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3803274 No.3803274 [Reply] [Original]

School me on Austria Economics. Why is it a cultish fringe sect that sees no practical attention at a state level.

>> No.3803307

Because they don't believe in evidence. So reading any of their proposals sounds like a joke.

>> No.3803351

The goal of the state is to increase state power not to reduce it

>> No.3803365


Free market economics reduces the relevance of the state.

>> No.3803374

>t. communist jew

>> No.3803390

>doesn't realize the Keynesian model is reaching the end of its lifecycle
I hope you like the taste of cardboard

>> No.3803411

If you examine the legislation imposed in early 1991, you'll find what Eugen Böhm von Bawerk and Friedrich von Wieser said in Principles of Economics volume iv was a clear prediction that economic sects would lambast at a secular and state level, and arrive inter-dependently of themselves

>> No.3803460

yeah it's weird, you can read mises institute articles for hours and not have learned anything about Austrian economics, it's seems that they more often offer a good alternative explanation of why things happened throughout history than the conventional wisdom, like the Great Depression or Irish potato famine. But the whole thing of denying empiricism, like it's reasonable to be skeptical of statistics but not to deny it completely.

>> No.3803483

there is no free market and the border between private and state owned is also a fuzzy one.

>> No.3803889

The government jews would never allow the goyim to become the jews themselves.

Austrian economics was the brainchild of a bunch of rogue jews who defected to the goyim's side.

Such a system truly allows anyone to make it, but, as I'm sure you know, only (((they))) belong at the top. We are the slaves, they can't tolerate the smell of dirty goys at the top with them. You know how the saying goes, "Communism for thee, but not for me..."

>> No.3804179

What part of Austrian economics denies statistics?

>> No.3804227
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It doesn't.

he's a commie who likes to use strawmen. Austrian economics is near flawless, but soft pussy liberals love welfare and violating other peoples rights,.. authoritarian in nature.

From mussolini to hitler, these lefties love to control others. Austrian econ negates their power.

>die lefty scum.

>> No.3804266

Austrian economics is a leftist outlook, it's systemized materialist anarchism

>> No.3804526

>t. bootlicker

>> No.3804609

There is no free market because governments exist. It's not in the government's interest to have a free market