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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 195 KB, 1200x630, IMG_8185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3843259 No.3843259 [Reply] [Original]

Can't believe there ain't a single thread and the market goes live in 3,5 hrs.

This baby has a working forecasting app with thousands of DUs. It's coming out with a $15MM market cap so get in fast before we get to $150MM.

Thank me later or stay poor forever biz, your choice faggots

>> No.3843270

literally the worst time in history of crypto to be a) an ICO b) an ETH token

They're fucked.

>> No.3843280

> t.autist

>> No.3843421

What exchange is this listing/listed on. I wanted to buy the ICO but didn't want to be on the hook for contributing so I want to pick some up.

>> No.3843550

ED at 17:46:40 UTC today.

>> No.3843649

Already 2 x orders on ED. Real steal. Why?

People wanted to splash $500MM into this. That is 33 x of the actual marketcap.

>> No.3843679

Easy 10x, 15M market cap is nothing for this coin. 4000 investors, mostly in IT, no P&D pajeets allowed.

>> No.3844084


This is going to be huge, easiest 10x ever

>> No.3844158

Yeah it's weird there's not more buzz here, I found out about it from /biz/ but then people stopped talking about it. I wish I could hold this stuff for a while, but my fucking luxury sedan got demolished by a freight truck part so I'm gonna have to sell if it hits 4x+ and get myself a new vehic

>> No.3844179

Please don't just throw this around at newfags Pajeet. Everyone said the same thing about Obsidian which had half the marketcap and not even Chainlink has substantially more than 150 mil.

>> No.3844197



ICO price was .0000361
Market cap of 15mil.
30k people applied for the crowdsale and only 4k were accepted.
Working product that they've been working on for years.
It's not hard to see the obvious moon mission. And you say biz never helps you.

>> No.3844210
File: 59 KB, 243x332, Screen Shot 2017-10-12 at 12.40.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the buy orders just waiting for this coin to start trading

>> No.3844217

It is like u made it into the train without a ticket. You will pay twice, but you can still enjoy the ride.

Check out their medium blog about the roadmap november/december. Big things happening.

>> No.3844385

let me shill this up your assess

>their predictive analytics were tested with 1000 individuals at MOEX (also their partner), generating a 45% p.a. return
>late Nov/early Dec several products launch
>services usable through either holding the token or spending, for some. Forecasters and scientists incentivized with CND
>Aiming for specialized knowledge in the team
>You had to interview for the ICO (written)
>pegged ICO price to USD to ensure hard cap stays as it is
>proven track of 3-years
>Evan Cheng as advisor

>> No.3844396

>token holders receive access to their hybrid ai predictive data

>> No.3844428


how many tokens do you need? Surely there must be some number?

>> No.3844436

40 minutes.
Are you guys ready for this moon mission?

>> No.3844443
File: 38 KB, 557x316, More.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So ICO was 0.0000330524 each right; according to the order book it;s already a going to sell for at least 0.000112000. Its already x3.38.

Where is the meat for me?

>> No.3844447

mfw was accepted to Tier 3 but minimum cap was to high for me
mfw was asking for move to Tier 4 and they actually moved me
mfw didn't set up the LinkedIn/ Twitter link so I was kicked out of sale

mfw got accepted to Request and forgot to send ETH


>> No.3844496


meh. If it's already 4x ICO I'm not gonna bother then.

I've got Request tomorrow anyways.

>> No.3844508


I got invited but refused to add their shit to my linked in.

No thanks.

>> No.3844516

those buy orders will get pulled before the trading begins. the average price for today will probably be around 1.5x ico just like any other ico that starts on ED.

>> No.3844520

Didn't add any social media. Got accepted.

>> No.3844548


Could have added it to twitter and nobody would notice

>> No.3844571

Fack. Never used ED and didn't realize I needed to deposit after transferring funds... now I've been waiting 20 minutes for that to clear.

For the love of gawd clear before Cindic goes live.

>> No.3844577

I've put aside most of my earnings from ZRX/KNC/LINK etc to dump into this on ED. I won't blink at buying everything up 2x-4x ICO price. 15mm market cap means this thing is going way the fuck up. Easy 500m market cap project. Charlie Shrem is even on board.

