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3817855 No.3817855 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3817874
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>> No.3817917

LINK is the only coin not shilled by its creators.

It's like they're letting it tank so whales can accumulate

>> No.3817944

there's so much volume that a single word from these motherfuckers will send it on a rocket ship to the heavens

>> No.3817949
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>> No.3817968

Im holding link but i can admit it will continue to fall, even tho it will i wnt sell im holding long term.
i think it will go back toward 35cents before going back to ath again

>> No.3817981

Which won't happen until after the conference. Rory tells anyone who asks that after the conference there will be a lot of news and they will have a community management team.

>> No.3818223


Are you referring to daily volume or total? I don't understand all the terms and how they're used, I just know about bitcoin. Educate me please.

>> No.3818508
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>> No.3818594
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9 BTC buy wall incoming.

>> No.3818679

it better hit 35 cents im getting paid today

>> No.3818796
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>> No.3818830
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I will post moon lambo meet up location one year from now, strap in boys, thousands of new millionaires will be made and I intend to be one of them. Your move.

>> No.3818831

I have 12k LINKS. Will I be rich soon?

>> No.3818873

the time to buy link is now

>> No.3818891


>> No.3818908

he will take care of us and all our lambo dreams. no shill

>> No.3818919

>big random pump for no reason
don't fomo buy now, it'll come back down before the day is done.

>> No.3818942

ikr op are u stoopeed

>> No.3818973

>fuck those presale links I swear they are scams, not sending eth haha!
>lol all of them went over max allocation of 300 eth, no way they get their link I will just get in on the crowd sale
>2 weeks later
>Lol still no word on whether they get any link from these abused presale urls hahahaha
>crowdsale time
>wtf 29.5m already filled out of 30m, I will put myself on sick notice so I don't miss the correct block
>I will just fud this coin like everyone else so I get to buy under ico price haha
>2x on etherdelta, what the fuck??
>the fudding is not working it is not going down
>well fuck this shit I am not getting in on all time high
>wtf 3x ico price, already 100m market cap???
>4x you kidding me
>haha it is dipping DEAD COIN
>it is going up again? DEAD CAT BOUNCE YOU RETARDS
(You are here)
>this coin will dip before sibos no way it goes on like this...
>200m market cap on day of sibos ha-! I bet it will crash today during the demo when sergey fucks up
>wtf it is a huge success
>some time later
>it is finally on coinbase, now I can buy safely :)
>Haha a 3% gain in A WEEK, suck on that litecoin faggots

>> No.3818975

>no reason

You think the current market cap is where it belongs or something?

>> No.3819038

I like link and I've been trading it basically daily. We'll see a gradual rise as we get to SIBOS and possibly a big pump depending on the news but this is too big of a climb with no news to stay where it is. It'll fall back down a bit soon.

(also I fucked up and sold mine before this pump and have to tell myself these things to stay sane)

>> No.3819058

SAME. I bought back in right when a whale put up a sell wall for a 3 link gain lmao.

>> No.3819059


why don't you go fuck yourself OP? Why didn't you tell people to fucking buy it yesterday when it was cheaper? I honestly hope you die in your fucking sleep. This thing has been ripe for the taking for the last 24 hours and now you tell people to buy with it's 17% up? You're a sadistic fuck and I hope you fucking die.

>> No.3819063

so what you're saying is that LINK belongs at 150 to 250m marketcap while other shitcoins are above that? lmao

even without news, LINK is massively undervalued

>> No.3819071


>> No.3819076

because you nolinkers have been fudding it all day dumbass

>> No.3819078

Too big of a rise? This is litterally where we were two days ago.

>> No.3819091

everyone told you to buy yesterday wtf you talking about, even this morning you cuck.

>> No.3819097
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>got paid today and woke up to find LINK at 7600 sats
>buy that shit up right there and then
>mf right now

>> No.3819107


I've had this piece of shit the whole time, I'm just sick of the same people who FUD telling people to buy.

>> No.3819117

this is the easiest buy ive done since ETH wtf... i honestly dont get nolinkers

>> No.3819128

>community management team
I live for the day they release just a single announcement

>> No.3819139

I dont think it will get lower than 37 cents when it dips again. Maybe it will hit 35 but it wont last for more than 1min

>> No.3819145

no I agree with you, I'm just being realistic about the market. I have no doubt that we'll be laughing at the idea that link was ever sub .50c by the beginning of next year.

I guess I should say too suddenly.

>> No.3819150

Bitrex might add LINK after SIBOS
Nobody knows when exactly, however. It could be right after presentation or two days later.
That is one of the news devs don't tell you

>> No.3819155

2 years is soon compared to retiring when you are 65

>> No.3819191

How do you know this if they didn't tell anyone?

