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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 764 KB, 2560x1440, 0qUnjwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3734172 No.3734172 [Reply] [Original]

Datadash JUST released the chainlink in-depth review from the poll we won yesterday.


Give it a thumbs and comment my linkies. The normie influx is about to begin.

>> No.3734201

Is that the strawpol guy?

>> No.3734203


>> No.3734218
File: 5 KB, 232x162, cf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3734232


>> No.3734256


>> No.3734262
File: 110 KB, 200x200, 56d[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3734282
File: 134 KB, 456x352, cenachain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaingang for life

>> No.3734291
File: 9 KB, 401x367, froggo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy does Minecraft let's plays too? cuz if not I don't trust him

>> No.3734296

post a different fucking pic of link
jesus christ

>> No.3734297
File: 97 KB, 326x314, tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has barely moved...

>> No.3734303

4chan single handedly won this poll for chainlink.

>> No.3734304
File: 626 KB, 1539x2183, 9B3EEF19-7062-4EC0-9A44-315CBA13A71F-372-0000002C4B5901E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3734308

>t. noLINKer

>> No.3734319


>> No.3734320
File: 57 KB, 165x115, Brave_2017-10-04_18-59-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what a delusional linkie looks like

>> No.3734332

Good news -- Datadash is a decent YT channel (most of the crypto channels are garbage), and this will help to build interest over the next week.

>> No.3734343


If other youtubers start covering LINK because of this dude this shit is gonna moon

>> No.3734394

Bought 100k fake views for him and 500 likes on the video.


>> No.3734405
File: 81 KB, 800x800, IMG_20170928_194215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3734427

Upvote too


>> No.3734450

Fucking kek if true.

I like how nobody pointed the finger at us, we are like the only place shilling it currently.

>> No.3734464

Reddit caught wind of it since this week. I saw several threads there today

>> No.3734488


>> No.3734491


>> No.3734501

Got 1k reddit accounts if someone wants to upvote using TOR.

>> No.3734532

Damn. Why is coinbase taking so long to send my ETH to blockchain? I may have put to ChainLink by accident

>> No.3734538


>> No.3734554

Ordered 300k youtube views and 1000 likes.

>> No.3734561

Nice whoever made the Donald Trumpish comment. leddit hates Trump

>> No.3734565


Why would I have a reddit account.

>> No.3734570

Do you have the transaction id? You should have an ETH transaction hash in your withdrawal history.

>> No.3734575

I hope the guy is using adsense. kek

>> No.3734577
File: 34 KB, 1554x439, 9IFi9Sv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3734582


>> No.3734589
File: 98 KB, 1000x836, flat,1000x1000,075,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute madman

>> No.3734596
File: 1.23 MB, 912x905, 1499559174278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already on 300 likes

>> No.3734621

Yeah, I have a transaction hash. It's been 25 mins though. That's why I'm worried. I did put: To Blockchain and I've sent BTC to Blockchain with no problem before

>> No.3734648

Here it is on linktader reddit upvote it fuckers


>> No.3734651

Got it

>> No.3734656
File: 11 KB, 612x125, plzstop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plz stop

>> No.3734659

hey guys, i want to sell some shitcoins to get in link. whats the faster way to sell on binance: limit or market sell?
also how long does it take approx. for the sell order to be processed. thanks (fomoing hard xD)

>> No.3734672


>> No.3734674

>tfw /biz/ forces the guy to remove his video

God damnit guys

>> No.3734681


>> No.3734693

At least he didn't say anything about botting views.

>> No.3734698
File: 53 KB, 680x550, l2fdwg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3734700

lol it's still dropping
you all are so fucking smart!!"!!!!!!
when will you learn that shilling like retards gets you no where?

>> No.3734708

If he's monetizing his videos then bots fuck him over hard. You are going to make him delist the video you fucking morons.

>> No.3734709
File: 20 KB, 475x247, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes

>> No.3734712

use http://instantpanel.net
and buy him some views.
can deposit \w btc

>> No.3734726

>t. noLINKer

>> No.3734734
File: 123 KB, 800x600, IMG_0662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3734740
File: 12 KB, 306x306, 1234345346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3734741

don't buy shit or his video can get delisted by youtube
just view comment subscribe or whatever

>> No.3734748

Stop it with the bots you stupid cunts it will delist the video you cocksuckers

>> No.3734752

This. You guys are fucking retarded.

