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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3779103 No.3779103 [Reply] [Original]

Is this board all about get-rich-quick schemes? Is there any advice on how to actually save/invest wisely?

>> No.3779117

buy things that increase in value.
avoid buying things that decrease in value.

>> No.3779127

This board is about making money. Who cares about traditional investing? If you have no risk tolerance just buy the S&P 500 and forget about it.

>> No.3779132


Like what? Rental properties? Land? What about IRAs? what is that?

>> No.3779154

Yes, buy BitCoin.

>> No.3779160


But it seems to be all about cryptocurrency, which is just a get rich quick scheme without any purpose or trust. It's literally a few people telling a few other people how good this thing is, so that the other people invest, then the original holders sell. It's basically MLM and it's weird that anyone supports it.

>> No.3779168
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>save wisely
>invest wisely

>> No.3779218
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fucking boomers

>> No.3779325

There's a daily stock trading thread, go search for it. The rest of us don't like getting 4% yearly for the small amount we already have, and frankly cannot be bothered to educate you on the difference between blockchain technology and a fucking MLM.

>> No.3779339

>a few people telling a few other people how good this thing is, so that the other people invest, then the original holders sell
Literally what a stock market is.

>> No.3779557


Yeah, but the stock markets we are used to, for the most part, deals in things that actually produce, and have inherent value.

>> No.3779592

There is no such thing as "inherent value." Read a fucking book you boomer scum.

>> No.3779622
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Stock market is due for a major correction. We're sitting on multiple bubbles and if one finally pops it will create a domino effect. It's gonna make the 2008 crash look like a gentle breeze. You can still make money on the Trump boom, but the clock is ticking.

The only salvation is crypto.

>> No.3779631



Lol, okay. Anyway, yes. If I can do something with it, it has inherent value. I can't do anything with something that is intangible.

>> No.3779639

you forgot the real gag, 4pct upside, 100pct downside. lehman bothers, enron, bear stearns, global crossing pets.com and many many many others. stocks died along time ago. kids these days think quantitative easing makes em a sure bet

>> No.3779669

A majority of the stock market's bull run is just playing catch up from all of these crashes it had. Sure, we're due for a correction. But I don't think it's going to be as big as everyone makes it out to be.

>> No.3779695


But why? Can anyone explain why it's better?

>> No.3779782

>If I can do something with it, it has inherent value.
That's still relative value you fucking WW1 veteran. I could give you a big long list of books to read from philosophy to finance, but your brain would explode before you finished even a single paragraph from the least of them.

>I can't do anything with something that is intangible.
Financial assets are classified as tangible by the FASB and IRS you fucking American Settler.

>> No.3779790

who the fuck are you? are you some fag doing research for a MSM newspaper or some bullshit? IF YOU ARE TOO STUPID TO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH WHY WOULD I WASTE MY TIME EXPLAINING ANYTHING TO YOU?

>> No.3779820
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there's very little advice about how to save/invest wisely, scott adams was going to write a book about it but ended up with pic

there's also a general nihilism here, if you're a happy person you can plan for the future and 7% compounding might be enough to help you, if you're broke/depressed there's a feast or famine psychology and the idea of turning $1000 to $1065 after 12 months isn't very interesting

>crypto markets are always open
>crypto trading fees are very small
>crypto markets don't close because of a big price drop that only benefits large black pool trading
>big crypto holders don't have the government bale them out while small holders get fucked

then buy eth

>> No.3779824

It's not in the short term. There may be a dip in 2019, but not a "major correction". Right now the biggest concern is deflationary pressure that will make debts more painful. Most of the kids here are just memeing. Most of the serious people left the board long ago.

>> No.3779850


I'm no one. I'm just stating that you are unable to. And not personally just you, no one. It's an asset at best, bot a currency.

Bro, literally anything you can hold has value. You literally cannot use a crypto currency for anything, unless someone else says it's worth something. At least I could write on/burn my physical notes.

I do remember when the board was first introduced, it seemed to have actually advice. Now it's only "hey guys come buy this shitcoin it's better!"

>> No.3779860

Long term investing is simple, well-understood, and well-documented. There's nothing to discuss.

