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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3768929 No.3768929 [Reply] [Original]

I feel for the "muh staking". There goes all my .5 bitcoins. I feel physically sick this coin didn't dump it plummeted. The devs didn't even adress this or update anyone with feedback in the slack. I thought this coin would go to a fucking dollar

>> No.3768946

fake news. kys

>> No.3769025

Obsidian has finally calmed down. The books have a few whales spread out on support, so it'll probably crawl to 1 over the next few days. Chill dude.

>> No.3769308

This fud isn't working anymore man. Buy in before it hits the next exchange.

>> No.3769341

Are you retarded?

1. you wont be able to run a masternode with .5 btc, poorfag
2. it didnt plummet
3. the devs are busy working, they dont care about your poor ass trying to make a quick buck off them
4. what kind of entitled bitch feels physically sick after their free money doesnt come in less than a week?
5. kys

>> No.3769360
File: 150 KB, 800x977, DKRoFwfX0AEGjCZ.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought this coin would go to a fucking dollar
It went to 99 cents is that were you bought it?

>> No.3769509

Way to put salt on a wound, asshole.

>> No.3769689

just hold it coin will be $2 in no time desu senpai

>> No.3769713

no fucking shit, every sub $20m market cap coin shilled here is a pump and dump from discord pajeets. Sell now before it crashes to 25c

>> No.3769720

Honestly this. Market cap is too small for something with a wallet and staking already. Once new exchanges hit, it's golden

>> No.3769732

i just got my first 20 staked ODN today. feels soooo good

>> No.3769741

Hope you learned the lesson. Almost nothing shilled here is a long term hold. Sure profit if you get in soon but otherwise stay clear.

It was fun watching all the pink wojacs on elix and soon this. Next in line is LINK.

Only like 5% here have any crypto tech knowledge, and they just ride the fomo's for easy gains.

>> No.3769763

LINK has some of the most organic growth I have seen in 3 years. If it jumps to $1.50 by next week, sure there will be pink wojaks. The fundamentals are sound, I am hopeful for the long term. I have only ever bought bitcoin, eth, ripple, omg, neo and now this.

>> No.3769775

there is like zero real tech talk about the coin, its
gone to cult status by now.

Better get out while still profitable, its got red flags all over the place

>> No.3769797
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>> No.3769811

lol you fucking idiots

you sell when being shilled, at ath

you buy after the sell off, now


>> No.3769819

fine by me, i dont fud to buy cheap, i just try to
dehype the overhype when its not backed by reality

>> No.3769835

nobody is crying about ODN except people who bought at the very top, lol

>> No.3769859
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>> No.3769870

yeah but why do they do it? the signs are obvious

is the meme magic this powerful ?

>> No.3769888
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, 6ED26428-C4E9-4CCB-86A0-066840417D22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you enroll in retard school ASAP.

>> No.3769890

Isn't LINK just an erc-20 token? It amazes me that people take those with any seriousness.

>> No.3769910

Everybody knows this. The ones pretending they don't are trying to fud since they couldn't predict the dip for buyin.

>> No.3769917

crypto is reckless

>> No.3769926

I'm holding my coins from the ICO. They're sitting at 350% profit right now. I've already sold off what I bought after the ICO at huge profit. I'm pretty comfy.

>> No.3769984

ordinarily I would agree. but LINK is the one exception.