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File: 6 KB, 300x300, lumens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3754726 No.3754726 [Reply] [Original]

there's a rumor going around that Palm Beach Confidential published a buy tip for Stellar Lumens today (XLM on bittrex, STR on poloniex).
additionally, Lumens is a fork of Ripple and as I'm sure you're aware, they have a HUGE conference (Swell) starting in 11 days. XLM follows XRP's chart.
I told my fellow /biz/raelis to buy XLM last night and since then it's gained over 30%. but it's not too late, this shit is going to 1764 sats AT LEAST. if this rumor here is true, it's more than likely to surpass this target. remember, Palm Beach Confidential did the same thing for NEO, GAS & OMG before they mooned. it's a $3k/year exclusive investing newsletter - you can't even join it anymore.
you're welcome. see you on the moon.

>> No.3754733
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proof of my buy tip last night

>> No.3754751
File: 93 KB, 1316x971, lumens_analysis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lumens graph - if the Palm Beach thing is true it'll blow past these targets

>> No.3754797

So where are your bags 1000?

>> No.3754847
File: 68 KB, 654x526, 1503861715514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~300 sats. I'm not a mouthbreather.

>> No.3754882

>100 billion total supply


>> No.3754908

Anybody have the full email? I got the alert but don't have the full copy.

>> No.3754933


Thanks bought 360k

>> No.3754950
File: 291 KB, 800x778, 1500353825544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

total circulating supply, which is all that actually matters for the marketcap, is ~16.6 billion coins.
at 1764 sats the marketcap would be nearly 300k BTC - which would put it at the same marketcap ranking of around #12 of its max hype level during May-June.
I wish.

>> No.3755049

Maybe it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy as the news spreads?

>> No.3755072

It already has.

>> No.3755196

news is still spreading though. I'm sure there are Palm Beach subscribers that haven't seen the tip yet and will be buying when they finally do.

>> No.3755358


DGB and other low sat coins like SIA generally go up too when Lunens goes up.

You think DGB will increase because of this and the fomo good news from the award win?

Just wondering if I should swap my DGB for lumens. 20% lose tho at DGB current price.

>> No.3755388
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imo DGB is a complete shitcoin. doesn't have any unique features; Jared is kind of a retard.

>> No.3755423

Do it homie. I just sold my Ripple at a 20% gain to get into Lumens. More room for growth

>> No.3755432

They do not recommend keeping anything on an exchange, so most of the subscribers will have to either buy more ETH or BTC and transfer to Bittrex before buying. This is not a rumor, although it might appear to be. The email was sent out mid-day today. Buy XLM as a short term trade. XRP is on their hold list.

>> No.3755434

These issues always get leaked online eventually...this one up yet? Otherwise yeah all you have is a rumor.

>> No.3755455

They said were chasing down and closing in on the person/people who leaked the last newsletter, per an email from them, so I would be surprised if anyone will leak this email.

>> No.3755478

Yeah for real, I was just looking at the links on reddit for the Sep issue, all taken down.

>> No.3755479

You're right, it does follow ripple's chart. But it always over reacts, I.e. 30% gains while xrp is at 15%. It also does so when correcting, xrp goes down 15%, xlm goes way the fuck down. So it is sketchy buying stellar on the parabolic.

>> No.3755492

I meant the email itself not information about the buy alert for XLM which, obviously, has been leaked.

>> No.3755508

Yes, they were asking for help identifying those who leaked it.

>> No.3755530

Where did you read/hear about this?

>> No.3755533


I mean Lumens isn't a home run either.

All these shitcoins are just popularity contests.

>> No.3755667
File: 21 KB, 161x196, lumens2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say that necessarily. Lumens has the same founder as Ripple; that's a pretty big deal IMO.

>> No.3755860

This group is not a pump and dump group. They do have recommendations for holding and short term trades. This recommendation is for a short term trade. It is mooning because of the recommendation, but there is obviously a reason the buy alert was sent out. I assure you it was not to take profits on a day trade.

>> No.3756036

yeah I never thought they were a PnD group. how short term are we talking? and where did you personally hear about these details? I only heard the general recommendation.

