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3823382 No.3823382 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, some of our friends at reddit had questions about ChainLink. Figured I'd post here and maybe some of you could explain and/or answer any questions that they might have!

Not even to shill or anything but genuinely answer whatever questions that come up. Best of luck!


>> No.3823389

They don't deserve it yet

>> No.3823396

You need to go back faggot

>> No.3823430
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>> No.3823489
File: 364 KB, 996x1600, stock-photo-young-boy-pointing-gun-focus-on-boys-face-isolated-38547394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck off my board.

>> No.3823580
File: 10 KB, 217x320, JUST2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick rundown

>Sergay (main dev of CL) is big inside the frisco pozz community
>LINK technology already obsolete because big banks will rather build supercomputers in every city
>is at the conference at SIBOS but next to toilets
>other dev is already jumping ship
>sergay won't be surviving that long anyway and they won't hear his AIDS ridden shaky voice over the sound of the toilets

>> No.3823593

How many people have bought Eth thinking it has the capability that link provides. In reality Eth is just another useless shitcoin without it

>> No.3823598

Step 1 get city
Step 2 put supercompute on that city

>> No.3823618
File: 323 KB, 2080x2120, 1490345895848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and retards thought LINK solves the oracle problem, in reality supercomputers in every city solve it even cheaper

can you even imagine the poor fucks who hodl or still buy LINK?
like holy fuck they must be retarded

>> No.3823804

are these super computers centralized and hackable? can the data be hacked before sending off to a block?

>> No.3823815

Step 3. LINK gets BTFO
Step 4. ???
Step 5. Profit

>> No.3823827


>> No.3823830

QRL > Chainlink

Say it with me now, soygoys:


is LINK even quantum resistant?
answer: no

>> No.3823851

I was enjoying the FUD and the memes about supercomputes but then you come along with some retarded shit that has nothing to do with the application of ChainLink or the supercompute memes.

Do you have down syndrome?

>> No.3823859

We'll explain it to them when it hits 4 dollars so they can buy our bags that we'll buy back off them at 2.50.

>> No.3823893

I can't believe this shit. I'm selling.

>> No.3823902

isnt qrl fighting a million dollar lawsuit from one of its ex employees claiming its a scam?

>> No.3823911

There is one problem i have with link, otherwise i would have invested. That is, chainlink is a temporary solution for swift, swift has said their main objective is to learn from chainlink. In otherwords, swift will be implementing their own tech in the future.

>> No.3823912

I have seen this meme, can you or anybody else explain why this is a threat to link?

>> No.3823915

lel, let me spell it out to you fucko.
bitcoin isn't quantum resistant
quatum cumpooters can hax blockchain
only reason chainlink is up, as well as all blockchain coins, is because of the hype around blockchain

if quantum computers can break blockchain then that's bad news for LINK, you dumbfuck

super computer / quantum computing are thus challenges to blockchain and LINK.

you dumb inferior low IQ lemming. go ahead and buy into the FOTM coin (i.e. LINK) whilst I look for real bargains like QRL that are not over-hyped.

>> No.3823938

Chainlink >>3823915
Chainlink will work for now, but you need to think of it as a patch rather than full-scale use. This is a quick fix for the banking system for now to catch up to ripple. Chainlink is not a long term product

>> No.3823942

What makes you think that they would not be just as protected? I doubt quantum has a fucking patent on quantum resistant encryption. If they do, then there will be 1000000 more measures equivelant to it. But hey, its a hell of a sales pitch and slogan. Qtum is smart for that.

>> No.3823943

I don't this any coins are quantum secure atm, It would probably recuire a quantum computer to encrypt them.

>> No.3823969

Well, you can access them. For instance IBM's Watson can be used by anybody, I'm sure a developer with quantum resistance in mind is using all available resources to test their code.

>> No.3823979

Shit.. so that's why banks are putting supercomputes on every city. It all makes perfect sense.

>> No.3823982

by the time quantum computers are a threat, qtums patent would have expired kek

>> No.3823987


>> No.3823988

Please dont make these posts. The weak hands are just going to shake their stack into a whales pocket because they cannot spend 1 minute to research CL.

N-nevermind anon continue.

>> No.3823993

The Ethereum blockchain is adopting QRL.


Next fud, please.

>> No.3824004

Kek indeed.

>> No.3824008

Ripple claim that their technology is better because they'll have a supercomputer in every major city. Typical boomer "how do I send an SMS" type of answer.

>> No.3824029


you goys think the jews, irs, and the rothschilds are just going to sit idle whilst btc goes up and people can store value in their own individual wallets, free from the prying eyes of the gov't??

*takes deep breath*

some of the earliest fuckers in crypto were jews. look up charlie shrem, look up ben lawsky.

they are probably working RIGHT NOW on ways to sabotage crypto.

they're already doing it by driving the news cycle. they're already putting in play laws that we aren't aware of yet.

so quantum computing is a real threat, yes, but it is a distant worry.

>> No.3824038

Lmao, that actually makes a lot of sense. I get the meme now. Boomers are never not manipulated by banks and technology.

>> No.3824060


>> No.3824066

some problems cant be solved that easily regardless of how much money you throw at it

also, if they can break BTC using quantum computers it should be the least of your worries. it means they can break the encryption standard of every device out there.

why worry about your coins in such a scenario when everything in the world is about to get GOXXED

>> No.3824075

Of course they're not sitting back and taking the hit. This is the only legit threat to the banking empire since Andrew Jackson. They are trying to kill it, if it were surmountable for them, they wouldn't be trying they'd be doing. I don't underestimate these guys, but I'm not betting on them to kill a decentralized global currency. Its not the end of them, but it feels as if it might be the beginning of it.

>> No.3824080

nah ill let them know at @ $2

>> No.3824115

Correct, and the block chain cannot be manipulated unless you access over 51% of the computers that mine right? If that's the just of it, youd actually have to hack the computers that created the ledgers simultaneously. At that point, I think the citizens world wide would be up in arms for the breach of privacy that they theoretically implemented regardless of their feelings about crypto.

>> No.3824125

Trying to find the source...

>> No.3824246


Don't talk to me or my wife's board ever again.