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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3781537 No.3781537 [Reply] [Original]

Why are women incapable of saving and investing money instead of spending it on shoes, makeup, and getting their nails done?

>> No.3781541

Because they have the option of marrying well, unlike you Jose. Back to work.

>> No.3781542

because theyre raised as living fuckdolls with no brain

>> No.3781555


This. The girl I'm with knows she could easily latch onto one of these rich old men if she was struggling, as a back up plan. Drives me crazy

Guess I just need to be rich so I'm guaranteed young women at any age

>> No.3781556

Because they're trying to find and attract a man they can leech off of who knows how to save and invest instead.

>> No.3781558
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idk dude my gf is one of those ://
tried everything to make her save her money but she spends everything.
Luckily we dont share our funds

>> No.3781562

Damn that might actually be the cutest girl I've ever seen

>> No.3781567

Because there's no consequences

Daddy, boyfriend, husband, son will deal with it

>> No.3781586

My gf is naturally frugal and I've taught her to invest her money. She's more risk averse than I am so we put most of her money into index funds. But, she's also the proud holder of a bunch of ETH at $80 and some BTC at $3k.

>> No.3781588

All of these. Instead of investing in shitcoins and hoping for moon missions they just have to look good enough to land the cuck that strikes it rich

>> No.3781591

My gf unironically has 500k+worth of bags in her room. Also has a healthy collection of shoes and clothes.

I couldve early retired from that shit that dumb bitch.

But of course, she has enough looks to latch onto any rich dude anytime she wants

She wont have to though cause i convinced her to invesr in crypto

Women are not luckier, just more polarized. Imagine being an ugly chick

>> No.3781643

Who the fuck spends 500k on literal bags? They're fucking bags, come on...

>> No.3781646

Very pretty face. Only trades I'd execute would be longs.

>> No.3781706

>i convinced her to invesr in crypto
>not selling her your DGB bags
git gud

>> No.3781745

Why are men incapable of saving and investing money instead of spending it on cars, guns, and getting drunk?

>> No.3781777
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The majority of personal consumer spending is done by women on themselves. The majority of people are bad with money, but women as a whole are worse than men.

>> No.3781784

your gf is a literal bagholder. You are cucked, my friend

>> No.3781863

The problem women have is that they think they're more fiscally responsible & can save more than men, however they can rely on a man spending money on them for food, entertainment, shelter etc. so its a lot of the uglier ones who get in so much debt.
She was posted nearly every day for almost a year on many boards.

>> No.3781876

Sounds like you're the dumbass here champ

>> No.3781895

Those Bags are heavy.

>> No.3781903
File: 170 KB, 1419x842, muhrapeculture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly femanon detected
lmao so ugly you are posting on this board
lmao so ugly no one will give you PussyBux

just wait until female value crashes to absolute 0
>VR porn is improving at an exponential rate
>sexbot technology is improving at an exponential rate

>> No.3781912

A woman's most important asset is her looks. Things that make her look good are a wise investment.

>> No.3781977

Dude.. You need to get outside your basement sometime.
Most guys I know are horrible with money. They only reason they arent living week to week is because their missus forces them to budget.

gb2 r9k

>> No.3782033

>Dude.. You need to get outside your basement sometime.
>Most guys I know are horrible with money. They only reason they arent living week to week is because their missus forces them to budget.
How does what you just said refute anything I said? I need to get out of my basement? I live in a high-rise apartment and save 6 figures every year, kys retard

>> No.3782153

>How does what you just said refute anything I said?
Because it weren't for 'financially irresponsible' women all those guys would be broke asf.

>> No.3782181

>Because it weren't for 'financially irresponsible' women all those guys would be broke asf.
"There exist exceptional cases, therefore average descriptions of the whole groups can't be made"

>> No.3782187
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She's a solid 8/10.

Pic related on the left is much cuter in my opinion

>> No.3782199

They are incapable because most of them are high time preference.

