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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3842877 No.3842877 [Reply] [Original]

I sold LINK and it has never felt so good. I'm so sick of worrying when the 4chan pre-Sibos dump is gonna come with this coin. I finally got a favorable ratio with a good coin that hasn't already mooned and got out. It has been exhausting propping this up with all of this shilling. Major Link signing out. Link may have promise but it has already 5x and the next gains will be much slower.

>> No.3842897

put that in ripple, and tip me in 2weeks?

>> No.3842907

You did good

>> No.3842908

mind of a goldfish OP, godspeed in shitcoining

>> No.3842915

> 150m marketcap
> Slow gains

then what other sure money coin are you putting it in?

>> No.3842917
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You've made a wise choice friend. I empathize with teh coming wojacks when sibos nears. Be well Linkies.

>> No.3842937
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You've made a huge mistake

>> No.3842941

I'll guess ETP

>> No.3842944

Hahahah have fun throwing yourself of a bridge when this shit hits $1 next week

>> No.3842951

fare thee well. I for one am golding and accumulating till 2020.

>> No.3842952

u dun goofed OP. The MK will increase, but happy trading where ever you end up.

>> No.3842962
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>being this deluded
Get out while you still can.

>> No.3842971

hahahahaha ETP not this pajeet promisecoin again

earliest updates are Q1 2018

you know shills are desperate when they mention the money2020 conference as an event for ETP

Try looking for Metaverse in the sponsors. Having a hard time? Well thats because there are tons of small time sponsors.


Metafags shitting on LINK for SIBOS yet their shills are much worse

>> No.3842975
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I don't even know why, but I'm more confident in LINK than any other coin.

>> No.3842989

I know why

> delusion

>> No.3843019

You know a coin is good when pajeets have ran out of good FUD and start larping.

>> No.3843021

> delusion
you spend too much time on 4chan.
> brainless
there is a new word for you to use, because it is what you are

>> No.3843037


That doesn't make it good at all. Twisted retard logic.

>> No.3843039
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This Comedian >>3842877 Put Up with Smart Money for 21 Days, Now He's Fighting Back

the upcoming "dump" will probably be alarming to quite a few people; i highly doubt that we'll even touch $0.30 after sibos, but, i could be wrong
this coin's future is obviously way beyond promising; people who sell post-conference with the intent of buying back in are playing with a pretty sharp edge
i'm definitely not selling; i'll buy more if it dips, but i sure as hell am not gonna risk selling before big money arrives

>> No.3843049

Thats because you retarded FUDers ignore every green flag provided to you.


>> No.3843093


There will be no dump. There are too few orders on the order book. Anyone who "dumps" is literally counting on there being enough demand at the current price or slightly lower. Are you telling me thousands of wallets are going to liquidate on Monday? Cuase if they are I'm setting buy orders at .0000001 eth/link casue those will be the only ones left.

God, the absolute state of biz. It's not going to dump.

>> No.3843145


>> No.3843163

haha fucking pajeet in a disguise, anti link shilling my metafags gets worse by the day

>> No.3843787
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What I meant was that it's likely NOT going to dump—or, at most, we'll see little dumplets here and there before people buy back in at the advent of such a huge amount of attention being drawn to it both during, and after SIBOS.
In particular, I meant that we /likely/ won't even drop down to $0.30. I've got 14k—it's all I've got—but, I sure as hell am not selling and chancing it just to gain 1/3 extra.

>> No.3843801



>> No.3843855

This, people are fucking retarded. Not even 100 people could "dump" this on low liquidity exchange like Binance.
But I'm probably talking to pajeets with a couple thousand LINK so it doesn't even matter so go ahead.

>> No.3843865

Bought more link right when BTC hit ATH and Link hit 8k. Feels good. Anybody who isn't buying at this price and didn't buy lower is a sucker. 24 hour high at midnight eastern time tonight. Mark my words.

>> No.3843903

Keep dumping cunts I want in at 7k

>> No.3844072

Good choice. Link will be made obsolete by super computers.

>> No.3844166

It's already made obsolete by RippleNet.

>> No.3844169
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Good choice. Crypto will be made obsolete by super computers.

>> No.3844240

this. let's go. i'm looking for a 6800 buy in

>> No.3844454

I bought at 25c, sold at 48c and deeply regret not getting back in at 37 to sell again at 46 last night.

Anyone know how BTC is gonna affect the LINK moon mission?....Its been kinda fucking things up for me but its good in a way because LINK would be close to a dollar by now if it wasnt for this BTC bull run

>> No.3844477

BTC up just means LINK could reacxh over $1 in no time

>> No.3844545

You might not be interested in LINK, but some of the biggest players in global economics are paying attention.

See: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GAC15_Technological_Tipping_Points_report_2015.pdf#page=24
>World economic forum talking about smart contracts and crypto as a technological tipping point, specifically mentioning Chainlink/Smartcontract.com by name

See: https://www.capgemini.com/consulting/wp-content/uploads/sites/30/2017/07/smart-contracts.pdf
>massive consultancy and IT firm Capgemini devoting an entire report to the importance of smart contracts, specifically mentioning Chainlink/Smartcontract.com and Sergey Nazarov by name as the only providers of a smart contract solution that can use external data

See: https://www.swift.com/node/39911
>SWIFT itself saying how "Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and Smart Contracts (SC) promise to transform automation in the financial industry, and are generating huge interest amongst financial institutions and technology providers."

tl;dr not only are the very biggest and players tripping over themselves to adopt blockchain tech, they are specifically lusting after smart contracts.

>> No.3844570

>they are specifically lusting after smart contracts
... and even more specifically after Chainlink/Smartcontract.com.

>> No.3844576


This, it's a long-term hold for potential mass adoption by enterprise and banking alike.