>> No.3734762

Sent another 300k views to this video

>> No.3734777

>He didn't even mention sibos at all

>> No.3734779


>> No.3734780

I don't think you nubs even realize how rich you're going to be if chainlink takes off... you fucken lucky dicks hahaha this just might be the luckiest time of your lives

>> No.3734783

He would have voluntarily delist his video. I was a youtuber who botted my own video and got demonitized. YouTube didn't take the video down though.

>> No.3734791

btw now the anti-linkers will buy views thinking it will delist the video lol thanks

>> No.3734809

kek if those weak hands spend more money link by doing that.

>> No.3734811

He has already noted that there are bots on his video, look at his comments. He is asking you to stop your bots. So stop your bots you cocksuckers.

>> No.3734822

or what?
Even if he uploads a new video i'll bot him again.

>> No.3734827

Look at walton coin it is going to hit the floor like a drunk while chainlink rises to the heavens. hahaha

>> No.3734835

Sent another 300 likes

>> No.3734839

which one of you faggot redditors ratted us out? dumb nigger

>> No.3734842

Or nothing, your bots are not going to stop chainlink you stupid cockhead. You should be scalped.

>> No.3734847

My crypto value is pretty much 1 eth. Should I take a chance on 50% of an ETH to LINK?

>> No.3734851

Looks like your bots are causing chainlink to increase in price you fuckheads

>> No.3734854

I own 800k LINK you fucking retard. I'm doing this so the nigger sheep on reddit can see likes count and buy so it goes up. It went up 400 satoshi since he uploaded, fucking retard go back to ur /r/ethtrader

>> No.3734865
File: 198 KB, 550x535, 1477190550368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you fuck off? You do know Youtube can detect botting and punishes the uploader, right?

>> No.3734866

Well it's skyrocketing right now, so decide quickly.

>> No.3734868

Basically, the genuine exposure that could have been brought to this technology via this coverage has been sabotaged. You’ve basically just fucked yourselves and the channel owner over so you can have your short term pump.

The fucking money will come. You don’t need to do this shit.

I’m holding Link and I hope he pulls the video.

Utter muppets.

>> No.3734869

who cares about the youtuber, fuck him as long as $link goes up.

>> No.3734870

no it doesnt. then you could bot off ur competition. fucking wake up from ur miserable "authority" world.

>> No.3734872

dont you think he will take it down he is asking you to... no video no satoshi...

>> No.3734884

this board is 18+, anyone over 18 can look beyond 5 minutes into the future

>> No.3734886

then i will false flag DMCA his every video + mass dislike him.

he removes link video = his youtube career = dead.

>> No.3734890

It will destroy links value you fucknuts... you need it to have organic growth and youtube will rank it. You tube kills the rank if there are bots you fuckheads

>> No.3734891

Just shilled to the normies.

>> No.3734893

so you can shill your fucking coins
fucking casuals

>> No.3734897

Lots of retards dont realize the time it takes to send btc to binance to buy link... this shts gunna go up

>> No.3734900
File: 54 KB, 1395x252, IMG_4430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you did this? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.3734901


wtf make a new video scrub

>> No.3734903
File: 45 KB, 988x320, 4chin_at_it_again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those rascals at 4chin are at it again!

>> No.3734906

jesus christ you are literally 15 years old
google spends billions of dollars on detecting bots and then punishing the uploaders
keep power stroking, retard

>> No.3734913

These bull flags are so fucking bullish, literally everyone should be on the buy side rn

Massive gain, slight pull back, 2 bull flags in a fucking row to basically recover all the ways back up... you cant ask for better technical signs

>> No.3734915

Quick someone take one for the team and post something bannable to delete the thread.

>> No.3734916

hahaha look at em go those orders

>> No.3734917

if only binance had xrp

shit is great for sending between exchanges quickly, provided both exchanges have xrp/btc trading pair

i dont HODL xrp but i definitely 'hold it' ... for the 2 seconds it takes to complete a transaction

>> No.3734920

WTF Matt Duncan, get your ass over here

>> No.3734921

>billions of dollars

you have no clue how easy it is to fake views/likes to look legit.