>> No.3844653

>mfw got accepted to Request and forgot to send ETH
request sale hasnt even started

>> No.3844752
File: 672 KB, 2093x1192, figure_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is legit goys. picrelated is their alpha running on some timeseries data. get in or stay poor forever

>> No.3844827

Why can't I find CND on EtherDelta? Was trying to scoop up a healthy portion.

>> No.3844849


does anyone know why it's not trading yet? You said it would be live by now...

>> No.3844879

Holy shit guys I think they might have actually told ED to put it down since it was listed two weeks ago without their consent. These folks don't fuck around, polo/bitfinex all but confirmed.

>> No.3844922

that's pretty shit desu

>> No.3844971



>> No.3844972

I've never had an ETH transaction take as long as this ED deposit is taking.

Why so slow? Fack.

>> No.3845010

dumping hard lmao

>> No.3845023


>> No.3845048

shit dumpfest haha.

>> No.3845055

it's about 1.8x ICO right now

good entry point? I still know nothing about this coin desu

>> No.3845057

Me too I swear I had 100k LINKS; ANDY thats enough for today first Chancoin, eBTC and now this!

>> No.3845090

no, wait for it to dip down to 1.3-1.5x

>> No.3845151

I was trying to deposit and it was just at an hour pending then they reset the deposit.... Back to 1 min pending...

>> No.3845179


Ugh... ya I'm still waiting. So horribly slow. I hate having coins caught in limbo.

>> No.3845205

no joke, it took me 3 hours to make an eth deposit last night. i used 21 gwei and 200k gas.

>> No.3845255


I'm waiting for it to clear to my ED wallet which doesn't seem to let me set the gas prices... and they only threw 8 Gwei at it... gonna be stuck waiting for ever :\

>> No.3845259

Would love it if they went through the "Tell Us How You Can Help Us" crap and I end up buying below ICO XD

>> No.3845269

i'm pretty sure you can only change the gwei if you use metamask otherwise it defaults to 8

>> No.3845304

lol obsidian ain't over, wtf are you on about, new exchanges are coming, we already know about hitBTC, which is above and beyond craptopia

>> No.3845362

I'm so fucking tired of ED. What a slow piece of crap

>> No.3845471


Fack. Good to know, thanks. I've avoided the temptation of exchanges so far to just buy and hold or buy into ICOs so I don't have it installed :\

On the upside, I've watched it drop way below my original guess on price so I should be able to scoop up more once it finally clears... if it ever clears.

>> No.3845508

Anybody know the token code for this beauty?

>> No.3845519
File: 40 KB, 748x417, desfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys all my orders have gone through (Used 100 gwei), now I'm going to spend the rest of my flight in the mile high club, might come back later

>> No.3845521

8 gwei? better go sleep lol.

>> No.3845650


Ya... been watching the pending transactions... doesn't look great lol. just found where to change that. What a time to fuck that up :\

>> No.3845682

honestly guys there is so little hype surrounding this ICO

it reminds me a lot of Agrello. The whole project died 1 week after etherdelta

>> No.3845721

agrello was a fucking disaster, even worse than EBET which atleast came near its ico price again

agrello literally went below ico price the moment it was listed, and is barely even above 25% ico price atm

but it had a pretty massive marketcap for such a shitty coin tbqh, 50M right out of the gate is way too much

not to mention it took them like 1 month to release their coins after the crowdsale opened, and another week to distribute the coins because they wanted to do it manually

glad i only bought 1.5 eth worth of delta tokens, sold my bags at 60% ico price, good call apparently

>> No.3845724

Not true at all. Many of us have been keeping very tight lipped about this one just so we could acquire more tokens after that difficult and limited ICO process

>> No.3845744


the subreddit looks really shitty. Same as agrello

and a lot of people are complaining that the app sucks and the predictive charts aren't even that great

>> No.3845757

Where the fuck do you buy this? I don't see CND on etherdelta

>> No.3845765

Im also stuck at 8 Gwei. How can increase it?

