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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 354 KB, 1280x798, 1507402676047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3840272 No.3840272 [Reply] [Original]

Who is comfy in the whitelist of by far the most promising coin of this moment?

>no burgers
>KYC with only a handful of people in it (25% of people rejected, 20k waiting list)
>ycombinator backed (yes the same company which accelerated coinbase and dropbox into the succes they are today)
>ING backed (the world's largest banking/financial services and insurance conglomerate by revenue with gross receipts exceeding $150 billion per annum)
>lowest of the lowest ICO footprints with an actual product, plan and trust of REPUTED backers (there are no shitty unicorn investors like cryptonigger and old money bitcoin whale funds, but fucking real life money makers and problem solvers backing the PRODUCT)
>literally zero marketing, off the grid
>Beta this year, launch Q1

Easiest money I am going to make this year, if not in 2018 too. This is the one you were waiting for, for those in the whitelist, max out your allocation and everything left after that. I am not kidding you, this is the coin to exponentially grow your portfolio. The FOMO on this coin once the mainstream finds out will be fucking biblical.

>> No.3840282

that girl was on ads since I was 13

>> No.3840288
File: 53 KB, 795x669, REQ-mockup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3840303

Bump, x3 easy, x5 possibly

>> No.3840320

What is our chances to buy more in the second day?

>> No.3840363

I'd say quite likely. Not everyone participating will have 6,7ETH to throw into it. They also released a distribution of the age and country the whitelisted people are from. Pajeets, chinks, russkies and vietbongs will not be capping their personal limits imo. Also majority of investors are under 30 years of age.


>> No.3840381
File: 351 KB, 1920x1080, reqnet_lambo_party_invitation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to say I like your attitude. See you on the moon.

>> No.3840462

wtf 680 pajeets in whitelist, id be suprised if they fill more than 0.5 eth per person

>> No.3840486
File: 448 KB, 900x1439, reqnet_raiders_recruiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But vast majority of South Korean waifus!

>> No.3840487

In on this, feels /comfy/

>> No.3840489

Same, forgot her name but I remember that she's Dutch, blew a bunch of loads to that image set

>> No.3840491

Do you have anything to back this up? I have heard "5x" "3x" "2x" "1.5x". What is a likely estimate?

>> No.3840516

Thats Misa Campo and she is half filipino half canadian. I made that pic :P

>> No.3840599

Recently hyped coins hit 300-350 mcap first week (Kyber hit 340 and Salt 270). REQ initial mcap is around $36mil, so 8x-9x is realistic. Won't be suprised to see bigger mcap though.

>> No.3840649

This needs to work out. I sold some of my alts at a loss because I lost hope on em and rly lost some money. This could be my recovery. 2 Accounts whitelisted.

>> No.3840657

I would like to think so but i just cant really believe it. Seems too good to be true.

>> No.3840658

Please someone sell me their account, I will pay you 1.5 ETH for it. I am dead serious.

>> No.3840666

Why would you buy an account now. You cant change the wallet address.

>> No.3840670

let risk takers take risks

>> No.3840676

dont be scammed dude

>> No.3840681
File: 301 KB, 450x437, 1506163393732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sure there are people here who have multipe accounts, I thought they can just empty the address and give me control of the wallet.

But I just realised now that won't work obviously. FUCK!

>> No.3840692

hi sirs, I will sell you account for just 2 ETH. please email me at sanjaypajeetgupta@indiamail.in

>> No.3840698

It's a very solid project, gotta admit I've never been that excited about any of ICOs I invested so far.

>> No.3840718

Same. This is my first ico and going all in.

>> No.3840727

praying I can get the rest f my eth to flow in on second day. I expect a airswap situation, that was sold out in like 20 seconds, I'm to much of a brainlet to write a script for this shit but as a human I'm prolly to slow

>> No.3840734

you're all going to be disappointed

>> No.3840746

So i guess I missed out on whatever this is. Do I just do the token sale tomorrow?

>> No.3840749

Even FUD is weak and unbased. Legit moon mission

>> No.3840753

you're investing in a whitepaper

>> No.3840758

Its the first ico i have seen without any good fud. very strange

>> No.3840774

Beta is out before EOY and mainnet launch in q1 2018. Backed by ING and ycombinator. FUD is so pajeet-tier here

>> No.3840781

nice sold 100k

>> No.3840815

it'll pull a reverse kyber

>> No.3840890

ya, it is too much, people are over hyping this shit. Every comment I read everywhere on the internet is over the top praise. It is too good to be true.

>> No.3840898

I was surprised my country was quite high in the list

>> No.3841096


Pajeet here and yes i'll put my 6.7ETH full .

Not all pajeets are poor dude grow up.

>> No.3841131

SO comfy. All the whales have like 10 whitelisted wallets each, this is the big one.

>> No.3841189


pajeet reporting in

maxing out 3 accounts

>> No.3841216

you're unironically gonna make it Mr. Singh

>> No.3841346

Found the burger

>> No.3841740 [DELETED] 


>> No.3841756
File: 81 KB, 800x800, flat,800x800,070,f.u7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys, who wants to pool? This Kyber all over again.

>> No.3841792

Does anyone actually expect this to do a 5x anytime soon?
I would be happy with 2x.

>> No.3841814

x5? This a x8 you faggot. You're gonna make it. I'm gonna make it. WE'LL ALL GONNA MAKE IT.

>> No.3841823

this smells like a scam faggot
hang yourself

>> No.3841934

5 accounts here, am I gonna make it?

>> No.3841961

>t. non whitelisted faggot
Pls end yourself before you see our rocket launch

>> No.3841974

I have 3 accounts I'd auction out to you sad fuckers who didn't get in.

>> No.3841990

I'm gonna fill my cap, but dreaming about 5x when link only went 4x...Dont misunderstand me, 4×7eth is nice profit for link, but i just dont see how this coin, or for that sake any coin should and would outperform link...

>> No.3842325

I hold quite big portion of link (20k) myself but gotta admit that linkfags went absolutely lunatic lately.

>> No.3842606
File: 20 KB, 388x388, 1505128344797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4x would be so good for me, DREAMS MAN DREAMS

>> No.3842633

I will buy whitelisted accounts for 2 ETH, no joke

>> No.3842645

would have sold you one of my 6 airswaps account a couple of days ago. But you aint gettin any of my 6 Request accounts biiiaatch

>> No.3842653


>> No.3842658

Too late. ETH addresses already coded into the smart contract and they won't change it anymore.

>> No.3842695


How can I buy a Request account then at this point??

>> No.3842715

hopefully we all can get in day 2 too

I see this going to ~125m (4x)
comparable to civic and 0x

>> No.3842731

Gotta trust that the person selling it isn't going to clean out the wallet and actually send you the coins.

>> No.3842771

Only if somebody sells you his private key or you pool with somebody who is not going to max out his cap. There's a huge risk of being scammed though.
0x was ~300 at its peak.

>> No.3843141

How many days after ICO did it reach 300, pal?

>> No.3843161

3 days IIRC

>> No.3843394


>> No.3843417

300 mill seems to be a sweet spot. Needs a lot more effort to go near 1 bill imo. Any coin with a cap of approx 30 and a good concept can do 10x