>> No.3734931

This is going to blow up to 0.0015 eth

>> No.3734933

yeah buddy if even the channel uploader can tell you're botting, do you really think a billion dollar internet giant can't figure it out?

>> No.3734934

25 minutes ago
Who ever is botting likes on my video, please stop...


>> No.3734937

that guys a faggot

4chan is the generator of the internet its 10x more valid than anything else.

also top kek chainlink IS the most important ICO in that list

fucking fag

>> No.3734939
File: 141 KB, 428x523, 1506168545433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put me in the screen cap

>> No.3734945

Give it an hour before this shit really blows up, its just getting started

>> No.3734947

it's gonna cause the FOMO amongst normies x99999

>> No.3734951

I can tell you are braindamaged just by knowing this word is in your vocabulary.

>> No.3734960

The bot views on his video will cause it to crash in the ranks also

>> No.3734961

>15 extremely autistic short sighted posts by this ID

>> No.3734969

no they wont. his channel is healthy enough and views are 80% HR. shut up about things u have no clue about and read about it on quora/reddit. thanks.

>> No.3734976
File: 39 KB, 640x633, 384538475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he actually did it the absolute madman

>> No.3734978

Yall need to upvote the reddit posts you cockheads

>> No.3734985

its ok, at least you learned your place. now be quiet worm.

waiting on my new proxies to arrive to upvote it with ~ 6000 reddit accounts

>> No.3734986

walton down, link up
what a day to live

>> No.3734987

There goes the resistance ceiling...

>> No.3734994

i bet you ordered them off fiver like a fucking chump you cocksucker

>> No.3735003

Welp, I did it. Hold me

>> No.3735011

hahahahaha 6000 reddit accounts jesus

only 4chan fucking hell hahaha these normies are gonna be like o-O fomo as fuck

>> No.3735025
File: 194 KB, 802x802, 1503766323582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger go end ur life please.

>> No.3735030


>> No.3735039
File: 103 KB, 900x1125, 20635298_155065051712908_6124885138057723904_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, we mooning. All because of this youtube fag?

>> No.3735051


>> No.3735053
File: 101 KB, 970x545, MM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3735054

More exposure.
If we could get more upvotes on reddit it would help too.

>> No.3735057

For what, im no nigger you fuckhead

>> No.3735064
File: 53 KB, 600x538, 1499272639114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fucking faggot holy shit. Imagine being that weird that you have to rat your bizbros out. After all the money we've made you.

>> No.3735082

Nub it's not just this video its reddit watching this video.... wait until the money has moved to binance... 1 trillion mcap

>> No.3735095

Probably just some salty weak hand.

>> No.3735098
File: 64 KB, 640x640, 11335162_1465474020431073_1295509685_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is a goddess.


>> No.3735106

that thing isn't attractive.

>> No.3735118

Redditors are all limp-wristed.

>> No.3735119

Should I sell while I'm $3.54 ahead?

>> No.3735125

sent bots on reddit upvoting. strap up

>> No.3735127


good thinking, people are watching and still
transfering money. wait for the real pump later

>> No.3735139

Nein. See >>3735125

>> No.3735142


the modern day wolf of crypto street uses 15 dollars worth of bots to make his coins go up
what a time to be alive

>> No.3735149

Sell now? Fucking hell it's like 20 minutes ago you cockfuck.. this shit will carry on for the next 12 hours

>> No.3735153
File: 216 KB, 400x711, prophecyS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The prophecy is upon us

>> No.3735160

lmao youtube probably sent him a notice that's how he knows. you guys should probably stop the botting or else youtube makes him delist the video.

>> No.3735163


>> No.3735172

That's what's most likely going to happen.

>> No.3735181

Absolute madman.

>> No.3735197


also upvoted this one.

>> No.3735211
File: 18 KB, 857x81, 1b50d013609f24e9aa563ad4f2757a12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.3735213

We will shill it on faggit next. Bring your le upboats xDDD pls gib rebbit gold

>> No.3735238

wheres the moon guys?

>> No.3735255
File: 8 KB, 473x500, 4L_4Z1EgrVB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He just has to say that so he can deny involvement

>> No.3735265


last chance for sub 40 cents

>> No.3735266

The moon is only just starting

>> No.3735270

hi Fortune user

>> No.3735282

I don't even care if the video gets delisted at this point, this is hilarious. And I hold 175k LINK so I stand to lose a lot.