>> No.3845792

go to the link here

This is the listing for it. Price just dipped and now its rising fast.

>> No.3845794


>difficult and limited
>got 50 accounts passed thru by making BS essays xD

>> No.3845821


I just changed my gas price (top right menu) and resent. Fack those ED fees seem steep though. .928 ETH because .921.

>> No.3845828

I'm not falling for another AI scam

this coin will sink quietly into the night


>> No.3845861
File: 10 KB, 552x428, saythattomyfaceonskypeandseewhathappens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This depth chart says otherwise.

>> No.3845874

Changed my Gas price, how do I resend?

>> No.3845879


that's meaningful after the token has been live for 15 minutes.

I can't even see the recent buy/sell orders. Wtf is wrong with this pajeet site

>> No.3845898

Already has a product with which they're going to be rolling out some major updates between now and November. We can expect the UI and AI predictions to get much better. A great team who've been highly professional up until now, so there's no reason to believe this won't be a success. Additionally, the low hard cap; it has everything it needs to return 5× ICO in the short term. I'm genuinely looking forward to using their app

>> No.3845915

Apparently people are being permanently banned from telegram for just uttering the words etherdelta

just lol

>> No.3845919

Damn, I cancelled my application after they got too demanding. Which tiers did you get in? Currently hodling 500k. Feels good

>> No.3845978

They posted some crap on Twitter about tokens being non-tradable until they've approved each exchange. I guess they don't want people bypassing them with ED

>> No.3845993

fuck those faggots. the tokens are ours, not theirs.

>> No.3846019

Holding a bunch.. I like the team .. also bought zrx, kyber, chain in icos..

>> No.3846080

Yeah. I can see why they're trying to reduce speculation though. Too many low iq pajeet users, could harm their product viability

>> No.3846092

Relax faggots them shunning ED only means a bigger exchange is on its way. Yes it goes against libertarian views but I view this as a good thing, financially.

>> No.3846161

So what happens to the coins bought and sold on ED?

>> No.3846180

If they had such a killer prediction system, why aren't they using it? Why do they need to sell it to us to make money?

>> No.3846189

They're lost. I hope you didn't deposit any coins there.

>> No.3846227

Any coins on Cindicator coins used on EtherDelta get marked and are lost; didn't you read the Telegram chat?

>> No.3846306


that doesn't even make sense

there is literally no way they could do that

do you know how blockchain works?

>> No.3846316

theres a much better predicitive ai token on the horizon without russians

>> No.3846342
File: 73 KB, 809x394, saythattomyfaceonskypeandseewhathappens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel for the poor soul that just sold to me for 42500

>> No.3846384

It sucks but that's the way it works; I can jail break your coins for you, just send them to me

>> No.3846399
File: 335 KB, 600x600, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3846439

Can anyone see the candles? Etherdelta only shows me the depth chart on my screen. Also can you buy off here using your metamask wallet?

>> No.3846444


can you trim my armor too?

>> No.3846473

Trying to deposit ETH to buy more right now, but my transaction won't going through, no matter how much gas I set

>> No.3846488

I set mine to 31 qwei and it usually doesn't take more than 2 min.

>> No.3846489

It's only been on for like an hour. It'll show up soon.

>> No.3846587

Weird, I went as high as 60 but the transactions keep coming back empty. Luckily my early order was filled

>> No.3846785
File: 73 KB, 839x395, holy shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn people are going mental over this coin.

>> No.3846853


And here I've got an order stuck at 3700 because I don't have the funds to cancel it... learning a lot about EtherDelta today it seems :\

>> No.3847023

Sorry to hear that bro :(

>> No.3847115

The moon mission is only just beginning. Buy as much as you can from ED. Let's just say it will soon be on a name-brand exchange ;)

>> No.3847188

Why can't I buy with my metamask account? Says I have insufficient funds even tho I set my key to metamask

>> No.3847228


>> No.3847234

I still don't understand

if their prediction technology is so good, why do they need an ICO? Why are they selling it?

>> No.3847294
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cryptopia isn't a place for premium products (As a first official listing)

>> No.3847299

To fund more development, and sell their product to big financial institutions. You need a ton of capital to make their data work.

