112 KB, 850x598, 1326578899807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..I may as well
First 4 replies to my post gets something

>> No.38821

Contact page is working fine.

>> No.38826


>> No.38823

why do i get the feeling PND will take off like dogecoin even after oump and dump

>> No.38824

>Replying to the yellow jew

>> No.38827
File: 24 KB, 301x267, ビッ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations on BEST LAUNCH

>> No.38829
File: 49 KB, 264x292, 1382799794232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, post your address ya dummy

>> No.38830

damn son you ballin'

>> No.38831
File: 6 KB, 233x177, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

night man pls.

>> No.38833
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>> No.38835


>my offer still stands though

>> No.38836

PND is the future

>> No.38852

thank you kindly

>> No.38854

sent you 20k :o)

>> No.38857

and thank you as well other kind stranger

>> No.38861
File: 114 KB, 448x398, 404 HECK YES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38873
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>> No.38893
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>> No.38894

Hey amdoge, yoiu did pretty well on this. Will you be taking on any further serious coin projects? Or even offering services to dogecoin in general?

Any chance of you setting up a dogecoin mining pool for /biz/? I'd be happy to pay at least a 1% fee if you ran it.

>> No.38888
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 1385273298867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lack panda so have a shibe and thanks

>> No.38914

it wont

>> No.38930

Can i mine with both my cpu and gpu without causing fire?

>> No.38931

>Will you be taking on any further serious coin projects?
>Or even offering services to dogecoin in general?
Probably not.
>Any chance of you setting up a dogecoin mining pool for /biz/?
I'm not experienced with running pools. The pandacoin pool is up because we lacked pools on launchtime. If there's any issue with it I either need some time to read up on it or help from externals.

>> No.38941

probably but cpu mining isn't worth it, gpu is literally multiple times more profitable

>> No.38955

Hey amdoge did you end up needing any of those donations?

>> No.38958

Admit it, you had fun.

>> No.38965

Luckily not. If anyone that sent me some wants them back, please contact me on irc.

Yes. It's still not suitable for "serious coin projects".

>> No.38971

Well we already have some new coin ideas. How about "Wolong Tears"

>> No.38974

i want to try it. What speed would i be getting for an 8350?

>> No.38978

no idea. check the litecoin chart

>> No.38982
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>> No.38985


nobody will fucking sell it

I've offered prices bordering on the ridiculous and still people are holding.

>> No.38992

I've got 250k Panda you can steal away for the low low price of 50k doges

>> No.38993
File: 45 KB, 1132x264, bamboo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

User: Jaguawrr
time of screenshot 00:25 - your timezone
I did not receive these coins, error message for contact page

>> No.39013

how much did you offer?
also >>37138

>> No.39009

I haven't really seen any trade talk yet

>> No.39024


how are you so sure?

what if people on this forum stick to PND and once the exchange gets confirmed i doubt it will be possible to crash it if people hold on to it

>> No.39028
File: 27 KB, 733x320, 1392556051006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's one transaction in pps that couldn't be made.

>> No.39033

Too many people holding, not enough people shitting on laptops for this to take off.

Come on Pandabears. Get wacky.

>> No.39036

Literally everybody in this board will start dumping in the first minute. Race to the bottom bro. amdoge wants to trade hers for dogecoins

>> No.39038


>> No.39046

Next time dont call me after the yellow jew, fix your contact page and stop being bandwagon faggots.

>> No.39048
File: 4 KB, 291x84, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are they bad transactions?

>> No.39045

i would do that but i need my laptop to mine

>> No.39050
File: 108 KB, 1131x706, gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39053

i meant btctalk or whatever its called, 'this' was not meant to imply 4chan

>> No.39061

Guys we need more plebbitors shilling our own coin subreddit here


Also this is wolong's scamcoin subreddit"


I know reddit is shit but it's gotta be done.

>> No.39056

Oh, I don't follow the goys on BTCtalk so I dunno. I can't even tell who's mining this now either. Is it just us or what?

>> No.39057

I did the goddamn same thing. When you leave something open you get an other error message.

>> No.39067

Try it

>> No.39068

du hast mich

>> No.39071


>> No.39064

>When you leave something open you get an other error message.
what does that mean?