>> No.3735295

Yeh 40c will be new support after this for sure... well done to those who got in the 30's

>> No.3735301

im deep in LINK but everyone tripping over their own dick to shill it is gonna make it a meme. settle down ffs

>> No.3735307

Link will explode without this video anyway.. this is still early reactions wait until the community grows

>> No.3735308
File: 931 KB, 825x464, Blastoff (OCDONUTSTEEL).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humbly accepting LINK for appreciated memes:

>> No.3735315
File: 424 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip wtc. BUY LINK.

>> No.3735321

I feel like he's balls deep into this, he seems very excited about it but wanted to stay professional and non-biased while presenting it.

>> No.3735322
File: 27 KB, 400x388, 1494686183882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3735324

yeh your right we should settle down and avooid memeage

>> No.3735332

Even with all the FOMO it's really struggling to climb, this coin has just some kind of anti moon device built into it

>> No.3735336

WTC will hit the floor like a drunk it's a scamcoin anyway

>> No.3735344


Filename give it away?

>> No.3735355

yeah, I have it too, also why the fuck are you reddit spacing?

>> No.3735356

LINK is on sale, no big deal.

>> No.3735357

no it is rising healthily and steadily dont be spoilt

>> No.3735367

You know you can reply by pressing on the post number, redditor?

>> No.3735370

yes I guess if it shot 70% up in 5 minutes it would come crashing down right after, so this is probably better

>> No.3735372

probably because most of them sit on 4chan and just parrot shit back when it dominates the board, have not found a single youtuber that comes up with decent picks ahead of the curve

>> No.3735374


I only check Reddit for jailbreak news plz no bully

>> No.3735378

hes a retarded normie phoneposter. get real prob doesnt even use adblock

>> No.3735387

Give the people a chance to finish watching the video and get their money transfered to binance... the volume is roughly the same it should start to go up still over the next few hours

>> No.3735401

Yes i can but i dont usually

>> No.3735403

it's called whale suppression. sometimes it's not a meme

>> No.3735418
File: 692 KB, 825x463, Blastoff (OCDONUTSTEEL).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3735420

do it from now on

>> No.3735421

I stopped going there because reddit users are so fucking insufferable. Ever since reddit got linked from cydia jailbreaking was overtaken by numales.

>> No.3735428

No! lmao

>> No.3735430

Don't they just end up selling most of their stack while trying to suppress?

>> No.3735443
File: 117 KB, 960x960, 1502537720623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets make his viewcount MOON! Like, comment and subscribe to this little cunt!

>> No.3735447

Do I buy LINK or something else? I already have 1100 links, but I could buy with 200$ something

>> No.3735454

u'll have to wait with views anon, my youtube views guy is afk atm.

>> No.3735456

whales cant suppress this much look how high the prices are on the sell walls...

>> No.3735466


its just 200 bucks buy LINK and take a chance

>> No.3735480

link obviously

>> No.3735507


>> No.3735513

upvote new reddit post, other one got ghosted because we went balls deep.


>> No.3735533

le upboated

>> No.3735541
File: 20 KB, 600x600, 1502652769346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Come on. Watch this shit on all your devices, like a subscribe to this little cunt. I want the other youtube cucks to know that if they want to make BANK they need to review CHAINLINK!!

>> No.3735550
File: 52 KB, 1079x576, 20171004_123532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legendary anon

>> No.3735563


>> No.3735565


>> No.3735567

Borrow money to buy LINK right now, it's the only smart play...

>> No.3735569

price pumped 1000 satoshi, and atm we are #2 on /r/CryptoCurrency.

>> No.3735573


>> No.3735591
File: 96 KB, 248x203, IMG_5980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It dipped then it bounced back. Oh boy , this volatility is nuts

>> No.3735595
File: 1.39 MB, 1698x1131, 521685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3735603

Did he just market sell to the floor or something?

>> No.3735607


>> No.3735641

lmao the boy boys are playing games, time to accumulate more

>> No.3735669

hahahahah holy fuck he actually delivered it

nice done anon >>3734394

>> No.3735719

look at all the 10k+ sells up in the order book.
Big bags don't want this to go over 10k sats yet.