>> No.3782244

boy loving faggot

>> No.3782251

2 words:

>> No.3782263

>no hookers
>no blow

crappy list

>> No.3782266


all things that are used to enhance their attractiveness to a potential mate they can receive resources from in exchange for companionship.

>> No.3782285

women use the HODL technique during the dip(you) so they can sellout ATH(chad).

>> No.3782288
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>> No.3782306


> Not buying fake copies off eBay n slowly selling off her collection

Done fuckin up boi.

>> No.3782307

Anyone here realize how poz most girls are?

>> No.3782309
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ITT incels

>> No.3782327


>Roastie getting toastie

>> No.3782417

I'm actually a manly gay so I'm liberated from stanky hairy pussy attached to a mediocre brain, while being good looking with a hot bf, we are both investors and rich with 9" dicks, good luck with your saggy tits.

>> No.3782485
File: 95 KB, 613x1200, tn2brb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no but look at the responses in this thread
>some women i know do this so all women are like that
come on stop talking to dumb bitched at bars

>> No.3782511

Because all they need to do is sucker you in with good looks so they can steal ur money

>> No.3782615
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>> No.3782685
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This is a female. The grammatical wording, the sentence structure. This are females.

>> No.3782697

If you want a woman to look like OP pic they have to.

>> No.3782739

All three of which could be an investment and sold.

>> No.3782759

Spending a fraction of their money to get all of a man's money. Why indeed...

>> No.3782766

>Being this collectivist

Do you also want to rise taxes, commie?

>> No.3782799

This chick should cosplay as 2B from Nier.

>> No.3782849
File: 990 KB, 200x190, 1487571924158.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom is into crypto, and has made about 30k out of 300 dollars so far. She even sometimes looks as this board.

>> No.3782872



>> No.3782878

Because thats their investment

>> No.3782894

I'm a woman and I'm all in for Chainlink.

>> No.3782970

GTFO weab.

>> No.3783030

it's this.

I'd also add daddy government to this list tho.

>> No.3783240

Every woman I know has their finances completely wiped out after taking a vacation. A lot of them live at home, don't drive and probably the only bill they pay is their phone.

>> No.3783331

Not surprised

Fucking retard hopping on to bandwagons instead of actually understanding what you invest in

>> No.3783352

Lolz pretty much. Jokes on you if you think they can think or do anything hard.

>> No.3783387
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lol normies are gonna get so BTFO in the years to come

>> No.3783392

she has more btc than you

>> No.3783404

If you bought at ico good for you.
If you bought above 100k, well, I hope you're good looking.
Regardless at least you're trying

>> No.3783407
File: 63 KB, 634x475, 3d1eBCG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking mooks looking to get rich enough for women like this to start looking in your direction? Say no more. Join our new crypto signals group on Telegram for info on pumps.


>> No.3783427


Agrred, just folow us on


>> No.3783436

I'm a woman but im trying to learn about business and start something involving ecommerce or dropshipping. Eventually establishing a brand for myself. I'm trying to absorb all the knowlege i can.

Ironically, my boyfriend just spends money on video games.

>> No.3783437

My fiance earns and saves a fuck load. Shes more frugal/careful with money than I am.

If your girlfriend is a menace and you're burning through money then find somebody who is mature enough to manage their finances or stop complaining.

I know more dudes who fuckin WASTE their money than I know chicks who do.

Get your shit together everyone

>> No.3783450

pretty much. This whole thread is retarded

>> No.3783496

yep. they invest in themselves, to make themselves more attractive/socially positioned

>> No.3783589

you have a lot to learn son

>> No.3783722

It sounds like you are just bad with money and your partner is relatively less bad. That doesn't mean she isn't an idiot with money either.

>> No.3783723

You guys are such loser incels ahaha holy shit.

No shit I invest in myself. Do you? Or are you all content being unattractive, bottom-of-the-barrel NEETs?

>> No.3783746


>> No.3783763

What you fail to understand, OP, is that by spending money on that stuff, they are investing in their own eggs of which they have a limited supply. "Investments" mean nothing to women if they have no children to save for those investments.