>> No.3756079

>tfw you didn't listen

i put in a buy order. chart looks good

>> No.3756106

Put in a buy order, hopefully not too late to this one

>> No.3756180

Some short term trades are recommended at under a specific buy price. There is not time frame given for any of them. They send out sell notices to subscribing members. Also some short term trades are eventually moved to the long term hold portfolio recommendations.

>> No.3756194

>tfw I was the one who replied.
I stand by what I said. It's not going to do a x6

>> No.3756218

They have only had two losers since they began recommending cryptocurrency. Some short term trades have been on their list for months. I am speculating that they use "short term" the way someone who invests in the stock market would use that term. Their other newsletter subscriptions are for traditional investments.

>> No.3756237
File: 35 KB, 432x206, IMG_1689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


New Digusign app tile look neat man. DGB is solid.

>> No.3756249

that would make a lot of sense considering the target market. thanks for the clarification, man.

>> No.3756273

You are welcome. I am a woman, though. :)

>> No.3756284

Yes their short term is months. They expect people to hold their feature articles Like OMG GAS and FCT for over a year.

>> No.3756346

k bought 70k fck it

>> No.3756368

Exactly. This is a real opportunity for those who are willing to take a chance without seeing an actual document leaked. I doubt that will ever happen again. However, if you are willing to take a chance based on information passed along from someone who now has access to their newsletter subscription and emails (because of to tips like this one that were posted in the past,) you could benefit.

>> No.3756373


>total circulating supply, which is all that actually matters for the marketcap

I work in finance. If you said this in an interview you would be dropped immediately

>> No.3756604
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Bought 100k

>> No.3756629
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I am not a fan of ripple but i am fan of easy money.

Last warning do some research guys serious shit is coming

>> No.3756644

Have gotten burned on so many tips around here...something about this looks different but I am still so skeptical...

>> No.3756685

This is a legit financial research group that have a track record of successful picks.

In saying that I'm waiting with fiat on the sidelines for their major long term pick in a couple of weeks.

>> No.3756702

You have access to the alerts?

>> No.3756744


>> No.3756780


Does that mean you have access to the full reports as well, or just a short summarized version?

>> No.3756833

Alerts come whenever, full reports come out every 3rd thursday of the month

>> No.3756853

You interested in sharing the monthly report as well as alerts for some compensation?

>> No.3756867

You didn't ask me, but I have access to reports and email tips. This is a real buy alert. It was sent via email because the newsletter is monthly. It is not due to be out for a couple more weeks. I take it that this is an urgent buy alert for now because otherwise they would have waited to put it in the October newsletter.

>> No.3756922


Please join us in our sharing of interesting documents on our telegram group.


>> No.3756933

Alright, fuck it. I'm throwing a stack in. This is also confirmed at Reddit and just judging by the post histories of the users there they are genuine holders of stellar. I have been burned on this site but it was on obvious pumps, in hindsight. Thanks for the tip whoever the girl is in this thread, and thanks to the OP today and yesterday. Strapped in.

>> No.3756949

Alright fuck it I'm in as well. I still don't think it'll do a x6 but I'll hold it for the days leading to the conference

>> No.3756991

Yeah, I think the TA target is optimistic, but I do agree with the general sentiment

>> No.3757003


welcome friends i was 2 hours earlier to step in i think its easy 2x desu that would be good enough im not a greedy jew

>> No.3757034

There was not target price included with this buy alert.

>> No.3757054

Can you please join the group if you haven't already. We are sharing valuable documents and would like your input.

>> No.3757073


Thanks to both of you for the info.

>> No.3757076

couldn't resist jumping in. Picked up 1 btc worth of xlm. see you on the moon

>> No.3757092

Thank you for the offer. I can't share the actual documents. They are targeting those who have in the past.

>> No.3757122

If you cannot share the actual documents screengrabs or even a comment would help the group. There is plenty of valuable info for you to take in there too. It is a small group of likeminded people, worth a look at least.

>> No.3757146

The buy alert didn't include a target, but the OP of this thread and of a similar thread yesterday did include his own TA - suggesting we would land around 2k sats.

