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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3750799 No.3750799 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else comfy as fucking holding this gem?
>still coming to new exchanges very soon
>still offering the best all-in-one private messaging/file transfer/payment system in history
>still has a dedicated and interactive dev team
>still above 10k sats even though pajeets tried to crash it with no survivors
Kek imagine being one of the idiots who just sold

>> No.3750810

fuck.. I sold at 50 cents. thought it was going to dip harder.

>> No.3750827

the dump was low volume

anybody who sold at 50 cents needs to stop trading crypto

>> No.3750839

sold some at 85 cents, but i just wanted my original investment back plus a tiny profit

still got comfy 10k coins, we'll see where it goes

>> No.3750849

Sold everything for 25% gain.

>> No.3750865

Did the whales thank you afterwards?

>> No.3750911

Yup. Saw the crash and just smirked at the thought of the panic selling. I'd have doubled my ODN bag if I didn't have all my funds tied up already.

>> No.3750924
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Still feeling comfy af brahs. After the new exchange listing pajeets will have a much harder time manipulating everything although I should actually maybe thank them for letting me increase my ODN stack to masternode level now.

Stay strong ODNbrahs, this was but a bump in the road to the promised land.

>> No.3750926


couldn't have gotten it anyways, it was up in like 30 minutes

>> No.3750946

Comfy here. People don't understand that being this early and on one exchange, there's gonna be manipulation and volatility. Just find an entry point you're comfortable with and then ignore the charts until more exchanges come.

>> No.3750970

>Anyone else comfy as fucking holding this gem?
Its below ICO price

>> No.3751008

incorrect, ICO price was 4665 sats / 1 ODN

>> No.3751034

or around 3k SAT if you bought with ETH.

>> No.3751037

Fucking retard

>> No.3751048

Dump happened while I was asleep, so I couldn't have done anything, but I'm confident that I wouldn't have sold. Happened too quickly.

>> No.3751077

Imagine being so WEAK that you panic sell a coin with a 20% dip while it is listed on ONE exchange.

Fucking weak handers... Don't want you mongs holding my coin anyway.

>> No.3751098

Who is she

>> No.3751111


>1 single exchange.
>product I can actually see myself using
>relatively low cap compared to inferior alternatives

Some people don't have the stomach for crypto.

>> No.3751134

So glad I stake this shit

I know if I were at home with my coins in an exchange wallet during that dump, I probably would've sold

>> No.3751135

most odn were purchased with ETH, so the price is actually 3k sat, as the bitcoin ratio was kind of fucked up for some reason

>> No.3751182

Guys, glass hands really isn't helping our case here, close your browsers and go outside, come back to a fucking lambo in under a month. Stay strong for fuck's sake.

>> No.3751198

dont really see a point holding when its 6x ico price and it hasnt dipped yet

>> No.3751205

I pride myself on these calloused hands but I have to be honest and say I was asleep when it happened. I would've sold had it hit 14k when I was awake.

>> No.3751763

I pulled the chain and got 1942 ODN @ 17500sat. Looking forward to holding this and seeing what the staking can get me.

>> No.3751892

Brought more, masternode now. Thanks for the dip, shitters

>> No.3751932
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>> No.3751967


i was able to get two more masternodes on the dip

>> No.3752072

Always gotta rip on the dip baby!

>> No.3753330

I bought many coins, i chased many highs and sold on lows, but in the end i made some insane profits. But in all my time here, i have never actually been invested in a platform or saw myself using something from the cryptosphere.. this is a first time for me. Also its a .net Core C# based platform and i product i can actually see myslef using. Hold tight guys, this will become really good if the devs are behind it and from looking at their slack and github, they are. Let us make this community great and enjoy the ride while we do <3

>> No.3753348
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>> No.3753363

No worries bro, just hold it tight. Selling now would be retarded, and welcome to crypto :). I know you are worried right now, but looking back in 2 weeks you will laught (and also regrett a tiny itnot buying cheaper, but your profilts will be there. Just make sure to support the community a bit as well when they are).

>> No.3753369

As a developer, the C# aspect really grabbed my attention. This is gonna be big, and I mean REAL big.

