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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3750493 No.3750493 [Reply] [Original]

>Interview in two hours
>Fell for the /biz/ "don't worry they'll never find out they dont contact references" meme
Am I worried for nothing?

>> No.3750512

Are you the one doing the interview or?

>> No.3750522

No I'm one being interviewed

>> No.3750523
File: 232 KB, 1200x1200, WOOOOHAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the worst thing that can happen

you don't get the job and they tell you off in an offensive manner

who gives a shit

>> No.3750536

I use anon on /biz/ as a reference.

>> No.3750541

I too have anxiety and my solution is both simple and ingenious: hire someone else to do the job interview.

Then show up on day 1 and pretend you're the same guy. Some people might notice but just act like they're crazy and they'll shut up pretty quickly.

>> No.3750552

>no money
>no job experience

>> No.3750570
File: 32 KB, 480x480, 11410501_361889747341639_1333094878_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the worst thing that can happen

you don't have money to eat and you have to beg for it

who gives a shit

>> No.3750594

Don't stress op

Anxiety really fucked me up during my interview (still got the job), and in hindsight, there was nothing to worry about.

They're excited to meet you and learn more about you. Use this as an opportunity to learn about them as well, don't just think about selling yourself.

It's not like they're gonna call your references on speakerphone in the middle of the interview either. That's definitely nothing to worry about

>> No.3750597

>become homeless

>> No.3750634
File: 36 KB, 466x408, a7f54e0c289f4123b4fe663e66fda27c--big-black-black-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could always just suck dicks to make money

>> No.3750654

Thank you anon this is really good advice

>> No.3750673

I've never once had a potential employer call references. Walk in there like you own the fucking joint, OP.

>> No.3750730
File: 71 KB, 1600x1066, satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the worst thing that can happen

you get attacked by a deranged crackhead in the middle of the night

who gives a shit

but he ends up stabbing you

who gives a shit

you go to the hospital to get fixed up

who gives a shit

but they can't save you

who gives a shit

you lose consciousness forever

who gives a shit

but turns out hell is real and you fry forever

who gives a shit

>> No.3750731

>>Interview in two hours
>>Fell for the /biz/ "don't worry they'll never find out they dont contact references" meme
>Am I worried for nothing?

Some companies call and some don't OP. There's no way to know. I've lied about work history majorly and got jobs because they didn't check.

When I applied for my last job before my current one, I put on the job application that I worked at a company before that for 14 years (that I never worked at ever). When they hired me, they said they hired me over other people because of "my longevity" at the previous company. . . . .LOL. I ended up working at that job for 5 years

>> No.3750767

Op here thank you /biz/.

I knew I could count on you guys. I will get the job for you. Thank you for the motivation and believing in me, you're like the positive friends and family I never had. Please give any additional tips I should know if you have them.

>> No.3751050


>> No.3751443


>> No.3751766

Bump, how did you get on op?

>> No.3752612

>don't worry they'll never find out they dont contact references
If you got the interview, they probably didn't find out. What, you think they'll call you over and waste their time just to say "AHA! Got you! You lied on your resume!"

>> No.3752690

Usually they check after a successful interview.