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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3736509 No.3736509 [Reply] [Original]

Is fucking escorts good?

>> No.3736520

If you like sex, then yeah.

>> No.3736525

its objectively bad

>> No.3736528

got herpes from them

third outbreak happened a few days ago. still kinda pissed but idk idc if people at work see

>> No.3736532

christ why do girls always look so fucking stupid
these cunts have absolutely NOTHING going on upstairs

>> No.3736551

kek you probably didnt use condoms

>> No.3736553

If you have never done it then it's fun the first 10 times but it gets repetitive after a while and feels like a waste of money.

>> No.3736558

how could they tell if it is genital or not?

>> No.3736566

>pay escort for gf experience
>it was actually good

>> No.3736567


if you've had sex with someone you didn't pay, its weird to fuck someone you are paying. Like you cum, but you don't get the satisfaction of knowing a girl willingly touched your wiener for free

>> No.3736584

Terrible photoshop anon try harder.

You need to shift or get off the pot.

>> No.3736585

> but you don't get the satisfaction of knowing a girl willingly touched your wiener for free

You're going to the wrong escorts

>> No.3736588

>still kinda pissed but idk idc if people at work see
Uh...unless your work involves you getting your dick out on a regular basis I'm gonna take it your herpes outbreak is essentially coldsores.

Have you been going down on hookers anon?

>> No.3736592

These big brained females make more flashing their tits at virgins than you do trading crypto

>> No.3736601
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then they get old and poor

>> No.3736611

Then they marry some rich dweeb like you and take all your shit

>> No.3736618

yeah but you're going to lose all your money eventually

use to see a different high end escort each week, then it became 2-3x a week and became a regular to a couple. i was barebacking them and doing whatever i want

then it lead to taking vacations and i would hire high end escorts too. vegas/nyc/miami/london/italy

the escorts in those cities were on another fucking level but the prices were like crazy as well

if you go to major celebrity events like cannes film festival, amfar, monaco grand prix, the highest end escorts all goes to those and you'll network with some of the most richest and powerful people. it's one big fuck fest like some Eyes Wide Shut shit

everyone have crazy fantasies and fetishes but when you're rich, you'll actually make those fantasies become a reality

>> No.3736622

fuk man...

>> No.3736629

:) really anon

>> No.3736630

If you do your research and get wise to the market you can differentiate between pump and dumps and escorts you'll want to return to

>> No.3736651

And niggers yelling songs about killing police officers make more than you do too. What's your point?

>> No.3736673


i had escorts massage my prostate and even eat my ass

tried my first anal with an escort too

>> No.3736685

If it's a reacquiring outbreak is almost certainly HSV-2. The qualifier "genital" is only used to specificity its location.

>> No.3736695

FYI condoms don't protect against herpes.

They don't even need to have a outbreak to transmit herpes through kissing or sex. If they kiss your dick without an outbreak and you still contract it thats gential herpes. if they kiss you on the lips without an outbreak and you get it thats herpes of the lips.

You fucked either way and you will struggle to know for sure with all there lipstick and coverup. also some people bodys are more immune to it so their outbreaks won't evven look like an outbreak

>> No.3736714
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Good point

>> No.3736717

Normie shit

>> No.3736727

Ask them for a hoefax it's kinda like a Carfax. Ask the bitch if she's clean and you won't get herpes and if she's iffy about it then leave lmao.

>> No.3736730

wtf is up with the left girls face

>> No.3736735
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I only fuck tight 18yo Escorts. no need hodling old hags.

man ages like a fine wine, woman like milk in the sun.

>> No.3736736


i got type 1 herpes but most of the population has them anyways. i only had 1 outbreak of a coldsore and that was when i first contracted it. don't really give a fuck about it now. just take some lysine supplements and you're good

>> No.3736737
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Because the majority of us settle for anything >25. Now add the cash we're raking to your brainlet equation

>> No.3736742

Yeah you can get them to tie you up and step on your face with their bare feet and sit on your face and stuff

>> No.3736794


interracially bred

>> No.3736983
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>kissing prostitutes

>> No.3736990
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Reading this shit makes me rage and want to go full Maoist like nothing else.

So rich one percenters get the best cummies no matter how sick and autistic they are? Wow.

There is no justice.

There is no God.

I can't wait for the day local commissars order these cunts to fuck the poor for free. Marx preached free love for a just society, and he was fucking right!

