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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 421x421, segwit2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3761621 No.3761621 [Reply] [Original]

Are you guys excited for 2X? This is going to be great. Finally we are going to shed the cancerous core developers and move Bitcoin ahead the way it was designed to.

As soon as the dust settles I'll be buying 100k worth.

>> No.3761633

Any word from Bittrex? They adding it right?

>> No.3761635

Except Bitcoin was never designed for segwit. Only higher block cap but blockstream wants to fuck everyone over.

>> No.3761661

already added. segwit2x futures at 0.3 btc atm. literally can put your money were your mouth is if you think btc1 will flip btc. coinbase and poloniex both confirmed a different ticker and that core keeps the btc ticker regardless of hash because of us securities laws

>> No.3761666

True but at least this kicks Blockstream out.

>> No.3761676

oh sorry, thats bitfinex with futures.

>> No.3761746

What was BCC futures price back then? I remember that /biz/ consensus was that core will demolish BCC right away so sell as soon as it's added. Except it fucking pumped to 0.5 btc. If the same shit happens then this time I'll be ready. I'm gonna be fucking rich.

>> No.3761778

/biz/ and the rest of the internet was and is full of core shills spamming that bcc was going to crash to pennies.

Yet here we are. They'll do the exact same thing this time.

>> No.3761788

no one knows. im not touching btc at $4400 even if it literally shits gold. if it dips before the fork ill grab some.

my guess: fork happens, not all signaling hash actually mines btc1, and we get another bch situation. btc has difficulty adjustment built in so the core chain wony die. hash loss will suck for a few weeks though

>> No.3761805

no one knows what will happen in the future i mean.

>> No.3761909
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That flippening will happen aaaaany day now, I'm sure of it...

>> No.3761963

Moving the goalposts, the hallmark of core morons

How's Bitcoins total crypto marketshare looking since you retards decided slow, expensive transactions was a good idea?

>> No.3761978

Oh, and nevermind the fucking ridiculous, laughable bullshit that is the concepts of "digital gold" and "bitcoin as a store of value". What funky shit are you smoking?

>> No.3762147

Pathetic fud. 2x will die on arrival. Fuck off roger ver.

>> No.3762186
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lol muh roger ver is ebill nazi bitcoin hitler joodas

You people are all identifiable by how you speak. That's how everyone else knows you're a pathetic cult.

A good portion of you are just mad that Roger Ver was smart enough to get in early on Bitcoin.

>> No.3762214

What should i do with my btc? I would like to keep it on bittrex if possible. So oct 25 we get btc gold the november we can either stick with btc or buy btc2x No free btc2x right?

>> No.3762249

First no replay protection. Then shitty replay protection. But you don’t know what that is because you’re a broke pleb paid pennies to shill for roger. Roger and Craig are just scammers. But I don’t care. Their forks will fail.

>> No.3762267

Lightning never strikes the same place twice anon

>> No.3762269


Anyone know the answer?

>> No.3762273

Yes. This will end the bullshit debate once and for all. Hopefully Corecucks fork off on their own minority chain.

>literally can put your money were your mouth is if you think btc1 will flip btc
I don't trust bitfinex an inch, their terms are heavily biased towards Core. They have worded it so that if Core backpedal and integrate 2x, then you lose your 2x coins despite 2x winning. So the price of bt1 and bt2 don't reflect reality.

What matters is user adoption. Cash is growing in adoption while Core is shrinking due to high fees.

>> No.3762277

>no replay protection

who gives a shit, core is the minority forking off. Implement it yourself if you're so worried.

t. obviously a paid shill because i dont like core

>> No.3762311

lol we don't want replay protection. Without replay protection Corecuckchain will die unless they hard fork. That's the whole point.

>> No.3762359

if you want guaranteed access to any minority forked coins, gold or Core, you need to have your coins in your own wallet. Preferably a hardware wallet like ledger

otherwise it's up to bittrex whether they give you the forked coins

>> No.3762410

I'm excited for free money.

>> No.3762423

Whenever you see BCash shills screeching autistically about Core shills, all you have to do is visit fork.lol and click literally any tab to see their coin is a piece of shit. Irrespective of what Core are like, their coin cannot survive.

>> No.3762436
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for example

>> No.3762462
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>Moving the goalposts

Ok, brainlet.

>> No.3762477

Youre not getting free 2x. Youre getting free btc gold

>> No.3762481
File: 64 KB, 618x597, pepe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still trying to take down the talented and dedicated volunteer team of bitcoin core developers

>> No.3762490

this is a 2x thread retard

2x shilling here

>> No.3762509

Lol all that matters with btc is what coin gets to keep the name afterwards. Bitcoin is a shitcoin with literally nothing foing for it but its normie name recognition.

