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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 92 KB, 719x1280, IMG_20170918_135810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3752900 No.3752900 [Reply] [Original]

"Right now I would put my money on something like Swift GPI delivering a lot of value and having a lot of success quickly,” Brady said. “It’s leveraging a standard, it’s got network effect, and all the banks involved talk to their regulators every day. I think Swift GPI is the poster child for the kind of innovation we’re trying to move forward that deals with some of the fundamental issues we’ve been wrestling with,” such as speed of payment execution and transparency of payment cost and of payment status.

Garlinghouse responded that some banks are clinging to the old correspondent banking model."

“A huge amount of investment is made in banks’ existing infrastructure and that infrastructure is still fit for purpose at many firms for a large number of use cases for which correspondent banking is a mechanism is used to transfer money,” he said. GPI uses existing rails and overlays them with its track-and-trace capability.

Garlinghouse acknowledged that Ripple and Swift share a common goal: help banks run more efficiently.

“We’re both seeking to make banks more successful,” he said. “In that context, I think there can and should be opportunities to partner.”

But then the claws come back out.

“We’ve reached out to them many times and they’ve been closed minded to the benefits of blockchain solution and instead remain focused on the correspondent banking paradigm."

SWIFT doesnt need Ripple when they have Chainlink for its SWIFT GPI!!! Lolol rejected!!


>> No.3752905
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we win again

>> No.3753239
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Taking the game by storm

>> No.3753262

B-but muh Swell!!

>> No.3753266

Are nolinkers even people?

>> No.3753599
File: 175 KB, 748x698, Screenshot from 2017-10-05 19-55-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's mine; let's see your bold predictions.

>> No.3753648

They're like blacks are to apes

>> No.3753937

I spoke with one of the community managers and they are aware of communication updates for the community. They will annoucement what happened in sibos and reveal more partnerships after sibos as right now their main focus is sibos putting in 18 hr of work each day

>> No.3753942
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They rejected them cause they talked shit.

>> No.3754063

fatal mistake

>> No.3754075

>He asked, "Are you tired of winning yet?"
>And they answered, "NO, SATOSHI NAZAROV"

>> No.3754107

I have like 1-3 more days before I profit on my current coin. Are there any big dates coming up for link? I heard swift is announcing something soon.

>> No.3754150


>> No.3754168


Is this real? If so, I'm liquidating everything to buy more LINK.

If ripple is provoking this then SWIFT is going to treat chainlink like their golden child.

>> No.3754169

>Are there any big dates coming up for link?
Pay attention for once in your life you stupid fuck!!

>> No.3754203

wtf this looks like I must buy link, or is this a big scam

>> No.3754207


>> No.3754221
File: 64 KB, 640x640, 11335162_1465474020431073_1295509685_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple behaving like an edgy teenager.
This shit is too easy.

>> No.3754244

Tripled my money with LINK and she still climbing. Don't be like the rest of the sheep wishing they bought in when this shit really starts soaring

>> No.3754368

just put all in on link. I have 12,180 will I make it?

>> No.3754458

This is like a twist on the Apple vs. IBM rivalry: Chainlink being Apple. If this partnership is successful, we may see a flippening in time.

>> No.3754472

Jesus fucking christ. Did Ripple actually shoot itself in the head?

Why the fuck would you antagonize Swift when at that time they had a market cap of around 500M.

Like Holy shit. I thought the link posturing that Swift actually gave a shit about them was bullshit until this.

>> No.3754483

you and me bro, 12k shrimps :)

>> No.3754488


Got a link?

>> No.3754494


Thanks anon, lets go for a drink when we make it

>> No.3754495

we 12k shrimps are gonna make it

>> No.3754510

where in the world are you cunt?
you too fellow bottom feeder

>> No.3754517


>> No.3754518
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I'm also at 12k LINK

>> No.3754536

I have 1300

>> No.3754542


I'm in Finland, but i guess it wont matter where we shrimps are when we make it.

We'd need to make a 12k shrimp club

>> No.3754549

>those three comments
As soon as those three niggers hear "chainlink" you know they'll be onboard... and everyone else like them when *they* catch on.

>> No.3754572


I mean, this is gonna fucking steal PART of ripple's market cap. How can people not be buying this below 500mil? I see it going over a billion really easily.

Who the fuck is fudding this coin? I got 109k and aint taking profits till around $2.

>> No.3754598

Hahaha very true
I think the FUD is coming from either trolls who are trying to accumulate or new/clueless crypto investors

>> No.3754608

>Who the fuck is fudding this coin?
Cripples. They are even more deluded than they say we are. >>3753932

>> No.3754656
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Fatal Mistake is actually Linkies blatant racism.