Good chance it's coming. Millennials ate socialist as fuck and they will only get redder after robots take all our jobs.

>> No.3737140

>got herpes from them
This is why I would stay away. I know a couple people who got herpes from whores as well and they used condoms.

Too risky you'll have a permanent STD for some quick meaningless pleasure. No thank you.

>> No.3737183

Most people have herpes

>> No.3737230

lrn2immunesystem fgt

>> No.3737258

>there's only labial herpes

>> No.3737324

she has an average face not ugly not hot

>> No.3737370


How did you get the herp from them?

And how bad is it. I hear some herpesanons say it is no big deal.

>> No.3737397

b clear on what your saying faggots
condoms still do protect
it`s just that those faggots that used condoms either kissed the hooker or went down on her before hand

>> No.3737401

Distinguishing bewteen hsv1 and hsv2 is important.
Most people do not have hsv2.
in late adulthood, most people do have hsv1.
your immunesystem can't protect you from that. quite literally.

>> No.3737450

You can still get it from any skin/skin contact with any person that is shedding the virus, or currently has an outbreak. So unless you only, and I mean only, touch the escort or whoever with the condom, you're chances of infection are high if they're either shedding or currently showing symptoms.

>> No.3737497
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I can't wait to put a bullet in your head

>> No.3737508

>your immunesystem can't protect you from that. quite literally.

It can prevent it from reoccurring.

Protip: Pop some aciclovir for a couple of days after visiting. Never had an outbreak.

>> No.3737568

I thought you were implying that you could prevent initial infection. antivirals do help with symptoms.

>> No.3737589

what the fuck are you even doing in a /biz/ thread
i can`t imagine the kind of cognitive dissonance that is going through your head

>> No.3737666

I fucked a hooker 10 years above my age, pretty exciting as a 20 year old college fag, but not worth the money, wish I put it into bitcoin or something instead.

>> No.3737939

Good if you have a fucked fetish.

Got one to shit in my mouth once.

>> No.3738047


>> No.3738109

Some of them are good and others are moody clock watching bitches.

>> No.3738148

I banged maybe 4-5 and I kind of had my fill. It was okay but its more fun for me to blow the same money in a strip club. Ive stopped all my adult entertainment in the last year though.

Thoughts on Asian Massage Parlors aka AMPs?

For the first month in awhile I have a little extra money from a business I started and next month I'll be receiving double my income so I was thinking of celebrating with a $120 AMP visit, massage + hj. I'm partially afraid of STDs so I always thought AMPs were a bit better, especially as I'd drive 20 minutes to the fancier part of town.

Its either this or I may spend less getting myself some nice wine or towards some cognac.

>> No.3738218

Been a monger for a bit. Love a nice hour long good massage followed by tug.

I’ve been to a few massage fuck spots also. It’s quick and easy but sucks cuz you don’t know who will walk through the door.

Anyone know where you go to find the 10/10 dime escorts?

Backpage no thanks. I’ve checked Theeroticreview but I don’t want to keep having to go manually through new reviews to find a hot one.

Also cityvibe has really hot ones but I think the ads seem fake?

I’d rather have a qt gf to be with but I guess whores it’ll be in the mean time

>> No.3738358

Let me try to find the site I used before. The one time I banged this $500 one, she invited me to some site/app that seemed to have more upscale girls. Oh damn, I guess I used to use date-check.com which was operating for a long time but has since been shut down. It was like you had to be invited by a current member and reviewed in the back end, so all the girls/clients on the site were already vetted. It must have shut down in the last couple years.

Yeah Ive been out of the loop for awhile. There must be another high end platform out there.

>> No.3738530

It's expensive, I'm not saying that is not good.

>> No.3738537

McCaffee, is that you?

Anyways I got a bj from one once as a 27 y/o virgin and now it burns whenever I pee or ejaculate in the tip of my weewee. The ironic thing is since I've actually had oppourtunities for sex with girls I know but am too afraid of giving one an STD so have stayed a virgin.

>> No.3738547

Definitely not OP.

Can't see why someone would unless they want hsv2 genital herpes.

>> No.3738616

high quality larping

>> No.3738642

If you're ugly, then maybe. If you're not, then no, not really.

>> No.3738810

Just curious, what are the girls like in FSU countries? Is it best to stick to around Spb and Moscow?

