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3825345 No.3825345 [Reply] [Original]

>rent is a waste of money

why do old people say this

>> No.3825368


Because they assume we can all afford houses.

What they don't realize is that house prices have fucktupled since their days, AND wages have largely stagnated.

TLDR fuck boomers

>> No.3825385

how long till the housing bubble collapses? I want a cheap home

>> No.3825418


Baby boomers are a waste of money, and are good at wasting it.

>> No.3825618


It is a waste of money. Doesn't mean it's feasible for most of us to avoid it.

To put it in perspective, niggers live in gubbmint housing so (((they))) invented furniture rentals to get a cut of those sweet welfare checks. If niggers weren't so poor, they would just buy couches and chairs and tvs and save money in the long run, but they don't because they're too lazy and high.

Apartment/house rentals are the same thing for white people.

>> No.3825686

>sign for public college
>ask for a free home
Profit ??

>> No.3825695

This. They're shortsighted and crippled by a lack of perspective.

>> No.3825728

found the eurokek

>> No.3825844

Sup my burger friend

>> No.3825902

Because instead of paying rent you could be paying a mortgage, which would get you ownership of the home you're paying for instead of paying the mortgage+profits of the property owner. Even if you're in a shitty house that you don't want to stay in, when you're ready to move to a better one you can sell it and recoup much of what you paid to live in it, giving you a boost toward ownership of your next home. But if you're renting then that money is just gone forever.
Basically, if you qualify for a mortgage in a home you'd be willing to live in, then paying rent is equivalent to giving your money away.

>> No.3825910

It's actually cheaper to buy a house than it is to rent one.

You can also sell it to get a return on the investment if you don't want it or can't afford it anymore. How much of your rent money will you ever get back?

>> No.3825932

not much, being obese

how about you?

>> No.3825943

>Buy house with FHA loan
>rent out spare rooms
>pay less then renting your own place
>appreciating asset
Seriously, with an FHA loan you can get into a house for under 2 btc.

>> No.3826035

I'm renting from an old lady that bought at the lows of 2012 and she is passing on the savings. The rent is cheaper than a mortgage and I don't have to worry about repairs I love it. Of course boomers think we are lazy but don't realize you can't buy a home for 20k cash anymore. fucKing boomers, I even show the chart of 4x price increase vs wages and I just get a blank stare followed by "when I was your age we got by with 1 car and didn't spend so much money that's how we were able to buy a home you lazy mellinial!" Oh fuck you! 40k home with acerage is now worth 600k.

>> No.3826069


they never did the math to realise that after the decades of interest, taxes and maintenance bills they would have been better off renting in most cases regardless of the increase in value

>> No.3826295

It depends entirely on you individual circumstances whether it's a good move or not.

Paying 0 down on a 30 year with a variable interest rate for example is idiotic.

Paying 20% down on a 15 year with 3% locked interest is bretty gud.

If you can rent a nice place that allows you to live a good lifestyle at a time or place when you're priced out of purchasing smartly you shouldn't.

People also don't factor shit in like PMI, Insurance, Taxes, higher heating/cooling bills, and general upkeep cost into home ownership. Although tax incentives make that mostly moot.

>> No.3826385

what if prices go down you stupid fuck

>> No.3826398

Housing prices usually come back up pretty well unless your shitty city dies. Even then, it's really just a big dip. In terms of speed, housing is the opposite of crypto.

>> No.3826823


Because it's true.

>> No.3826856

>why do old people say this

Because it's true. If you can afford to buy, and you're renting, you're literally just pissing money away. Home ownership builds equity, renting does not.

>What they don't realize is that house prices have fucktupled since their days, AND wages have largely stagnated.

You guys do realize that mortgage interest rates have fallen accordingly, right?

>> No.3826906

Banks give x amount of income as a mortgage. Good luck with buying a 600 000 GBP flat in London with your 60 000 salary.
X= max 4.5

>> No.3826917

I probably couldn't afford to buy where I live due to the lifestyle I live and I live that lifestyle because of where I live, if that makes sense.

I really don't mind wasting money for a few years of fun.