>> No.3754678

Welcome to 4chan. Now buy LINK and get out.

>> No.3754684

>that eraser crop
Looks like the Arctic Engineer has returned to spout a bunch of uninformed bullshit.

>> No.3754685

o yeah racism is such a hot topic on 4chan. Oh boy they are sure done for with all that racist support guys.

>> No.3754688

Reminder that ripple went up 10 billion in a week when bank usage was announced

>> No.3754714

Swift is finished. Done. Screencap.

>> No.3754715

Go ahead and tell the NAACP and put this on the fucking news, because good or bad, publicity is publicity, and exposure equals growth.

...I do, wonder, however:

>how many niggers hodl link?

I think it's time to bring awareness of ChainLink to the lower-income neighborhoods as a way to help them protect their wealth and maybe even "get back at the man" by being in the ground floor. If more than 10% of linkholders are black, then our little community is more diverse than the United States of America.

>> No.3754746

This Arctic Engineer controls the flow of oil to your Moms SUV to get your tendies.

>> No.3754774
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Nobody's doing this one? Ok, I'll do it


>> No.3754810
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>> No.3754828
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Hello plebbitor, enjoy your stay

>> No.3754857


I'm going to buy a confederate flag for my trailer with part of my gains, subhuman.

>> No.3754889


>> No.3754927

What exactly are you faggots circle jerking here? Ripple was always a SWIFT competitor, SWIFT is scrambling to stay relevant, if you think banks will blockchain why wouldn't you be hodling both

>> No.3754942
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I'm holding 7k link

>> No.3754996

Ripple is fucking done, thats why. 0% chance of survival after this.

>> No.3755001

Your never going above 50 cents without the Normies, Fool.

>> No.3755125
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We are the new normies.

>> No.3755137


>> No.3755142

*Breathes in*


I knew they were autistic enough to use a fidgit spinner as a symbol. I didn't think they were that autistic.


>> No.3755146

>normies are being woke as we speak

>> No.3755260

But that is clearly not the case. If you are not able to admit this you are desperately looking for nothing more than a short term bump to offload the LINK. If you were actually playing the long term game you would expect the winner will see immense gains, more than enough to make the hedge a no brainer. I get it anon. You made some short term gains from LINK and are firmly planted on its dick, but you need to ease it out of your ass a little, at least just the balls, you take some of those gains and use them to hedge the next time, that way they're supplying you.

>> No.3755306

ripple is done
everyone dump it and buy link

>> No.3755331

You should be disgusted with yourself for investing in (((them)))

>> No.3755353
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Ripple rejected. Chainlink is literally the chosen one

>> No.3755355

Swift is already embedded. Ripple is closed sourced and (((they))) will never allow an outside firm to control their trillions.

>> No.3755397

>absolutely true

>> No.3755411

Basically this. More importantly the Chainlink logo is a cube of Saturn. ((They)) literally won't let it fail.

>> No.3755429

>closed source

>> No.3755444

It's necessary for me losing to be an impossible outcome.

>> No.3755465
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>mfw how did i not see this before

>> No.3755505
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>> No.3755912


>> No.3755933

That's a cube of cat, not Saturn.

>> No.3755958
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>> No.3755969

Was just thinking this today.

>> No.3756804


>> No.3756836
File: 210 KB, 602x800, 5070689_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit: LINK isn't just going to the moon; it's going to SATURN.
>mfw we are made virtual gods upon the earth by what might as well be the number of the beast for it is a human number

>> No.3757011
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Shilling their useless bags because they are the only bagholders lmao.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH ripple eats toiletlink for breakfast and then rapes this little boi called verygay.

Unverified rumors are SWIFT PARTNERS WITH RIPPLE.
chainlink ist just for contracts between a message system lmao.. hahahahah who the fuck scammed you guys like that.

They arent even anymore on the sibos site. YOU GOT SCAMMED

>> No.3757024

Russian scammers pulling their money from poor uneducated newfags from 4chan.
With thei shill squad that got 0.1 btc for their hard work the last days. 20 people need to share the bounty of toiletlink shill hahahahah

>> No.3757038

Why are you talking to yourself over a long period of time?

>> No.3757045

>the absolute state of nolinkers

>> No.3757062

Come on anon, unless you're trying to move 1 sat coins here you're wasting your time, stop trying to fuck /biz over and let's all make it together OK

>> No.3757147
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I see the more educated part of the world isnt awake yet hahahaha. I understand why you scammers got so much traction.

Lets ask the SEC offce if toiletlink did something illegal; ). When was the last time you heard something from sergay? He is busy buying lambos with your money.
Btw here is the room of their demo

>> No.3757151

how do u buy LINK??? Help me bls

>> No.3757167


Go to the toilet and get some toiletpaper start dumping, after that you have it lol.