>> No.3738864

i have been seeing this girl for 3-4 years now. met her when she was 18. blonde 5'2 100 ilbs. i get to creampie her everytime. shit is cash, literally, costs me 250 every time

>> No.3738865

whores for pump n dump
wife for holding

>> No.3739305

>woman doesn't want to be there
>have to wear a condom, removing literally all sensation
>still get herpes
yep seems like fun

>> No.3739339


Go on Eros.com

That was where I found most of the ones I fucked.

>> No.3739352

>3-4 years
>still paying

As if you wouldn't get freebies for being a grandfathered client.

>> No.3739361


>> No.3739370

>not dumping her once she turned 19
anon, what are you doing?

>> No.3739378

too ugly my nigga. she has developed literally 0 feelings while im in love with her. sometimes i smoke marihuana with her and its seriously unbelievable.

>> No.3739384

Yes if you spend good money

>> No.3739389

contemplating suicide

>> No.3739396

Where'd you find her?

>> No.3739413

i was a virgin, got desperate and put up an ad. honestly thought it was a guy trying to rob/murder me but was pleasantly surprised when i picked her up from her house. she JUST turned 18 two weeks prior to meeting up.

>> No.3739450

i forgot to add backpage. ALSO for anyone who wants to find legit hookers in their city i would strongly advise usasexguide.info

>> No.3739460
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am I the only retard that saw fucking esports

>> No.3740190
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>> No.3740409

You ever try to move it past just paying for sex. I mean after fucking someone for 4 years she’d have to have SOME emotion. She’s still young.

>> No.3740427

Saw my third one last night. Shit was terrible, now I stop for good and pray I haven't got hsv2.

>> No.3740484

Can I get feet or ass herpes if I pay an escort to lick my toes or eat my asshole? I want to try it but I'd never be able to convince a girl to do it for free.

>> No.3740558

Ass yes. Also eyes. But you need a poor immune system and/or genetic predisposition.

>> No.3740587

no, trust me theres no feelings its all money for her. also i would try usasexguide.info. i was able to bareback like 5 girls from the monger's references. its not a scam site

>> No.3740606

fuck you bitch I just lost all my link, reported

>> No.3740608

Don't be a degenerate. We're making money to secure a white ethnostate, not sleep with whores.

>> No.3740610

Damn there go my weekend plans. Well thank you for saving me from ass herpes.

>> No.3740615

don't you worry about aids fucking whores bareback all the tiem

>> No.3740624

he's the one that gives them aids

>> No.3740644

no, contracting aids through vaginal sex is like 1/10000 IF the girl has it. its mostly contracted through blood to blood, thats why so many gays have it. also all the girls i fuck raw are white and i never fuck ghetto ones without one

>> No.3740684

Why would you just link a virus site like that?

>> No.3740724

i didnt link anything fag. usasexguide is 4chan for mongers. it sounds weird but its legit. a lot of people use it if youre in a big city

>> No.3740725

I have an escort that I see regularly for 500 an hour. I've done some social outings like dinners date at her suggestion as well.

She looks like a young Kate Mara and provides a phenomenal service and at this point knows every sexual vulnerability I have.

Absolutely it is worth it.

>> No.3740772

>Kate Mara
>paying $500 to fuck a monkey

>> No.3740805
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>Kate Mara

I don't know if you are baiting me or not but it worked

>> No.3740807

They're just as disease ridden as any other girl.. it's probably cheaper in the long run too.

>> No.3740927

Should I have used the free escorts?

>> No.3740956

tessa fowler is only 5k an hour

>> No.3740988
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>paying 5k an hour for an ugly faced age 25 whore just cause she has big boobs

You can get a lot better for less.

>> No.3740999

usasexguide is for poverty level hookers. they are only a step up from street walkers

cityvibe is ok for asian whores

eros is where most higher end advertise on.

then there are exclusive agencies which are top tier

>> No.3741017

Did you wander off reddit by accident?

>> No.3741021

You can also use TER, or P411, or local private boards as well to get some top tier girls.

Good agency girls are a little more mechanical, the kind of girls that look like bond girls and will literally pump your dick cow girl like a piston and way too good at blow jobs.

>> No.3741030

You still pay for dinner tho? Feggit.

>> No.3741032

the point of usasexguide isnt for advertisements. its where people like you and me discuss which hookers are bad and which ones are good. k?