>> No.3735726

How does I get a pump n dump bot?

>> No.3735749

you just need to ctrl+w and never come back.

>> No.3735750
File: 407 KB, 600x400, __link_and_princess_zelda_the_legend_of_zelda_and_the_legend_of_zelda_breath_of_the_wild_drawn_by_diives__e43849a4be5e1936606a3a1908db1467.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3735756

sorry that you are deluded.
nothing is going to go up until news from sergey comes out

>> No.3735763

FUCK, this is a glorious meme
Thank you

>> No.3735778

I just looked up the prices to do this, and it's not that expensive desu...considering the return of investment.

Most of us have thousands in LINK, and if it goes up even 1%, we make thousands more. The buy investment of $100 of credibility can give insane returns to us.

Thanks, anon.

>> No.3735787

Did someone just throw 100+ upvotes at that thread? It went up in an instant lol

>> No.3735798

#1 and #3 on cryptocurrency subreddit.

my work is done.

>> No.3735805
File: 1011 KB, 2048x1301, 1502650875588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive never looked at it like that, holy fuck.

>> No.3735813

will pump this one next.


>> No.3735817

Why am I deluded?

>> No.3735827

always market duh

>> No.3735831

>no comments
yeah sure put a 100 upvotes on that, that won't at all look suspicios

>> No.3735835

The ends justify the means

>> No.3735842

maybe go comment then u dumb fuck

>> No.3735845
File: 1.11 MB, 600x918, Iron Hand To Mars (OCDONUTSTEEL).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NP anon, have another fresh off the presses.


>> No.3735849

do i sell ?

>> No.3735854

#1 on /r/ethtrader also.

>> No.3735881

In this piece I hope you anons find the inspiration to have iron hands, if you didn't already.

>> No.3735882

the actual value of LINK doesnt seem to be rising

>> No.3735921

anon please refer to:

>> No.3735934


Holy shit, went to see for myself and got cancer from how stupid those fucking redditards are. The most basic concepts they get wrong. Thinking with feelings and not logic. I suppose they're the ones others make money off. They don't deserve ChainLink. I'm sad they'll get in early. Glad that they'll drop their bags at first fud.

>> No.3735936

its' not
too many people selling to the actual prices at the average buy wall price
no one wants this shit right now

>> No.3735947

your telling me to send him all my LINK ?

>> No.3735953

yes pajeet, he will double

>> No.3735974

Emotions over logic.

Another episode of understanding the numale.

>> No.3735976

REEEE I want to buy LINK but Binance doesn't take leaf dollars for Bitcoin. Where is the best place in Canada to buy Bitcoin and how the fuck do I transfer it. REEEEE

>> No.3735985

Redditors are fucking soft. This game requires a certain amount of hardness that only no life channers with nothing to lose have in them. Whenever you're buying cheap bags during a FUD period. Be confident that on the other end of the transaction is some faggot who set a sell order to catch the latest Rick and Morty episode.

>> No.3736013

No anon, I'm the same person. It's to look at the art and discern the message.
That's my address for any generous anons who want to fund true artistic expression.
The only doubling I do is on dips baby.

>> No.3736019
File: 116 KB, 914x827, dumbass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3736035


>> No.3736047
File: 11 KB, 997x124, fdsadfe3ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice going you morons

>> No.3736056

>much secret 4chan club
fuck how retarded are you linkies

>> No.3736068

Listen you fucking cucks. Chainlink is known to us. We are early. Winners get in early. So get the fuck in and we will celebrate later. Don't say trade this one just accumulate dips

>> No.3736081
File: 1.05 MB, 600x918, Iron Hand To Mars (OCDONUTSTEEL).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated version, do not use old one.

>> No.3736098

Oh boy. Being a leaf makes it insanely annoying and difficult to transfer fiat into crypto. You're going to have to wait weeks. The rockets taking off without you.

>> No.3736101
File: 135 KB, 615x461, 905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink will make me retire in Q1 2018 aged 29

>> No.3736102

fucking nazi mods

>> No.3736114

what a cocksucker
fuck em, stupid redditors
they don't deserve link at this price

>> No.3736140

Are you me??