>> No.3753372

Oh and the next time you see a HUGE GREEN CANDLE, wait for some huge or bigge rred candles before buying ;) NEVER buy on a big green one <3

>> No.3753387

Yeah same here, i am a C# dev as well :). I do not know if it will become HUUGGE but it will DEFINITELY have its market, istorically this is the bot and the canldes now will be undistinguishable :)

>> No.3753420

i genuinely believe in this and will likely use ODN in my personal life, I'm hokding on for the ride

>> No.3753527

Coin burning mechanism has been announced on their Gitub with ETA in 3 weeks as well. Considering their history, and their excellent time management and delivery i.. have no words. I never thought that a crypto ICO could actually behave like an epic upcomming company haha. It just feels good to be part of a real, normal project for once. Sleep well guys, i'm off for now ! <3

>> No.3753540
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well said senpai 2 master nodes here was just sitting back watching it dip didn't think about selling once.

>> No.3753635

is 40k odn enough to make it? i feel like a small fish

>> No.3753646
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we are going to the LITERAL MOON tomorrow

>> No.3753650
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>> No.3753667

I spend all my savings on my mom after she got blind from a brain aneurisym. The rest I put into this, and now i am holding my proud 1300 ODN. I think you will be fine anon :) best of luck to you. BUT be carefull as always in crypto haha <3

>> No.3753671

i sold all my odn a few hours ago when the price was dipping to 60-50 cents. I was afraid the last big odn thread blew up and people were putting the pajeets and pump and dump groups on blast.

I didn't know who to believe i felt sick all day i was drinking, I thought this coin could test 5 dollars due to all the shit coins ahead of it in market cap.

>> No.3753694

did you particiate in the ICO?

then you still got 4x your money back anon, thats not bad

besides, the marketcap is still so low, just buy back in, maybe not go all in, but having some doesn't hurt

>> No.3753697

I think this coin will be testing the 2$ soon enough, but you can never be sure. Just invest into things you thing are going to be successfull and always ask youself, if i had double the money, would i buy this coin at this price now? Do i really think tis can work? Or am in in for he "gainz". Be carefull, think, dont panic sell and you will make it.

>> No.3753748

Wealth is transferred from the impatient to the patient, happens all the time.

>> No.3753860
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big if tru

>> No.3753899
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Nice! We also have the coin burn happening in 3 weeks!

>> No.3753946

How much did you have invested?

What's wrong with you people who feel the dips this strongly? I have like 35% of my net worth in ODN right now and only really chuckled at the dip.

>> No.3753977

lol already back up over 17k, iron hands here

>> No.3754027
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The entire country of India could be personally contacting me and telling me to sell and I still wouldn't consider it before 200m market cap. Almost 100% ODN.

>> No.3754076
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>> No.3754081

Welp, that's it boys, this is sell signal for me. See ya sub 10K price :)

>> No.3754095

trying to sell for some ETH on binance to transfer to cryptopia
i put in a market order, it says "success"

i have no open orders. i have no order history for today.... wtf is happening?

>> No.3754098

I don't care if you sell. Neither of us can affect a project like this in the long term. But it will make for a funny screenshot.

>> No.3754104

People are DUMPING. Get out now. Server is going to shit.

>> No.3754116

of course pajeet, of course

>> No.3754128
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pls my dick can only get so hard

>> No.3754154

I'm white and most likely have more money than you, based on your comments. But please sell. I think it’s funny that I can make you lose money just by posting a picture of how much I have.

>> No.3754235

If you have an ICO or premine where the developers get 33% of supply instantly, of course they are going to dump on you for easy millions.

The programmer is a finance major with experience in sales.

The team is marketing to you with no intention of delivering the slightest value

>> No.3754243

nice just sold 100k

>> No.3754262

"The programmer". Pretty low effort FUD considering there are 5 programmers. Do you FUD NEO too because the developers kept 50m of 100m coins for themselves?

>> No.3754267

Saw the same thing yesterday. It will be like this until we get other exchanges. Who cares

>> No.3754353
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sorry no ODNer