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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3752713 No.3752713 [Reply] [Original]

Prove Chainlink has usable technology.

I'll wait.

Is there an android app where I can make a deposit in ethereum to my citibank account ? Allegedly I should be able to do this with chainlink.

I've already bought, just seems like vaporware to me.

>> No.3752728


>Is there an android app where I can make a deposit in ethereum to my citibank account ? Allegedly I should be able to do this with chainlink.


u dum

>> No.3752759

Allegedly you should be retarded based on what you typed

>> No.3752796

You're so retarded lol

Go to smartcontract.com And use their smart contract

>> No.3752833

Imagine being this stupid?

>> No.3752858

It's not a usable technology. That's not the point, the point is to flip for profit before the retards realize what you just realized.

>> No.3752860
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>> No.3752869


Neither arguments nor examples provided.


>> No.3752872


>> No.3752903
File: 5 KB, 251x201, dumbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delet this
it problems the solve oracle

>> No.3752908

Wow.. another one that needs his hand held
After you visit smartcontract.com
Click on chainlink a smart contract
You'll arrive here https://create.smartcontract.com/#/choose
Choose your three options currently for creating a smart contract

You're retarded please please please don't buy any LINK
Retarded idiots should be banned from purchasing link

>> No.3752924
File: 54 KB, 1189x764, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so what the fuck is this shit, im a somewhat tech savvy crypto user and im absolutely confused at step 1.

maybe it does something but figuring out what it does is discouraging.

>> No.3752932


You certainly weren't savy enough to click "Learn more" or look for documentation.

>> No.3752934

Just because you dont understand it, does not mean it's not great for those that do.

You're making yourself look a fucking moron. You've been shown a real world use, that you dont understand. Get over it.

>> No.3752937

hint: its use case isn't 4chan plebs

>> No.3752939

You're grabbing external data to feed into the contract and giving it a set of instructions to inact

>> No.3752942

>it smart contracts the data path problem

is this actually useful to anyone ?

>buy BAT because brave is amazing
>buy XVG because my drug dealers accept it and mobile wallets are fast
>buy BNB because reduced fees to trade new digital assets on binance
>buy ethereum to gamble on icos
>buy lumens because bittrex gave me some

i'd love to add chainlink to this but i feel like this is all snake oil.

can anyone share one positive or useful financial experience using smartcontract.com ?

>> No.3752947

>It's not a usable technology.
Lol but it is.
You can set up oracles on their website right now, and they're demoing two practical use cases with direct SWIFT integration.

>> No.3752952

You're retarded don't buy link

>> No.3752962

if you understood you could just explain it. but you dont, you saw some articles shilled to you and bought the hype at face value.

just admit you dont understand it either.

We all want the price to go up, like I said I bought some.

>> No.3752963

>buy XVG because my drug dealers accept it and mobile wallets are fast
yikes. You do realise that verge is a meme?

>> No.3752971

>is this actually useful to anyone ?
Christ man. LINK is about to allow for the application of smart contracts in mainstream transactions.

Think for two seconds about the ramifications of this.

>> No.3752972

I do understand it, but the point is that you asked for a real world case, it was shown to you and yet you still act the chump.

Just accept it has a use and either stop posting or carry on looking like an imbecile.

>> No.3752973

what's an oracle and why is it useful to me ?

I'm READY to admit this is useful but I can't immediately see that. That's the problem I'm trying to address, their interface excludes users who dont understand their jargon and parameters. For something with this many alleged use cases, arent 90+% of those going to be idiots doing simple things ?

>> No.3752976


No one posting on a Mongolian Racoon Hunting forum is employed in fintech as a blockchain integration engineer.

This is like asking if anyone on /biz/ has experience working with FORTRAN derivatives trading systems. It's possibly but the most likely affirmative response is shitty larping, and just because thats the case doesn't mean the derivatives markets isnt worth a quadrillion dollars

>> No.3752985

Honestly and unironically, this form is clear as day to me.
And afaik it should be equally clear to anyone with a basic understanding of Chainlink.

Do you have any idea what Chainlink does anon?

>> No.3752994

The best way to describe smart contracts is to compare the technology to a vending machine. Ordinarily, you would go to a lawyer or a notary, pay them, and wait while you get the document. With smart contracts, you simply drop a bitcoin into the vending machine (i.e. ledger), and your escrow, driver’s license, or whatever drops into your account. More so, smart contracts not only define the rules and penalties around an agreement in the same way that a traditional contract does, but also automatically enforce those obligations.