So economically while it's not smart, not every decision in your life has to be, but this is /biz/ after all.

>> No.3826921


Stop trying to live in an area your income your income doesn't match, derp. Based on that logic you might as well whine about not being able to afford a house in Hollywood.

>> No.3826927

Because overpaying to pay off someone else's mortgage is fucking stupid.

Move overseas and don't look back

>> No.3826931

it is legit cheaper to rent than to go seven figures deep into debt
ill buy when the housing market crashes like a smart goy, not a good one

>> No.3827012

they do not realize the opportunity costs. if they had invested in good stocks instead of buying a house they would be settled millionaires and could have rented nice flats till there is enough money to just buy a house without debt

>> No.3827038

It wasn't a waste for me... got a house 4 years ago, just sold with $80k net profit.

I was renting a small apartment for $1300/month decided to buy a house and pay $1500 mortgage. So over the last four years I paid an extra $9,600 in payments, but made $80,000 when I sold. Seems like it was worth it to me.

>> No.3827063

lolno. I mean, right this second that might be true, same for people buying homes in 2006-07, but if you bought a house in 90% of the country just 5 years ago, you easily outperformed the NASDAQ after rent is factored in.

>> No.3827077

are you stupid? i said good stocks
i made so much money with netflix. google. apple. samsung.
super easy gains

>> No.3827114

That's not a good thing
If all mortgages were 0% apr, what do you think the prices would be like?

You do not have to be a smart person to realize the housing "market" is a huge ongoing disaster for anyone who isn't renting their property.
QE NEEDS to end and it needs to end soon. Bring on the crash I am ready as FUCK
Lazy greedy boomers can rot in hell with their multiple properties (the equity and income from which, realistically, is a government handout)

>> No.3827129

So, as someone who lives in the most expensive countries in the world (Australia) and in a city where the median house price is 1 million dollars and i need to have a 5% deposit. ($50,000 plus extras) Please continue to tell me why renting is so bad and how easy it is to just "own your own home" and why thats better.

you make it sound so easy to just move to another country and buy a house.

i wouldnt say its cheaper long run, but it is a lot more cash flow positive to rent.

>> No.3827144

Why does everyone just assume that it's so fucking hard to move overseas. If you have a passport from a 1st world country it's fucking easy. Have a fucking look before just assuming it's impossible

>> No.3827147

that makes so much sense and I'm in the same exact situation enjoying my life. But most of the people here on /biz/ would rather live in bumfuck nowhere than to properly live their youth because
>MUH equity

>> No.3827151

What's the best and cheapest place to move as an American?

>> No.3827779

Where? Will consider moving if worth it.

>> No.3827935

they want us to buy their bags ATH cunt... ignore them

>> No.3828240

Houstonfag here. 4th largest city in the country and average home price is around $220,000. There are homes in decent areas for much cheaper though. My house is around ~$110k and the neighborhood is in the process of getting gentrified. Other cities in Texas have decent prices, too. There's a lot of good deals in America that aren't in bumfuck nowhere, just have to be smart about where you buy.

>> No.3828276

Please go back to pol

Low iq inbred

>> No.3828660

>comes to /biz/ expecting tolerance and progressive values

If you want love for your nigger, spic, and women's studies buddies, you'll have to go elsewhere, anyone even a bit into finance and money-related matters sees how things work better than /pol/ does. If you feel sorry for niggers instead of seeing them as a possible profit source, finance isn't your field.

>> No.3829282

depends on what prices you're talking about.
You can get what's called a fixed mortgage, and pay the same price throughout the process, or if not, you will be paying less for the house.
If you're talking about the general housing market, the prices have always come back up. That's why investors look at real estate as a safe investment, and it's why "boomers" see real estate as a smart buy.
We're at an ATH in the residential housing market with the current administration, and most people are looking forward to the continuing rise. Unless the jews at the Fed keep trying to fuck with it.

>> No.3829468

you're the one who doesn't belong here. biz is a greedy ancap\wannabe technocrat flavour of the best and the brightest of pol

>> No.3829527

niggers contribute very little to the economy, the only people who benefit from them are politicians looking for a vote, and maybe one or two wealthy funds that invest heavily into low-income bonds.