>> No.3741063


usasexguide is a shit tier board

read the post above you. TER, P411, or local private boards are hundreds time better than that bottom of the barrel hooker site

>> No.3741076

My nigga. I’m aware of it from mongering but never knew it was legit or not

>> No.3741091

Pretty great. You can bully them a bit more than normal girls too.

>unregulated prostitution

>> No.3741339

>most people have herpes
Society is fucking degenerate.

>> No.3741460
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>> No.3741478

Americans forever screwed as usual. In Canada escorts are forced to do weekly and monthly doctor checkups/exams and testing. We got the highest quality hoes.

>> No.3741491

fuck off you commie faggot. Die in a fire

>> No.3741502

Fucking law of diminishing returns. Gets you every time.

>> No.3741532

Confirmed for dying of cirrhosis from Hepatitis in 20 years.

>> No.3741542

First time was a high-end agency, verify-your-employment, GFE, actually intelligent, reasonably talkative chick. Worth it for the best fuckin blow job that I dream of to this day. The kind where she makes good eye contact and can tell you're about to nut and she does some kama sutra shit and changes it up to slow ya down. Anyway, it's not always easy to find the high-end agencies without knowing them by name already, so I just poked around The Erotic Review until I found what I wanted.

>> No.3741569


how much did you pay? 500-1000/hour ?

>> No.3741587

You can fuck bond girl level Russian girls or kpop level Korean girls for 400-500 an hour. Some of them are rather mechanical however.

>> No.3741607

Fucking them out of what?

>> No.3741767

>reddit spacing

>> No.3741823

See I might consider shelling out $1k or so for someone that was a 10/10 and I had a complete guarantee that they were entirely clean, I'd never pay a dime for someone that I had to be all paranoid about catching something from though.

>> No.3741837

It was maybe 6 years ago. Only about $350/hr, multiple shots. It was actually a new agency that got doxxed shortly after my second visit and when I tried to contact them again, I got the third degree cos they were in red alert mode and that's when I found out. Never got to see her again. *1000 yard stare* and that's the one that got away, kids.

>> No.3741859

A reputable agency girl is always going to be clean considering their agency makes a fuckload off their "reputation" in this legal grey area business considering it is everything.

All of them are I would say solid 8-9s. 10/10 is subjective of course.

>> No.3741875

You're the next Sweden. Your escorts are gonna be goats.

>> No.3741889

Most people moving to Canada are East Asian, not Arab.

>> No.3741919

>I only fuck tight 18yo Escorts
Hmm quite a high risk strategy. Ones that young can be quite often bitchy and frigid and quit after a couple of months because they hate it. You get real freaks entering at that age too though.
Man the USA needs an adultwork.
It's so good in the uk.
Excellent source of feed back, search by every service and ethnicity, can offer reverse bookings for prossies to bid on, huge whore user ship, massive feedback on each prossie, mostly amateur or any pimps keep totally unseen and unheard , way cheaper than typical agencies (but still overall expensive cos England)

I want to go on a sex tourism trip to Ethiopia, Colombia or an Arab country though...

>> No.3741928

The only arabs/pajeets/mexicans/somolians coming to canada are fleeing from the US, and 90% of them are being sent right the fuck back. Still though, fuck my country is going down the shitter very quickly, plz send help. If you guy's anex us, Ill unlock the gate and let you in.

>> No.3741986

>Millennials ate socialist as fuck

You know as well as I do that is complete bullshit anon

>> No.3742040

>implying you have to pay dinner to fuck sluts


>> No.3742106

Millenials mostly voted Bernie, but who cares generation zyklon will gas them.

>> No.3742113
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Just lower your standards and fuck women for free

>> No.3742468

How are these escort sites able to stay up?

>> No.3742619

Ok people let's go over this:

>HSV-1 spreads via everything from sharing a drink with a friend to rawdogging whores
>Thousands of years pass
>humans sometimes get little bumps on their lips
>viruses are discovered, Herpesviridae family identified
>includes HHV/HSV 1, 2, and HHV-3 "chicken pox"
>Aciclovir invented by Burroughs Wellcome Co. in 70s
>"A drug to fix random bumps that go away? Who cares?"
>Initiate advertising machine
>Burroughs Wellcome prints money

Welcome to medical advertising. It was the shame version of FOMO and shilling for a disease most of the has, from whores to Mormons.