>> No.3752995

You have data x that you want person b to receive payment from person a if data x meets a certain criteria at whatever time or interval you want. Person b wants eth. Person a is using btc

>> No.3753003


Interactivity =/= a use. If I hand you colored toys and say theres a million things you can use them for then deride you for not putting a bunch of random pieces together to achieve a nebulous idea of usefulness then who is the idiot here ?


just sounds like buzzwords to me.


xvg is not a meme. the txs are faster than dash and the mobile wallet is .2 fee for a lightning fast transaction. literally as fast as handing drugs to someone.

>> No.3753011


I understand it. What exactly is your question? Like how it could be used?


Bank [X] wants to initiate a trade of digital asset [Y] whenever interest rates hit [Z].

Blockchains cannot ever be able to do this automatically like a centralized server can. They need some outside part to manually start a transaction and it needs to happen when the condition above has occured, which the blockchain cannot know by itself.

Chainlink is an API for the bank to interact with which allows decentralized node operaters to report on when interest rates hit their target and report back to their application that the trigger has been hit and to initiate the blockchain transaction.

This transaction can probably be configured to be triggerable through Chainlink itself or by the application.


>> No.3753012

Oracles translate external data into data the blockchain can read.
This allows for smart contracts to be applied to mainstream transactions.

The famous "oracle problem" revolves around trust:
either oracles are EXTREMELY trustworthy, or they're useless. No middle ground.
And the only way to give oracles inherent trustworthiness, is to decentralize them (i.e. to have many independent sources of information).

Chainlink is the first and only solution to do this.

>> No.3753014


I want to deposit ethereum as fiat into my bank account. Chainlink should allow for this according to the smoke they are blowing up everyone's ass. if that is the case it is absolutely not clear how I would do that.

>> No.3753020

No don't buy any links, drug users can't be trusted.
LINK Is only for high class profiles.

>> No.3753023
File: 65 KB, 272x185, free money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are a poor NON American I can give you free money.

Here's the deal: I have five accounts for Request.Network.

I am american and cant pass KYC, so I need you.

I will give you $75 to just to fill out the KYC info for Request.Network. Its that easy.

email me at jagx33(( at)) g__mail if youre interested

Offer ends saturday.

>> No.3753025

>xvg is not a meme.

>> No.3753026


That is an extremely broad problem that no one should be claiming Chainlink is some silver bullet to. Where are you getting that?

>> No.3753032

Bridging ethereum and bitcoin using chainlink as a middleware.

Thing is that's just an example. You can use fiat to eth eth to fiat. Omg to btc (future implementations)

Middleware smart contract
External data

God nm I'm wasting my time

>> No.3753033

yeah but can you set up a fortune-teller

>> No.3753041

>just sounds like buzzwords to me.
They really aren't.

Look up "smart contract" on wikipedia.
They were invented in the 90s, and were always envisioned to be used in mainstream transactions.

Before the blockchain, there was no "backbone" secure and trustless enough to allow for that.

Vitalik saw the importance of smart contracts, but only implemented them within crypto.

Chainlink is about to bring smart contracts into the mainstream.

>> No.3753055

That form is for setting up a node, a source of information.

What you want to do is set up a smart contract.

>> No.3753104

Haha I love how he just stops responding. These Chainlink FUD threads are actually amazing

>> No.3753123
File: 15 KB, 420x420, 1507210613017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are we actually bothering to explain LINK to retards?
its way funnier when they stay poorfag so we can laugh in their face later.

>> No.3753140

>Snake oil
>Indignation that he can't understand anything
>Blames the designer rather than himself
Who let this fucking boomer in here.

>> No.3753181

>These Chainlink FUD threads are actually amazing
They really are.

/biz/ has transcended to a superlative layer of irony where the memes are actual knowledge and information.

>> No.3753812
File: 33 KB, 342x298, 1500449381976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever wonder if ancient hieroglyphics were an early form of memes yet more advanced because they had messages and meaning? We could be at that point right now :O

>> No.3753988

There is either some serious samefag going on or you link shills are organized.

>> No.3754105


>> No.3754296

I'm not the one that made a risky investment. Why would I need to cope?

>> No.3754439


I'm happy. would love to see someone actually doing it for a purpose in a video

the oracle problem is a fundamental problem about the nature of computational complexity, i doubt this scamcoin solves it casually.

>> No.3754589


This is the thing, people talk about the Oracle problem being a blockchain thing, but a Google search shows that it's a computer thing and any reference to the Oracle problem relating to blockchain is from people trying to sell you crypto

>> No.3755012

>Buying into scams and literal meme coins

>> No.3755211

>redditor doesn't want to do the research so he provokes autistic people into replying
This is next-level Reddit scumbaggery.