>> No.3819196

Post proof or stfu

>> No.3819225

I choose stfu

>> No.3819241

you dont deserve to be rich if you dont know that when the price is low that is the time you buy

>> No.3819284

>price is low
>price is up 15%

dont be a retard, wait for a dip

>> No.3819313

This is retarded. There is a better chance of Kraken adding Link than Bittrex.

>> No.3819319

where's your buy order at? wondering if i should put it at 8200 or 8400

>> No.3819351

This. RIGHT NOW, Link tokens are not being used until some big enterprise implements nodes. Until then, the price moves with PnD schemes.

>> No.3819366

It really boils down to this. When nodes come online and Chainlink is being used then it's money city. Before that it's worthless.

>> No.3819466

Oh really?
Banks are yet to start using XRP but it's sitting at a 10 billion dollar evaluation.
The news alone that some institution will use LINK in the future could ship it to a multi-billion dollar evaluation.

>> No.3819495

lets say I want to run one more more chainlink nodes.

what the fuck API is even useful for me to interface with chainlink. It seems like the only ones that will be in demand are retarded proprietary bank/swift apis that I dont have access to, so its the banks themselves that are gonna be running these nodes. (((they))) are the only ones making money on this shit

>> No.3819507
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why aren't we mining link?
Honest question

>> No.3819520
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lmao thanks anon


Link is a resource that determines the trustworthiness of data that comes into the blockchain from outside. It does this by being staked by those running oracle nodes, the providers of this off chain data. Node operators are incentivized to keep their data sources pure by being paid in more link.
If he successfully demos interaction and execution of smartcontracts using data sources external to the blockchains, then it is a win.

>> No.3819528

why did this idiot put a wall like that instead of slowly dumping
everyone lose

>> No.3819545
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>20 btc sell wall

>> No.3819546

He is accumulating. Note how he buys up every order that goes below the wall.

>> No.3819574

a whale comes nearby and he loses everything and has to buy higher
I don't think that's a smart move

>> No.3819581

>Banks are yet to start using XRP

Someone hasn't read the news today....

>> No.3819604

Businesses with data they wish to sell also profit off of it. They set up an API to put out data people want and charge them Link for access. You won't make money off of staking unless you have valuable information.

However, because you have to stake Link and more Link equals higher weight to your node most of it will be locked up. Which lowers the supply and increases demand as it's also required to buy access to data.

You will only make money by holding until adoption and selling for an outrageous price. Chainlink is valuable because it allows companies to sell their data for dosh.

>> No.3819606

83k just came out of the wall. What's his endgame?

>> No.3819610

Cuallix is not a bank though.

>> No.3819617

what 20btc sell wall?

>> No.3819628

it's 40 now

I'll never understand what's going on and if people really act differently because of a wall that could be removed any second anyway

>> No.3819642

he lowered it to 8500 satoshi and it got btfo
eaten the fuck up

>> No.3819643

did anyone else just see that?
what fucking idiot dumped right there?

>> No.3819650


It's a financial institution that does international remittance. Are you really gonna fucking nitpick this?

>> No.3819654

fucking kek

>> No.3819662

I saw that too. Even a 300 sat loss with that much volume makes for a huge pink wojak. wtf

>> No.3819679
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Did he think he could crash the price? Instead of panic selling everybody started buying fucking kek

>> No.3819682

I think it was just a retard wanting to sell so he just put a sall order then thought fuck it let's just dump everything.

If he wanted to lower the price it would be to buy, not to sell 200k.

>> No.3819710

I have 200 ASICs mining LINK right now actually.

>> No.3819731

Yeah I think my heart sank into my chest there for a moment when I saw that.

>> No.3819734

Well LINK passed the howey test so its not unfeasible at all. Wait till the NDA expires after SIBOS

>> No.3819746

what the actual fuck is even happening right now? anyone else thinks that it's the same idiot who just dumped? lmfao show yourself

>> No.3819753

What NDA??

>> No.3819764

Anon I don't think there is an NDA or that they have made any effort to get listed anywhere.

>> No.3819773

the reason they haven't been saying anything is probably due to an NDA
probably big announcement during/after SIBOS

>> No.3819788

I know a literal idiot who got really lucky with neo and has now 80 btc he just invest doing random shit.
He had only 40 then put it as a buy order on walton which started the 8 days growth and sold after doubling.

>> No.3819822
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>sold all my coins at 8.2k
>waiting for 8.1k to buy back in
>strong urge to fomo back in at 8.9k

Someone tell me it's going to dip and not to buy back in.

>> No.3819833

Don't buy back in your weak handed faggot, people like you are a detriment to the ecosystem.

>> No.3819846

that's what you get for playing with fire
That feeling is the fucking worst and it's the reason I will never sell even one of my Links before motherfucking Swift anounces the partnership

>> No.3819867

Lmao someone flashing another 20btc wall. Is this just a big dick swinging contest?