>> No.3829559

If I can buy a house outright should I? Assuming it's a fifth of my net worth.

>> No.3829566

this is bait

>> No.3829576

It's correct, though. Spending money on something you will never own is a waste of money no matter how you look at it.

Now that doesn't mean that you should just live out on the streets instead of rent because you can't afford a house. You're better off renting than you are being homeless, but it really is a waste that you should have to rent in the first place. Ideally you would spend your money on something that you can own, something that you can sell in the future for a net profit. But of course we don't live in an ideal world, and most people can't afford a house.

>> No.3829598

Depends on the neighborhood, but the rule of thumb is to have 6 months worth of living funds arranged to back you up on your investment.
I would say yes, buy it.
The problem is whether you think the housing market will continue to rise. If push comes to shove, you can always move into the house.

>> No.3829599

Clearly choosing the thing that costs more money after all is said and done is the waste of money

>> No.3829616

Live in Manhattan, rent is $3k/month for a shitty studio.

>>feels bad man

>> No.3829634

I'm talking purely in terms of living in said house. Not as an investment.

>> No.3829635

Pretty much this although I prefer to live in my parents house (4.3K sqft McMansion). When I find a rental property ~400-700K I feel like buying, I might move out for a bit until I can rent out the last unit.

>> No.3829642

how do you like living there?

>> No.3829663

WRONG. Not necessarily so in many cities these days.

How much of the interest you pay to the bank will you ever get back?

>> No.3829666

Depends on the market.
Housing prices in some parts of the country are still shit, even if the national average is high.
What city do you live in?

>> No.3829676

Why the fuck would you live there? Unless you are on huge amounts of money it makes zero sense.

>> No.3829681


I mean it's the best city in the world, and salaries/opportunities more than make up for the high cost of living

People are never home anyways, so having a shitty apartment doesn't really matter. It's just a place to sleep. Don't really need kitchen space either because everyone eats out for pretty much every single meal

>> No.3829688

You live like a transient then?
Horses for courses.

>> No.3829690


I'm not on "huge amounts of money", but it's well within my budget. Thanks for the concern though.

>> No.3829704

Sounds like you're there for the wrong reasons.
$36k per year to live in a bedsit is fucked in the head.

>> No.3829717

I advise against it. A house is a consumption expense past the point that you need to live. For example, if you buy a 2.5K sqft home instead of a 500sqft studio you are burning your money. You will spend more on maintenance and property taxes than you can ever hope to earn from appreciation in the long run (houses typically appreciate 1% over inflation), so you are basically losing if annual property tax & maintenance are >1% the value of your home.

Not to mention transfer costs of 6% are typical in the realtor industry and up to 2% for writing a loan/refinancing may be levied.

All this considering you are buying in cash. Now add in interest expenses for a loan and the insurance you may be required to buy and you should realize you put yourself in a losing situation.

All of this is exactly why I refuse to waste money on a personal residence. I will only borrow/buy to rent to wagecucks.

>> No.3829779

This. Owning a home is way more costly than renting. Sure you get an asset but it won't appreciate quickly enough to outweigh your expenses with property taxes, insurance, possible HOA fees, etc.

>> No.3829785


The job I have here pays me 75k/year more than I would make anywhere else, so the incremental $18k/year I pay in rent is a write-off (assuming $1500 rent for a nice one-bedroom elsewhere)

You fucking pajeet

>> No.3829859

I'd like to interject and add that buying a home is not necessarily the worst idea if you don't spend more than you need to, although the home market for <1K sqft homes is very limited.

Homebuilders just don't make much of a profit on that shit unless they rent it out.

You are better off living with your parents than living with niggers or being cucked by some restrictive HOA.

When you have a wife and kids and shit, and need 2-3 bedrooms, then it might be worth moving out, although I don't have plans for that. Not to mention, you are fixed to the location so you better have a house near the city.