>> No.3762512

Do you guys think a dip will come before or after the fork?

My bet is that all of the misinformation will cause a nice buy-in opportunity the week prior. Maybe a bit of space afterwards when the confusion settles and the corefags go off.

>> No.3762515

>core is evil jews hurr durr

>> No.3762519


I was replying to you talking about Cash.

>what are ID's


>> No.3762534

Who have sat by the side and watched fees go up and Bitcoin lose its market share for the last two years.

A blind monkey could do better than those fucks. All they needed to do was raise the block size to 2 MB and it would have bought enough time for Lightning etc.

At least now there will be 2,3 or even 4 choices and the market can decide.

>> No.3762576

Bitcoin is not one fork. It is all the forks.

>> No.3762587

and I was replying to some other cunt talking about Cash

>> No.3762601


It's almost as if a thread can discuss more than one thing! You must be fun at parties.

>> No.3762631

>nice just bought 100k
s2x is an alt-coin and if they don't implement replay protection they're going to fail immediately
to dethrone bitcoin you need to actually do the work, not fork a strong system and slap a sticker on it calling it your own

>> No.3762636

> cares about short term marketshare
> worried about “buying time” for LN
> willing to fuck up the fundamental parameters bitcoin was built on
> puts profit over security, consensus

Could you be any more of a miner and any less of a coder?

>> No.3762830
File: 18 KB, 249x249, IMG_3571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only wtf???
Literally I had no idea what people actually like us apart from all the paid shills we pay?
I'm not a failure and I can keep my job?

>> No.3762850

>short term marketshare

stupid nigger, bitcoin's marketshare has dropped from 95%+ of the entire crypto space to around 50% in two years.

That's a long term death trend.

> willing to fuck up the fundamental parameters bitcoin was built on

Core doe not define "fundamental parameters", the fucking whitepaper does.

>Could you be any more of a miner and any less of a coder?

One of those two has run bitcoin, the other has done everything in their power to fuck it all up for two years, and has succeeded.

Fuck you.

>> No.3762873
File: 349 KB, 638x480, yeah_no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ford is a failure because they're not making 95% of the vehicles on the planet.

The market is expanding. No shit Bitcoin no longer holds the overwhelming majority.

Literally kys.

>> No.3762875

We only need Kraken, BitMEX and Bittrex to do the same. This is too easy, another free dividend to dump on deluded retards.

>> No.3762911


>> No.3762917

>not hedging your bets by holding every fork

>> No.3762922

>Core is shrinking due to high fees
Why lie like that? Mempool is empty.

>> No.3762924

>he actually thinks btc should ne 90% of the market when eth, ripple, xmr all target vastly different fields while btc is just payments

>> No.3762938

can't wait to expand my stack by another 20% by selling forkcoins to shitheads who don't understand how bitcoin works or why it is valuable :) this never gets old

>> No.3762941

How many shitcoins existed 2 years ago?

>> No.3762946 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 555x313, cf71731d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Marutei Tsurunen mentioned?

> Tsurunen served as a representative of the Democrats in the House of Lords of Japan in 2002-2013 as her first Western-born member.

It's a hell of a hell of a thing when you think about how dubious Japanese are foreigners. Sure Finland is a kind of exception, the older population knows and values Mannerheim and the Finns.

Apparently, he is a conservative politician and so do you like it

>> No.3763021

Mempool is almost empty
even though most wallets don't even support segwit transactions yet.
Meanwhile BCH hasn't mined a block in the last 3 hours.

>> No.3763093

Litecoin is for payments. Bitcoin costs $2+ to use ($20+ when the memory pool if full) if you don't want to wait an hour.

You have a 100% valid point but Bitcoin is more of a store of value than anything else.

>> No.3763137
File: 137 KB, 500x455, oh-for-fucks-sake-who-left-the-gate-open-atthe-14525377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucksakes. It's an obvious attack you muppet. S2x is cancer that will further centralize bitcoin and make it a plaything for governments and billionaires (Ver et al). Good luck with that shit.

>> No.3763185

EXACTLY! It's just the same old same old. They tried it with Bitcoin XT, Bitcoin Unlimited, Bitcoin Cash clearly didn't work so they're going all in on S2X.

Segwit already has 8% of transactions.

S2X is completely unnecessary and will only serve to damage Bitcoin. That's the whole point of it.

>> No.3763197
File: 216 KB, 1268x1280, 1504753962043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3763236

Segwit addresses cost 10 cents/hr
Check yourself on block explorer
Litecoin is one of only huge market caps that i think is worthless

>> No.3763291

If anything will flip bitcoin its through the genius of other devs, i.e. MoneySkelly's blockchain cocaine.

>> No.3763427

Fuck you and your shitty fork you gook garbage.