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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3745161 No.3745161 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw we are desperately shilling internet coins as a last ditch attempt to escape the normie, wageslave, dystopian future we inherited
>tfw it doesn't matter how many here get there lambos because a good percentage of /biz/ users will die in a civil war anyway

>> No.3745243

It's going to be okay anon

>> No.3745258
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What if its not okay tho

>> No.3745262

not all of us are cucked enough to be unarmed while living in blue states

some of us will be just fine

>> No.3745267
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>> No.3745268

Trust me we will pretty much all be fine. While the Reddit normies circlejerk over top 20 coins, we are over here shilling real gems that more often than not moon 4x before we dump it back over their heads.

>> No.3745277
File: 89 KB, 799x999, 17333495_209976766147727_6672907752253161472_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good 2bh. I don't want to live anyway.

>> No.3745288

My id is literally ayyeh lol, it's going to be fine man, you can trust me

>> No.3745291
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>good percentage of /biz/ users will die in a civil war anyway

>> No.3745301
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But I'm British

>> No.3745310

>civil war
so much for the tolerant left eh? :^)

>> No.3746213
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>> No.3746776

that girl is asian

>> No.3746864

This helped me

>> No.3748141
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Honestly the network marketing field is looking a lot more promising than relying on cryptocurrencies. But that's just my 2 [\spoiler]CENTS[/spoiler].

>> No.3748142


OP you should take a high dose of potent psychedelics
you will realize that this entire life is an illusion, there is no you and there is nothing that can die. what you are is infinitely powerful, has always been and will always be. there is no reason to be afraid of anything.

but also you should stock up on food and guns. because, you know, your physical body might still experience a lot of suffering in the coming race war.

>> No.3748236

We just gotta make it before shit hits the fan. Then those of us with money can flee to wherever we want. I'm a japanese/US dual citizen so maybe if North korea isn't involved I can hideout in Japan.