>> No.39080


>> No.39082

4chan you glories are over
join the winners
don't be fail

>> No.39088

who is this 4chan you speak of

>> No.39089

I'll do some shilling a little later. Is there any FUD on ours yet? I really wanna read some more MAD posts

>> No.39094

I didn't understand what you mean with "leaving something open".

>> No.39093

no the guides to evrything from wallet-mine-pools were posted everywhere possible

>> No.39098
File: 103 KB, 484x274, 1381643467761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, that's even better

>> No.39103

wolong, go back to your eunuchs plz

>> No.39120

Remember to shill us to get on cryptsy


>> No.39131
File: 72 KB, 420x296, wololololong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wolong please...

>> No.39133

Anyone trading Panda, I want Doge

>> No.39135

Anyone know a good cpu coin to mine?

Memorycoin is shit

>> No.39137


>> No.39140

4chan paper tiger
all bark
no bite

>> No.39143

Is that the only alternative

>> No.39145
File: 196 KB, 471x305, Panda ruse wolong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I think I love you amDOGE, you did an amazing job with Pandacoin 3.0
Not even talking about the huge tips you gave me for my Doge OC

All my internet to you, true king of /biz/

>> No.39147

Tigers don't bark

>> No.39150

What are the advantages of mining on linux? If i can use the pc for other stuff without compromising the hashrate that'd be nice.

>> No.39151

I have no idea, I can't into CPU minan

>> No.39163
File: 290 KB, 1920x1080, 1392557545811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advantage is that you can control your miners remotely.

>> No.39172

amDoge I need passage to the IRC.
Pixels won't respond.

>> No.39175

What's your username?

>> No.39174
File: 455 KB, 200x125, did he died.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39177


>> No.39178

I want some panda, cant mine it but want some to remember the mighty lulz I had those last days

>> No.39186

i cant get on #therealpandacoin, is it locked?

>> No.39184

post adress

>> No.39189

try Riecoin

it's not cpu for ever but I think it is for right now.

it's the only cpu coin I've heard anything about recently other than maxcoin and memorycoin.

but most of us aren't really into cpu mining

>> No.39195

not very useful for me then.

>> No.39204

it's forwarding to officialpandacoin

>> No.39217
File: 17 KB, 311x138, I cry evrytim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39228


invite only

>> No.39233

hmm can anyone invite me too? I'm heyloyloy

>> No.39235

ok wait a min, seting up the wallet

>> No.39238

uhh.. when did talking about mona become a ban worthy?

>> No.39240

we need more acceptance. 42 in one day is too few. remember wolong buys fans
remember also that we can only beat him really deep is when we get on exchanges

>> No.39237

but I've been in that channel since we got the idea ;_;

>> No.39244

Hmm, you got banned for talking about it?

>> No.39249
File: 260 KB, 499x256, FINAL BATTLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some more Panda OC to prove my good will.


>> No.39254

Has anyone used BAMT here?

>> No.39255

no. i'm just asking.

>> No.39264

Oh, no you should be fine to post whatever here

>> No.39266







>> No.39268

That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.39270

>death to /a/

Well you're not getting my panda then

>> No.39275

i did but then went with my own linux

>> No.39282

I mean the IRC.

>> No.39291

Oh, I have no idea

>> No.39295

sent :^)

>> No.39311
File: 37 KB, 825x481, no_block_source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related ;_;

I added both of the pandacoin.conf in appdata/roaming and my wallet folder with the appropriate nodes, still not syncing :(

>> No.39312

I have about 3000 PND. How much are they worth?

>> No.39313
File: 578 KB, 1280x720, 1392559101089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody ever tips me so its okay.
/a/ is stupid just like your ugly waifu. I do like watching animes tho.
should i install it? It is worth downloading?

>> No.39315

about 3k satoshi

>> No.39326
File: 320 KB, 500x373, 1391525305428.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit no okay, added more nodes and now working

>> No.39331

delete the pandacoin folder in appdata and then try again. Backup the wallet first cause idk, lol.

