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3840268 No.3840268 [Reply] [Original]

Ok guys, i need help, I want to recover my metamask account with 550 bux of link on it, but it appears I have only written down 11 of the 12 words for my seed phrase, can it be done?

>> No.3840276

no, it can't

>> No.3840293


>> No.3840315

How do I do it? I reinstalled windows, thinking I was safe since I wrote down the seed phrase.

>> No.3840328

type in every word from the dictionary until you get it right

>> No.3840344

the words used are fairly simple. A dictionary attack should do it relatively quickly.

>> No.3840357

the problem is that i dont even know which word i missed, might be the second, might be the last, god how could i be so stupid to not double check

>> No.3840393

haha that makes it impossible. Sorry lad. But theirs hope. I assumed you looked at it for a length of time, which means theirs a copy somewhere in your brain. It might come to you in a dream, Or via hallucinogens, Memory regression, Or hypnosis. I would try hypnosis/memory regression first. Your brain never forgets, it just files things in obscure locations.

>> No.3840428 [DELETED] 



>> No.3840432

fucking crap. Is there not even a way to restore my old windows so i wouldnt have to restore my seed phrase and just use my password?

>> No.3840447

Its definately possible anon. Do you know how to program. I can help you.

>> No.3840450


That just makes it take 12 times longer, try a dictionary attack with the new word in every single different position. It's doable.

>> No.3840458

If you have this, you might be able to grab your old chrome profile from your old files and replace your current chrome, then you should have everything in the same state i.e. extensions bookmarks, etc.

>> No.3840459

Metamask is open source so you have access to the dictionary they use. It won't take long to crack it.

>> No.3840467

do you have the private key sir?

>> No.3840468


>> No.3840471

It's really funny seeing the retards entering the cryptospace. Can't count to 12, can't read correctly, can't write correctly. Pathetic.

>> No.3840473

I think you need to learn what theirs mean anon.

Your Old Windows, kek, do you have a backup file? Doubt it. I'll give you a hint though if you google "programs that restore deleted files" you'll find shit that might help you, but that's assuming your hard drive is in good condition.

>> No.3840479

But this is ofc assuming you kept the password in a file, if not then go buy a rope to kys ;^)

>> No.3840505

OP, don't despair.
Dict attack is the best and only thing that might work. It might take you a day or two to test every possible combination, but I bet $550 is worth it.
Just do it yourself. That is the only way to be sure your money will be safe

>> No.3840523

this is like 1/5th of my portfolio, and i messed up one of my 5 seed phrases, I know this still makes me retarded but fuck it's not fun

>> No.3840540

i know my password by heart, it's just 1 word of my seed phrase i need to know <.<

>> No.3840550

did at least export the god damn private key? you know... the key that gives you full control over your wallet?

>> No.3840588

Same thing, my point was I doubt you saved it in a file, since you were asking about getting your old windows, it'd be useless unless you had it as a file.

Let this be a lesson OP, some people just NEED to learn the hard way unfortunately you're one of them.

>> No.3840791

Windows.old maybe?

>> No.3840810

Still O(n), unfortunately n is huuuuuge :D

>> No.3840831

you better rebuy that LINK right now...you'd kill yourself when it goes x100.

>> No.3840852

Not really, since they only use lower case letters and actual english words. This is a tiny dictionary attack in comparison to one you would need to crack a normal password.

There are 171,476 words in the oxford dictionary. That's a walk in the park for even your typical ARM processor.

>> No.3840865

how do i go about doing a dictionary attack? Seems like my only option right now, been looking through files i was able to restore, but nothing that really helps.

>> No.3840873

i'm pretty sure the word i'm missing is one of the last 4, so that narrows it down significantly

>> No.3840874
File: 34 KB, 640x480, imageshandler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you need access OP? Scared that you'll be left behind from the mass dump before SIBOS?

>> No.3840882

op dodging my questions. something shady is going on. don't help this faggot

>> No.3840887

no sorry, i was looking through files i could recover, but I never seem to have downloaded any UTC or json files

>> No.3840891

and my private key also not apparently

>> No.3840920

darn. gotta know how ethereum wallets work before you store funds in them. if you had the private key, you would still be able to access your eth/tokens through myetherwallet or whatever other eth wallet you use.

>> No.3840922

they say being stupid doesnt hurt, but right now it kind of does, fml

>> No.3840923

for 1000 LINK I could write a python script to help you OP :^)

>> No.3840933

you can try "undelete" programs to restore appdata folder of chrome from old windows..... to usb flash and feed that appdata profilte to portable version of chrome.....maybe it will work

>> No.3840939

that leaves me with 200 link, doesn't sound like a good deal when i can figure out how to do an automated dictionary attack by myself, does it?

>> No.3840945

my old chrome default file wasn't deleted, but i still have no access to metamask, they ask me to input the seed phrase, because chrome browser was uninstalled

>> No.3840960

>automated dictionary attack by myself, does it?

The Second Edition of the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary contains full entries for 171,476 words in current use, and 47,156 obsolete words. To this may be added around 9,500 derivative words included as subentries.

good luck with that... if you don't know position of missing word its x 12

>> No.3840976

try to restore folder of chrome .....to usb stick.
it must store wallet info somewhere

>> No.3841046

you know what.... you really need to restore
whole structure of profile userdata for your old installation of chrome.

>> No.3841059

it stores metamask and it stores other browser plugins + plugin data.

>> No.3841065

How would one do that? Posting from phone OP here

>> No.3841115

i don't know.... you need something like crac.... i
mean purchased full version of rstudio or something. and spare hard drive to restore it
(restoring on same drive is highly unrecomended)

>> No.3841178

Post your email address or at least a new email address you can access. When I have the time I'll try to write a script that does what you need.

>> No.3841196

not an expert, but i can't imagine it would take that long...seed phrases only consist of fairly small, simple words, so you can even leave out a large chunk of dictionary words.

>> No.3841208

don't worry link has no value proposition

>> No.3841228

thanks senpai, imscrewed8888@gmail.com
I'll give you half of my linkies if you can restore my access

>> No.3841261

Also do not accept messages from anyone who cannot verify they're the owner of 0x99c58cb76b182d8ee7a45a52ee229e523fcd370e

"address": "0x99c58cb76b182d8ee7a45a52ee229e523fcd370e",
"msg": "Hi imscrewed8888@gmail.com",
"sig": "0x2e9b7409539ebfe5a35f12b2daa137d8f2b5456de5914b78eee386d945e0cbe07127cab1638569014291d6c58bba7656b7700c1ccda623e06031e337a50eeedf1c",
"version": "2"


Otherwise someone might be trying some sneaky shit

>> No.3841335

alright dude, thanks a bunch

>> No.3841371

>1 supercomputer has been deposited into your bank