>> No.3847409

The EtherDelta page has stopped updating and I cant reload. Are they having problems or is it something else?

>> No.3847427

This token will always have use regardless of price. Their prediction analysis was proven to net huge profits (see above with MOEX). And you need the token to use the indicators, indexes and bots. You can always use it to manage your daytrading funds. This is a real winner here.

>> No.3847444

All good on my end, latest trade below
0.000064000 5000.000 0.320

>> No.3847470


what's the difference in accessibility between someone who has 1 token and someone who has 100k? I don't see any lines.

>> No.3847500

Pricing hasn't been set up yet so nobody knows. However for access to some products, holding will be enough while for some, you'll need to spend CND.

>> No.3847520

Bought some really fast and already up on my investment.
Love ED.

>> No.3847539

I kept shilling this for a few days here on biz, I hope some of you saw my threads and took my advice. This shit is going into the next galaxy, fuck the moon.

>> No.3847662

X10 here we come!!

>> No.3847676


>> No.3847702

Yields would be nice; provided it works.

>> No.3847806


Nearly 2x and not even properly listed. Cindicator FTW!

>> No.3847819

They don't WANT to be listed. They said so because EtherDelta doesn't meet their standards. This is basically a confirmation for good exchanges like Polo and Bitfinex.

Fucking awesome dude, this shit will go x20 probably.

>> No.3847824

Not buying cindicator now is just hating free money

>> No.3847829


>> No.3847835

yeah what the FUCK where do i buy this shit. fomo setting in already

>> No.3847845


Because Cindicator specifically asked EtherDelta to be removed, they added CND without CND's consent and CND only wants to be added on secure and the best exchanges.

>> No.3847852

Use the contract address in the URL like in this>>3844197

>> No.3847868

It's not added without their consent retard. Any erc20 token can automatically be traded on etherdelta using the contract address. Just copy paste the contract address into the URL to access it

>> No.3847884

sooooo if its not for sale yet... what happens when it goes to sale? all those buy and sell orders come crashing in as they were ordered?

>> No.3847885

Yes of course that's true. But ED still needs consent to have the easy access button which doesn't need contract address in the URL. CND was on EtherDelta easy access list first, but it got removed because Cindicator team asked for it.

They only want the best and most secure exchanges, check the telegram announcement group if you don't believe me.

>> No.3847895

It's already trading on etherdelta

>> No.3847906

Nah I believe you im just being hostile because biz

>> No.3847929

aight, but honestly it's the best fucking news. it means they won't be listed on shit exchanges (HitBTC, EtherDelta (officially), Liqui). They're actually looking for the top exchanges which high liquidity and secure trading platforms.

Hope this works out and gets an easy x10/x20

>> No.3847998


I like that Cindicator doesn't want to settle for less that superb exchanges. It along with their ico procedure speaks to their quality as a company.

>> No.3848013

For those apprehensive about using ED with a contract address, you can verify it to be true here.


Please note the Contract Address Field.

>> No.3848151

someone else got problems withdraw ETH and CND?

>> No.3848325

My deposit to ED took around 2 hours to complete, it's normal.

>> No.3848368

thats normal, but i cant withdraw from the ED wallet to my metamask ... no transaction id

>> No.3848377

heh, i can.

>> No.3848392

so how long do we have before this goes mainstream. waiting for another exchange from this shit hole?

>> No.3848400

Think people are going to PnD this, or just buy and hold? Its catching some resistance at 7k sat. Might fall back to at least mid 6000s soon if there's some PnDers.

>> No.3848444

Think about it, It's not even officially listed on ED. We're in the super early adopters phase. The pump hasn't even begun.

>> No.3848532

>7k sat

bitch this ain't trading in btc

>> No.3848549


... fuck man.. too many numbers/units/shit to juggle. sorry, coming off 2 days of following LINK markets lol

>> No.3848559

when can we expect an exchange listing?

>> No.3848574

What was the ico price?

>> No.3848577

I have no fucking clue. The binance guy has been in their Telegram multiple times, that's all I know.