>> No.3829937

Buying a home is one of the best investments you can make in the United States. Even if you live in a piece of shit city with 1-2% appreciation each year, you've got a tangible asset that you can use to produce income for yourself (rent out). Having said that, my mother bought a house back in 2014 and has jumped over 20% in appreciation since that day.
That's why I have said multiple times in this thread, it completely depends on the market that you're in; as real estate is very much heterogeneous and different throughout the nation and determinate on many different factors.
So, saying real estate is bad in spot A, doesn't mean it wouldn't work in another area or city.

>> No.3830112

I know several single people that have bought their own 2-4 bedroom homes. They rent out rooms to their friends that don't want to deal with the responsibility. It works to all of their advantage. Home owner gets extra money each month until it's paid off and the friends get a cheaper place to live than they would otherwise if they all rented an apartment individually.

>> No.3830126

Are american houses such a bad investment then?

Where I live, an old house that you renovate yourself is the best investment you can make.

>> No.3830141

ya its fucked up, my dad isn't delusional enough to think things are as easy now as the were in his day but he still tells the stories about fully paying off a 3 bedroom house in like 1980 in under 8 years or something with him being the single earner while my mom was the homemaker.

Pretty insane when nowadays most people can't pay off their mortgage in 30 years and that's with dual income household.

I honestly wish I was either born 30 years earlier or 30 years later. Back then shit was easy mode if you weren't a total retard, and being born 30 years later I'd likely get to experience all kinds of improved technology. Now I'll be near death before I get to see anything really cool.

>> No.3830147

Sure, but in general prices fluctuate. Your property might increase by 10% a year or fall by 10% a year. You cannot count on that. If you could, become a real estate investor full time, you will dominate the market.

It's a logical fallacy to justify appreciation in a small time frame as an investing decision. Sure there are merits behind momentum investing (prices tend to increase in 6-12 month period when they increased the year before), and fortunes have been made but when demand for housing plummets you may run into issues with liquidity and financing that will be detrimental to your overall performance.

I want to buy properties that make money and don't rely on appreciation. There needs to be a margin in safety so I can cover expenses and still make money in recessions. When you buy on this basis, you can baghold a depreciating asset and still make money because it still holds an intrinsic value.

Now if your property appreciates, then you can sell it if there are better alternatives that generate more cash. You can win in any market.

Now I know you may say much of property doesn't fit all the strict criteria, but giving up some appreciation is worthwhile because of the fact that you aren't forced into making irrational decisions when the credit cycle tightens.

Buying a home is a good idea, but don't sit comfortably in hot markets.

>> No.3830157

Not necessarily, it's just that most people overpay for bigger houses than they need because of financing they receive and don't derive maximum possible economic benefits with their money.

>> No.3830182

Well wagecucking has suffered because of immigration and outsourcing in general.

The people who pay off their houses in 8 years are self employed or business owners. In fact, my parents paid off their first home in ~10. Protip: they weren't wagecucking.

>> No.3830208

Because house prices are going to keep rising to infinity, everyone knows that, you should buy one asap.

>> No.3830214

>Pretty insane when nowadays most people can't pay off their mortgage in 30 years and that's with dual income household.

LMao pretty insane how retards like you outspend your budget and wonder why you're poor

>> No.3830269

My dinosaur grandfather who bought houses his whole life, always tells me he thinks renting is cheaper in the long run. He's just a control freak and needs to own the property he lives on.

>> No.3830300

ITT: excuses and coping with being a loser

Don't bother replying. Arguing with a bunch of people with victim complexes is a waste of time.

>> No.3830320

>if they had invested in good stocks instead of buying a house they would be settled millionaires
I don't think they let average Joe buy stocks with 5:1 leverage

>> No.3830323

>If you can afford to buy, and you're renting, you're literally just pissing money away. Home ownership builds equity, renting does not.
What if i like having the freedom to move wherever I want whenever I want instead of committing myself to 10+ years in a single spot or trying to find someone to buy my house bags from me?

>> No.3830333

Indeed. The reason people can't pay off mortgages in 30 years is because banks are able to lend higher multiples of housing price compared to income and people are generally encouraged to spend like niggers.

>> No.3830364


So basically, you're in Manhattan living in a glorified closet because you're a self-conscious faggot.
New York is a disgusting kike shithole. Don't kid yourself.

