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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3815879 No.3815879 [Reply] [Original]

>One institution, Cuallix, will be the first to use its cryptocurrency XRP


This is just the beginning. When other FI's see how much money is saved on remittance costs by using XRP they will be clamoring to get onboard as well.

Now's your chance.

>> No.3816013


>> No.3816043


>b-but I hate jews
>b-but banks exist and for some reason I have some libertarian faggy resistance to them

Emotional investors are disgusting, it's like you people fucking hate money.

>> No.3816055

No, we hate kikes trying to undermine our system, like they always do.

>> No.3816062

fuck xrp pussy

>> No.3816068


Kikes are rich and you are poor, do the math faggot.

>> No.3816077


XRP is garbage. Make yo money off this coin, but I really hope it dies off in a few years time.

>> No.3816091
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It's not to late

>> No.3816099

And when we find a way to make money that doesn't involve them, this is how they react.
Tell me, how does it feel knowing that you are a literal parasite in the eyes of the entire world?

>> No.3816116

The most people in this forum underestimate XRP a lot!

>> No.3816136


>> No.3816138

I don't see how me staying poor hurts the jews. I'm an individualist and getting me and my close ones out of the rat race is my number one priority. I don't give a fuck about you.

>> No.3816142

Look, I love Ripple's technology. But this does not change the fact that Ripple is NOT an investment. It is a liquidity tool (used as an intermediary for high-speed transactions worldwide), with a centralised structure. Do you know why Ben Bernanke loves it so much? Because its mechanism adheres to modern monetary policy. Example: Supply adjusts appropriately to keep price as constant as possible (in fiat terms). My appeal to all of you anons: do not invest in XRP, and stop hating on the coin just because it doesn't maintain growth - it's not meant to.

>> No.3816157

>not investing in jewcoins means being poor.
Hah. Time for you to go back to your nest.

>> No.3816160
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>> No.3816166


Dude you're trading literal fucking scam coins on artificial pump-and-dumps for profits. There's no moral high ground here.

Either make money on it or don't, not my problem. I've already profited off this piece of shit coin and it's only a matter of time before I go to the next shit coin. If you want to spend time spewing social activism on it go ahead, I'll already be gone and so will you.

>> No.3816169

whether you like it or not: this thing WILL hit al least 2 bucks by the end of 2018.

>> No.3816186

I'm up 50% on my investment. XRP has already made alot of regular people rich this year and I'm not going to say no to potentially lifechanging gains, because some NEET on 4chin thinks he knows better. Keep your LINK bags, I'm good.

>> No.3816189

what you fail to see is that XRP isn't meant to have a price determined by the market. the xrp price will be determined by RIPPLE. that's why they hold 60% of the coins for themselves.

they will try to keep it stable at a cents range price.

Your few million XRP is a joke to the total supply they have and they will push the price to whatever they find useful.

Now, do you think a big bank is going to pay, let's say 1 dollar per ripple if they have are going to do a few hundred million transactions a day using xrp?

I'm glad I got rid of my xrp bags.
everyone in xrp is about to get jewed.

>> No.3816196

I thought xrp was a liquidity tool and a bridge currency and every transaction burns xrp so wouldnt that give xrp value because of deflation. And if u bought xrp couldnt you be spending a fraction of a penny fee sending a transaction? would those be enough to give a coin value tardo

>> No.3816211

Hey, no fighting. LINK is good too, it's a good idea to buy it with XRP gains.

>> No.3816225

Buying LINK is like betting on McGregor just saying. Why risk it all against a sure thing?

>> No.3816231
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you guys still don't get it, right?
this is by their chief cryptographer

>> No.3816242


>Now, do you think a big bank is going to pay, let's say 1 dollar per ripple if they have are going to do a few hundred million transactions a day using xrp?

XRP is for international payments, not standard transactions. What fucking bank does hundreds of millions of international payments per day?

>> No.3816258

you're straight up retarded anon

>> No.3816266


you're right


you're wrong

>> No.3816272


No answer, just "you're a retard". Typical biz.

>> No.3816333

I don't have to spood feed you faggots. Ripple is taking on SWIFT they do over 24 million transactions a day

>> No.3816365


>24 million transactions a day

Spread across ELEVEN THOUSAND fucking banks, not just ONE you fucking moron.

>> No.3816436

Why are you arguing about numbers? Ripple is going up, that speaks for itself. Now go away

>> No.3816466

Times change boys


blockbuster vs netflix?

Swift vs Ripple GG

About time greedy idiots form swift get fcked

>> No.3816527

>he disagrees with me
>he must be one of them!