>> No.3848585


Took way too much effort to get on Cindicator's whitelist, which means that there are also significantly less flippers (dumping//weak hands) aboard this train. Some will take profit and keep it going.

>> No.3848589


>> No.3848634

Thing is the tokens have very high utility which is why the team is so protective of them.

I was actually a community volunteer during the sale and got some pretty good insights into the background and what they've done since was nothing short of incredible. Even the sale itself had branded pdfs guiding you every step of the way. It's hard to explain but anyone who was in the ICO will be able to affirm this. More on the sale, it was like nothing I'd seen before. You can review their procedure online and you'll see what I mean (or in the telegram news channel).

Anything short of $300MM mcap eoy (or at least early 2018) would be a huge surprise to me. Analytic products will launch some time in November.

Check their webpage for more. Never have I been so confident in an investment.

>> No.3848703

agggh my LINK!
Seriously thanks for this.

>> No.3848717

FOMO'd this at 2x ICO price

Hope I don't kms

>> No.3848730


Right there with you man....

>> No.3848738

This is very good news for request. Cindicator Is a shit tier ico. And it's managing to do well during this bloodbath. Imagine what request will do.

>> No.3848758

yo tambien

>> No.3848761

Nice. Any news yet as to how exactly token holders will be benefiting? I'm trying to decide whether to buy more now while it's still below 2× ICO

>> No.3848769


If more buyers get on board, you'll be over the moon. Pun intended!

>> No.3848774

Request will be 3x on etherdelta then 5x on binance. screenshot this.

>> No.3848793

Why can't I buy this through metamask?

>> No.3848801

Today's been an odyssey.

Sells LINK to get funds to cancel my greedy CND order

Realized I didn't need to sell that LINK because I had spare funds without it

Cancelled greedy order and bought CND

Bought more even more LINK for less than I bought/sold for last time

Feels good. I'm holding two rockets boys.

>> No.3848809


Some updates and Q4 2017 roadmap, which they have already started implementing. Also mentions benefits for token holders:


Good update on their progress and future plans.

>> No.3848844

It's as if nobody but you cared what you said the first time

>> No.3848865

Nice just got some. So what does this coin do?

>> No.3848866

Request will be 3x on etherdelta then 5x on binance. screenshot this.

>> No.3848879

That's really cool and all but this isn't a thread on Request. If you're satisfied with a 5x, I have some bad news for you.

>> No.3849035

The ico was really professional and should be the standard in crypto world.

>> No.3849137

Sorry it is shit. Always was always will be. didnt use my whitelist lul.

>> No.3849140

why is this shitcoin setting off all my scam redflags

> buzzwords
> machine-learning AI
> etc etc

>> No.3849168


Very true! Some are only mad because they didn't get in.

>> No.3849209


Sometimes you can also be wrong. This is one of those times.

Working product and more on the way. Active community and a stacked team. No teases, but real. Unlike some of the coins shilled on here, this one actually made an effort to release what they have once they have it instead of teases and useless updates.

Q4 2017 roadmap:


>> No.3849210

Was accepted in Tier 3 for this but didnt wanna Invest cause minimum was 3k USD for it and I was pretty low on cash back then. 2 weeks after it I nearly doubled my portfolio and would have definately invested in CND. Damn I hope this Shit wont Go 10x or else I might get really depressed...

>> No.3849222

It shouldn't. If it was a scam the market cap wouldn't have been 15M and it wouldn't have been so restrictive.

Remember, only 12% of Applications were accepted.

They received a grant from Microsoft BizSpark as well.

Evan Cheng of ChainLink fame is advising them also.

>> No.3849225

Because you missed the initial take-off Pajeet? It's not too late. At least another 2.5x before we're sitting comfortably

>> No.3849247


It's trading at just above 2x on ED right now. Still plenty time left to buy in.

>> No.3849272

>If it was a scam the market cap wouldn't have been 15M and it wouldn't have been so restrictive.

Good point. If it were a scam, any Pajeet could've gotten in, even >>3849140

>> No.3849289

This is looking nice, bought some with my COSS profits

>> No.3849313
File: 112 KB, 310x310, Fud_Sang_headshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 billion coins

>> No.3849338

Buy support is going from strength to strength. 3x ICO is looking likely within the first day.