>> No.3830380
File: 416 KB, 844x499, Obama&#039;s Legacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess you semi litterate 'Mericans really do love being in debt all your life.

>> No.3830483

stop buying 15 dollar cocktails and you'll be able to afford a car and house faggot.

>> No.3830510

Don't even bother, most of them can't read a full sentence in English.

>> No.3830512

>tfw when parents paid off an 80k 3 bedroom home near a big city

>> No.3830529

Explain what is wrong with debt.

>> No.3830551
File: 161 KB, 1000x758, 1506279426453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ProTip: Buy the house and make other people pay rent for it.

ProProTip: Make the renters pay for your electricity too while you mine shit coins.

>> No.3830579


Oh and before you ask how? My parents live in the basement of a house that they rent to other people upstairs. The people living upstairs pay for the mortgage so they just live there for free after taxes and utilities.

>> No.3830654
File: 1.43 MB, 520x1865, Old Economy Steve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're old and don't realize they they pillaged and plundered the fuck out of almost everything and left us nothing but debt.

They think paying a mortgage is anything other than paying rent to Jews so they can pretend they """bought""" the house.


2019 at the latest. Peter Schiff and Mike Maloney get a lot of shit on here, but they're right about the coming crash. Multiple bubbles forming, and the problems that lead to the 2008 crash were only papered over, never resolved, so that pent up energy is gonna hit too.

I love it. Maybe some positive shit like a civil war will break out and the separatists will will this time.

>> No.3830672

shut the fuck up you fucking retard

>> No.3830734

The normie goyim eat that shit up. Just like the normies here that invest in shitcoin only when they get hyped.

>> No.3830757

hi sir if you do not want to rent shitholes anymore sir buy metaverse and the doors of a new life will be opened to you sir very handsome future for metaverse hodlers

>> No.3830961

Nerds like you never make any money.
Go work for the post office.

>> No.3831004

20% lmao
mc donalds stock grew faster

>> No.3831180


> Cheap homes

Go to Detroit nigga.

>> No.3831482


You give your creditors power over you idiot. If americans didn't owe so much money to the banks they wouldn't have been too big to fail, you could have bought those bonds for pennies on the dollar, but instead they got to sell them for their full price and you were cucked out of some valuable assets.

>> No.3831523

Boomers literally don't believe this can ever happen. Gov't will prop up prices if it does.

>> No.3831586

/biz/ is now /pol/. After we all reach lambo land we will return it to its original state.

>> No.3833134

All the /pol/ favorites in one post

>> No.3833149

>proud to be a cuck and pay for my houses

I bet you hate coins too, it's okay one day we'll let mcdonalds workers get mortgages

>> No.3833151

>buy 300,000 dollar house
>be worth 350,000 in 2 years
Do that with stocks.
You can't live inside a brokerage btw.

>> No.3833172

I understand a lot of you are literal shut-ins from the suburbs, but if you actually had to deal with trash and niggers out there on the streets of the United States, you'd be racist too.

>> No.3833186

spot the cuck

>> No.3833207

My parents follow similar advice and have been able to amass a fortune have fun gambling while we continue investing.

>> No.3833214

dude this was a joke
was an example of lame performing stock
i made so much more
boomers out

>> No.3833247
File: 50 KB, 512x512, 1502603074755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who hate manhattan all secretly would like to live there but cannot afford. Same thing people who hate supercars will be the first ones to drive them the moment they won a lottery

>> No.3833263

The funniest thing is boomers are fucking awful with money. I love my parents and all, but they have absolutely no money ever sitting around. They couldn't save money if their life depended on it.

>> No.3833308

i wanna live in tokyo rather than new york tho

>> No.3833609

you're over complicating it.
I've done all the technical analysis in the past, and real estate cannot be foreseen.
The only thing we know is that it's at an ATH right now, and that the last administration fucked with the national debt.

>> No.3834164

That's not how it works. You sound like you just have a grudge against the banks.

>> No.3834749


Literally cancer. Fuck off

>> No.3834962

Hes right you fucking retard. If you can't afford to live in an expensive city, fucking move. They're expensive for a god damn reason.