>> No.3844596

It's not even long term at this point. Adopting is happening within the next year. Either it moons within the year or it goes straight to shitcoin hell.

>> No.3844618

> a fucking ec20 token

>> No.3844631

So what? Stay ignorant.

>> No.3844658

OP, your not gonna make it. I'll still pick you up for a ride in my lambo tho.

>> No.3844674


Same here, this is what I've been debating all week. Try and sell at the top of the SIBOS hype and get back in? But because I see how this coin could legit make one a millionare if they hold enough and gets mass adoption, I'm so fucking wary of playing with it like this. I already daytraded it some and only gained like an extra thousand LINKs, and I was stressed all day about it.

>> No.3844686

If it doesn't get adopted from the top down (i.e. by major finance companies like SWIFT); Chainlink will simply be adopted from the bottom up (i.e. by private persons concluding smart contracts among themselves).

At its heart, Chainlink is a peer-to-peer smart contract system.

>> No.3844700


I don't agree. Enterprise and bank committees will take a while to think about adopting this. You might have 1 or 2 that begin to this wintertime, but for mass adoption? Highly unlikely.

>> No.3844714

Im betting big on Link. I really think it will moon but slow and steady until big news comes out with partnership and whatnot.

>> No.3844724

When exactly adoption will begin is anyone's guess of course.
But there is indeed tremendous interest from the very top players in the industry; see >>3844545

And it's not like there isn't any pressure on legacy finance to adapt to the blockchain.

>> No.3844741

> a fucking decentralized network of oracles

>> No.3844746


>> No.3844859


I know, it's fucking huge that CapGemini wrote about them over a year ago even in their paper about blockchain. CapGemini is an IT CONSULTING firm with over 12.5 billion in revenue every year. They are a go-to IT consultant for thousands of companies around the world.

>> No.3844881

And WEF was mentioning Smartcontract.com (Chainlink) the year before that.

And now the first iteration of the decentralized network (Chainlink v.1.0) is just released, with SWIFT demoing it at SIBOS.

>> No.3844929
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>I sold LINK

>> No.3844945

So did I, just sold all of it. Apparantly.

I didn't know I did, but I just switched to binance and it looks like all my LINK got turned into BTC for a crappy price. Fucking hell.

>> No.3845019

Once the BTC PnD is over, Chainlink will explode, look at all those fudsters going on like clockwork lol

>> No.3845032

that's intriguing and disgusting
screencap? seriously—document this if it's for real

>> No.3845067

if dubs link will hit $5 by EOY

>> No.3845075

It's not that bad, I only lost like 300 LINK, now I'm trying to decide if I should attempt to daytrade them back.

>> No.3845233

If Dubs link will get de listed in 2018
If trips link will be Ethereum level moon mission

>> No.3845251

>he thinks losing 300 LINK won't haunt him forever

>> No.3845263

Kek has no power over Sergey's coin.

>> No.3845265
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>> No.3845276

I know. I fucking hate daytrading

>> No.3845290

>tfw lost 20k LINK two weeks ago

>> No.3845335

if dubs Link will reach 200$ per Link in 2018

>> No.3845339

>1 star sponsor

I'm out

>> No.3845344
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> selling the only green token during a crash.

you are beyond retarded, you don't deserve the Links. Thanks for leaving.

>> No.3845352
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>> No.3845359

hope you didnt kys yet OP

>> No.3845391

>Drops 1500sat over night
>The only green coin during crash
Pick one.

>> No.3845409

Im tired of weak people like you who expect a 840% return in 3 days and panic sell if the price drops 5%

>> No.3845421
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head and shoulders....
it's fucking over SELL SELL

>> No.3845485

I have somehow managed to lose money on LINK
Now I'm holding it until I recover.

>> No.3845624

Uptrend though. Plus, these were caused by external events.

>> No.3845800

you are a fool if you sell now

>> No.3845992


> let use my personal time frame that works for my retarded point.

since 10/8 Link is up 20%... and last 24 hrs it dropped 7% while the rest dropped 17%.

>> No.3846021

What does dubs mean?

>> No.3846066

Quick dumb question.

I can't figure out how to send my ETH back to bittrex.

Would somebody mind spoonfeeding me the steps?

>> No.3846131


wtf Get back to feggit, stupid normie niggers.

>> No.3846138


>> No.3846237

Please forgive me edglords supreme

>> No.3846333

Been fucking around with coins for months checking Biz. Faffed around (got impatient) with Ark, Neo and missed the missions. Luckily I saw the vitalik tweet on OMG and went all in. Took out my initial investment and now Im all in again on LINK. This coin is the closest thing (so far) we have to a potential crypto Google or Amazon. I'm just going to leave it ,spend time learning about crypto and coding tools instead of checking charts all fucking day. Thank you biz.

>> No.3846343
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everytime here people are bragging about getting 2k in 3 weeks and recommend HODLing. but if you dont daytrade you cant multiply your invest. just sayin

>> No.3846360

Aaaaand checked.

>> No.3846372

True but some of us have jobs and responsibilities.
Timing is key. Cant always be ready with my finger on the mouse button

>> No.3846390

so you trade weekly/monthly. what % do you sell?

>> No.3846470

It all depends. If chainlink keeps going up in sure ill syphon a bit off to a bitpay account. But apart from that im holding because I want to be able to run masternodes in the future. All this can change of course if Sergey turns into stuttering pothead.

If you have the time trade. But as some anon said for all the hours you put into it you might not be making minimum wage.

It makes more sense for me to spend 5 hours after work reading + coding tools to help me trade when I ditch my job.

>> No.3846590

ive watched sergey give talks before you can find the videos on youtube the man knows his shit and has nerves of steel