Trying to buy more but ED still won't complete my deposit orders..

>> No.3849368

>representing a $15M hard cap
Go buy some Enigma. I hear their supply is nice and low

>> No.3849374


ED is hell, I know

>> No.3849396

why the fuck would i buy at 3x? maybe when it hits liqui i could get 1.5 or 2x, if i'm able to sell the moment it lists. now is a bad time to buy flip ico's.

>> No.3849440

>2 billion coins

For that reason, I'm out.

>> No.3849472

Another Pajeet who failed Math.

>> No.3849482

see >>3847929

>> No.3849495


Enigma raised $45 million during ICO, which is 3 times what CND raised. They can't even release their tokens on time. ENG is trading at 1.1x its ico price, while CND is already 2x. Buy ENG at your own risk.

>> No.3849507


Low market cap already priced that in, but it's your choice and ultimately your loss in the end.

>> No.3849525

It literally says in their pinned message on telegram that there are 2billion coins.

>> No.3849528
File: 194 KB, 280x480, Pasted image at 2017_10_13 09_35 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More news to come! Stay tuned!

>> No.3849572

Likely referring to market cap and how irrelevant supply is

>> No.3849604

For you >>3849572

>> No.3849611

he probably passed ripple too hahaha

>> No.3849648

Market cap is literally determined by price*supply. See how it's not just supply.

>> No.3849718


What was ICO price? It's at 0.000075200 ETH on ED.

>> No.3849745

.000036 I think

>> No.3849879

$0.01 per CND

>> No.3850035

well I threw the measly remainders of MEW in there, ended up with a MEASLY 2330.

I assume it's 1.5 billion total tokens?


>> No.3850041

Why can't I get anything through ED is it really that clogged?????

>> No.3850104

Because everyone wants this shit. Fill a higher sell order

>> No.3850110


ED always has some issue.

>> No.3850175

It's amazing how utterly shit it is compared to every single other exchange.

>> No.3850203

yeah, even though it's shit and cnd isn't officially listed, it still managed to almost reach 3x. just wait until binance lists it in a few days. 5x is a guarantee at this point.

>> No.3850290

Oh well finally got my orders through. Sitting on 37k CND.

>> No.3850319

Me too. 43k here.

2.16x ICO price ain't too bad eh?

>> No.3850332

yeah, i got a couple myself earlier too. now we wait until binance to dump on newfags at 5x.

>> No.3850355


The buy orders are stacking! Got some more CND for a cheap price!

>> No.3850363

People have been going on about how these guys don't want to be listed on shitty exchanges.

The fact they asked to be delisted from ED was a huge green flag for me. Imagine if these guys get on Bittrex lmao

>> No.3850387


Bittrex, Poloniex, Bitfinex or any other exchange of this rank would be amazing.

>> No.3850460
File: 25 KB, 255x348, holy shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck some big buys coming in boys

>> No.3850479

Aw yeah baby. The mythical 10x is coming.

>> No.3850547

How do I buy this? I can't see it anywhere on ED. Please help!

>> No.3850571

>comparing cindicator to obsidian

>> No.3850574

They asked for it to be "officially" delisted. To get to it you need to use the contract address, Link below.


>> No.3850600


Fat finger FOMO on them charts.... We didn't even start yet.... 10x moon mission

>> No.3850613

Are you guys sending this to MEW or leaving it on ED?

>> No.3850629

It needs to go on a goddamn exchange

>> No.3850635


>> No.3850657


It's brand new. Coins were released a few hours ago.

>> No.3850668

This is still very much in the stealth phase. Officially delisting it from ED was the best thing devs could do. We can accumulate in peace now, it's a normie free zone.

>> No.3850694


Thsnks dude, I have 3500 LINK spare for this, do you think I'm better off buying this now and dumping once it hits a big exchange to buy more link back, or just holding the LINK?

>> No.3850698



>> No.3850700

I bought at .00008 ETH am i goin gto make it biz?

