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3778978 No.3778978 [Reply] [Original]

Whatother reason besides a partnership / implementation could chainlink have to be at SIBOS?

No shill/fud just wanna go trough all posibilities

>> No.3778992

They won a slot there by winning a competition last year? They basically won exposure.

>> No.3779009

They won some shit competition. It was basically a high school show and tell.

This is literally DGB 2.0. Sell during the conference.

>> No.3779022

> This is literally DGB 2.0. Sell during the conference.

This is what would happen if DGB won. RIP DGBmarines, Linkies will continue your legacy.

>> No.3779230

Wouldnt this cause a massiv crash?

>> No.3779231

It's SIBOS, man. HODL tight cause it's going to moon.

>> No.3779239
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>> No.3779283

SerGAY is going to demo their product to interested investors. This will lead to increased exposure and adoption. Somehow this motherfucker is hobnobbing with the SWIFT and World Economic Forum tier to get the inside track for partners. Even before SIBOS he already has some additional major partners he hasn't announced yet btw. He's very cautious about releasing hype, and already has a working product, so basically the exact opposite of OMG. I guess this is how the bigbois do it.

>> No.3779292

>exposure would cause a crash

jesus fucking christ

>> No.3779329

I mean the fact that they got there because of thw contest ; not for a partnership

>> No.3779354


...a contest to see who they will partner with

>> No.3779407

It's WAY bigger than "they won a competition".

First of all, there were three winners in that competition, LINK and two others (Rise and Coin Sciences)
Source: http://www.bankingtech.com/595652/sibos-2016-innotribe-industry-challenge-results/

BUTTTT, only Chainlink is doing development for SWIFT, and only Chainlink is doing a demo at SIBOS.
Why? Because SWIFT needs smart contracts, and Chainlink is the only one doing decentralized smart contracts in all of crypto.

You see; SWIFT's premier overarching blockchain project basically consists of two things:
1) Hyperledger (already rolling out)
2) smart contracts

Source: https://www.swift.com/node/39911
(this is a PDF download of an official SWIFT doc. If you don't trust my link, google "Information paper Distributed Ledgers, Smart Contracts, Business Standards and ISO 20022")

Chainlink is by far the closest SWIFT is to a smart contract solution, for three reasons:

- Chainlink is very low-threshold for banks
- Chainlink has been in the making for four years, it is not simply shat out or replicated
- SWIFT is under increasing pressure to adopt blockchain tech

You better catch the vibe here, anons. Things are about to get very real.

>> No.3779855

>not reading the researched Gartner paper stating that the team already has "top tier" data providers ready to go to supply them with data

>not realizing that the Innotribe prize is actually presenting at the year they win in front of Sibos, and this year is SWIFT reinviting them back which is not part of the award package to generate hype when their entire Sibos conference is centered around DLTs, Oracles, and new methods of api

>not realizing that being at Sibos for three days being shown off like they are the rainman of blockchain to hundreds if not thousands of industry players is probably the biggest legitimate exposure an ICO has gotten ever

>not realizing SWIFT realizes that Ripple is an antagonistic force is getting ready to respond appropriately

>not understanding that a middleware like this is the "killer" app that is required to move blockchain and digital currencies foward

The last point, ChainLink might not be it, it could be the Netscape of browsers, where we are waiting the Firefox, then the Chrome, but the first mover and first exposure potential is massive.

The demo at Sibos won't bring anything new and there will be no real news regarding that demo. The demo is showing that they have an actual working product and they are ready to go to implement the ChainLink oracle anywhere anytime. The actual news will come from the intermingling at Sibos.

>> No.3779875


To. Demonstrate. A. Working. Proof. Of. Concept.

>> No.3779976


Palm Beach Report OCT shuns Chain Link and calls for a massive sell off. I was a huge link fan till the truth hit me.