>> No.3742632
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>paying $1000 for 60 minutes with a slut that's lower quality than Chad gets for free without even trying and caring

You faggots are pathetic

Chad is PLOWING Stacy and Joanne RIGHT NOW, ass to mouth, without paying a cent while you pathetic low-lives discuss how to avoid herpes with chink hookers.

How about you join a gym and get your shit together?

Goddammit this country is fucked

>> No.3742650

They get shut down, they should use some kind of peer to peer system with integrated trust/signatures and distributed hosting.....

>> No.3742666

Is the pope catholic?
It's bad if you do it without being able to really afford it though, as most idiots do. They then become addicted to a habit outside of their possibilities and their life becomes shit.

>> No.3742848

Lol get real, a gym membership (and whatever other prescription you can come up with) won't be nearly enough to turn most non-Chads into Chads.

>> No.3742928

The gym can't fix an ugly face and lack of confidence.

>> No.3742994

That scene in House of Cards where she got shoved under a train...my heart

>> No.3743067

>social outings like dinners date at her suggestion
So some whore says she'd rather you pay her to eat food instead of fuck and you do it? Wew.

>> No.3743162

Unless its business/government paid I don't mind.

>> No.3743207
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>this faggot shows up to a job interview
>HR 10/10 recruiter ask him what his qualifications are
>chad just looks at her in the yes
>immediately proceeds to take off the clothes, bends over begging to be fucked in the ass, and bites her lips.
>Chad gets the job immediately

>> No.3743232

Have money, doesn't really matter that much. Have a great time always. I am paying for the illusion, the experience of the perfect girl anon.

Sometimes I ask her to act out my more degenerate fantasies. Better then awkwardly paying for dinner on a first date like you do so she can post on her Instagram about finessing another meal.

>> No.3743547


I hate this millennial thing. I am pretty sure I am one being 25, but I hate every fucking faggot millennial in his 30's. Can't we seperate the generation and make faggots born in the 80's Millennial scum, and people born in the 90's into Gen Y?

I love capitalism and I hate socialist little shits. I've always hated people just a bit older than me, I could always tell there was some different with them that caused them to be fucking shitcunts.

>> No.3743569


I commonly get mouth ulcers, do you think it might be some form of herpes? I asked my doctor about them and he said he doesn't know how to make them go away.

Should I take that drug?

>> No.3743625

Do milfs not exist where you live?

>> No.3743660

Not with that attitude.

Good point, I'd rather go for his divorced gold digging mother.

>> No.3743683

got herpes waaay before got into whores

>free rolling

>> No.3743694

as if they are referring to 80s kids when they talk about how shit and useless millenials are

>> No.3743778

>I don't know that "acyclovir" gel exists
Buy it anon. Very cheap and very effective.

>> No.3743977

This, i could never get hard for a chick wanting my money instead of my cock

>> No.3743986

I've always wanted to try escort service, especially tgirls but I can't find any that's not in USA/UK/Canada. I'm in France.

>> No.3743999

fucked a couple escorts while being an autist desu OP
virginity given to a massage parlour asian
got extremely high once and had a thicc girl sit on my face for like an hour
report: meh

>> No.3744029

> ugly
> manlet
gym doesn't fix this

>> No.3744057


It is awesome. Start on Asians because you already culturally know they are soulless and branch out from there

>> No.3744061


>> No.3744063

Not escorts are idiots. The one (and only) I've been fucking for the past two years and starting a business of her business renting out suites for other companion. She's going to make more as a landlord one day and I'm frigging proud of her.

Still, I don't know what the end goal is for a rich woman that makes her own money.

>> No.3744126

A girl's only reason to get rich is to shame men so make sure that you make more money than her.

>> No.3744137

alright you niggers if nobody will check my trips I'll do it myself, fuck you niggers you probably aren't even in LINK

>> No.3744183

You're gay.

>> No.3744197

Muscles alone will not get you hot women. You need height and more importantly, good looking face and hair.

I've had greek-god physique for 6 years now, am 6'2 tall, but face is average and hairline is receding. Needless to say I am invisible to women above 7/10.

>> No.3744204

>man ages like a fine wine, woman like milk in the sun.
>That quote.
>that pepe.
>my sides.

>> No.3744291

I make 90k not 500k. It's not even comparable

>> No.3744323

>How about you join a gym and get your shit together?

lol @ this cope

height, penis size and facial aesthetics are quite literally the only thing women are attracted too