>> No.3783786

Why are most men incapable of saving and investing money?

Most of the world is poor, OP.

>> No.3783789

I'm neither loser, incel, or NEET, but I'll still bullycide an uppity cunt who doesn't know her place.

Stay in your lane roastie, this isn't a safespace for females.

>> No.3783883

You're not? Then we're both exceptions on this board.

>> No.3783886


>> No.3783920

I'm laughing picturing what kinda dude types this stuff seriously on a chinese surfboarding chatroom.

>> No.3783939

Uhhhh, let's remind ourselves who got us all in Chainlink in the first place?

>> No.3784028

to be fair most of the world doesnt have any to invest

>> No.3784036

>trying to act cool on the neet crypto board

>> No.3784092
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>Imagine being an ugly chick
I would have unironically killed myself before turning 18

>> No.3784222

/pol/ posters need to be gassed

>> No.3784276

>acting hard on a saturday summer night on the NEET containment board
either a LARP or a KHV female. either way you're a degenerate.

>> No.3784573

>NEET incel
>gatekeeper of civilization

>> No.3784607 [DELETED] 

my mom was able to save money and was able to buy her own house at age 20. but it was the 70s back then.

still though, she took care of the rest of her small family and had a kid at 17. she grew up poor as shit so she knew how to survive like shopping thrift and knew how to cook and all that frugal shit. she came from an abusive background too so she stayed clear of drugs and had an occasional drink.

she told stories about how she would find money, like 100 dollars or 50 dollars every now and then even once found a wallet full of cash throughout her struggle but never took it and instead turned it in. she prayed to god that one day she would get some safety like always have a home and enough to live on.
ended up marrying a powerful lawyer who is my stepfather. dude is a good guy too, set me up with everything i needed and wanted. except for hookers but i havent asked.

>> No.3784728
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T.pic related

>> No.3784741

Wait, these people aren't being ironic?!?!

>> No.3784746

i'd really like to lick those meat flaps

>> No.3784767

I hope you are joking, anon.

>> No.3784777

serious as a heart attack. I want to bury my face in 'em.

>> No.3784817

The best crypto tips I've gotten from this board have been from anime-chan, this topic is fucking ironic.

>> No.3784839

That's sad. Also, that's a weeabo faggot.

>> No.3784853

Anime chan is not a woman, I promise you that.

>> No.3784886

fucking genius

>> No.3784893

anon.. women hedge funds outperform men's. Dont ask me why, I heard about this in the great courses from two different professors.

>> No.3785482
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>Having enough drive to go trough with it

>> No.3785510

Kek so many virgins here, go back to r9k you retards. I'm here to make money and blow it on hot Slavic women while snorting coke off their tits.

>> No.3785701

It's a girl you homo

>> No.3785732

>you will never have a pale white married-virgin wife which takes care of your children and household

>> No.3786081

because that's how they attract male, it was done this way since Christianity fucked up Rome, man would hold power and wealth and woman will be his companion, don't blame woman for doing what society told them to do for 2000 years, also a lot of women don't need you and your money, try not to focus on whores with no education where they means of success are based on how good they suck a dick, the more educated a woman is, the more income, self-understanding she will have, lowering the need for a man to provide, looking for a man only to have kids and family

>> No.3786096

They're doing exactly what they're supposed to do, idiot. They know they're objects of desire.

>> No.3786396

This. Goddamnit I fucking hate it when people use individual cases as counter arguments against DATA SETS AND AVERAGES!

>statistics? Never heard of those. I do on the other hand know an employed Muslims, therefore mass immigration is good.

>> No.3786453
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I have 900k worth of crypto, but my wife doesn’t even know about it, know why? Because she’d Want to spend it. Now, she want to spend it on travel, which we’ll do a lot of anyway, but her tastes will become more expensive and her time preference will go up. And we’re not on the moon yet, that’s when I’ll tell her.

>> No.3786465

>hiding almost a million from the wife
>thinks it will go down easier if hides even more

>> No.3786512

No. I buy cheapest clothes possible and only when it's really necessary. I give most of money I earn to my bf because I don't need anything.