".The Stellar team has been increasingly writing about regulatory-compliant ICOs. And behind the scenes, Stellar has created a SaaS (software-as-a-service) platform for easy token launches. Here’s why we’re buying it… Stellar is actively engaged with potential partners in Japan, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. We expect Stellar to make major new partnership announcements later this year. We think these partnerships will ignite massive buying in Stellar Lumens tokens. We’re looking for at least a double before the end of the year. Action to Take: Buy Stellar Lumens (XLM) Buy-up-to Price: $0.04. ...
ChainLink is significantly overbought and we are predicting a correction back to $0.32 by Oct 22nd 2017"

the link pump is official over. Link is just another buzzword filled whitepaper. Nothing of substance, all growth is predicated on the promise of upcoming announcements and partnerships that will never materialize. People are already starting to see through the hype.

>> No.3779986

Literally fake news.

>> No.3779996


Lol stop with this, it's not even a good effort.

>> No.3780077

>comparing some shitty exchange that noone usues to motherfucking chain link, the missing link of the entire crypto that'll cause mass adoption and our grandchildren will be taught about it in history books
clearly not gonna make it

>> No.3780522


>> No.3780576
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>> No.3780627


I actually saw the report. Its said Stellar was going to go even FURTHER below ICO price

>> No.3780685

>link down 10% in 24 hours
>not a good effort

>> No.3780725

The fact that it hasnt been adopted by other exchanges yet while it solves a genuine need is, as a top 15 coin should be doing, is sufficient reason to expect a market cap of 800 to 1500 mil in the future. Even without adoption.

>> No.3780766

a chainlink dev let us know that link is getting added to another exchange soon. probably poloniex though, so not that special.

>> No.3780796


>> No.3780814
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>> No.3780858


You. Stop with your making sense. I wanna read a little more about the color of my moon lambo, not some well thought out long-term business case points.

>> No.3780868
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Chainlink looks interesting but I doubt there are any major happenings during SIBOS. Chainlink need more time to moon, maybe 1 year.

If Microsoft announces a Chainlink project during SIBOS, it will moon to $3. But I doubt it will happen. I think it's too early.

>> No.3780917

So FUDDY I forgot to laugh. It is not called Palm Beach report and the October issue is not out yet. LINK was never recommended. They do not send out sell alerts on something that they didn't recommend in the first place.

>> No.3781030

didnt microsoft try to create something similar to chainlink?

>> No.3781043

fuck wanted to answer that one >>3780868

>> No.3781066

why would it need 1 year when this technology as been in development for a few years now

>> No.3781224

Look. I don't even know why we fud each other here. Like 99.9999999% of the world has no clue what chainlink is. If they did just imagine what the price would be right now. So load the fuck up bc after sibos a lot more people will know and they'll want to invest (time will tell tho if they're gonna tolerate Ether delta hahaha)

>> No.3781246


>> No.3781287

>if they're gonna tolerate Ether delta hahaha
Why would they if they can use Binance instead?

>> No.3781313

We need this shit on kraken or coinbase. Also are the chicks fucking investing in this - can someone go and shill it to them in their chinky language already please

>> No.3781400

LINK is literally only a couple weeks old its hardly heard about elsewhere beyond /biz/. its starting to be spoken about on youtube and reddit. not too long ago i saw this question "how to buy LINK with JPY" here on /biz/

>> No.3781499

Just someone go shill it to the chinks. They have so much $$$$ they'll want to get in I'm sure. Tell them it's a Louis vuitton purse. Those motherfuckers buy that like candy in Europe and shit. Someone needs to tell the chinks about this

>> No.3781523


Up 300%+ or so since ICO. "Down"

>> No.3781559

Would chainlink only be for USA or the whole world?

>> No.3781577


The link knows no borders

>> No.3781582

ChainLink will be a solution for banks worldwide.

>> No.3781594

So are the chinks investing or not? Someone needs to tell them

>> No.3781595
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I think it's safe to assume there will be Chinese investors at Sibos next week.

>> No.3782055

There's nothing stopping this coin from dipping before the conference, even if it starts gaining traction before then.

The only reason to hold after the dip is to hold on the belief that strong investments will be made after the conference.

>> No.3782094

Nah dawg. If they announce some partnerships or hint at a timeline it's gonna be huge. Like why the fuk did xmr go from 700 to 1.2 bil obernight once?

>> No.3782512
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Don't think so mother fucker.

>> No.3782659

>he doesn't understand the whitepaper