I wouldnt give my email on so shady exchanges. Lol find out in wich part of siberia binance is located hahaha then decide for yourself

>> No.3757199


Sorry you didn't have the brain to buy LINK.

>> No.3757240


Scammy scammer.
Leave the people with their money boi. Dont be the asshole that scamms people

>> No.3757262

im actually so impressed with this photograph

please tell me this is real... and not photoshopped

by the way if you don't own $LINK you should fucking own $LINK ... tf you doing

>> No.3757286
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Traded my Kyber stash for Link just yesterday. Tell me /biz - is it realistic to expect $0.8 anytime soon? Please realistic answer, no "$500 by december" pipe dream larps please.

>> No.3757293

Yeah maybe in a week.

>> No.3757307

In a week 500$becuase schwift. You need to believe me

>> No.3757324

>brain to buy

christ anon, like i said earlier at least take the balls out, fucksake

>> No.3757332

Hope it plays out.

Fuck...why not $1000 I would prefer $5000 per LINK way better tbqh, nothing against $10K per token baka.

>> No.3757366

I'm too dumb to work this out, but are they talking about what LINK are working in? Big if true

>> No.3757387

Cleaning toilets at schwift hq. And pulling an exit scam

>> No.3757452

depends on what happens the next few hours, we're at a critical junction where prices might get going real good

>> No.3757463

Hahaha cant wait till the IMF pulls out their special drawing rights lmao. You will be left with ashes of your scamlinkl and ripple will dominate as NWO currency you retarded human scum

>> No.3757483
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>depends on what happens the next few hours

What?? What's going on?

>> No.3757498

Im invested in this but im not entirely certain of some aspects.
How/when do we expect to get nodes up and running?

>> No.3757552

Easy friend, breathe. breathe deep

>> No.3757577
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This, somebody explain

>> No.3757582
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Why is everyone suddenly silent on this shit, this is LITERALLY the only coin this cesspool corner of the internet talks about, at this point it's basically /link/


>> No.3757638
File: 49 KB, 1320x694, BIZZINGS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bands are squeezing together
>On-Balance Volume at ATH
>Buy orders increasing, sell orders decreasing
>Closing in on upper resistance at 0,0001k
So, the trading bots haven't got any room to play atm - which means the price will be going up since they've been accumulating. If nobody decides to try to dump the prices - which is highly unlikely since the other bots would scoop it up. What it comes down to now is how long the whales will allow their sell walls to get eaten up.

>> No.3757751

Ripple stands 0 chance against swift. Swift has been around for 50 years, they have 11,000 banks as customers. Swift has now chosen Link to use, which automatically gives Link 11,000 customers in a 150 trillion dollar market. Link will be the largest cryptocurrency the world has ever seen. It will dwarf everything. Ripple tried and failed, miserably, they only managed to convince about 100 banks of swifts 11,000.... that's a colossal failure. Its kind of a joke actually. It took a 170 member team, 7 years of building a network, to only convince 100 banks to " test" their tech. Where as Link just needed a 2 man team, and to partner with Swift, easy, simple, done deal. Ripple took the hard road, and now they're about to find out the hard way, that its a dead end road. Link is the future of crypto.

>> No.3757788

Backed by google. Lets see what the gigantic AI has in plans with ripple ;) .
Haha fucktards still believe scamlink is no scam.
Watch the stars and see the signs. Sergay robbed ypu lmao

>> No.3757806

>which automatically gives Link 11,000 customers in a 150 trillion dollar market
Anon... It doesnt work like this. At all.

>> No.3757816

Chainlink has what...1 billion coins, hahahaha lmao no way it gets over 0.50$ meanwhile at ripple.
R3 sues ripple for 5 billion xrp.
What do they want with those 'useless'coins?
Im thinking in a few months years we will see why they wanted them so badly; )

>> No.3757923
File: 331 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20171006_095318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So sorry /biz but we found a unofficial partnership between ripple and swift. Lets see if they use both conferences to showcase something lol, maybe an instant payment between deift gpi2 and ripplenet ilp? H,mm hmmm hmmm...

>> No.3757933


You seem to be fudding. The picture you posted is literally shit-tier.

>> No.3757948

Oh no actually not ;).

Check interledgers demonstration from blockchain expo this year. Interoperability. Theyve sent etherium dash bitcoin and monero trough ILP carried by xrp in 3 seconds. Do your homework basement shillers, maybe pay me so i join your team. Seems like you guys need some better opensourceintelligenceanalysis guys ;)

>> No.3758104


I just sent 100 ;)'s