>> No.39338

exit the wallet
add the conf file
then open it again

that's what I did, you better get it working or the 2k I sent was for nought

my waifu isn't girly though

>> No.39342
File: 37 KB, 833x424, Thx anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.39353
File: 90 KB, 629x629, 1042867452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn was checking the pools, already 558 MH/s in one day, shit is crazy

>> No.39361

i have 4m and they are worth the same: nothing

>> No.39362
File: 43 KB, 834x430, Thx 2nd anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39365


>> No.39370

>should i install it? It is worth downloading?
you dont install it you boot it from usb
its only worth if you have a headless rig and too lazy to build your own small linux

>> No.39372

what are your specs?
too poor to buy a decent gpu atm

>> No.39381

why don't you spread around some of that nothing ;)

>> No.39384
File: 647 KB, 1280x4320, 1348361170671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sent you some. ya cunt

>> No.39385

280x MSI running at 640-710kh

>> No.39403


>> No.39402

have some nothings

>> No.39407

thx, I'll forward it to others like everyone else should do.

>> No.39410

A guy on IRC made a PND block explorer:

>> No.39411

anyone want to sell me some mona for pnd?

>> No.39415
File: 337 KB, 400x290, 7aa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love nothing

>> No.39420

Reminder that begging is forbidden. It is a 7-days banable offence. You have been warned. ;)

>> No.39424

Is a bunch of nothing being spread out in this thread?

>> No.39425

its not like i wanted it or anything... b-baka~~!

>> No.39428

I hope so.
I'm sitting on 190PND unconfirmed

>> No.39429

Nothing seems to be spreading out in this thread.

>> No.39434
File: 53 KB, 449x444, Barks internally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This shit is crazy, I dont understand why 7 fuckin days
I mean, ban for 1 or 2 days I could understand, if some anon insist a bit too much. But 7 days, its fukin crazy. Those altcoins are all about sharing

>> No.39435

Is that just from us or are people actually mining this shit lol

>> No.39440

I just need 1 pandoshi to test my address

>> No.39441

how do you get your wallet to display these kinds of popup messages?

>> No.39442

you can't say I'm begging, right? we are just sharing ;)

>> No.39446
File: 226 KB, 1024x600, pnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I do?

Nvidia GTX650

>> No.39448

i fucking dont care for bans i have dyna ip

>> No.39450

Reminder that this fat sack of crap is wolong henchman


I'm in his chat right now and he's trying the 0.1 btc trick again.

it's not working. like it's really not working for him this time.

he's also freaking out that he's not gonna be able to pump top with all of our sells weighing it down.

I'm about to really start twisting the knife on this guy.

>> No.39451

Well, there is already more people in the "unofficial" pools than in the onw created by amDOGE. And ~90 miners in amDOGE pool. So I guess it is working pretty well for a coin created in such a short period of time

>> No.39453
File: 5 KB, 406x156, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks guys

>> No.39455

you did very well anon

>> No.39460

it does that automatically

>> No.39462

I got 100, thanks

If anyone wants to know how to set up custom addresses use with -X 55


no guarantees though, I just tried everything for X until it worked

>> No.39468

Guys keep shilling our coin and FUDding Wolongs coin.

>> No.39469

BTW, is it me or all the realpanda adress start with a P ?

>> No.39474

But truth is it fucked up the threads.
Half the thread got dealt 6 day bans two days ago and then it stopped moving.
NOBODY begged, some anon did a giveaway, people posted their addresses and everyone got banned.
Also nobody really complains about people posting their address and real beggars get told to fuck off.

>> No.39475

and thanks for another 1000!

>> No.39476

yeah. just like doge with D

>> No.39480

it hasn't for me ;-;

>> No.39481

so does wolong's coin lel

>> No.39482


>> No.39485

Will pay 25,000 PND for someone to rap the free software song, or perform it in the style of William Shatner.


>> No.39486

Literally everything about cryptos is shilling.

Kinda getting tired of this shit. I've already dumped my top keks and made a tidy profit.

>> No.39487
File: 51 KB, 640x424, 1391993220811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.39493

I've got an older novidia quadro to mine with
don't have a pci-e 16x motherboard at my disposal right now and ordering one will take forever.

can I just use any decent pc i find and slap my quadro in it and start mining?

>> No.39494

Begging is allowed in the IRC channel so anyone wanting PND just go there


>> No.39499

Sometimes its annoying when you chat about something and people flood with addresses

>> No.39508

This is a business and finance board and we're not even allowed to give each other money.

>> No.39509
File: 23 KB, 463x190, 1392560737515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39512

All of /biz/ is going to dump as soon as it hits an exchange, it's every man for himself

>> No.39513

hahaha, nobody did it yet ?