Holy fuck poltards have a low IQ

if you cant separate your emotions from investing then you are a dumb fuck. Please do everyone a favor and get back to your low intelligence echo chamber, thanks

>> No.3816570

>Ripple is going up, that speaks for itself. Now go away

No shit sherlock. I'm the goddamn OP. Do you even 4chan?

>> No.3816664

>tfw you are a failure in life so you latch onto a failed ideology that lets you feel special based on an accident of birth rather than your own accomplishments and scapegoat people more successful than yourself and then you justify missing out on solid investments and instead invest in circle-jerk shitcoins because of that same stupid ideology

Stormfags and poltards make terrible investors

>> No.3816885

Agreed. XRP will succeed because the banks want it to, who do you think has more power to sway cryptocurrency, the banks or some fags on a vietnamese stop-motion forum?

>> No.3816908


>some fags on a vietnamese stop-motion forum

literally kekd.

>> No.3816980

lol people fudding and shilling shit coins on 4chan expecting the price to move. you guys have 5 dollars in your pockets shilling link... go buy ripple now virgins, so I can dump it on you.

>> No.3817019


Not a fan of the kikes but profit is profit. Its not like this is bancor tier jewish.

>> No.3817117


What was the deal with Bancor?

>> No.3817163

>Banks and blockchain
No thanks, I got burned once by Bancor. I'm never touching banks again. Bunch of con artists

>> No.3817884

It's not that people underestimate it, it's just that many people hate it for ideological reasons.

>> No.3818526

This isn't a coin for /biz

This is coin for actual investors.

>> No.3818737
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I was not wrong when I said the target on xrp was 10k to compete with Bitcoin. Also, there was a deviation from the Plan by a couple of trading managers recently. We lost contact. You really should come in. Wetworks has been notified, but that can be cancelled if you just come in. We can work this out. We know you are reading this.

>> No.3818777


we already bought ripple now give us some normal info

>> No.3818834

what about the fact that ripple sucks and bigger more important banks are just making their own crypto

>> No.3818903
File: 57 KB, 852x867, On-The-Rise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is my XRP the only one in the red?

>> No.3818905

I hear they're also setting up supercomputers in every city.

>> No.3818923

Because it's manipulated out the ass. Its rises and falls are controlled. It doesn't pump unless they let it and it doesn't dump unless they choose to.

>> No.3818938

because it was the only one that was barely effected by the crash you larping nigger
you dont own a single XRP

>> No.3818958


calm down bro people cant think on biz, thats why they stay poor fags let him think ripple is down hahaahahaha

>> No.3818978

It was at 0.19 just a week ago

>> No.3819005

Sorry, there is no "normal" info. It is currently decided XRP will be held above 5k, sub 5250. Spikes will be supressed, and dumps will be comped. Dump attackers will be "Comped". During and after the conference, price controls will be adjusted to allow a rapid but sustainable rise. "Normies" will invest heavily in a .25 cent coin and chase it up, but would not look twice at the coin if it hits a hundred before the conference. That is all I can divest at this time. 1.20 pre conference peak cancelled at this time, subject to change. The current Cabal vote is to keep it .25 until the conference.

>> No.3819032

this is why you want to stay out of XRP.
You aren't meant to be playing with XRP.
XRP is for the banks and institutions.
Get out before you become an eternal bagholder if they ever decide that the perfect value for XRP is 14.777 cents cause it makes some math work out in favor of whatever.

>> No.3819081

Just recieved a phone call. Some in the Cabal are discussing allowing my 1.20 pre conference to generate interest, but in a slower growth pattern, rather than my moon mission style. I will keep you posted as I have time. Out

>> No.3819133

Lol they put it on 100$$$ you fucking no brainers hahahaha gtfo and buy scamlink

>> No.3819143

Hows that Chainlink /pol/ ----> /biz/ spoof scam working out for you? Videmus Omnia.

>> No.3819305

You are wrong but i really hope youre right.

>> No.3819318

I think you have a valid point that banks will want XRP to be affordable, but I think you're not considering that Ripple can just lower the price of transaction costs to reflect USD price. Say for example a company right now wants to do a transaction? Okay that'll be 4 XRP or whatever. Price of XRP/USD goes up a lot? And a bank wants to do a transaction? Okay that'll be 0.000034 XRP or whatever.

This can be done very easily with software that automatically calculates all this for the clients and shows them how much XRP a transaction will cost and right next to that display the USD equivalent.

>> No.3819365

don't ripple tokens get burned after they are used in a transaction?

>> No.3819367
File: 641 KB, 600x826, 1507624262410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.....why not buy both xrp and link

>> No.3819377

They do. But Ripple can also issue more XRP.

>> No.3819378


>> No.3819382

.000034 XRP =34 Zax. What will that buy you at 10k XRP? I become a tsunami, but start as a tiny undulation. What am I? You all know now. The fun is gone.