OP if you're still following -- did you account for a change in supply? It seems that the supply increased between the ATH and now. I am only going off of the CMC graphs though, and don't know shit about TA. Just an intuition.

>> No.3757168

>there's a rumor going around
Where is the rumor posted? If you can't provide that then just fuck off shill.

>> No.3757185
File: 322 KB, 531x471, 1503295277198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I calculated the total marketcap of all lumens in circulation. with my target of 1764 sats, it would be put at a little less than 300k BTC. this would land lumens into right around the same marketcap rank as it was during its maximum hype level of May-June (#12-ish), which is why I don't think I'm being overly optimistic with this target.

>> No.3757192

Anyone else feel like this is a coordinated strike at the leakers of palm beach confidential to financially hurt people who assume this leak is real?

>> No.3757193

Thanks. I will give it some thought.I have saved the Telegram invite information. I am not thrilled about agreeing to allow Telegram to have access to the microphone, as well as all of the other information on my phone. I don't use any apps and I have BlackBerry because I am so important. ;-) Good night.

>> No.3757251

Hadn't considered that but it's an intriguing notion. So they leaked this completely imaginary info to all of their subscribers? Wouldn't that hurt all of their users?

>> No.3757261

I feel like OP said "there's a rumor going around" but didn't give a source for where he even heard the rumor

>> No.3757282

I had another Lumens thread earlier and someone there tipped me off to it. I digged around and found people talking about it on leddit (the stellar subreddit). everything laid out in this thread seems to suggest that the rumor is true.

>> No.3757283

It's being echoed on Reddit -- not sure how much credibility that gives the rumor, but there is certainly a buzz right now.

>> No.3757299

I think >>3757192 was implying that since the actual email hasn't been leaked, just the buy alert, that I and anyone else who has posted this information, could be a part of a coordinated effort by the group to retaliate against those who leaked the information in the past. You can see that the price started to rise about 9:00 AM. Clearly they were buying for themselves before sending out he email mid-afternoon. You are welcome to believe it or not.

>> No.3757314


he gave the tip 30H ago btw in a other thread.

>> No.3757330

yeah... that's just totally tinfoil-y though.
>implying they give a shit about any of this other than their own credibility and ability to maintain subscribers

>> No.3757343

He gave the tip without knowing about the buy alert because it wasn't even sent out until this afternoon. I told him in that first thread that he must be a time traveler because he made the call the night before the email was sent out. I am not trying to take credit for anything. I was offering what I thought was a compliment to him.

>> No.3757353

Wait so you arrived at the conclusion using TA/logic/intuition, posted your thoughts, and THEN someone in the thread last night told you about the PBC alert?

>> No.3757364

Agreed. Just clarifying what I though he was suggesting. I do wear a tin foil hat most of the time, though.

>> No.3757365

; ))))))))
aww shucks

>> No.3757375

Fair enough but he said he had a source that this will go up i dindt believe him i do now kinda.

>> No.3757376

yes, but someone in a thread from earlier today. the PBC tip didn't even come out till today, supposedly.

>> No.3757396

That was me. I was wearing a different color and numbers on my anonymous ID.

>> No.3757420
File: 302 KB, 828x1403, 1506151943492-biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I figured, bb ;)
thanks for making me aware of it in the first place

>> No.3757427

By the way, I don't post on reddit, so nothing posted over there is from me. Good night all.

>> No.3757443

You're welcome. I was actually stunned to see your post. Great work!

>> No.3757469


How can this shitcoin rise and Ripple stay stagnant?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Swell is done by Ripple, NOT lumen.

>> No.3757511

I post stuff like this on my tradingview account all the time if anyone here uses that and wants to follow me

>> No.3757543

You predicted a btc at 2'500$ really soon, so you shorted it I guess ?

How can you still invest in alts I don't understand ?

>> No.3757569

at this point I think that chart was a fluke, but we'll see.
most of my charts are just for fun, I'm usually only ever invested in them like 5% of the time (like with this XLM tip). more objective that way, just trying to build my skillset.