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3760950 No.3760950 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you planning to waste your money on this literal scam of an ICO that pays their interns 15 dollars a day?

When paying fiat digitally to internet based analysts during a golden age of free information and media is in itself a novel concept, why would anyone think normies will bother with tokens?

>Token Utility: 1. The token is essentially money for the Red Pulse platform. There is not really any reason to have a token here. The Red Pulse platform could be run just as well with Fiat currency.

>> No.3760951


Source: https://medium.com/@acepka/red-pulse-ico-review-f93bad75fc90

>> No.3760980

Low energy FUD. Dont be upset because you couldnt pass the kyc mr burger

>> No.3760998


Justify how this will make any money then you chink

>> No.3761087

you gotta pay to works as an intern in burgerland gtfo with your low lvl fud jesus the ico isnt even out yet and there's already fud gtfo faggot

>> No.3761101


fuck off faggot, Red Pulse is clearly in the shitter and desperately trying to revive themselves with the introduction of an entirely unnecessary token, it's putting lipstick on a pig.

>> No.3761118

Nice find

>> No.3761130

>implying something needs to have actual value in crypto to be successful

Let me tell you why this will be huge
>no chinks or burgers allowed
>complicated wallet required to acquire coins
>backed by top chinks in the government and neo

It will be one of the most profitable investments any of us will ever make in our lifetimes.

>> No.3761160

stay mad burger i will tip you 0.0001 btc from my lambo

>> No.3761181


yep demand for normies to utilise special magic internet tokens to request market analysis on one specific country is so high, they totally can't just use fiat, stay deluded pulsers

>> No.3761192


>> No.3761207

Anyone who got into KYC is guaranteed 3x.

>> No.3761215

it's a fine way of offloading neo bags, one which I intend to do

>> No.3761226


that's where you're wrong kiddo

>3) Exchange Listing: Lately, getting listed on exchanges has become very difficult due to compliance issues. Most ETC20 tokens can only be traded on Etherdelta immediately after ICO. Since RPX tokens are NEO based, this will not be possible, making selling the token potentially very difficult indeed.

>I am not hugely bullish on the potential of Red Pulse as a flip, mostly because it is based on the Neo platform. For a number of recent ICOs, the best prices occurred immediately after the ICO on Etherdelta before falling below ICO prices (e.g. MANA, AVT). Because Red Pulse is NEO based it will need to be listed on a proper exchange to be traded. Given the slow pace of listings these days, this makes a short term flip less likely to be profitable as the hype after the ICO dies down.


>> No.3761306

somebody is really butthurt ,just forget about this ICO man,there are other ICO's to throw money at,of course they wont go 10x like this one but still...

>> No.3761335


ill be laughing at you when it plummets, pal

>> No.3761344

nice fuding mate, I see you posted on the other thread as well >>3761262

Cryptopia or some other exchange is going to pick it up, Bittrex and Poloniex are not the only exchanges on the market.

This is first token on the Neo blockchain, the Chinese are not going to allow this to fail. For all of you reading this, don't be fooled and lose out of this chance.

>> No.3761359
File: 437 KB, 2222x1334, 1506188847468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3761424

who made that pic is very smart

>> No.3762431

I am laughing my ass off, this is so confusing and so retarded at the same time

>> No.3762435

>pays their interns 15 dollars a day?
is this supposed to be FUD? lmao