>> No.3819919
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This is going back to 8k retard the volume dried up and nobody is going to be dumb enough to buy into another 9k wall.

>> No.3819920

looking porn and suddenly on other screen all green my order gets filled by dump at 8.5k sats and now i see another 20bc wall. what the actual fuck is happening in here

>> No.3819957

There is still volume retard. I guess some whales weren't happy with this premature pump and put up some walls. 40 btc wall atm.

>> No.3819966
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>sold his stash

>> No.3820009

Forgive me Sergey. I sold at 40 cents. Please come back to earth and save my pour soul.

>> No.3820029

where can I buy LINK with a fast sign up system?

>> No.3820044

...because you cannot mine a token; all the LINK that ever shall be has already been "created" --

>'And Sergey said: "Let there be LINK, and let the number of LINK be one billion, and let this number be neither greater nor less than one billion." And so it was.'

>'And Sergey said: "Let the billion LINK be divided into thirds. Let the first portion be sold unto the masses to create an ecosystem, the second reserved for the banks and their ilk to utilise this ecosystem, and the third retained by us to preserve this ecosystem." And so it was.'

>> No.3820049

Why did you sell at .40?

>> No.3820053

EtherDelta doesn't have a sign up

>> No.3820064

I expected it to go up and down until friday or so.

>> No.3820070

If you already have ETH go to EtherDelta

>> No.3820084
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>> No.3820091

you realize the storm caused yesterday was all because of some jew exchange?
not only that, everyone has figured out that the btc fork is a sham

>> No.3820093
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I have no ETH...
I have no coins at all and im still in verify progress at Kraken.

>> No.3820094

hahaha motherfucker pussied out

>> No.3820102

coin base doesn't take that long if you're willing to use your debit card

>> No.3820104

this fucking idiot got 60k bought into his wall before realising

watch him fomo soon

or he's just wash trading to fake volume and fomo

>> No.3820140
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im from germany and because of some weird rules they cant sell bitcoin it says on the frontpage.
I think its the same for ETH.

>> No.3820149

Yeah, but I didn't expect it to recover so fast. I did make a lot of profit from the crash.
But handing over some profits to buy back in is painful.

>> No.3820164
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just buy VPN service, you retard.
PureVPN will pay itself in 1 good trade
and you may need it for ICO

>> No.3820167

Honest advice, if your volume is not high i.e. more than 2k$ for instance. Go to Kraken and just put your adress, phone number and your full real name. They use to be fast with tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3 verification (24 hours max), which will allow you to trade enough volume.

Monthly limit Tier 3
Deposit (fiat) $200,000.00
Deposit (crypto) No limit
Withdraw (fiat) $200,000.00
Withdraw (crypto) $200,000.00

>> No.3820355

mois ich bin auch in DE. Du kannst da einfach kaufen, no problemo. Ich hör das dass erste mal mein freund.

>> No.3820377

yea im waiting for Tier3 right now.
Hopefully it will work.
I send no "Proof of residence" yet because im not sure what to use for this since a bank statement shows a little more than just my name and address. But the ID pictures and ID Selfie should be correct. Hopefully it all passes.
The first time I tried it tok like a week till they checked it but my ID were close to being outdated so they declined it.

Status of Tier 3 is "Not submitted" tho.

>> No.3820380

What's the best way to store LINK ?

>> No.3820408


Give it to me


>> No.3820415
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Hi guys im a fucking joke, can I have 50/100 link please?

I will hold it like a real man!


>> No.3821259

It's an ERC20 token, so MEW or someshit

>> No.3822174

This. Fucked up shit traders who suck. Get BTFO and make my stack bigger.

>> No.3822375

I hate to say it but I told you guys. I guess if you bought you still could've made a little profit if you're not retarded but now it all comes tumbling back down

>> No.3822423

what do you mean? it's still lingering around 100-200 sats from when you posted your call. also you didnt answer my question bck then at what your buy order was :( i luckily caught the 8500 dump by that faggot whale

>> No.3822458

I just sold my link hoping to catch it for the next dip.

We'll see it dip at least a few more times before the conference.

>> No.3822608

Where did you get your crystal ball? I've been looking for one

>> No.3823050


>> No.3823099


>> No.3823221

what is sats and dont be a nigger

>> No.3823284

Bump for the retards to buy late

>> No.3823338

missed ur post but I'm trading LINK/ETH and I'll probably buy back in sub .0013 unless I see that it's keeping up

>> No.3823469

what the fuck is this question even? satoshi incase youre serious. 0.00000001 btc = 1 sat

alright, thanks

>> No.3823490

> being this new
> not knowing that banks are implementing supercomputers in ever city

>> No.3823585

This shit is gonna moon tonight while people sleep, its setting up nicely. Whales you know what to do. Punish the nolinkies