>> No.39514

give it a try anon, just be sure to mine with cudaminer

>> No.39515


>> No.39524

Oo could generate a spike, which would be a good time to sell my tips.

Still wanting COMEDY GOLD coin

>> No.39527

Nope. We can get people from here to shit and cum on laptops, but god forbid you hear their voice.

>> No.39528


This one is better


>> No.39534

>>39512 Ill hold amDOGE, I promise.
Dont want to compromise all your great work for this coin. Pandacoin 3.0 is not about money, more about preventing wolong to make more money

>> No.39535

that was a good idea dumping your top.

I'm sick of the shilling and shitcoins too.
so I'm just picking one coin I like and focusing in on it totally.

jumping around to 5 different boats to grab more money and camping out for launches is just too much work.

I'm even wondering about trying multipooling

>> No.39536

The fact that we had a really good launch will look good on our resume for the next serious coin

>> No.39538


>> No.39546

Yes it is.
But is it justified to ban the whole thread for it?
Also we will adapt, nobody posts giveaways now or we warn them when they do but in the end it hurts the coin and it hurts the threads.
A 1 day ban followed by the mod post would be understandable and have the same result.

>> No.39547


>> No.39543

Guys. Chill out. Its still under review.

>> No.39550

>that feel when missed the train

>> No.39551


>> No.39562

thats' ridiculous. i only have 100k and i'm still giving
just make it a 2 day ban

>> No.39565
File: 49 KB, 1024x600, youguys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides

>> No.39578

I didn't see it at first.
But then I kek'd

>> No.39579
File: 491 KB, 480x250, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39582

Please don't dump veverything immediately once we hit exchanges.

>> No.39586

do we need votes to get on cryptsy? cos I got an account, can add vote if needed

>> No.39592

I have no plans to but obviously can't speak for other anons.

it's truly worthless to me so I'll just mine and hold forever.

>> No.39598


The lulz we had/will have is never worthless
Ill also hold and cherish them forever

>> No.39604
File: 644 KB, 1920x1080, all my tips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39607

surely it would be better in the long run if ppl don't dump but try to make this one the legit pandacoin. in that way we will have won over wolong.

>> No.39612

are you just mining tips now?!

>> No.39615

are you le serious?

>> No.39616

well to the anon sent me 19k thanks alot!

>> No.39620

what? NO. I was told this was going to explode.

>> No.39623


>> No.39625

some anon promised me to send me 1million pnd 2 days ago.
will he come through?

>> No.39627

no, sorry

>> No.39632

hes reviewing us and decides if we are enough for him worth making a coin. depends on you now to PUSH THAT UP
only succeeds when it hits market

>> No.39640

the wallet cointains your receiving adddresses. if you delete it and were already expecting transactions for an address in the wallet
u done gone full retard

>> No.39641
File: 5 KB, 183x170, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14 KHS over two laptops
best I can do

>> No.39642

thats a start :) thanks

>> No.39650

everyone should tweet wolong and ask for his share of the IPO

>> No.39651


you sure ?

whenever i received pandas i got pop up, check in your settings for notification area

>> No.39652

10K sent :o) (just like everyone else in this thread)

>> No.39658

Great Thanks My Friend

>> No.39664

who told you that?


>> No.39668

Also shilled a bit in the Cryptsy topic, for them wolong lulz

>> No.39671
File: 51 KB, 514x389, 1327397690908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you as well anon for 9k

>> No.39685

> cryptorush

>> No.39689


>> No.39696

thank you kind sir

>> No.39697
File: 103 KB, 1304x705, santapanda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no probs. Doing this for the pandalove.

>> No.39700
File: 156 KB, 640x480, VLGINS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you 2k for a reference to TSU TSU TSU

>> No.39705
File: 8 KB, 251x250, 1257452715469s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that's mighty nice of you

>> No.39735

you're a sick cunt m8

>> No.39760

What's so special about this coin? Is it's the latest pump and dump?

>> No.39878
File: 790 KB, 386x522, 1382900550513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to get into cryptocurrency and wanted to do some research first before I start buying any coins or start mining.
What are some key things I should read through or concepts I should understand?

>> No.40137

tell us more!! I want some blood :)

>> No.40194

are you heyloyloy in IRC?

>> No.40275


i missed the rain ;_;

>> No.41565

Panda and beyond :-D