Will my 50k link be enough?

>> No.3736149
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1432724756686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well nice "moon" guys, have fun with your bags, maybe something will happen at sibos, idgaf, back to walton :)

>> No.3736158

>Will my 50k link be enough?

yes, but you need to reinvest it

>> No.3736176

Gaze at the iron hand of Sergey Nakamoto and find your way back to the one true course anon.

>> No.3736179

mfw only 3.5k link, have about $1k tied up in qtum

>> No.3736186

You have to post a face when using


>> No.3736189

>expecting moon because some youtuber made a video
I'm actually happy there is no moon, we don't need another elixir
steady growth is what link needs, and there is no need to hype anything, the conference will do its job on that
seriously, it's a legit coin that will speak for itself

>> No.3736194

same. but i literally started to research yesterday. i dumped what money i could miss into LINK but now i only have 200$ left to play with. thinking about getting some colx

>> No.3736197

What this guy said>>3736140
50k link is still a good amount

>> No.3736203
File: 777 KB, 500x280, IMG_2330.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause a falling out between the mods and redditors. Chainlink isn't some pajeet shit obviously. Idk about you guys, but rumors are going around that suggest the mods are trying to supress genuine information so that they can accumulate more. This ties in with the walton crash earlier. Reddit mods pump and dumped their own users via Walton and have relocated their funds into Chainlink. The information war will continue until they filled up their bags. Now if only one of you could spread this information to the redditors it would be very helpful.

>> No.3736218

how can i make my 3k link become 50k :< ?

my little brother has 10k euro in his bank which he never touches since he doenst buy anything ever. but i dont think he will ever go into crypto currency

>> No.3736280
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tfw only 360 link

>> No.3736293

Fuck this shit. Selling. Time to get out of this ponzi scheme.

>> No.3736304

how the fuck do I transfer my ETH from coinbase to Binance god damnit REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.3736322

You aren't missing anything. It can't even break 0.39 with hype. kek. They got some poor guy probably banned from adsense. Peace faggots

>> No.3736329
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>> No.3736346
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>> No.3736368

Who is that?

>> No.3736375
File: 40 KB, 583x583, 1477788426956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking madman!

>> No.3736383

Damn son I only got 90k linkers will I make it?

>> No.3736396

that is their "meme" sub...

>> No.3736413
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>tfw only 250

>> No.3736462

Just noticed lots of people on this board hoarding shit tons of link, wonder what happens when this hit $1 and they all dump lol

>> No.3736477


>> No.3736491

were riding to the moon son. no brakes on this train

>> No.3736504

You're shilling way too obviously.

But I have to say; Reddit is fucking retarded.
They actively ignore LINK like a smelly hobo and get up in arms the second it gets promoted.

Do these people have a whitepaper allergy?
Or a general aversion to actually functional and promising assets?

>> No.3736517


this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.3736526

When it hits $1 there will be people buying with their eyes on $5. The cycle never ends (until it does).

>> No.3736539

damn y'all "is 50k link enough?"
<<788 linker

>> No.3736570

guys i'm not even larping rn, i can't access my banl account, my card is getting declined, i have no actual usable money, the only thing i have is 500 link............ no even enough to make it......... i beg you oh mighty Kek God of 4 chan please help a brother with some link

>> No.3736576

its dumpin' time boys, strap in

>> No.3736582


theyre onto you

>> No.3736595

Hhhahahha breeding ground.

>> No.3736621


>> No.3736641

WTF my link is all gone?!

>> No.3736680

Like, anons are literally ruining this coin for themselves. Even if it turns out to be a real use case proper legit top 10 coin, 4chan is helping bury it prematurely by doing all this dumb shit

For those who didnt see:


>> No.3736694

Linkies,this guy just made a vid aswell. Normie hype incoming.

>> No.3736697

No this will have the opposite effect. People will rage at this guy and accuse him of spreading FUD once they research the coin. Lmao this going to be funny to watch.