>> No.3819405

yeah that's right, if i got my infor correct they can just swap around a decimal point thus giving out more xrp.
So if each ripple is burned to confirm a trasaction, what is going to stop it from skyrocketing after afew months of good use? besides being able to create new xrp if it's getting scarse

>> No.3819407
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trash coin sage

buy chainink faggots. ripple has billions in cap - link 140 mill tops - potential is not even comparable. even if ripple hits 100 percent gain it will be the peak, and thats billions that have to enter. much easier to bet on LINK which is NEW and CHEAP and MORE RARE and is a BETTER PROJECT OVERALL NOT RUN BY SCAMMING PAJEETS.


>> No.3819418


I'm in this boat

comfy feel

>> No.3819513


No they can't you dumbasses. Xrp is deinflationary.

>> No.3819555

keep dreaming bagholder.

>> No.3819566

so you have 100 trillion max supply, considering that if banks follow suit and all start using ripple, how fast do you think the tokens are going to burn? Even if it's worth 1 dollar, 100 trillion in bank transfers... wew lad it wouldn't take that long

>> No.3819711

so or they generate more tokens to burn, or the price would have to stay low, well very very low to even accommodate 1 year long of bank transfers.

>> No.3819736

so what is it riddler? do they generate new tokens or not?

>> No.3819742


Kikes know how to make REAL long-term money, white boy crypto coders only know how to pump out 1 shitcoin a week, abandon it, and move on to the next, rinse, repeat.

>> No.3819778

that's what I'm fucking saying you pleb tier faggots. XRP is meant to be in the cents range.

>> No.3819794

>not realizing how little XRP is actually burned

Stay retarded

>> No.3819835

you're the retard that didn't notice my mistake hahahaha and you probably wont find it either. nevertheless thanks for telling me.

>> No.3819869


100 billion tokens, potentially an infinite supply burning 10000 tokens a day?

Yeah enjoy.

>> No.3819911


So what if billions of dollars are moved a day someday using Ripple?

The problem is people evaluate Ripple based on what it is today not what its potential can be, even Bitcoin has a tiny marketcap in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.3820079

Again, you're not considering all possibilities. Check this out.

>Price of XRP is $0.25 or whatever
>Bank makes a transaction
>Software: "Okay, the fee for this transaction is 4 XRP, or $1 USD."

>Price of Ripple at $100 per coin
>Bank makes transaction
>Software: "Okay, the fee for this transaction is 0.01 XRP, or $1 USD."

This would be very simple for the software to calculate in real-time.

In other words, it's not impossible for the price of XRP to go up without affecting banks at all. Unless you're not talking about transaction fees, but the banks themselves holding XRP over time. In that case, any volatility can easily be remedied. Like this:

>Bank A wants to send money overseas to Bank B
>Bank A doesn't hold any XRP as a rule, to protect from volatility
>Bank A gets ready to transfer money
>Converts it to XRP by purchasing XRP on the Ripple network
>Sends XRP to Bank B
>Bank B receives XRP immediately and sells it immediately

This too is entirely possible, because XRP transaction speeds are almost instantaneous.

>> No.3820198

>its just like bitcoin!
typical tricks

>> No.3820246


More like Bitcoin is like Ripple, it's codebase predates Bitcoin by 4 years.

>> No.3820259

XRP isn't a cryptocurrency.
it's not meant to be bought up at one side and sold at the other. It's a way to transport funds.

xrp isn't a currency it's a means of transport

>> No.3820290

People getting smarter :)

>> No.3820360

Buying all XMAS gifts with my comfy XRP gains

>> No.3820535

Simply put, you're fucking wrong but humor me and tell me what you're basing your opinion on.

Fees are a fraction of a penny and going into the dollar range won't change that. Also, fees are adjustable.

>> No.3821121

this retard fell for my mistake hahahahaha

>> No.3821892
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Who here got /balls of steel/ with leverage on RektMEX?

>> No.3821924


This, fucking faggots have no idea how this game works.

Everything these clowns say is worthless when they're bringing in opinionated biases into the mix.

I'm getting filthy rich off XRP from my long at 5100 and there is nothing you can do.

>> No.3822144
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>the target on xrp was 10k to compete with Bitcoin.

>> No.3822223
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Is it $1 yet?

>> No.3822452


It will touch .50 cents before SWELL, the whales have informed me.

>> No.3822604


I ain't selling til $10.

>> No.3822726

b-but reddit said it was going to le moon

>> No.3822730


Good luck with that chief

>> No.3822739


It will only moon once all weak hands are gone, this is the unfortunate truth.

>> No.3822808

There is a reason the crypto community universally hates cripple

>> No.3822886
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That is a social hatred, emotions are for faggots, trade set ups and make money, then dump on greater fools.