>> No.3850712

Very tough choice, I have both and I'm keeping them, and them only. Moving everything else I own into Request tomorrow.

Most likely Cindicator will go higher, although LINK could surprise us. Tough choice.

>> No.3850733

holy fucking shit, it already takes like 30 mins to even transfer my shit from MEW to this fucking garbage of an exchange and it should happen in one black....missing out moon mission AGAIN...fucking ED

>> No.3850758


I had 8200 LINK and very recently sold a chunk of it for the 6.73 ETH cap for Request, so that's why I'm left with the 3500. Nice to see someone else doing similar.

I think I'll just hold the LINK. Btw, I have more FIAT coming in on Sunday, if you were in my position would you use it to buy more LINK right before the conference?

Also I'm assuming you will be flipping the Request tokens once it's on binance / liqui - I'm unsure when to do this, straight away when it's listed? I'm expecting the price on etherdelta to dip a little bit on the 25th due to the hard fork, so that may be a good time to get some more as well. Just unsure when to sell it off, I'm expecting a 3-5x flip with all of the above accounted for.

Thanks anon.

>> No.3850774


You haven't missed out it's still dirt cheap!

>> No.3850799

I'm assuming it will pump higher prior to the conference. Will we have a "Sell the news" event during and after I'm not too sure. If you're not using the FIAT prior to the conference go ahead but be careful about your exit.

As far as flipping Request, Only if there's another good ICO coming. I bought AirSwap and that's for sure going to be a flip for me.

>> No.3850862


I'm unsure about that because it seems like there's no news to sel, I mean everyone who knows about the conference has known for a while now. I think it's more or less priced in (<$.50) pending any big announcements. I could for sure be wrong though.

So you don't know of any good ICOs coming up in late October / November?

There's one I suggest you look into which will likely have it's token sale in December, it's essentially a non Chinese version of Walton:


They don't have the most impressive team, but it's confirmed to require KYC, whitelist, single cotributer cap, and a low total hard cap. So it has 4/4 of the best ingredients for a good flip, same as Request does.

I missed out on AirSwap though. Just need something that's in whitelist phase now and will have its ICO sale in November. Know of anything?

>> No.3850941

Part of a discord group and I usually get my stuff from there. Couple of things coming up but nothing substantial as of yet (Not sure if we're getting in, etc). I'll definitely check out the one you posted though, thank you. If you use discord, I could give you an invite.

>> No.3850948
File: 30 KB, 456x402, 1498273656885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will cindicator go back up on an exchange?

>> No.3850968

Nobody but the Cindicator Team knows.

Only thing I know of is steve from binance was in their Telegram a few times. Will that translate to a listing? No clue

>> No.3850975

Can you guys imagine having consensus threads where we work together to achieve a great collective intelligence. It could be an enlightening that is financed through this platform of us pursuing what we spend so much time doing anyway. Fuck the token if it plummets later but the platform sounds interesting.

>> No.3851028

Moon Mission Confirmed

>> No.3851042
File: 326 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.39_[2017.10.08_15.01.42].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exchange are they selling this in?
I just found out about this now AAAHHHH

>> No.3851094

>metamask or myetherwallet

>> No.3851230


Do you mind giving me an invite please? Thank you dude!

>> No.3851253

delete this

>> No.3851262



>> No.3851280

Have any of you actually used the cindicator app? I think you're overestimating what it is.

>> No.3851308


Come on dude I don't have 100 emails and locations to be a whitelist whale nor the funds, who cares if I help a couple people out?

>> No.3851326

Check the roadmap. A lot coming down the line

>> No.3851336

Give me your discord tag/id and I'll message you from there.

>> No.3851364



>> No.3851381



>> No.3851404

Says it needs something else, four digit tag or something.

>> No.3851479



>> No.3851535

so how are my fellow CINDICATORS doing? how many did you got in?

168k ~ 2.2x ICO reporting in, will I make it?

>> No.3851682

what was ico price?
500k reporting in

>> No.3851740

0.000361 according to other anon, so we are still quite early desu

>> No.3851745


bought some ico, but am gonna buy some more now. will try to buy like 60k CND.