>> No.3736708

yeah, too many special snowflakes here thinking they're in a secret club

>> No.3736716
File: 57 KB, 450x450, 12354786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upload the fucking pictures you cuck

>> No.3736725

they are so far into their little "muh normies get out" bubble that they forget that anyone can come and openly read stuff written here

>> No.3736740

He's actually decent. I was already subbed to him

>> No.3736762
File: 536 KB, 752x1300, uhoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lazy tit

>> No.3736808

TY mate the etherdelta code injection got me spooked. Anyways, coins don't moon from NEETs on 4chan and college bros on Reddit, they moon from institutional adoption. If SIBOS goes well they will probably flip the switch just like we saw with ethereum

>> No.3736852

Meh, another plebbit newfag that can't discern larpers from non larpers because he didn't lurk. What else is new from that cancer site?

>> No.3737026

lol I clicked on all of them its a leggit site you tards, do you not know imgur.com? Some people on this board are just techi illiterate

>> No.3737079

I clicked a tumblr post about "linkies" and lost 20k LINK.

Do not trust anything.

>> No.3737107

>legit site
not a good argument though because the LINK theft was from a tumblr site and tumblr is as real as imgur

>> No.3737124

When is it going to dip? I sold my stack at 8.9k so I could buy back in at 8.7k.

Should I just fomo buy back in at 9.3?

>> No.3737141
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>> No.3737154
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>> No.3737167

No. Don't bother. Its coming back down bro

>> No.3737168

It will dip below 8.9 easy, just set your orders, it almost always dips at night when asians wake up

>> No.3737172


>> No.3737261

Ok thanks, will keep my orders at 8.7.

>> No.3737292

They get up in arms because whenever it's mentioned it's by some low iq shill from here and it's transparent as fuck
Reddit are retards but they are quick enough to know when people are trying to play them

>> No.3737307

But why haven't they found out about it on their own then?

>> No.3737327

>the entire shill cluster fuck of this thread
Good products speak for themselves
The desperation of bag holders here doing whatever they can to trick people into buying, not even spreading awareness, but actually trying to sucker in fish, speaks volumes about the actual potential of the coin. It has no future and you cucks obviously know it.

>> No.3737350

Not really. 4chan just can't help but view redditors as disgusting normie plebs to be scammed, even if what they are selling is worthwhile they would still fuck it up like botting likes, etc.

>> No.3737357

one way to go


>> No.3737358
File: 263 KB, 764x551, 85e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit crypto boards are literally retarded. They all went all in on OMG at the ATH and can't sell their bags to buy Link so they are acting bitter.

Soon enough they will be all in at $3, at which point we sell our bags. We don't need Reddit this early. I don't want them sharing in our riches.

>> No.3737363

Link is going to be tainted as "that 4chan pump and dump" if everyone keeps this up

>> No.3737369

You're a fucking know-nothing jackass. The product can't speak for itself when the team hasn't done a shred of marketing.

>> No.3737377

the SIBOS will be the mother of all crypto marketing events.

>> No.3737382

10k link reporting

whats going on

>> No.3737386

Holy shit, this is probably the exact retarded reasoning Reddit has for avoiding LINK.

A rare glimpse into the abyss of smug fallacious bullshit.

>> No.3737403
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>> No.3737412

Will link ever go over 10k? Worried that once their conference comes it'll be shitty and this token goes to 20 cents lol

>> No.3737429

aaa ha

DataDash :

Pinned by DataDash
3 hours ago
Who ever is botting likes on my video, please stop...

>> No.3737455

The demo is going to be like any demo: pretty god damn boring.

Have you ever watched a presentation on derivatives? Or even read about it?
Boring as all shit.
But right now it's arguably the single greatest money-making machine in existence.

What matters is the exposure from SIBOS. And no I'm not talking about the people who happen to be in the room during the demo itself.

>> No.3737503


Those reddit plebs are so pretentious thinking be against shilling is a badge of honor.

I agree, theyre the type of guys that thought OMG at 1.5b is currently undervalued. While LINK at 100m is overvalued lol retards.

>> No.3737533

>theyre the type of guys that thought OMG at 1.5b is currently undervalued. While LINK at 100m is overvalued lol retards.
Oh god you just nailed it exactly.
There's probably some kind of specifically named delusion behind this behavior.

>> No.3737575

OMG has that value because its been in long production and has relationships with multiple companies, it has a multi million valued company backed by it so its natural for OMG to be around the value it is now.

