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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3733051 No.3733051 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/
Just a heads up, looks like the xrp/ripple rally up to the conference is starting

Obviously can't give a specific target price but looking at the NXS, DASH and ANS conferences the top appears around 2 days before the event then we get a drop to pre-conference hype levels (then where itll go from there we wont know until nearer the time)

Regardless of your personal opinions of ripple, now is a good a good time to buy if you wanna ride the conference hype. Then take the profits on 13th oct and dont look back.

>> No.3733150

Listen very carefully to what I'm about to say.

Ambrosos wants to represent external data (food) on the blockchain.

Walton wants to represent external data (RFID tags) on the blockchain.

Ripple wants to represent external data (financial transactions) on the blockchain.

These use cases are ENTIRELY contained within ChainLink.

ChainLink is the skeleton key that makes all these proects obsolete. It gives every company the building blocks to use oracles that represent ANY data, not just single use cases like food/RFID/financial transactions, however they want.

>> No.3733182


This retarded pasta again

>> No.3733243

Unsure how this is relevant to my thread. You're the guy from the other thread i just had to warn about being too emotionally invested.

Also just to clarify - LINK runs on ETH, right? You really think ETH is the smart contract blockchain of the future? At the speed other people are developing better smart contract platforms and the speed ETH/BTC is declining from its ATH. We can all agree thats unlikely

>> No.3733362

LINK runs on several blockchains; ETH, Bitcoin, and Hyperledger for now afaik.

>> No.3734251

October is going to be so full of hype
>LINK vs Ripple
/biz/ will go completely apeshit.

>> No.3734257

Ripple has 175+ employees (among them some of the industries top talent), has partnered up with 90+ FI's, has a clear-cut use case and enterprise ready product.

I'm honestly struggling to understand what ChainLink even does..and most-likely they're years away from having a working product.

>> No.3734295

>years away
It's finished broheim

>> No.3734324
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>> No.3734384

Link will replace ambrosis

>> No.3734691


Link will replace Link

>> No.3735383

LINK is just another ETH coin and XRP is faster than ETH. Sorry pal.

>> No.3735558

>I'm honestly struggling to understand what ChainLink even does
Connect any external info to the blockchain, allowing smart contracts to be applied to mainstream transactions.
In short: the realization of "smart contracts" as they were originally envisioned.

>> No.3735769

>what is Raiden
1 million tx per second.
Also, there's more at play than speed.

>> No.3735809
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I was actually going to post on this. I’m hodling some XRP and it’s not really costing me anything but it’s not helping me grow my stack either. The 13th you say? I’ll keep my eyes on that date and take profits if there are any to be had. Is there a point in a long term hodl on this one? Like 2 years, or is it a crapshoot at this point?

>> No.3736278

What's happening the 13th? Swell is 16-18th.

>> No.3736287


>> No.3736378

Fuck the FUDers, I read the chainlink whitepaper and this is all not only possible, but guaranteed to happen.

The only argument against it is the achilles heel of ChainLink being it's reliance on ETH. This simply isn't an actual arguement because once Raiden is implemented, TX speed is no longer a variable. Not only that. ETH is the most developed blockchain right now. It serves as the backbone and sort of "internet" for a majority of crypto. Forking to a mainnet of solely ChainLink blockchains is a possibility, but with ETH it is still just as effective.

>> No.3736414

Literally the only thing Ripple has going for it is speed. Without that they have nothing. Don't take tips from them.

>> No.3736444

And Chainlink has been in development longer than ETH.
You could argue that ETH was a necessary intermediate step towards actually implementing "smart contracts" as they were intended: in mainstream transactions.

And Ripple is only so fast because it's so centralized.

>> No.3736458

Ripple, developed and maintained by a company of over 100 programmers. Chainlink : two stuttering potheads, one with no programming experience, the other a web developer proud of his webapps

>> No.3736499

Who is expecting a dip here? It's just a bunch of Koreans doing a pump and dump. Sold mine at the top, now waiting for a dip back to 0.205 then go balls deep for the swell conference.

>> No.3736535

>thread about potential pump
>chain link shills straight in
Fuck off pls There's enough link threads we all know about it and have for weeks.
Really gotta bring it into unrelated threads?

>> No.3736549

Ripple, centralized therefore requiring staff out the ass

Chainlink, decentralized therefore community-based and requiring minimal staffing.

One of these is like a cryptocurrency, the other is not.
Can you guess which one?
You should be able to solve it.

>> No.3736559

Muh decentralization meme
How to spot a newcoiner 101

Protip: big money does not want decentralization
See everything happening with bitcoin

>> No.3736568

Ripple claims that if the company shut down tomorrow XRP would continue to function? Surely that would mean it isn't fully centralized?

>> No.3736583

>big money does not want decentralization
Then why are financial institutions tripping over themselves to adopt blockchain tech?

You can use your own words.

>not fully centralized
Well sure.

>> No.3736679

You are the retard here. They want power centralized with themselves. They don't want to be totally dependent on a company.

Their goal is to keep total control over their world and have decentralized authentication to verify for them without using their own resources or giving another singular entity power.

>> No.3737228

Then why is axa/blockstream crippling btc so they can force contribution on everyone?
Because that's the only way crypto will be useful to big money.

Ancap fags use decentralization meme for muh revolution
Deluded newcoiners use decentralization meme for muh big banks. You're both retarded as f

>> No.3737244

>Then why is (anecdote)?


>> No.3737294

xrp seems like the easiest +10-30% profit buy ever

>> No.3737870

Linkers are like mlp furries. Fucking cancer to any thread.

Can we make LINK posts a ban-able offense?

>> No.3738252
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>ripple right now

>> No.3738899
File: 12 KB, 184x184, b50c86a58c47abbcc45ef43f8f7d7b192b3c8094_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]