>> No.3779890

To your first question: yes
to your second question: no
But every once in a blue moon you might spot a turd that shines just a little brighter than the rest

>> No.3779898

>literally anything you can hold has value
>tulips have value

God you're so fucking dumb. People like you will be so lost when the world starts transitioning to primarily digital currencies, luckily your fat boomer ass will probably be dead by then.

>> No.3779963

>It's an asset at best, bot a currency.

little difference now, can go crypto-fiat on exhange-fiat in bank account in under 24 hours

sound like a salty no coiner, I didn't think btc had value when I heard about it at $10, paid a much bigger price to get into the market a few years later

>> No.3779972

>when the world starts transitioning to primarily digital currencies

Good luck with that, buddy. It's sad that people think there will ever be a "digital currency" ahead of a physical. I guarantee every single person who says "boomer" unironically isn't old enough to even use this website.

>> No.3779997


It really doesn't matter how much it's "worth". If you're out in the real world without a computer, a cryptocoin isn't going to keep you warm or fed.

>> No.3780005

You really think we won't be using mostly digital currency in, say, 50 years? How about 100?

>> No.3780018

youll never make it, enjoy your yearly 5% lol

>> No.3780019

>mostly digital currency

Not if we value our freedom. But hey, maybe the communists will come out on top.

>> No.3780023

Once we have a means to abandon kike-controlled currencies, we will drop them instantly.

>> No.3780024
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reminder that the boomer clock is ticking
your time is running out
all you had to do was give a few investment funds a few hundred back in the 60s, some tech startups a few hundred in the 70s and 80s, some blue chip infrastructure companies and precious metals in the mid 90s, and some internet companies after the tech bubble burst in the 2000s, and some bank stocks after 2008
did you?

>> No.3780044

>abandon kike-controlled currencies

I completely agree with you that this is vital. But you know how to do that? You grow up, be a man, arm yourself, and don't rely on others (for the most part). Anything else is slavery.

>> No.3780058


Dude I'm 27 lol you don't have to be 60+ to not wish to be a slave.

>> No.3780112

how much money do you walk around with?
do you keep most of your assets in cash on hand?

go to any modern city and the majority of people are walking around with smartphones that can send and receive coins to it's wallet

even in africa they use mpesa on their nokia 3310

should look more into the technology behind coins like monero

>> No.3780127


Sorry, I don't know how I excluded the most important part: Don't get into debt in the first place.

Probably $100 at most.
Not cash, no.
>my livelihood depends on an internet connection
I will.

>> No.3780152

>my livelihood depends on an internet connection

during power outages stores can't accept debit or credit cards either, so your livelihood isn't too secure with your $100

a prolonged closure of the internet would fuck up plenty of other things than crypto, my coins would go to zero, but how much value would 'safe' investments like amazon, google and facebook retain

>> No.3780163

>Is there any advice on how to actually save/invest wisely?
all in LINK

>> No.3780171

>but how much value would 'safe' investments like amazon, google and facebook retain

That's all internet based though. Physical assets. Land, weapons, metals, livestock.

>> No.3780279

few people here have the money for those investments, do you really think people with net worths of over 100k frequent a board that shares the same site as
for investment advice?

they can/do have high transaction and upkeep cost

if you want to start threads about investing in the limited number of full auto guns or your blue ribbon black angus go ahead
gun threads go on /k/, farming or land stuff would go on /diy/ probably

>> No.3780297

Buy good wine, put it in a cellar for 10-20 years. It will have increased in value.

>> No.3780372

Not to mention the local municipalities and pension funds on the brink of a doomsday event. There are some where the number of retired pensioners have exceeded the current members in the plans.

It was best said on ZeroHedge by one of the members. The stock market is going to continue to push higher until it doesn't. All it will take is for a single company to make a mistake, an algorithm to initiate a sell order or for people to wake up one day deciding the risk exceeds the reward on the valuation of their FANG stock and it is game over.

>> No.3780402

Everything else is in a bubble and Yellen has given the markets full backing. There is zero reason to expect a pullback. I'm full bull but have those stop losses ready because when this baby breaks down it is going to be glorious.

>> No.3780677

buy good sets of LEGO and keep them for a couple of years and sell, better profit than properties (not great but safe and good enough profit)