>> No.3737615

Same with the ETH heads; they're the worst. Omisegoys are fanatic, but redditors are all like "I'll buy this and bag hold it through the peaks and dips and sell in 2020, regardless of profit. Yeah, because that's how we HODL broyos.

I love this community."

Complete fags

>> No.3737617


anon just look at the top 15 in marketcap.

reddit plebs love coins like lisk. 600m marketcap but what is it?

its just another shitty smart contract platform with next to nothing running on it.

their only selling point is that you can use javascript to build dapps. what a fucking stupid reason. why not make a javascript compiler for solidity instead

these reddit plebs dont deserve /ourcoin/

>> No.3737639
File: 1.42 MB, 1607x757, 6547674867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because its been in long production
Chainlink has been in production longer. About as long as Omise the parent company itself.
Longer than ETH.

>has relationships with multiple companies
Right. Pic related.

Meanwhile Chainlink has an actual working product unlike OMG, and a much bigger actual partnership than all OMG """partnerships""" combined.

>> No.3737672

I said relationships not partnerships, they got connections with multiple companies

>> No.3737675

this, they don't have te balls nor the brains to be rich
fuck em
we are gonna spit at them from our lambos in 1-2years

>> No.3737717

If it isn't true then why are you cucks so desperate to shill in the manner you are

>> No.3737721

I actually don't have an issue with OMG or its market cap, but I do very much agree with >>3737503

Well I do have an issue with their retarded "deeber bardnershib disgussion :DDD" bs.

>> No.3737732

>No no omise partnerships don't count!
They do buddo

Go back to spamming Morgan Stanley and posting discord caps you desperate shill

>> No.3737837

It's been out a measly two weeks and is up 4x and holding fast. With arguably one of the greatest marketing opportunities any crypto has ever had in two weeks.
Nobody's desperate.

>"if you promote a promising coin with verifiable merits and partnerships you're desperate!"
>"but if you spam unconfirmed partnership announcements by standing in front of logos that's perfectly legit"

Back to where you came from.

>> No.3737858


oh please, you're praising OMG now and shitting on LINK shills?

OMG was literally lambasted for being the worst shillcoin just a few weeks ago.

even the ceo shilled it hard. "good products speak for themselves" my ass!

>> No.3737876

you know, at one point BTC was known as a "that 4chan pump and dump" too

>> No.3737967

>Good products speak for themselves

SO TRUE, like that amazing product that had zero marketing! everybody bought it because they suddenly had a vision about it in their mind!

>> No.3737988


You mean factom? the favorite coin of anti-shills? yep, its pretty much in the same place as it was last july.

kek let the good products speak for demselves they said

>> No.3738048

i hope you guys are buying SONM right now

>> No.3738097

this, fuck I hate normies they're so close minded, they only think within their emotions

>> No.3738152

i'm going to enjoy watching the normies fomo in at $1+. "i should've listened to those 4chan rascals and bought in at .40 i would be rich now". it happened with btc, eth, and neo.

>> No.3738163

Greatest marketing opportunities yet there is no marketing except shitty shill videos on YouTube... great

Again, what marketing? Transparent shill threads and shitty youtube videos is the height of the marketing

>> No.3738191

>Greatest marketing opportunities yet there is no marketing
Because the product is literally going to speak for itself at the SIBOS demo.

>> No.3738203

No it wasn't
It never was

Stop equating link to the early stages of btc it's so poor
And no one shilled btc like the way links been shilled itt

>> No.3738224

>shitty shill videos on YouTube

which ones?

>> No.3738228

Boring ass demo... next
Go back to making obvious threads on reddit and begging youtube losers to shill your dead coin. That is literally the peak of the marketing you have for it

>bbbut muh sibos
No one is talking about it
No one cares

>> No.3738288

Shhh no more tears now.

>> No.3738319
File: 73 KB, 945x574, 5519634+_e77245ddf776314c0dfaae57ae05b83a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone seems to be pretty butthurt

>> No.3738336

holy shit dude you know how butthurt you sound? jesus christ. i know you missed the presale AND ico and missed out on easy 5x gains but god damn. there are more opportunities coming out this month.

>> No.3738374

unironically worried about this, people need to tone shit down and be reasonable. This is an amazing investment, there is no need to lie or sperg out about it

>> No.3738476

who here is selling at 95k sat and then setting a buy at 70k