>> No.3786546
File: 512 KB, 1195x572, 22yo_n_mommy_leanna_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not an edgy redpiller, but there's nothing wrong with his assessment. If he discloses the better financial situation, she'll adapt to it and explicitly or at least emotionally blackmail him into making use of it now. We already live in the first world. It would merely result in a new life standard and a few months in the hedonic treadmill will turn it into a zero net gain.
Even if you don't agree with this sentiment - consider this: When crypto fails and the 1000k crashes down to 100k, she'll resent him for it and it will fuck with their lives.

That being said, I don't agree with OPs premise. In my experience, women either indeed spend money on vacation or clothes, or they are paranoid about every situation and want to obtain money just like the edgelords on /biz/.

>> No.3786551

Women are socially programmed when young to be parasites. Pussy power ain't no joke

>> No.3786565

don't ever tell her you stupid nigger. Go on "business trips" buy yourself and go wild with cash. Fuck hookers, etc. What are you, some kind of retarded cuck?

>caring what your wife thinks

>> No.3786593
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What's the point of making this a man/woman thing?
Evidently, contrary to genetic programming, some humans are brainwashed to sacrifice themselves for a higher cause. It's called a spook.

But all humans want to get the most for themselves.
Women just have another resource to play with.

Say you have village with 50 men and 50 women and a war with the next door village breaks loose.
If 40 of the WOMEN go to fight and die, next generation you can have at most 10 babies.
If instead 40 of the MEN go to fight and die, next generation you can still have 50 babies.
Women are the reproductive bottleneck. One man can impregnate any number of females and that's why the majority of men is dispensible but every fertile female is valuable.

Women start life with an extra resource - their fertility, which is worth much more than male virility. Both genders play a game where they try to get the most out of their situation.

Females just have a larger junk of the premining, so to speak. Being emotional about this is like being emotional with trading. It doesn't help you.

>> No.3786632

Just my personal experience. I don't care how you try to rationalise their behaviour. If you have money, don't fucking tell them lol

>> No.3786645

Spending on beauty is an investment into yourself.

>> No.3786670

>Fuck hookers, etc.
degenerate spotted

>> No.3786700

Hey, not bad at all. Nice one anon

>> No.3786709

You have to teach them.

When you show your gf how much she can save by being reasonable and still have a 100$ budget for the stupid shit she might want, she will start doing the right thing.

My gf went to poor/small debts to saving 1k$ a month instantly.
After the first time her account went above 10k$ she saw how good it felt and is now even more frugal and not scared to ask her boss a raise.

>> No.3786714
File: 60 KB, 1198x893, 64C84FF1-13C0-4E55-BD80-51C268430BDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don’t ever tell her

Impossible, when I cash out and report the insain gainz on my 1040, she’ll find out.

I’m not in the same shit as you virgin poorfags, this is a 16-year marriage with two snow white children.

>> No.3786750

Because it makes them feel good about yourself can you put a price on feeling good? I bet you feel like shit about yourself on the daily

>> No.3786996

You got any pictures of your daughter for me?

>> No.3787167

My wife does well with money. But I need to remind her several times per day the importance of not buying useless shit. Its worth it in the end though. I just accept that women are the reason we have so many problems in the world.

>> No.3787333

>scared of hiding money from wife
>thinks there's more to it than slamming your dick onto the enter key to download a bitcoin wallet

have you not heard about bitcoin? it's the one neat trick that you can use to easily hide whatever amount of money you need from anyone in minutes

>> No.3787474

Tfw your gf maxes out her ira every year
Tfw your gf saves over 60% of her money
Tfw your gf knows she's not the best with Money, so you and her construct budgets and talk market movements frequently
Feels good, sorry to rub it in, we probably have 40k in assets together
protip though
>you just have to find the right girl, mine is asain, may be an asain thing, haven't figured it out yet

>> No.3787503

I spend money on bags, DGB for example